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Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] Empty Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori]

Sun May 26, 2019 7:38 pm

Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Caly grunted as she helped yet another skirmish survivor back onto a bed. The girl was miserable, but she had been helping this small group of roughly 10 survivors for almost a week, who were still too weak to simply go home, or didn't even want to return to Demon World, not that she could blame them. Only three of them successfully recovered so far, but volunteered to stay and protect the remaining who were downed. Five had quietly left, and two died in her care. She was summoning them supplies while they recovered, but this small group was all she could manage, occasionally going off to see the status of the world, and those she cared about.


"I'm not a princess, just call me Calypso.." She mumbled as she refreshed one of the more critical patient's bandages; She wasn't able to fully restore his wounds from how pulled apart she was currently, "..I may be an Asthavon, but i'm no princess."

"..Right, Calypso.."
One of the feminine demons spoke up, ".. You look awfully tired.. Are you sure you don't want to res-"

"I can't rest yet!"

Her hand tightened on the bundle of bandages, groaning from exhaustion as golden tears came from her sad eyes, a deep sigh exhaling from her lips. The demon walked up to her, gently taking the bandages out of her hand.

"Go sleep. I won't do anything funny, I promise. Least I could do with you patching me up."

The tired youngling looked to the demon's smiling face, who still had bandages and scars, and unfortunately lost an eye in the chaos the war brought, "Other two gents are standing guard, have your rest."


Caly walked to an empty, dirty old bed that she had wished up when she got the first few survivors to this remote part in the woods, somewhere in Japan. This place was likely some sacred grove or something a long time ago, there was evidence of human contact, with the mossy signs and broken down places of worship. Nobody seemed interested in coming through it, so she thought it would be a good place to hide.

Her eyes fluttered shut, exhaustion washing over her, anxiety beating at her chest.

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Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] Empty Re: Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori]

Fri May 31, 2019 9:15 pm


MIDORI Sugiura

Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] 6EdIfMt

Ever since a loving reunion with her husband, Midori had been indomitably joyful, elation beating within her heart as she reminisced upon the times they shared. It was a reunion that had been years in the making, and to finally be in his arms once again? It was nothing less than euphoric. On the other hand, it was also equally useful in allowing Midori to know what threats they were facing in the current phase.

Mana Asatahvon. In truth, Midori already possessed some degree of familiarity with the name of the demon who sowed discord in every realm or country she came upon. She exceeded the realm of madness and existed on an otherworldly plane - a manifestation of chaos that even sent shivers up her spine.

Chaos was her livelihood, the bloodshed of innocents seemingly a paradise in her eyes. Training within the depths of hell, it was highly improbable that she wouldn't know the Queen's name. She was either grandly revered in the eyes of those who served her or feared by those who did not. Midori was not so foolish as to assume she could face her on her own - she doubted that many could.

To fell the demoness of chaos would be a task no less than monumental. It would require more than foolishly charging in without an adequate plan. Even so, Midori felt nothing but furious anger burning within her heart.

Mana had already heartlessly inflicted damage upon Karakura. Shadin had not told her of the exact details, but he had surmised that Mana was able to plant seeds of chaos within the hearts of citizens and organizational members alike, causing them to go mad. The results were catastrophic. She desired nothing more but to have her head. Traveling around the woods with the intent to calm herself and cultivate her abilities, Midori roamed around aimlessly - truth be told, her mind was not focused on much but vengeance. She had been told that she needed to reel her anger in by a certain warrior who greatly annoyed her, but... there was no way she could accept the damage the shadow fall leader had inflicted.

"Mark my words, Mana... I will see to it that you suffer a fate even worse than the hell you call your home... "

With that remorseless resolution in her mind, Midori swiftly formed two Dao swords within her hands, intent on initiating a personal training session. Of course, that was the intent... until she sensed something. Demons...? Of course, she cursed within her mind. There would be a group of demons within the woods. Even so, a rather cruel smirk had appeared upon her visage, an expression so ruthlessly cold it would incite fear in the mind of those weak of mind.

"Oh... this may prove to ease my frustration more than a trifling training session. " Concluding that the time was near to locate the source, Midori hurriedly utilized Vima, flashing through the forest at supernatural speed defying the laws of physics. Upon landing in her location where she sensed the signature of demons... she frowned inwardly.

Gazing through the large trees, she could perceive that not one of these demons looked as if they could put up even a modest fight. It was a deplorably worthless sight. All of them resting in bed as if they were citizens of her home. Tch.

From her perception, there was no outcome where she saw herself sparing them the mercy of healing and returning home. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Such is the law of the world in her eyes. Stepping foot into their domain, Midori gazed upon the demons who returned her gaze with little more than fear.

To anyone with a more noble heart, they would've likely allowed them to be left to their own business, but Midori had long awaited for the moment to show her form of tyrannical violence. Before any of them could utter a plea or beg, she held her blades upward and bolted forward, becoming a flash of light with steel in hand.

Executing ruthless and calculated strikes, efficiently ending their lives without remorse, Midori came to a halt. She gazed upon the feminine demon who had just seemed to finish a conversation with someone else and walked towards her. For her, this kill was slower, more cerebral. It was a cut to the neck, a slash to the arm, one to the eyes, and a full decapitation of the head. As the head rolled to the ground, Midori held it within her hands as blood stained her fingers. There was another source Midori had neglected to pinpoint as she turned to Calypso laying within her bed. Tossing the head in the girl's direction, Midori gazed upon her with venomous eyes that only expressed an intent to kill.

"State your business here, Demon. "

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:01 am; edited 4 times in total
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Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] Empty Re: Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori]

Fri May 31, 2019 10:12 pm

Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

As Caly was just resting her eyes, body, and mind, constantly keeping herself in check to prevent full sleep, she popped an eye open as she heard a feminine voice above her.

"Hey, still awake royal?"

Caly groaned as she still was referring to her in such a way, but she was too tired to complain, "..Yeah. What's up..?"

"Yknow, you're real weird. But like, good weird."

Calypso blinked several times in surprise, and confusion, her fellow demon's emotions did not ring as malicious or rude, just nostalgic and sad, "..Good weird?"

"Doubted any of my fight buddies would have dragged me off the war field, but, for my rescuer to be an Asthavon... That is a whole heaping of what the hell. Always under the impression you guys never cared for the dirt at your feet, not one single bit of you."

".. Oh, I mean..."
Caly sighed, "I'm sorry for being born so late that you had that impression of my family."

"Hey hey, nobody controls when they were born. Just cool that you're helping us little guys to the bone, it's just.. Surreal, yknow?" The demon gave her a crooked smile, and a pat on the knee.

".. Yeah, real surreal.." Caly breathed as her eyes fluttered shut. Just for one minute. It took just one minute...

For everything to turn to hell.

She was jolted awake when the cries of death all rang out around her, the sound of slashing and blood splatter on the plants about, the feminine demon who had just spoken kind words to her was drawing her weapon, yelling in righteous anger, only to be brutally, horribly, bloodily cut down, right before Caly's eyes. The person she was just speaking to.. Dead, just like that. It was like a slow motion scene in a movie, blood splattering upon her flesh as she watched the woman... Simply.. Break. She certainly did not have a painless death with the prior wounds.

She breathed heavily, staring at the new figure, covered in demon blood, staring down at her, holding the female demon's severed, mutilated head. Caly's heart roared in her ears as she was sitting upright in the bed, her golden eyes dimmed with shock and processing, but everything just looked... Dark. The blood on her body was a bright red, as the sound of a heartbeat obscured any outside noises, staring at the woman before her, also covered in bright red, her eyes circulating hatred and vitriol towards her. Her breath was in her ears, her cries were in her mind, but she did not cry, she did not scream, even as the head was thrown upon her lap...

The last coherent thought she had in this moment, was, Life is so precious, yet so fragile...

Caly's body roared with darkness suddenly, the girl's form converting from the regular lovely cutiepie, into a dark, rigid mass, to onlookers it would look to be a total corruption of her lovely form. Inhumane noises shuddered with rage throughout the corridors of her flesh, furious eyes opening upon her body and staring horrible daggers into the woman before her.

Caly herself, roared, not a lion's or a bears, or even a tiger's, no, it was a roar of something that belonged to none but herself, not man, nor beast, nor god. It was a horrifying roar, her eyes forming mouths of their own and howling in chorus, filled with pain and rage and sadness, a piercing one that would not only decimate her surroundings, but rip at Midori's mind with it's sheer emotion. Trees were knocked down, vegetation was blown from it's roots, anything that wasnt tied down would be sent flying.

And what was left, was a pained, sadness filled demon, clutching the head of the fallen tightly to her chest, golden tears roaring from her eyes like pristine waterfalls of legend. And from her, a mist would roll, covering the field, if Midori didn't get thrown away in the shockwave.

Abilities used:

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Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] Empty Re: Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori]

Sun Jun 02, 2019 5:35 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] 6EdIfMt

As the remorseless heroine witnessed Calypso's form transmogrify itself into a rigid mass of terror, she remained indomitably unwavering, her gaze bearing down upon the Danava of Dreams And Nightmares. To a warrior of lesser mettle, seeing such a sight would've likely driven them into a fit of despair, screaming with unrestrained fear.

However, those blazing orbs belonging to a woman who was akin to a tyrannical demon herself - in terms of sheer brutality - it amounted to little more than a scene within a theater. She paid no heed to the torment, to the agonized emotions that burned fervently within Calypso's heart. After all, why would she? Predators who stood at the apex felt no remorse towards their prey before they consumed them.

To her, Calypso was the equivalent of a light snack, though hardly one to be underestimated. Midori had witnessed a sight of terror not long ago, and the manifestation of fear hardly rivaled the one she had witnessed in the not so distant past. The shriek of madness filled the forest within an instant. Midori assumed an offensive stance as she utilized her Aura to shield herself from the fierce pulse and any effect it may have held.

It was her spiritual form of defense that operated in the physical and metaphysical realm. Even though she had subdued the first threat with little effort, it seemed as if the demon drowning in pain had yet another trick within the bag.

A tangible scent overlaid the decimated forest in an instant. Midori paid no heed to it as her awareness remained acutely set on Calypso. Aura served a secondary purpose here as it kept its defenses upheld, functioning as a spirit sensor that allowed her to sense the heavy weight bearing down upon her. The supernatural layer manifesting her will kept the fog from entering her lungs or reaching her. It was not impervious by any means but required far more damage to break.

However, the moment she chooses to attack, the layer of Aura is would be transformed into a stream of divine solar energy whose form could be molded to her choice.

Midori continued onward, walking through the mist unhindered as she stepped toward the demon crying in agony, holding the head of its fallen comrade within her arms. Utilizing her unique form of Prima Materia, a longsword capable of slicing through the flesh of demons would manifest within her hands. Why was she crying? Midori thought curiously. She knew that demons possessed emotions not too far from that of humans but to someone who she assumed to be aligned with Shadowfall, this was an odd sight to behold.

"To think that a demon from Shadowfall would be crying like some pathetic whelp - tell your Queen Mana that I'll be coming for her soon. Don't worry, I won't kill you. I want to break you, dismember the parts until you are little more than a head rolling back to the underworld. "

Midori held the blade in an upright stance and began to execute a myriad of imperceptible sword strikes, each targeting the neck, the throat, the thighs, legs, and any other part of the body that serves to incapacitate the enemy - or in this specific case, whatever Calypso's body seemed to be composed of. As she did so, the shield of aura protecting her body swiftly formed into a set of solar arrows - each bolt set to fire at the Danava if she evaded the series of sword strikes.


Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Tue Jun 04, 2019 7:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] Empty Re: Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori]

Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:35 am

Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

She sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed. The noises from the girl in the momentary silence of the fog were from sheer, aching sadness. She cradled the previously alive feminine demon's head, her mind heavy with the thought of having to conduct several burials now, in an unmarked grave, in the wilds... These people she was trying to save, dead in an instant. She didn't dare let the head's face view her opponent. The now completely white, glowing eyes of Calypso, pouring with golden tears, tendrils twitching and forming from her back in a rigid fashion.

Her intensity flared, as the woman mocked her for crying. The girl was too emotionally disordered to form words, all she could give off was vibe, and the vibe she had screamed 'anger'. Her heart pounded out of control, almost audible if one listened closely, as she suddenly felt an object swing into her neck. This woman was mad, just swinging a weapon at a creature she was unfamiliar with. Instead of creating a satisfying cut full of red, her flesh suddenly hissed and tightened around the weapon, a trickle of blue coming down her throat as the wound was subsequently closed.

In this moment of immobility, two tendrils would wrap around Midori's torso if she wasn't fast enough to release, or took too long trying to remove her sword from the girl's body. As her shadowy limbs went for her, A horrible burning pain struck her shoulders and back. The woman's energy had speared into her, creating a burning, but this didn't compel the demon to release her, if anything, if she was in her grip, the burning and sizzling of her flesh would make her tighten her grip. A red mist of energy was over her wounds, already forcing them to close up, though the pain was still present, causing her to cry harder.

"You don't understand.."

The sentence was so whispered, yet so close, it sounded almost as if the girl spoke in her mind for a moment. Whether or not that were true, tears continued rolling down her face.

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Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] Empty Re: Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori]

Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:57 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] 6EdIfMt

Irrational madness was all that dominated the mind of the remorseless heroine. Foolish, so utterly foolish, imparting ruthless violence upon those who could not readily defend themselves. Innocent until proven guilty held no place in her heart, and revenge was all that seemed to resonate within her vicious mind. Those agonized tears echoed throughout her thoughts yet she paid no heed to it. Truly, she embodied the title she had earned through her training in the underworld.

However, to anyone, it was detestable, far too despicable to be admired and certainly an act of brutality only a true monster would extend. She reveled in it. She was enjoying it. Her craving to extend the same pain she had felt towards her city being ravaged was insurmountable, the call of the void could no longer reach her. Indeed, she was naught else but mad to carelessly swing her sword in anger without analyzing the enemy. Revenge. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. A cut of flesh would likely make her tremble with joy.

"You don't understand..."

A whisper had floated through Midori's mind, opening the door to a momentary pause in her action. Understand? Her voice had resonated through her mind and it felt... so profoundly genuine. She was overwhelmed with sorrow, and Midori could not comprehend why. It only angered her, as her overzealous nature became even more dysfunctional. To Midori, she was the enemy! She wanted nothing more than to... than to... than to... and then it finally dawned on her how utterly monstrous she had become ever since the outset of this battle. If a mirror were placed before her eyes, a grotesque beast was all that appeared in her reflection.

This was wrong. You struck them down without even allowing them to explain themselves. We are no worse than the villain here.

No, this was right! Mana proved how monstrous demons can be! Killing them would make the world a better place! An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth! Kill all who oppose you!

Midori had found herself so interminably entrenched within the mental clash that began in her mind that she had not bothered to withdraw her hands from the weapon and evade the tendrils hurdling towards her.

Though the sword had indeed cut something, it certainly proved to do little harm. The tendrils deftly wrapped around her body, the sword haplessly falling to the ground. An enemy that should have not posed much of a threat had trapped her so easily. Even with all her strength as a warrior, her mind felt a pang of guilt and the shame of defeat. Calypso had her right where she wanted her and so the predator had been defeated by the prey.

"Ahhh... hahaha, what the hell is wrong with me?" She asked herself silently, quietly accepting whatever fate Calypso intended to enact. A sullen expression could be seen upon her face as she reflected on how she had reunited with her husband only to idiotically place herself within this predicament. She would not beg for mercy nor did she expect the demon to do so.

"Victory is yours, little one. Kill or torture me as you like. Such is the gift granted to the victorious. "

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Fri Jul 19, 2019 3:23 am; edited 3 times in total
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Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] Empty Re: Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori]

Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:23 pm

Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

The frantic Caly had wrapped her tendrils around the woman tightly, restraining her, the straining of them against her body clear as her flesh released the sword swung into her neck, the sensation of burning still hot and painful on her back, even as the wounds were being self-repaired. Her body screamed with agony and pain, her white orbs looking upon the strange woman like a wolf about to enjoy it's meal. Some instinct in some corridor of her mind screamed at her, to destroy her body, tear her flesh apart, relieve herself inside of the dying corpse, utterly kill her and hear her screams for the evil that she did...

But this instinct wasn't adhered to, this beast in her thoughts cast aside. Caly's tendrils of shadow slowly vanished, it's departing essence returning to it's master, her falling to her knees and sobbing, instead of a horrifying, skinny monster made of darkness, she had simply become a little humanoid shadow, hugging the head of her slain comrade. Her golden tears pooled on the ground beneath her, as she simply sobbed, sobbed and cried.

"...You don't understand... What I've been through... I've had to watch so many people die... I had to bury so many who were just left to rot on the fields they fought on.. No one left to love them.."

Her voice was disordered and pained, as she gently stroked the head's hair, uttering quiet apologies, "I'm so sorry, i'm so sorry I couldn't stop this... I'm so sorry..."

Caly was just a vulnerable little blob, regardless of what Midori would do, as the girl took a deep breath and looked up at her, having no visible mouth or facial features, the only thing indicating humanity were her eyes, which had reverted to a colorful collage of shimmering pearly hues, gold pouring from then, "I already have to bury ten more bodies, miss... I don't want to make an eleventh with my own hands..."

She sniffled, her head turning back down, "..Just go away. I'm not interested in revenge or whatever screwed up crap this war entices in people..."

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Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] Empty Re: Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori]

Fri Jun 14, 2019 3:24 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Fight and Go Cry [Calypso/Midori] 6EdIfMt

( )

The remorseless heroine had steeled herself in preparation for her imminent death - surrendering her mind to the thought of dying swiftly or prolonged torture. No form of death would ever come, as the tendrils released their fierce grip upon her body.

Midori's eyes widened in shock at this course of events, staring towards Calypso as she began to speak. Listening intently, Midori could do nothing but stare dumbfounded. For she, too, bore witness to the sights of so many people dying before her eyes. Comrades, friends, civilians, each memory was so bone-chilling as to be mortifying.

Even her beloved sister had sacrificed her own life to ensure she would not die... and to think that this is what she had become. In a way, Calypso felt so reminiscent of a child who only exuded genuine innocence. Of course, assuming she was a demon - from Midori's perspective - no demon was entirely bereft of sin, as it was their very nature.

Even so, that overwhelming sense of guilt only filled her throat with bile. Gazing upon the tiny visage of shadow as it hugged the head of its fallen companion, she had come to realize that perhaps... this ruthless brutality had run its course. The realization of striking and killing those who had no desire to fight in this war or may have even fought as warriors of good made her heart sink and for the first time in centuries, she felt an unparalleled wave of remorse in her heart.

Calypso was now little more than a little blob with kaleidoscopic eyes. Vulnerable. If there were even a remorseless desire left in her heart, she could've struck her down. Midori rose from the ground as she gazed into Calypso's eyes. There were no words she could extend or even felt she had a right to utter. Peering ever so deeply into those eyes, familiar words resurfaced within her mind.

"Be careful, Midori. You know this is not who you are, and so in your attempt to prove to yourself that it is, you might do something that you will never be able to take back. And I don't think you will survive being discarded or being most harshly judged by your family for such deeds."

Tears rolled down her eyes as she turned to face the sky, traumatized by the violence she had brought. War was so damning. Calypso was correct. It brought out the worst in a person and Midori only added validity to that damnable opinion. An odd chuckle - soaked within despondent clarity - escaped her lips as the tears continued to trickle down. One footstep after another, Midori walked ever so slowly through the forest. Evil had never looked so sublime. Truly, she had embodied the title earned through centuries of training and yet only one thought dominated her grief-stricken mind...

What is wrong with me...?

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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