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A Helping Hand Empty A Helping Hand

Fri May 31, 2019 11:10 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko heard about the war and things while in the place. So not only did he take Ulv's advice. He took it in stride and didn't care about politics or organizations. Takehiko didn't know demons energy that well. He was a Shino Academy student, didn't exactly run into demons on a frequent basis. But as he arrived on the scene a building had fallen on some. Takehiko could already tell the structure was too large for him to lift. Destroying it was out of the question as his power was so weak yet. But he did have one single option available to him as he walked towards the center of the home. [color=blue]"I know it's weird but, you need to swim when I activate this. I can only do it for a moment you will be free to move at the time." He said swallowing as he put his hand towards his face. His power distorted the area around him. Making it water regardless of its present mass as a solid building or whatever. Takehiko felt the mask form around his face slowly as he felt that familiar sensation.

Sweat began falling across his body and face as he focused every drop into his power. He could hear the splashing of them coming to the surface albeit confused about it. His mask did this passively but it wasn't the main power and he was well aware of that. It didn't allow him to tap into it yet since he could only hold it for perhaps a minute at most. As they emerged he felt it begin to crack as his breathing huffed. Falling forward his bits of mask hit the ground as sweat trickled to the ground. It wasn't any good he couldn't hold it any longer. His eyes wearily looked left to right taking in the scene. Blue eyes shifted left for a moment noticing the children were safe. Moving over towards the right he saw the adults who'd gone and reunited with them. Strange energy came off of their bodies in this Japanese city. Radiated off them like a foul smell but he didn't know what it was. Takehiko sat up regaining his breath as the building returned to its original state. Well, that was all the gas in his tank for this time period it seemed.

He heard a voice ask him why as though they were enemies, he looked at them tilting his head to the side. "Why you were in trouble weren't you? Helping you is natural, isn't it? People who are in trouble or look like they need help shouldn't matter what race they are, helping is the right thing to do." Takehiko was naive to it all but he did view this as a valiant journey as he gathered himself up. The house had been a Japanese style one with tiles and they must have been hiding there and it fell. Buried them he guessed into the ground pinning them down. They'd of died sooner or later without help he imagined as he sensed they lacked power below his own. Some were wounded too upon closer inspection making escape unlikely for them.
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A Helping Hand Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Fri May 31, 2019 11:29 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It appeared that helping people was just the right thing to do today; even a certain demon who was probably hated by most of these people was helping out. Arianda Vael, Angel of Conflict and previous member of shadowfall; but now she was trying to help those her kind had hurt. Arianda had extended her hand to a small child, smiling at them warmly. The child, who did not know where her parents were, took Ari's hand. She eventually lead the small child to her parents; who did thank her quite joyously, but also were wary of Ari. Ari only simply gave them a warm smile; she did not wish to be a source of their distaste or hate. She just wanted to help them recover and get somewhere safe from this hell of a war.

Of course, Arianda soon noticed the collapsed house and cries for help. She sprang into action, dashing to the wrecked house. She had to be very delicate in this process of removing rubble and people without causing further harm. A family of four, father, mother, son and daughter; all of which were injured and barely able to move. Arianda bit her lip, thinking for a few moments before she sighed softly and held her hands over the four of them. Slowly, their wounds and broken bones knit back together; a complex spell that healed them. Of course, Arianda wasn't the best at it, but, she treated the life threatening injuries before she snapped her fingers; bandages appearing around wounds that were minor and only needed time to heal. Basically, they were healed well enough to travel without opening any wounds or hurting themselves.

Arianda smiled at all four of them, who were dumbstruck and thought themselves to be dead; Arianda simply smiled at them before she hugged the two children who thanked her and then went off with their parents to join the refugees in departure. However, even her niceties were not received well by the watching refugees; those who knew of her. Some shouted curses, others spat in her general direction, and it all came to a T when a rock flew in and bounced off Ari's face. She didn't even flinch when the rock cut into her cheek and bounced away from her; the red blood that gently flowed down her cheek a sign of a wound she had not yet healed as she moved towards another ruined building; to assist more who may be trapped. Instead, she was met with more words of anger and hate; and objects being thrown at her that left bruises and cuts. She simply smiled at them, not using her regeneration. This was fine... She deserved their hate a little bit. She was part of shadowfall once, frankly, she just found it quite natural; so she continued about, getting scuffed up by anything refugees who knew about Arianda Vael could throw at her.


A Helping Hand Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Fri May 31, 2019 11:44 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

His eyes shifted hearing loud noises and seeing a girl. Her gaze looked like she'd resigned herself to it. Takehiko didn't have speed like Uncle Tsubasa or Uncle Byakuya. So getting there and looking cool to catch stuff wasn't an option. Alright, he breathed for a moment it was about time to try and be faster. Hoho was his option he had to focus for a second and act quickly. Takehiko's form vanished but only quick enough to feel the smack of the projectiles slam against him. It hurt and he could blood trickle down the back of his head slightly from blows hit. Takehiko had intercepted them. Waiting for a moment as he stood facing her. Shielding her with his body five foot eight inches tall with one hundred and sixty pounds of weight. He wasn't a huge guy more on the slender side but he could shield her at the very least. Breathing erratically as he'd moved about as quick as possible only in time to take damage. He knew that would happen too as he glanced at her giving her a knowing look. She'd accepted what would happen regardless if they accepted her.

"She...may...done bad the she focuses on the good. You must let go...of this cycle of hatred or it...will destroy you." He said softly not sure what he was saying. But anger at this girl trying to help them, this tiny girl made no sense. She'd cut ties with whatever organization obviously and came here. His body ached as he'd squeezed out every last drop to defend her and take hits. His uncle Byakuya would have used danku and shielded them both, his other uncle would have likely intimidated them or used speed. Takehiko's only move was to take every single hit for her. "Think...about your children, what example do they need to see now? A mob out to kill a girl who helped reunite you, forgiveness isn't needed to accept kindness. But if you must have your pound flesh, strike me for I will not allow her to come to harm before their eyes." A little voice in his head informed he was an idiot. Since taking a beating wasn't exactly his specialty but he was willing to swing it. He didn't have the energy this wasn't a threat of violence towards them.

It was merely a declaration that he would accept their anger and violence on his body. He would hold no grudge against them nor resent them. But this cycle had to be broken here and now. Solutions were a rather short thing for him at the moment, so this was his best idea. Noble Kuchiki deciding to get himself beaten to a pulp by a mob of demons angry at someone who'd done bad things. Her eyes asked for help though maybe he imagined things. Takehiko just couldn't leave her to be struck by them. He knew she could take it, but this wasn't right as it did nothing for them. They would gain nothing from hurting her but remorse later. So if someone was to take the brunt of it, he would do it.
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A Helping Hand Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Fri May 31, 2019 11:57 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Apparently, there was one among their midst that wished to come to Arianda's aid; come to take those blows for her. She squeaked in surprise as a young man, a boy really, was taking blows for her; blocking items that was thrown at her and getting harmed. She stared up at the man, confused, not even wanting his help; but staring at him as his eyes gazed into her silver orbs and an understanding passed between them. He was going to protect her, a total stranger who obviously was disliked by the mob. What he didn't know is that none of these refugees could really harm her; those stones were just light blemishes but he still... Arianda grit her teeth, and, suddenly, items stopped hitting Takehiko.

It wasn't that the objects were no longer being thrown; it was simply that they were bouncing off of a barrier that only Ari could see. It was a DE barrier; with Takehiko being so close she could spread its influence around him and protect him from the assault. However, it gave him time for his words to be clearly said as people eventually stopped to throw their rocks; and Arianda looked at Takehiko. Immediately, Takehiko would notice the wounds on her face were gone. In that moment of using her powers, her regeneration kicked in and all those wounds, bruises; all of it was gone. She looked at Takehiko, questioning, wondering why; but she soon gently placed a hand on his head and he would feel warmth.

That warmth Takehiko felt was that of magic, not kido, magic; magic that healed any wounds on his body; then Arianda hugged him thankfully before she sighed softly. She looked up at the man, who easily stood half a foot above her.

"You didn't have to do that, you know... You shouldn't have gotten hurt just for me; and it's fine. I don't mind them throwing things at me... I'm a demon, I used to be part of the faction that attacked them... It's only right. But I will still help them even if they ridicule me, hurt me, and spit at me. Just, please be more careful. I don't want you getting hurt just for me..."

Arianda gave Takehiko a warm Smile, extending a hand towards him in greeting; for a handshake if he wanted one.

"I'm Arianda by the way; Arianda Vael. Nice to meet you~"


A Helping Hand Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:14 am

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

The rush of pain through his body was something but it was fine. Takehiko had his resolve and reasons for standing here. No, it had nothing to do with her gender or race in any way. He sensed her demonic self a bit after that as he felt the objects stop hitting him. Rocks had been hard causing the blood to flow as he smiled a bit. Takehiko blinked feeling her touch his head as he scratched his cheek for a moment. Blinking as she asked the question of why he helped her. Before pointing to his eyes for a moment and speaking. "Well my legs moved before I gave it too much thought. But you looked like you wanted help in your eyes, maybe not from them but from something. " He didn't have the world's answers and he pretty much got the sense as she passed warmth through his body. It felt like a soothing feeling as his aches and pains began to withdraw. He didn't claim to be strong or smart or anything really. He didn't hold a rank within the Gotei or any organization. He was a student in the academy and nothing more before that place.

"My name is Takehiko Kuchiki, it's very nice to meet you Arianda."[/color] He looked back at the crowd now putting his hand on his neck. [color=blue]"I will protect Arianda, though I've just met her. I suggest you move to the city and get food and cleaned up. I worry that this is only the calm before the storm." He said softly as he noticed some of them began to realize one thing. This was far from over between these organizations. A second volley would begin at some point and safety came before anger. They had children to look after as he glanced at the skies. "If only everything was simple enough to be solved that way. I'm not genius, but putting people at risk for land seems childish to me. " He said commenting to Arianda before shrugging his shoulders. Having shaken her hand and making sure she was safe. All was right within the world far as he knew it. "Just to say this, faction nor race matter to me really. If you look like you need help I will try to help you." Takehiko said before glancing to her eyes again. His expression held an earnest strength if nothing else.

He didn't hold power or anything of that nature, Takehiko was a run of mil vizard. Nothing stood at about him in that sense but he held a sense of justice. A desire to protect people regardless of creed, service, or race. They all deserved equal treatment in his mind. He didn't have a right to judge her for what she did previously. It wasn't his place to do so or pretend to understand it.
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A Helping Hand Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:29 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda gave Takehiko a smile before she giggled softly. It was kind of him to protect her, a demon who certainly did not deserve it from such treatment; but she was grateful. Albeit, she raised an eyebrow at Takehiko when he spoke of why he helped her. Maybe her eyes did have some sort of sheen, some glow, that made it seem like she wished for help; relief from objects being lobbed at her. Well, maybe that was true, but Ari had no real way of knowing it for sure; she just knew that Takehiko came to her assistance.

"Thank you, Takehiko..."

Arianda let out a soft sigh as the cascade of rocks did seem to stop and Arianda lowered a barrier no one but her could perceive. She gave Takehiko a hug once more before she looked around and thought on his words. She chuckled softly, looking at the Vizard and smiled some.

"Hmmm~ Thanks, Takehiko. And I'm glad it doesn't; I prefer not to get ridiculed for what I am and where I once was. Again... thank you. Just, next time when you help me, please try your best not to hurt yourself. Please~"

She smiled at Takehiko again; clearly glad for his assistance. However, she was also trying to discourage him from being reckless. He seemed so young to Ari, and she didn't want him to throw away the life he had ahead of him just for her. However, Ari was glad to see that people existed who would defend even her from ridicule. Maybe... Maybe the world could become better. It would take time, but, it was certainly possible. After all, Arianda was all for being able to walk around freely without any ridicule or hate. She had friends in all places; she didn't want to be prevented from seeing them. Besides, she really was a compassionate demon; just a little misunderstood.


A Helping Hand Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:45 am

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

She thanked him which caused a confused expression. He didn't know why though in truth it wasn't really something worthy of thanks. "You're welcome Arianda." He merely remained listening to her words as he observed them leaving. He wanted to make sure they were alright in that sense. "As it stands that may be my go-to signature for a while. " When she started talking about him not caring about races and things. That was his response to not getting hurt as he wished he could be faster. Hoho and such were the methods of people like that. His reason for wanting to master them both was to help people. As many people as possible with whatever skill set he has. Though it may take him nowhere and leave him little else. Just to be fast enough to help those in need would have been nice. That was when a surprising turn of events happened and she hugged him. Feeling her frame press against his he blinked for a moment. He'd never really been hugged before by anyone let alone a girl.

The nobility had always been treated differently from other people. They were supposed to be above the commoners and set an example. He'd heard it very often and the sneaking away to the human world for this journey. Wasn't so much an act of a rebellion by him against it. It was more akin to him wanting to wash away things that compelled him. But this hug made him chuckle a bit to himself as he realized something. Takehiko had never been hugged by a woman before in his known life. So that sort of left an impression as he realized what it was. "So this is a hug?' He said almost unsure if that's what this was. Which likely would give Arianda an idea of how unsure of everything he was in that regard. Takehiko had little to almost zero understanding about that sort of stuff. He'd grown up in a rather odd environment where hugs weren't common. His mother Kokokine Kuchiki wasn't known for her touchy-feely nature. And his father had previously been a murderer for the Unabara clan and Tsubasa's brother. So the loving tenderness just didn't really flow from his parents.

And now he lived with Byakuya Kuchiki who's warm tender moments were suspicious at best on a given day? The boy did not see affection or signs of them off or if at all. [color=blue["Huh, seems nice I can see why people enjoy them."[/color]
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A Helping Hand Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:57 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda could not help but let out a soft chuckle at the remark Takehiko made when she hugged hum. She was not too surprised, frankly. She had heard the Kuchiki name before; and from what she knew, they were a rather unloving family. At least, in how they showed affection. So, Arianda simply smiled and let Takehiko free of a hug that he did not seem to understand how to feel about. That was alright, the boy likely did not get such treatment ever; so she was happy to simply give him a big Ari smile and then start walking towards some refugees. She helped a few of them load up the vehicle they had, which had somehow survived; lifting up almost all of their luggage with ease. Soon, she looked back at Takehiko and smiled.

"Yes, hugs are enjoyable indeed; but I can see why that does nothing for you. Just, that was my way to show my appreciation. Well, aside from healing you."

Arianda smiled at Takehiko and then moved off towards a few more refugees; helping them as well like she had not just been pelted with stones and various other objects. After a good few minutes of helping out people, Arianda beckoned Takehiko over to a nearby park; with some of the grass still intact as refugees got on their way all around them. Arianda took a seat in the grass, soon flopping over onto her back; her skirt seemingly never flipping up to reveal what was underneath. After all, Ari was a decent woman, she wasn't going to let her panties show to a nice boy she had just met. After she laid down, Arianda spread herself out on the grass and yawned softly; the yawn a little squeaky before she hummed softly and put her arms behind her head and crossed her legs.

"Ya know... I will never get tired of this blue sky. Especially the sky at night time, the stars are always so beautiful... The demon world has nothing like this. Sure, we have a sky, but... Earth's sky is just so much better."

Arianda looked towards Takehiko, whether he had taken a seat, or stood, nearby.

"So, aside from helping refugees from this war, what brings you out here, Takehiko? With your name... I'm surprised you even were able to get out of the Soul Society without someone coming to take you back."

Arianda smiled at Takehiko; wanting to hear why a Kuchiki was here. Especially one who looked so young; one that was even possibly not past that academy thing that was in the Soul Society. Regardless, she also wanted to know a bit more about the boy who foolishly ran to her protection. After all, she could use a few more friends in this world.


A Helping Hand Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:17 am

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

He couldn't win in this situation as he couldn't really say anything. She gave him a hug it was more he just didn't know the way to respond to it. She earned the chuckle because his reaction wasn't so good. His family name was likely known and it saved him some explaining. They weren't the most outward affectionate people. But it also would give rise to a question he guessed. Kuchiki were typically members of the Gotei in some capacity. Held a loyalty to the establishment which would begin the question of where. As he walked to the nearby park he did something almost educated into muscle memory. He removed his sword sitting aside from and took a seat. His posture resembled photographs of samurai's among other things. Giving the appearance of a regal figure as his blue eyes looked up. His eyes held a deep resemblance to the azure sky he'd been told before. This was likely true he guessed, vanity never had been top on his list of sins. Takehiko guessed they may have looked similar to an extent.

"My first time here I still find earth stunning, it's a shame that such conflict happens here. " He said softly as he commented on what she said about the sky. Takehiko wouldn't have looked at her unbecomingly, something honorable existed in him. He was pure as a saint in this essence where he wouldn't look when she adjusted or prepared. The question he knew was posed next as he touched his neck. "Well, I ran away from the manor. Because I cannot bear to watch this suffering. Yet I am no potent warrior of great skill in any field. I am no mastermind or strategist either, the best I can do is help people suffering from it. So I left though..I imagine on my return my uncle will be very unhappy with me." He said as he guessed he may as well let Arianda know. "See the thing is, my father's full name was Tsunashi Unabara. The younger brother of Tsubasa Unabara, making that man my uncle. The Kuchiki family have taken many risks taking me into their home. For I'm related to him and he's done nothing but cause trouble."

He said softly glancing down as he didn't know how to fix it. He didn't come here to seek glory or profit from war. Nor did he seek his uncle out to beg him to cease this mindless conflict. Takehiko had no answer so he helped the people where he could. He was naive and at the very least earnest in one thing. This journey would teach him something of value. He imagined at the least he could do that much. He wouldn't return till something of substance had been accomplished. Though with his power and skills he didn't know how to wipe away the blemish that was his uncle. Killing him was quite frankly impossible for him, that was a cold hard fact. Something about his sword also bothered him along with his mask. He sensed something about them making it clear using them had to be done rarely. They weren't safe for him and would make him pay a heavy price for any usage. At present his powers were weak and thus they remained hidden.

But he sensed a danger in them that made his body shudder at the idea of wielding either.
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A Helping Hand Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:10 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda hummed softly as she listened to the Kuchiki boy; a boy who had sneaked away from his home to go visit earth. She could not blame him. The sky of the Soul Society may be strikingly similar to earth, from what Ari has heard; but it could never truly match the real deal. Arianda hummed softly before she looked towards Takehiko and thought on what he said.

Despite all of Ari's knowledge of the other factions, other than Shadowfall, she didn't really much know about these Unabara; mainly only hearsay. However, she didn't want to pry right now; it seemed to make Takehiko uncomfortable. However, as the demon lied on the grass next to Takehiko; she could not help but wonder what was up with the Unabara family. Soon, Arianda simply just let out a small sigh and smiled towards Takehiko.

"Well, they clearly must care for you a great deal if they haven't tried to kick you out. If your name is Kuchiki, then that is who you are; not an Unabara. If you are so ashamed of your father's family, then renounce it from yourself; do good as a Kuchiki, not as an Unabara. Because, what matters is what you intend to do; not who you are. Of course, not many will see it that way, so, be proud of your Kuchiki name, alright?"

Arianda smiled at Takehiko, hoping the boy got her point. She wanted him to be proud of his name, Kuchiki, but also know that his father's name was not one to simply sniff at; however he could renounce it if his name really troubled him. After all, what made a person was not their name, it was their actions; what they did in life. So, Arianda smiled up at the boy again before chuckling.

"Do your mother proud, alright? And Byakuya Kuchiki; believe it or not, they do want the best for you I would imagine."

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