Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:35 pm


Guy really had nothing but enthusiasm, it seemed. Without much ado, he rushed at her and swung his sword with his full might, which was not inconsiderable. So Ulv shifted slightly and flicked one of her feet up, white-gold boots coalescing around the Noble White Fangs to contain it's energy so she didn't shoot an Impact Cero when the blade struck them. That would have been a bad thing to explain to Ibiki. The boot would resist the blade like a cliff resists a person throwing a goat at it. And then she would raise an eyebrow.

"So, are you trying to kill your partner, or do you just not really know what restraint means? Dynamic movement and muscle memory are things you need in a fight, not launching full strength at the first instance. Biggest issue there, is the fact that throwing yourself into such a strike is going to give what you are feeling now, some hellish recoil. Which makes it really easy for someone to come in and beat your chest in. I...don't think I will actually hit you, that'd make a hell of a mess even if I did it lightly, but the point stands. Test your opponent, get comfortable with yourself, then start throwing the big strikes"

Noble white fangs | END POST

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Training Sesh! [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Sesh! [OPEN]

Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:27 pm


"Ehh, fights can be entertaining, but the ultimate goal is to beat your foe. However, an ultimate goal is not a goal easily finished. Thus you must see who you are fighting, know who you are fighting. Then you can strike them down" Ulv told him, raising her armoured gauntlet to catch the blade coming in from the side. "Unless, you wish to walk the road of cannon fodder. In which I can give you Touki, train your strength, and throw you at something as an ample distraction while I then use that distraction to end the person's life"

Ulv would hold his sword for a few seconds, before letting it go, and cocking a head to the side.
"If you want to be a soldier, then you need to learn how to fight. If you want to ditch that title in return for something more apt, like raging berserker or Distraction Carnifex, then I can just change up my training plans to suit that. Nothing really comes from throwing yourself into a fight and dying because of it, but I won't stand in the way of your desire if that is what you want to do with your life"

Noble white fangs | END POST

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:52 pm


"And if it didn't?"

Ulv moved with footwork like she was on ice, so fluid and perfect, not taking a step but rather sliding her feet around Inigo to avoid his stab and let him stumble off without the force of impact to steady him after the full-forced stab.
"If by your sacrifice you hoped to save a person, but that person still died because of your miscalculation. Because of your absence. Because the needed you beyond that one instance in which you are now dead and rotting. Giving your life must be done only in the most extreme of circumstances. It can not be done casually, it can not be sold cheaply"

She shook her head and sighed, staring down at the kid.
"I swear, I am going to get you and Steiner and bash your heads together until you both realise that dying to save one person is not a heroic thing. How do you know you have saved that person? How are you going to take them, to teach them what they need to know so they don't need saving next time? How are you going to save the next person that needs saving if you are dead? Value your life more, you skjult! Du får bare en!"

Noble white fangs | END POST

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Training Sesh! [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Sesh! [OPEN]

Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:36 pm


"How you die, why you die. These are things you get to decide. Shinigami are surprisingly durable, even fresh out of the Academy. But this is no reason to sell your life for a single being" Ulv watched the guy rebound and then come back with a punch, close quarters and pretty intimate. Not something Ulv had a problem with, Bājíquán liked it's close quarters due to the low-range attacks that made up it's style. So as if to subvert his expectations, she stepped in, closing the distance until it was nothing, letting his punch turn into an inert arm thwacking against her side.

"No situation should be entered with the mindset that you will die for another. Saving their life at the cost of your own is one thing, but a thing to be done as the very last possible choice. It guarantees nothing, and also kills you to boot. Your life is a last, desperate act to keep another alive, but all other acts should be done first. Even better, grow strong enough so that you do not have to spend your life, and instead can get you and them out alive. Although not sure where twenty percent or ninety percent is coming from..."

Noble white fangs | END POST

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Training Sesh! [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Sesh! [OPEN]

Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:15 am


Deciding to give him some proper drive, as well as see just how far he would have to go to match Ulv, she brought out her reiatsu and tugged it tight, creating a sheath around her body that cushioned the sword. To her, at least. To Inigo, it would be like hitting a brick with a butter knife. And then, to solve her issue of splatterering him across the walls with one his, she formed her Tulpa, and have the wolf cuff his head with one of it's paws. While she had pulled it's power away from strength and into durability, it was still a powerful wolf, and the cuff would be well felt.

"Desire to get stronger, so you can save everyone. I can relate to that, actually. You are pissing your mind all over the place, but if you focus it, hone it, I can see you being a venerable force for the Gotei. Practice your mind some more and I'll give you some of my techniques. Resolve Flame and Tulpa being one of them. Touki being possibly one of them" She would pat the giant, fourteen foot wolf on the side, and grin to Inigo.

"This is my Tulpa, by the way. Well, one of them. World-Swallowing Wolf, Fenrir"

Noble white fangs | END POST

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