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Nothing is Alright - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:58 pm

Nothing is Alright - Page 2 QbsRLQj


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Kurama's theme - Word Count: N/A

She seemed to take what he'd said incredibly well. In fact, it seemed as if she thought it to be a genuinely funny joke, based off of her reaction. Really skirted disaster there. Her laugh was also something that was incredibly enticing to him. Whenever he ran into something that was pure, he had the desire to corrupt it. This situation was entirely different. That purity was so attractive here that he could barely stand it. Instead of corrupting it, his only goal was to preserve it in its entirety, no matter the cost.

With the brain he had, he also immediately realized that he was being moronic. It wasn't like he'd known this chick for long, and he had only a tenuous connection to her, at best. At the same time, that really didn't seem to matter. In the same way that his arrogance overtook him in battle, his.... something else, overtook him here. For the first time since his childhood, he actually, genuinely cared about something. He heard her question, and reflected on it a bit before answering. At the same time he began to absentmindedly trace one of his fingers over the tattoos that marked the opposite hand.

"Ahh, that's a bit of a long story. Not sure if you wanna hear it all right now. If I were to summarize it though... they're a constant reminder of my past, and what's influenced my path to becoming who I am today. I got them when I was still a human, who knew tattoos follow you even to the afterlife? At that time they were incredibly important to me. A memory of what had been, and what I would make sure would be. I completed that goal a few minutes before my death, and now they serve as an insight into what I once was, and to what I could become again, if not tempered. "

His reminiscence was deep after he said this. Of course, if she pressed he could go into specifics, but he didn't ever assume that anyone was incredibly interested in his life story, so he generally held back from telling hour long tales.

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God of Love
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Nothing is Alright - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:05 pm



“Oh... I see, I see. Well, that's something good, I think. It takes a lotta commitment to get something like that as a reminder, ya know? Most people might just write a note or somethin', but you really made sure you'd never forget. That's admirable.”

Nodding once, as if to affirm her own statement, Murasaki reached out (without asking, it should be noted) and took one of Law's hands in both of hers, pulling it closer to her so she could study the tattoos with more care. There may not have been too much detail for her to center in on, but she was nothing if not a curious girl, and seeing them up close sated that innocent but genuine interest in the markings.

“I won't ask ya for all the details just yet, I know that'd be pretty personal. But maybe after some time working together, yeah? That'd be nice. I try to take the division camping every now and again, so maybe we can spend a little time around the campfire and share.”

With a gentle smile, Murasaki gave Law's hand a pat before releasing it, rifling around one of her many laid-out snacks and taking a large piece of candy. She definitely felt like she'd made a good choice offering him the spot, and though she knew she wasn't the smartest girl around, she was really, really confident about this.

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Nothing is Alright - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:27 am

Nothing is Alright - Page 2 QbsRLQj


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Kurama's theme - Word Count: N/A

"I was dead set on it."

Why not go for broke? After all, she'd found his last terrible joke to be hilarious. It was a calculated decision. He imagined that if she'd found his last error to be hilarious, than this actual joke would at least make her laugh. He did indeed have an ulterior motive, however. That laugh was just too much for him to bear. He couldn't help but to try to hear it again. After this she took his right hand in her own, and began to inspect it. Normally he would beat someone's ass for touching him without his permission, but this was different. In fact, he welcomed the contact. He allowed her to look over his hand to her hearts content, without pulling it away. This was actually precisely what he'd desired. She studied his tattoo's for a moment, then began to speak. He listened intently to what she had to say, and even smiled when she'd finished speaking. After this she lightly clasped his own hand with her soft, feminine grip. After this, she released his hand. He felt this to be too soon, although he couldn't really complain about it. That would seem weird.

"Camping sounds good. Eventually I'll let you in on all of the details, and explain why I've gotten these tattoos to the fullest. Truthfully I wouldn't have minded doing so now, except that I felt the story was too long. Now though, I'll keep this air of mystery. How could I not? I hope that our work will be prosperous, and that we will accomplish these goals jointly."

Seeing Murasaki reach for some of the candy she'd brought along, Law decided he would do so as well. It wasn't that he was particularly fond of sweets, only, he wished to decrease the distance between them. With that thought, he found something that appealed to him, unwrapped it, and devoured it relatively quickly.

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God of Love
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Nothing is Alright - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Tue Apr 30, 2019 8:57 pm



“Aha~ I get it, I get it. You're a funny one. Well, I'm looking forward to that story of yours, Mr. Man of Mystery. But I won't pry, don'tcha worry. One thing at a time.”

After a long drink of tea and a few more snacks, Murasaki put a finger to her chin in thought, clearly rather focused, and she began to hum idly after a moment. She had to figure out all of what she was going to do from here on, and while she was fairly good at making decisions in the moment, when she had the time she definitely preferred to actually let herself think on it for a good while.

“Well, I guess I should bring ya back to the Gotei and get all the paperwork handled, yeah? It shouldn't take too long, and we can probably wait a while. 'Specially since the division's all about handling stuff down here on Earth anyway, so if anyone gets uppity, I can always just say I was givin' you a trial period or somethin' like that.”

With another quiet laugh, Murasaki reached into her bag and rifled around for a bit, eventually pulling a bottle of her favorite plum sake out alongside two masu and two glasses. She set them both on the table, then placed the glasses into the masu and poured only one of them, sliding it over to Law before setting the bottle on the table.

“You mind pourin' mine for me? It's probably nothin', but I don't wanna jinx anything with bad luck, ya know?”

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Nothing is Alright - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Wed May 08, 2019 1:33 am

Nothing is Alright - Page 2 QbsRLQj


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Kurama's theme - Word Count: N/A

He couldn't help but smile at her response. Although Law wasn't one to express much in the conversations he held, this one was a bit different. He felt more investment from it. This was, of course, not something he would admit to himself, but it still held true. He let her think in silence, although it was a comfortable silence. Silence had always been comfortable to him, but he could generally tell when it was less than desirable for others. As that wasn't the case here, he made no effort to change the way things were going. As she began to speak he listened thoughtfully, wondering how things would end up. It was no secret that he hadn't been on the best of terms with the Gotei for a while now, but he'd been able to patch things up somewhat, and a bit of meritorious service probably wouldn't hurt things. With that said, he still felt that now was not the appropriate time to return, and that it would have to wait a bit longer still. He wasn't quite sure how to express that, so he gave a nonchalant answer.

"Eh, we can get to that when it matters. I'd prefer to remain on earth for a while longer before traveling elsewhere."

Good enough, he figured. As he was thinking this she began to remove a bottle of sake and the requisite drinking utensils. This pleased him, a man always enjoys a good drink after a long trek through the desert. Or so he would imagine. He looked on as she poured one of the drinks, and then slid it over to him. Ahh, very traditional. He could dig it. She spoke shortly afterwards, confirming his assumption.

"Sure thing."

He picked up the bottle and looked it over for a moment before he began to pour. At the same time, he began to speak once more.

"I see you're a woman of taste. A fine choice of drink."

By the time he'd finished speaking the glass had started to overflow. He allowed the rest of the sake to fill the masu, then passed it back to her.

With that said, he raised his own drink in his hand and uttered a final sentence.

"Here's to all of the great things we'll accomplish in the future."

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God of Love
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Nothing is Alright - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Mon May 27, 2019 3:41 pm



“Well, what can I say? Some people just like good things, and I'm definitely one of those people. I've got a good eye, ya know?”

Lifting the masu carefully, one hand holding it while the other steadied the sake glass within, Murasaki looked between the drink and her drinking partner. He'd sure filled it up, hadn't he? Well, maybe that just meant he was eager. That was a good trait to have. With a big grin at Law's toast, she raised her own glass, lifting it from the masu.

“To great things! Kanpai~!”

And down the sake went, a smoothness to the action which suggested great familiarity with it. The captain may have seemed young, but this was one adult activity with which she was well acquainted. No sooner had the glass been emptied than the masu soon followed, and she set them both back onto the table with some force, the whole thing shaking just a touch. She said nothing, but the small grin on her face seemed almost challenging, curious to see if Law would refill it with the same vigor.

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Nothing is Alright - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Mon Jun 17, 2019 1:07 am

Nothing is Alright - Page 2 QbsRLQj


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Kurama's theme - Word Count: N/A

"Yeah, you've certainly got good eyes. Pretty eyes as well, If I may be so bold?

Of course, he knew what the traditions were, and was prepared to follow them. As the woman across from him lifted her masu, he joined her. As she said "Kanpai" he joined is as well, with great enthusiasm. He wasn't one to half ass things, and that extended to his drinking as well. As she drank, he mimicked her movement, also downing his drink in one go. A split second before she did so, he also placed the masu and glass back on the table with, what could be called, the expected amount of force. He noticed that she was essentially challenging him to a drinking contest with her actions, and with that being the case, no quarter could be given.

He presented his own masu and glass with the same vigor, before refilling her own, assuming that she would do the same with his. This took only a matter of seconds, and was performed with a familiarity that few would expect. Law had certainly had more than his fair share of drinks in his lifetime, and he wasn't one to be outdone. With a bit of smoothness, he slid the masu across the table. It ended its journey directly in front of Murasaki, awaiting its inevitable fate.

"Seems like we'll be getting pretty drunk. Don't think I'll go easy on you."

He paused for a moment, thinking over something, then he began to speak once more.

"You know, I don't usually get along with other people so well. I like you, you're a pretty cool chick. Would you consider coming back to Karakura with me for a bit? Seems like you prefer the wilderness, but there are fun things to do in the city as well, and I know exactly where to go. I imagine you'd enjoy it, although I will admit I'm being presumptuous. There's also the fact that I have a few connections, which I imagine will come in handy for the Captain of the Earth Affiliation Division."

All of this was said fairly confidently, as if the outcome were irrelevant. To be honest, Law had a bit of an interest in what she would say, but he wasn't about to let that fact be known. For the time being he'd grasp his own drink, and then down it with little effort, placing it back on the table in much the same way he had the first time.

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