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Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  Empty Pale Realization (World War Interlude)

Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:31 pm

Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa sat a distance from his original destination having withdrawn from it. His crimson eyes were looking down. He'd been resting here several states away from his previous location. Sitting down with a kiseru pipe in his right-hand digits curled around it. Bringing the pipe to his lips he inhaled slowly. thinking lost in a deep sense of thought he didn't have answers anymore. It was a long fall from grace of his days once helping the Gotei. Sticking his nose in this and that, the question of why he did it anymore. Why did he fight or bother with these things? His expression held a length to it as his emotions were hidden well. Tsubasa rarely emoted or showcased much of his inner turmoils. This was fine though he guessed at some point he would die. He'd betrayed everything he stood for and now got to sit in it. Stewing in the injuries dealt to Henrex and barely leaving that field alive. His own injuries did linger upon him. Tsubasa's sitting down on the roof merely watched the people below.

Blissfully unaware of his presence since he did nothing to give it away. Bandages wrapped and treatments administered by his mod soul servants he'd made. Tsubasa's mind wandered back far from this place and battle. Back to the days when he once upon a time fought for the Gotei. Back when Damien brought him to restore fangs to them. He came to Australia in support of the Yuudeshi Brother's assault. He and the Dragon Slayer a sister of Mana had clashed blades. Back then he was focused upon killing and fighting. Nothing else had mattered to him and this was where he fell. He struggled to remain relevant in the end though helpless truly to the flow of time. His sister a long-sought thing a peace that could be returned to him. But after all, he had done and brought upon people. Fear of facing her left him unable to make that move. To journey to her freely making excuses like Mana had resources he needed. At the end of the day, he was too frightened to face her. He'd failed his family and kin already so this was where he'd fall.

He'd resigned himself to this fate more than most could realize. He would not go to prison nor would he go quietly to those who challenged him. He would at least ensure they gained something from it. Sitting there quietly with his pipe in hand it was a strange reflection of what was. Once upon a time he'd of been with Ibiki and the Gotei. He was frightened of seeing his sister, too damn scared to go to her. He let fear grip him so that he decided to go with the devil. Rather than taking salvation presented to him. Fear was a powerful thing that all people faced at some point. Tsubasa's grip tightened on his smoking pipe before it shattered into two within his grip. He just didn't know anymore why he bothered with this or anything. He couldn't face Tsubaki even though he knew her location. He'd failed Pestilence and Tsunashi entirely. Not able to protect them or the family from slaughter. In the end, he wasn't a Pale Rider or a person of interest.

He was a joke, a fraud who wore a mask of bravery. When in the end he was just a frightened child resorting to violence. It was all he knew how to do in the end, Tsubasa was a scared child and nothing had changed. Standing up as he finally took one last look over the human city. His eyes held something of remorse in them and just wanted to disappear. Tsubasa's heart wasn't something one could manage to fix. It wasn't because he didn't want it to fix or anything like that. His very nature was one of self-loathing. Glancing back towards the mod souls he had Tsubasa sighed softly. He needed to make sure he at the very least didn't leave anything to chance. One was knelt down holding his sword out for him. Which for a change Tsubasa stopped as he neared the knelt figure. His hand coming down but hesitating for the first time in his life. Fear ruled him and maybe that was what in the end made those choices. There was no I'm better now, he'd keep saying he would work through it.

But he knew he wouldn't nor could he really. In the end, Tsubasa Unabara simply dragged those who were precious down with him. Taking the sword he closed his eyes as tears trailed down his cheeks. It was time for him to get moving again and keep moving. This was helplessness he couldn't do anything about. If a cure truly existed in this world he did not know it. Tsubaki wasn't the solution nor would he dare drag her down. Her name through the mud with his as she deserved to enjoy her life. Not to be associated with trash like him, no matter how much he cried. He didn't see himself as worth saving or anything, in the end, Tsubasa was possessed by something. An empty hollow inside him that couldn't be filled with anything. Walking away as his Mod Souls began leaving Tsubasa wasn't sure where his next appearance would be. Or even if he would appear again at all, he'd fought for Mana's side once. But now he grew so tired of everything. Dragging people down instead of providing real meaningful help.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  Empty Re: Pale Realization (World War Interlude)

Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:57 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

To say his uncle was hard to locate was beyond understatement. Takehiko had gotten lucky in this regard and tried to execute what Ulv taught him. He'd grown stronger and would be able to surely kill him. Drawing his sword Takehiko used a flash step disappearing from his current position now. His frame moving now avoiding the mod soul beings. Trying to at the very least to not be caught and use his flash step. Bringing the blade down he swung towards the right shoulder aiming for the neck and collar bone. Feeling certain he would at least avenge his parents. He'd restore honor to them and the Kuchiki Clan. Takehiko felt confident he could accomplish this much in regards to it all. He didn't see an issue with the attempt or anything. Nor did he imagine much trouble coming from it in the long run. Using the skills Ulv taught him and practicing his breathing felt good. Confident he could accomplish the goals ahead of him. Within reason, he believed this entire thing was possible. He didn't know yet if he would make contact with his sword but he was prepared.

He had an idea of sorts to try something a bit risky. He didn't know if he could win against his uncle. But he would accomplish something and defeat the man at least. This wouldn't be a problem he imagined. He'd gone on the journey and worked hard. Not venturing to even imagine losing as a possibility. Jaeden felt within reach so surely his Uncle was also. It didn't seem so far fetched for him to get the man. Kido was the following move to not give his uncle a chance to counter. Byakurai would be perfect and was low enough. For him to perform it as he focused and concentrated feeling the static spark across his fingers. Before releasing a blue blast of electricity into the figure's direction. This blow would hopefully be enough to damage his uncle since the sword strike was a diversion. But would this be enough for an opening in order to damage his uncle? Perhaps from here, he could move into the next form. His uncle had lost power much of it from unknown things so now was as good a chance as any.

Takehiko doubted he was as strong as Lady Ulv or Jaeden. So he believed rather readily that this could be accomplished by him. He wouldn't need other people's help to defeat his uncle. He felt certain and prideful that he could accomplish this feat. His journey had been productive and through it made friends and found many things. So it was with this regard he would stop his uncle here and now. Before the war began anew and his uncle dragged them through the mud further. He'd remedy his families failures right here and now. With this sword, he would defeat Tsubasa Unabara. The strongest of the clan who once lingered among them. Surely he could manage this feat in realistic chances. An ant could defeat a dragon and his hard work hadn't been in vain. Takehiko was sure he could defeat his uncle as a fire burned in his eyes. Takehiko felt like he could face a hundred and fifty of his uncle or more. He felt the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he prepared another assault.

Takehiko felt brave and strong at this point capable of defeating anyone he hoped. He'd worked hard meeting Arianda and Ulv. Colin and so many other names had filled the void of his heart. Surely the power of their friendship would accomplish this goal. Surely that sword would cut through his uncle's neck. Then he could rest at ease and enjoy his life of learning and scholarly pursuits. Surely that was all there was to it in reality right? Takehiko was certain of a fight at the very least a contest of will perhaps. He didn't know how much power his uncle had lost in this period. But rumors held him having fallen considerably since his clash with Khala. The man was far from being his old self anymore.

Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  Empty Re: Pale Realization (World War Interlude)

Wed Jun 12, 2019 12:17 am

Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa's frame stopped moving as did his mod souls. They were aware and ready to intercept the boy. But he made them remain stationary and let it play out. First, the sword struck him on the side of his neck doing nothing. Followed up by a Byakurai of some weak amount against him. It was similar to Henrex striking him all those years ago with it. It was true that his nephew had gotten a bit better since he last saw him. He didn't recall exactly what Henrex had used it wasn't Byakurai. Tsubasa's hand came out swiping quickly to the left sending a slash at high speed into his nephew's throat. The cut was large and sent blood spraying into the air as he stared down at his nephew walking to him. Tsubasa hadn't drawn his sword as he wiped tears from his eyes now. Doubting his nephew even saw him move in that instant. If his nephew wasn't careful he would choke upon his own blood and die. "You aren't going to die, not yet Takehiko. " He said softly before one of the mod souls stopped the bleeding.

This stopped chances of dying but the amount of blood loss had stopped the boy in his tracks. His life wasn't in danger at the moment but he wouldn't be able to speak. Tsubasa sighed softly as he hadn't desired confrontation with anyone further. But attacking him like that meant the boy needed to learn a lesson. "I understand if you desire to kill me, but connecting to me will not restore honor. Attacking me alone without even access to your sword's name was foolish Takehiko. Had I wanted you dead you would be dead." It was clear as Tsubasa stood there not monologing or showing any signs of violence. He wanted his nephew to understand this. This world was too big to hate or try to focus on revenge. Revenge leads to suffering and self-destruction of a person. "Hate me if you want to hate me, I've walked to my self-destruction Takehiko. But I will not let you throw away the life your parents saved. So if I need to hurt you and show you the difference so be it. " He said his eyes held a sternness to them as he looked at the boy.

"You have an Aunt who is alive and she would much like to see you I imagine." He'd made sure that the boy couldn't speak so it was a one-man show of talking. Walking over to Takehiko he took the hands and put a book in between them. His eyes staring at the boy who laid in a huge amount of blood. " Don't chase me, my path goes nowhere Takehiko. Read that book and learn what not to do, take from my mistakes and make a life. If you want to kill me you, you need to know me." He said softly before walking away leaving his nephew's frame laying. Releasing a massive surge of spiritual pressure for his nephew to see now. Tsubasa's electricity sparked across the heavens sending lightning across the skies. His power was still impressive he imagined if his nephew saw anything of it. The boy would truly gather just how much folly he'd done. But his nephew needed to shut up and listen. No more arguing or speaking out thus the injury to his vocal cords.

He also did this so someone would come to get the boy. Lessening his spiritual pressure now as he would simply wait now. The rest was as they said history for his nephew to study and learn where he messed up. Tsubasa didn't care about the rest but he dragged everyone down. So this vain hope was he didn't do so to his nephew. That maybe that book would provide some context. Someway to move forward without focusing on revenge. The path for Takehiko was to enjoy a healthy and long life. Someone would restore his voice to him someday, hopefully at that time. He would know what he saw and had happened here today. Was necessary and by then Tsubasa Unabara had been nothing more than a fleeting dream. Tsubasa took no pleasure in wounding his nephew to such an extent. But this was the way it had to be for him to truly learn anything from this. Sometimes sparing the child lead to choices like swinging his blade at Kin or Mana. They'd not simply let him walk away. This was mercy in Tsubasa's eyes but a hard one none the less. Turning away he let his tears continue to fall upon the rooftop. Rain would begin falling sprinkling down now slowly.

"Seek your own path Takehiko, Tsunashi and Kokokine didn't care about their honor. Nor should you, you should find happiness and joy in this world. I think your friends would be angry about this choice..I drag everyone around me down Takehiko and make bad choices, don't inherit that trait and learn from this that's all I ask."

Template By: [THEFROST]
Veteran Member
Joined : 2016-01-31
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Age : 26
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Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  Empty Re: Pale Realization (World War Interlude)

Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:36 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  6EdIfMt

Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: N/A

It was like a new form of lightning had been brought to the ground around Tsubasa and Takehiko; lightning that crackled and snapped. It made the air wish to fight itself, the dirt to tear itself apart, and the sunlight and darkness to mingle and destroy the other. Then, came a figure; a horned figure. She was at least five feet tall, maybe a tiny bit shorter; and clearly she liked the color blue. But, the gauntlets that were on her hands were at least as big as her torso; if not larger. Each held steady as she approached the area. Clearly, Arianda had been keeping tabs on Takehiko ever since they met. He was a young boy torn by the actions of his father's family; destroyed by their reputation. Someone like that was bound to do something reckless and act upon deep hatred. So, that was why Arianda Vael had appeared on the spot; her now blue eyes glaring in Tsubasa's direction.

Arianda was keen on propelling herself at break-neck speeds at the man until she noticed a few things. First of all, Takehiko was very much alive despite the pool of blood he lay in; and Tsubasa had no intention of fighting or even killing Takehiko. At least not quite yet. Arianda stopped as she reached Takehiko, her gauntlets shrinking on her hands until they looked like gloves; nothing too menacing. She looked towards Tsubasa still, examining him, thinking about his intentions, and also trying to pick apart the pain and conflict that ruptured his being. She looked towards Takehiko, but still never let Tsubasa out of her sight; kneeling down and gently pulling Takehiko out of the pool of his own blood. Soon, she let out a sigh and used a bit of magic to at least patch Takehiko up. Regardless, he likely still was unable to speak; high energy levels can do that to people. Eventually, Arianda looked towards Tsubasa again; thinking for a few moments before speaking.

"If Takehiko's here... You are Tsubasa Unabara, correct? If so, I thank you for being gentle on a boy who needs to learn not to give into his hate... But... I have a feeling that's a one time deal."

Arianda let out a gentle sigh, clearly, the demon was ready to steamroll whoever had tried to harm the boy. She had felt his energy alongside that of someone who has a rather high energy; so she at least was ready to grab and run. However, Arianda simply sighed softly, bending down to pick up Takehiko as the conflicted energy around the area slowly faded; that sensation of the air and dirt wanting to rend themselves asunder fading as well.

"Do you have a message for me to give to Takehiko? Assuming he's completely coherent at the moment, then I suppose a message won't be necessary."

Of course, Arianda was checking that Tsubasa had one last thing to say to his nephew before Arianda whisked him away to Minatumi harbor to care for him; get that cut on his neck properly treated. Of course, at first, Takehiko may not recognize her form -- since Ari is in her possessive drive of conflict -- but her voice was clearly hers; so at least that would be quite easy to recognize.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  Empty Re: Pale Realization (World War Interlude)

Wed Jun 12, 2019 3:04 pm

Pale Realization (World War Interlude)  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa smiled a bit sadly as he turned his head glancing at her. His eyes had signs of crying as he exhaled. He'd scolded Takehiko on that choice of attacking him. Truthfully he had no intention of killing the boy in any regard nor any reason to do so. He used his hands so as to inflict as little damage as possible. It could be noted that no sword or specialty had been used of him. "I want him to live a happy life, revenge drowns a person. I won't kill him even if he should try a thousand times. But there are other beings not as..kind as I am. They are cruel and would think nothing of killing him or making him a plaything." He softly hinting at Mana though he knew Arianda would likely know that. Sensing her demonic energy wasn't terribly difficult for him. Tsubasa looked towards that journal left in the hands of the boy. Tsubasa had no intention of fighting and had only raised his reiatsu for them to be found. That was it had it been needed he'd of taken him to Ulv directly. But this was better as Tsubasa didn't want to involve himself too much.

"You have a good friend Takehiko, you shouldn't place her in danger like this for anything. Treasure her as she does you, don't drag her down with anger or revenge. Live a life full and long face trials and tribulations in this world. I know you can hear me, don't speak or attempt such. War isn't done yet with this world, think about everything before you act. He said giving the boy the last lecture before nodding to Arianda. Tsubasa's expression remained sad as he turned away. He returned to normal thoughts as he paused for a moment. Thinking about sending the boy to Henrex though he doubted it was wise. Henrex had recently learned the hard way about him. Fighting Tsubasa had many risks as he'd left his notes on Hoho in that book. Perhaps they'd help the boy along to create something new. To devise techniques and come further along than he had. But for now, it was a journey that would take him further.

Tsubasa's frame slowly began moving away from the scene as Mod souls followed him different bodies. This was just the start of Takehiko's journey, he didn't know why the child endangered himself so. But perhaps with friends like the girl he'd be in good shape. It wasn't as though it took away from the journey but now his nephew had to truly grasp the scope of it. Tsubasa had no intention of harming the boy or going beyond what had been done. This was a slap on the wrist to prevent him from stupid actions in the future. The throat injury was to act as a reminder if he ever thought about it. Tsubasa couldn't risk him throwing away the precious gift he'd been given. Sometimes the harsh punishment was needed to make sure. Tsubasa wished he could have just spared him and let it go. But what if he'd attacked Mana, Kin, Ibiki, or someone really dangerous? They'd of slaughtered that boy if he was lucky. Capital punishment or other such things were the least of the worries.

Tsubasa silently apologized to his brother and sister-in-law. For not having a better way to do this. He wished he had a magic wand that would work. But he dare not let that boy make this mistake on grander scales. The demon girl and Ulv would scold him he imagined. That book would act as a guide hopefully on what not to do. A guide of failure from Tsubasa's life. All that remained was for him and her both to go separate ways. Takehiko would grow and live hopefully to have a happy life. He'd mentioned the Aunt already who lived in Tsubaki that he dared not face himself. It was about time Takehiko faced her so she knew she wasn't alone. He'd rather just be a forgotten figure at this point. Tsubasa took a step and was gone in moments. Leaving Arianda and Takehiko to do as they desired, leaving the business behind to them.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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