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A Helping Hand - Page 2 Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:04 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

He listened intently to her and wouldn't of minded prying really. She was right of course but he wanted to do them proud as well. But his skills and strength just simply lacked in that area. Finding a specialist to train him would be difficult at best. Kuchiki was an honored name but something felt dangerous about it. HIs hollow and zanpakuto both held an air of malice behind them. Ulv had told him that was obvious but he guessed maybe it wasn't understood. Takehiko sighed before letting out a sigh and falling on to his back losing the prim and proper for a moment. "You're right obviously Arianda, but somethings seem very far away. I'm no prodigy nor anything like that. " He said softly not lamenting it or upset about it. Simply acknowledging that as a factoid in this world before him. Lots of really talented folks out in the world didn't mean everyone was. Takehiko saw shortcomings where maybe others saw potential. "Either way it's not important, talent doesn't matter least in my opinion." He said softly smiling towards Arianda.

He decided to just lay and watch the clouds now. This place was a much prettier world than that of the Soul Society. But perhaps that was because he didn't see the beauty in that world as it was. Takehiko did have a name from Ulv to go on that he could look into. Jaeden Crow was the guy's full name and he'd left the Vizard Corps. But previously held the rank of Captain meaning he must have been impressive. Not to mention Ulv showered him with praise as well in that regard. As being a specialist in Hoho, faster would be better. That way he could help people out of their predicament. He could also have been fast enough to help Arianda out. His step at the moment was pathetic. Spiritual pressure wasn't good either Takehiko blinked at the sky. Negativity had a way of crushing prospects of anything really. Another way of looking at it was he didn't have any bad habits that needed breaking. Positivity was important in these situations as he looked upward.

"I also met someone named Ulv who suggested I go on a journey. I have to find a person later though to try and train something. That step I did before getting in front for you, it wasn't as fast as some peoples. They are able to traverse distances very quickly. I want to be able to do that to help as many people as possible."
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A Helping Hand - Page 2 Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:36 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

If Takehiko was not watching Arianda when he spoke of Ulv, the demon would let out a nearly inaudible sigh and gently pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger; it seemed to always be Ulv nowadays. However, she looked towards Takehiko and chuckled softly. She was actually quite knowledgeable about Shinigami, her best friend, Henrex, was one after all; she smiled at the boy some and let out a gentle, content, sigh.

"Indeed, I know of the Flash Step, or Shunpo I believe; a friend of mine is quite good at such kinds of movement. Of course, he never really talks about it, I just know he's good at it; Henrex's always been kinda fast, really..."

Arianda let out a small chuckle as she yawned softly and popped her neck, putting her arms behind her head and hummed softly; thinking on what Takehiko said and hummed a tiny amount. SHe soon nodded towards Takehiko and spoke once more.

"I know of Ulv... she liked to meddle in just about everyone's lives; honestly, it can be quite annoying. However, she means well in all the things she does; even if she can be quite the shit towards someone. Besides, I'm sure you'll get it Takehiko; such things take practice and time. Hell, I can only be as fast as I sometimes can be because of time and practice~"

Arianda smiled towards Takehiko before she stretched a small bit and yawned some.

"So, any idea where this journey will take you aside from self discover and possibly better shunpo~?"


A Helping Hand - Page 2 Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:38 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

He saw that reaction telling him she was obviously familiar with Ulv. Takehiko didn't know about the direction or anything beyond that. But his frame laid back on the ground now deciding to just remain there as he talked. " I found the guy she wanted, it's frustrating still. He wanted three hundred flash steps.." His hand fell over his eyes as he felt simple frustration at his weakness. But what would strength get him if anything else? Jaeden was right about one very important factor. He was a kid and that was it he'd not seen the world they had. His uncle hadn't even begun to showcase his skills to him. Byakuya was busy on political matters and defending the Gotei. "I only could do 20, even that felt like my body was gonna implode. " He said softly thinking back tot hat pain of rising and falling. Of realizing just how far away his goal had been. When he thought he'd been at the starting line to see it yanked away. It was pitiful as slowly streaks dripped down his cheeks.

Hiding that beneath his arm he'd not been one for tears often. But Takehiko felt so helpless at this world. So bitter that his starting line was so far away. But he realized many things at so much. Even if he got stronger it wouldn't fill that void left by his uncle. Being faster to save his mother and father wasn't possible for him. They died gruesome horrible deaths at the hands of Kiriel Asthavon. So what was his purpose to be if not that? Did he have a reason for bringing his sword up for killing himself with that attempt almost? Takehiko didn't know really what to make of any of it. "Mom and dad died, Kiriel Asthavon killed them along with most of my kin on the Unabara side of things. " If one stopped and analyzed it he was sure they'd see he was running from his problems. Running to try and help other people avoid that outcome in the end. He wanted to save people so badly and be stronger. Crying didn't help at all in this situation he knew it.

He'd not been allowed to mourn or even breath for a while. Before he was left at the Kuchiki and treated like a precious item. Never showing weakness or allowing himself to feel the slightest bit of emotion. Takehiko didn't know why he was telling her this. "My...journey?" He said thinking about why it had come to this point. Why was Arianda the one who had to deal with his tears? Why did he have to cry and do so before her? This wasn't how nobles acted but in truth, he was but a child. Two hundred years old trying to find answers that just didn't exist. Why would never be answered since Kiriel was war incarnate? One seeking to have a good time with that Quincy. Did he go join the Gotei and seek a purpose in that line of work? Like many Kuchiki before him as he glanced at his zanpakuto staring at it. Maybe, in the end, his purpose was to unlock this thing and see what it brought. Frustration bubbling up had not been an issue for him as he finally just broke under it all.

"I can't hate anyone for it, hating Kiriel wouldn't bring Mom back or dad. Their gone and now the Kuchiki and he are my only tie left to them. This starting line Jaeden spoke so frustrating." Takehiko understood that dying wouldn't bring them back. He did as he remained still on the ground with his arm over his eyes. This had taken a rather sudden turn where he simply cracked under it all. Arianda was seeing a much more exposed person under the layers of it. She was getting to see the way he'd begun this journey and speed was his interest. The scars left by demonic hands on his heart. Yet he held Arianda of no blame nor the demons. He couldn't fault them for being themselves. His breathing slowed as he let out a single sentence now. "To purpose..that is my journey...beyond just the hoho and training...I must know..what is my purpose." He said softly beneath his arms as the warm water trickled across his cheeks to the ground.

Never got around to talking about Ulv as he'd had that emotional crack before that. Takehiko merely left his words on the air so she could understand.
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A Helping Hand - Page 2 Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Tue Jun 04, 2019 4:36 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Well that certainly was not Arianda had expected; but Takehiko was a boy after all. Arianda turned on her side towards the boy as she watched him talk and cry. If she was Henrex, she could simply pull away those negative emotions and ease his sorrow; not cure it, simply ease it. However, Arianda let out a gentle sigh and slowly sat up onto her knees; moving over to Takehiko and sitting on her knees so her thighs were together. She lifted his head, moved herself close, and placed his head on her thighs for a lap pillow; gently patting him on the head.

"Life is hard... and it normally takes away the things closest to you. The Asthavon's... Well, I know of them; and I'm sorry your family had to suffer not only from them but your own Uncle. However I will say that even though life is hard that you should persevere; keep moving no matter what. You can't let life crush you, otherwise, it'll win out over you; you need to live your life, Takehiko. Live it as you wish to, not as others wish to make it for you."

Arianda looked down at Takehiko, hoping to catch his gaze as she smiled at him; soon slipping her legs out from under his head and letting him resume his normal rest upon the grass as she took a seat next to him; leaning back and looking up towards the clouds. She let out a soft sigh, but still smiled a tiny bit.

"You can find help among most people; even among the more surprising sources. So, just come to Minatumi harbor if you ever need some help form me, alright? I live in the only mansion there... Ulv kinda went out of her way to make it, it seems."

Arianda took another look at Takehiko and noticed that he was covered his eyes with his arm still; knowing that he was likely quite embarrassed at crying in front of a woman. Arianda could not help but grin as she spoke to him again.

"I'm sure you will find your purpose, Takehiko; all of us do. But, don't hide your tears from those close to you who can comfort you, alright? It's not shameful to show emotion; but don't overdo it. Always be kind, always help those who are in need, and make your name proud; make yourself proud. It's all we can do in this world where evil and forces who wish to ruin our lives push against us. So push back and become stronger, Takehiko; find your purpose. I'm sure you can do it."


A Helping Hand - Page 2 Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:30 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

His head being moved was startling for him as he'd not been touched so. Takehiko's life was a hard one as his parents never showed him affection. Not often since they wanted him safe. Making his struggle to understand the meaning of those things gripping. He didn't speak but only listened to what she had to say. Arianda was right about many things as she seemed familiar. With the Asthavons and their cruelty and yet within his eyes. No hatred burned nor did desire ignite or burn. Just a sense of loneliness that seemed to linger. Understanding that they were beyond his reach forever. He'd not get to hug his mom or learn from his dad. He wouldn't get to be a good son like many a child had. No celebrations or birthday parties thrown by his parents. He'd not taken time to accept the pain that was. He did not desire confrontation with Kiriel. If anything he just wished he understood why it was needed? Why did the Unabara have to die by that man's hand? What had they done to deserve this climactic ending?

Surely mother and father hadn't deserved to die, had they? His father had stopped battling and joined his bride in the halls of politics. His earliest memories of his dad were so distant. Seeing a picture of him would result in him tilting his head. not sure of what to make of the man before him. He missed his mom the one he devoted his efforts too. The Kuchiki at least Byakuya cared to let him stay there. ut beneath it was anger and distrust. His mother's parents blamed him and his uncle's family for it. He'd been left alone as kids didn't play with him. Adults scorned him in the Shino Academy at this point. His Uncle was a war criminal and someone who'd done horrible things. Nothing remained really did it as he could pretend so long. Takehiko made a choice now as sat up his expression remaining a bit dark. After being removed from her lap he wanted her to see something important. Something he'd not shown Uncle Byakuya or those within the Kuchiki home. This was more of a thing that would have gone nowhere in his eyes.

"I need you to promise me something Arianda.." He said wiping his eyes as he decided she'd been kind and more so. She was his only friend thus far in this life. Takehiko had little to none of them and to say the negative impact of his uncle and mother's passing. They did hold some sort of process in that world. He didn't seek revenge on people as he began starting with his hands. Slowly he took the black elbow length gloves off sitting them down as he slipped from his large Yukata coat. On his wrists up to the elbow, she'd see bruises and scars. They'd been healed but not all the way by the medical staff as he continued injuries began to pile up. Slowly bringing his small torso out she'd see them. Injuries that were horrendous looking from bruises on his hips. His back had been struck with a whip or something at some occasion. The kid had more damage then he should of as he sighed softly. "Don't tell anyone what you are seeing..Not my family at the Kuchiki especially." He said as his eyes looked tiredly at her.

Red from the crying he'd just done as he'd let her cheer him up. Her smile gave him some strength to continue. "So when mom died, part of the family blamed me for it. When Uncle Tsubasa did his recent actions and word got back. Well, accidents started happening as Teachers called them in school. My word wasn't really any good and I'd not trouble my uncle Byakuya. He said before slipping back into his clothing now. Seemingly used to these injuries for what they were. His reason for leaving became clearer and clearer. Takehiko wasn't treated poorly under Byakuya's watch. But under other family members, it was a game of chance. He was a spawn of a marriage that killed his mother while some treasured others hated. Takehiko sighed softly as he tied his sash around his waist again. The injuries could be mended if the choice remained. They'd simply been called accidents and not reported.

It was a lot of issues that lead Takehiko to this journey. But now Arianda was the one person who knew his secret. He didn't plan to let anyone else know at the moment.
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A Helping Hand - Page 2 Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:14 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda was glad that something she did was able to help Takehiko, or at least calm him down some. She was a demon, after all, and most demons were quite sensitive to emotions; certain emotions more than others. So, she could guess what was paining Takehiko and was able to provide some form of comfort without simply removing the pain. People needed to learn, not be given easy outs for everything. Besides, Takehiko seemed strong; he definitely did not need someone to hold his hand in the long run. So Arianda smiled at Takehiko warmly before she resumed looking towards the sky. However, her attention was soon drawn back to Takehiko.

He wanted her to keep something secret, but why would he want to keep something secret with Ari? She and the boy barely knew each other. Arianda looked towards Takehiko, an eyebrow raised. She noticed he was starting to remove the baggy clothing on his upper body. Scars and bruises were revealed quickly, and then soon Arianda's eyes widened as she saw the vast amount of wounds on the boy's body; and the remnants of various, and severe, wounds. Arianda let out a soft sigh as she looked at this. She simply looked at the scars, thinking for a few moments as she nodded when Takehiko asked her not to tell anyone. It wasn't her business to share such things; it was Takehiko's. She soon let out one more sigh, watching and listening to Takehiko as he explained about his scars and why he got them.

Soon enough, Arianda let out a gentle sigh, reaching a hand up and gingerly placed it upon Takehiko's shoulder. He would feel warmth rush through his being, but it was gone far too soon as Takehiko wasn't healed of his scars, but, they were simply decreased in their severity; and current bruises no longer marred his skin.

"That's all I can do. But, thank you for showing me that... I wish I could heal them all, but, maybe next time when I get better at the healing I can do."

Arianda smiled at Takehiko, her hand being removed from the boy's shoulder. She could have used Death Energy to reverse the time of the scars until they no longer existed, but, she felt that such an action would hurt more than help. However, she was glad to help the boy and know his secret. She just hoped that Takehiko would not let such things hold him back; and make those proud who want him to succeed.


A Helping Hand - Page 2 Empty Re: A Helping Hand

Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:16 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

A soft sound of relief left his lip, gentle sigh of muscles relaxing. The feel of the tension draining as he could feel the soft recovery of muscles and injuries. Closing his hand and feeling his body seemed more rested. Takehiko decided she deserved to know of his objectives further in detail. She'd done much for him and helped him over and over. Takehiko knew he'd found a friend his first one after all. He didn't have friends in the Academy only brutal trainers. Was it because he was so weak that it became needed? He couldn't be sure what came of the situation after all. This world was a roller coaster of journeying through this world. "So now we both know something about one another." Takehiko said slipping back on his gloves and his clothing. Smiling a bit with almost a childlike earnestly that was exceptionally rare. If one were to look inside or look at Takehiko, he was simple. But a purity that shown from him like millions of diamonds existed. He was like fresh air that came into one's lungs. "Way I see it, I learned about you and you learned about me. Friends are very important I think, so having one more never hurts right?" Despite subjects of sorrow and pain is discussed.

His eyes looked as innocent as ever holding on to that. Takehiko held the innocent and air around him seemed to show it. Slowly bird began landing on him on several locations. Different kinds of birds over his hands and on his head. [color=blue]"Hey, wait a minute now...I don't have food guys, hehe." He said chuckling before letting a sigh out of merely surrendering himself. Takehiko had something that drew the animals in despite whatever danger lurked. They didn't mind lingering his head and clothing. Takehiko's goal of facing a certain person would come down someday. He had an idea though it wasn't the smartest thing he'd thought up. Takehiko intended to dive into the war before he felt the birds depart his body now. Checking his hair he couldn't help but smile.

"You know, in terms of dreams I kind of hope someday I can provide an anchor for someone. I can be important to people around me and show the people that hard work overcomes talent." He said softly not sure why he was saying this out loud. he saw magic and energy in this world as he glanced at his sword. " Though in terms what I've found so far, I'm lacking in skills within my swordsmanship it's lacking. Despite coming from a heritage with really good ones. I need to eventually learn how to use this thing properly. Do you know anyone good with weapons Arianda?" He asked hoping she held a connection to someone else perhaps. Someone to take him in the direction that was best.
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