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Queen Of The Sands
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The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Empty The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future)

Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:24 pm

Rihiku Hitsugaya

The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Vergil-2-1

~A mans pride is worth more than the most expensive jewel. The pride of a dragon... that cannot even be compared to the pride of a man~
Prison is cold. Well what would you expect seeing as the grey walls here had no insulation and produced more of a chill than warmth. There was a window on the back wall and one of the walls that would make this a box is a series of black bars built to contain and kind of Kido and stop Zanpakuto from working within. Not that it mattered as the swords would be confiscated and placed under quarantine until the final call was made on the prisoners fate. Todays prisoner was a very cold man with the ideals of a dragon. He loved to feast on the souls of others and by that, he means to feed to pride by slaying incompetent fools. It's not truly his fault that his mind is forced to take this direction but the cold man doesn't deny the fact that he does it for fun. The mans name was Rihiku Hitsugaya and he was sitting in the middle of this room looking half unrecognisable. He wore black garbs that were cut in most places revealing parts of his flesh such as his outer thigh and some chest. The arms of the garbs were not there as he found it hard to move in long sleeves. So he cut them off and this made the shoulder section very frail. The reason why this was so odd, was that he always wore a metal chest guard and a long blue coat. His hair would be spiked up amazingly to shine in the light but here, it was down and across his face covering his emotionless face.

Rihiku was here for nearly everything in the book. He killed innocents, he killed Shinigami, he slain his own comrades, he destroyed clans and joined the Hollows. He was truly someone that every shinigami should hate and stay away from and he knew this very well. His own views on the shinigami are very obvious as he wants to kill more of them. This is because of a false crime that was placed on his head and Central 46 wouldn't reason with him. Thus he betrayed and joined the Espada. Now betraying them, he has nowhere to go and allowed the shinigami to capture him. hated by all, the frozen betrayer was now a mere shell of his former self. Every now and again he would hear the voices of shinigami that walked past the window of his cell and he would listen in. The rest of the day would be pure silence so a conversation would be a highlight of the day. It also kept him informed on the goings on in the world.

Rihiku looked down at the floor for what would be the morning of his 14th day in this cell. Nobody had given him even a words notice of his fate which was odd. Had something happened on earth? The conversations were becoming less frequent and this would explain it but would something big enough to distract even Central 46 really happen? He fell into deep thought. "I hope Haikenmaru is ok... What do they do to spirits here in quarantine?" He was worried for his partners sake. She had helped him through thick and thin and was his amazing grace no matter how nagging she became. "When will someone come here and tell what the hell is going on?"

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The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Empty Re: The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future)

Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:12 pm

[ Y o k o K u c h i k i T h e S n o w P r i n c e s s ]

The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image432-1The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image432-1The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image432-1

[ P o s t i n g M u s i c ]

[ K a w a d a M a m i - R a d i a n c e ]


[E n t e r P o s t ]

The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image433The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image433The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image433

[Let's begin]

"Rihiku Hitsugaya....are you still alive?" A familiar, female voice echoed throughout the entire prison chamber to hopefully reach the ears of the fugitive she captured many months ago in a life changing battle. After a few seconds had past by, a bright white light swiftly began to shine down on Rihiku as a young girl was seen opening the door to his cell. The Young Girl who had opened this door, however, was actually apart of the Kuchiki Clan and her name was Yoko Yuri Kuchiki; The person who had put Rihiku here in the first place. Currently, she was wearing a long white kimono that had blue snowflakes along the edges of the sleeve and pants leg. This was also worn together with a long blue scarf that had black lines designed all over it. Her spiral like eyes pierced down Rihiku, but in a ecstatic type of way.

"I'm happy to see you are still alive, my friend..." She spoke, walking deeper into the chamber and closing the door behind her. As she began to get closer and closer to Rihiku, it became apparent that she also bought a well needed gift in her right hand. What was it? Heh, it was Rihiku's Zanpukto she saved during the fight they had in December. "...I have a present for you..." Knowing this was the right time to give this back, Yoko gently placed his Zanpukto down on the ground before Rihiku and stepped back a bit.

"'s your Zanpukto!" Smiling a bit, Yoko then looked back towards the door to make sure no one was on to what she was doing. "It will also be the key to your salavation with my help..." Not wasting any time, Yoko digged into her bra and pulled out a small device. "You are probably wondering why no one is really here, huh?" For a few seconds, Yoko was seen configuring the device while speaking to Rihiku. "Apparently, the people you were formerly affiliated with have attacked Earth. There is a battle going on within the Soul Society right now, but we believe that is just a distraction." When the device was ready for use, Yoko pointed it up in the air and a portal was seen beginning to emerge before their very eyes.

"The more pressing manner, though...." Then, at that moment, her facial expression started to become more serious-minded. "We have lost London thanks to Mana, Asheli Clixx and Clarie Clixx along with the help of Sin Fall, The Nuevo Espada and The Kokuryuteshi." Taking a long deep sigh, Yoko looked back at Rihiku and regained her former cheerful composure. "...but, we can still save Cairo. They invaded Italy as well, but we are receiving reports that more powerful beings have entered that area. Right now, where we can both make a difference, is at Cairo."

Taking her own Zanpukto out, Yoko motioned for Rihiku to follow her into the portal. "If you come with me, I can assure you most of the wrong you have done will start to be corrected. If they see you helping out us in this time of crisis, I'm sure something can be worked out with the Captain Commander! If we don't do anything, I'm sure there will be a witch haunt for you..." And after Yoko was done talking, she held her hand towards Rihiku and smiled. "So, if you are ready, will you please assist me in Cairo? I want to help save you and I know this will help..."

Thus, with all that said, would Rihiku take the offer or would something worse come about from this? Only time can truly tell.


[ E n d P o s t ]

Last edited by THEFROST on Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) WVMWLOu
Queen Of The Sands
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The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Empty Re: The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future)

Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:54 pm

Rihiku Hitsugaya

The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Vergil-2-1

~ A mans pride is worth more than the most expensive jewel. The pride of a dragon... that cannot even be compared to the pride of a man ~
Rihiku soon released that he was no longer alone in the room. The door to his cell opened and he could easily see who it was. The Girl he tried to assassinate because he simply felt like it: Yoko Kuchiki. She certainly had the right appearance to be in one of those higher up families but Rihiku cared little for that. In fact he just saw her regal look as a mere distraction to the real meaning she was holding. He didn't know why she was here and had little reason to find out. However when he noticed his own sword being held by her, he realised exactly what was going through the girls head. She wanted him out of here. Rihiku sat in the middle of the prison cell as always and slowly rose to his feet when she held out his blade for him. He reached forwards and grabbed the scabbard with a slight sense of aggression.

He looked up and down the scabbard and brushed it gentle with the palm of his hand from top to bottom. Then in one super swift movement he drew the blade and swung it to the ground holding the scabbard in the other hand. The blade looked as powerful as it always had in its sealed state and just with Rihiku holding it, the shine on its edges started to build up little ice crystals as though haikenmaru was overjoyed at the fact she was being wielded by her master again. Any normal Shinigami would have a grin on their faces wider than they had ever smiled upon receiving their sword back but Rihiku did not have that kind of view on the situation. He span the blade around in his wrist and slotted it back into its scabbard of which he held tightly in his left hand. Half of the man had returned which was a good sign for Yoko as getting such a Stubborn man to even move can be an impossible task.

Then the girl started talking to him of which he realised, he wasn't paying much attention. She explained exactly what was happening and made it clear what he true intentions were. She wanted to clear his name for him. but how could such a man be trusted? It made no sense. Rihiku blinked for a moment. When he opened his eyes, he was no longer in the prison cell, but within his inner world as though he completely disregarded what Yoko was saying. He would still be standing there but without responding. The frosty man stood within a gigantic black temple with walls that were triple the size of a Gillian. he stood before a large throne covered in ice and the one girl that needed him more than ever. She was sitting in the frozen throne and watching Rihiku walk over to her. He then stood before the girl dressed in light armour and merely stared. She looked up at him and moved the blonde hair out of her face. "Do you plan to follow her?" Rihiku did not answer. Instead he looked to his left at a diamond shaped window. Outside was a massive tundra and a massive wind blew a blizzard past his view.

That was when he spoke. "Haikenmaru... We have nothing left anymore. We need to take whatever chance this girl gives us to free ourselves from this foul world." And just as he finished his sentence, he was hit hard while not looking. Haikenmaru had shot to her feet and grabbed him round the chest with all her might in a giant hug. "Don't you... ever leave me again..." Rihiku smiled at the girl; The only girl he would ever smile for was his own spirit. And with that done, he blinked once more and was back in his prison cell. He knew pretty much what had to be done and saw Yoko was now standing by a portal to Cairo. Rihiku walked towards her in a very fast pace but did not enter the portal nor even give any hint he was going to. Instead, he walked right past her and through the prison door.

This would obviously confuse the girl but she need not worry as he was not running. He turned to face the hallway and on the lengthways wall was a large wardrobe like object. It was locked, but he didn't care for that. He slammed his fist into the lock and pulled the 6ft door off the object and yanked out what was inside. Just then, he was enveloped in blue as he swung his traditional coat over his back and threw his arms right into it. Now fully dressed, the man had become half, and now whole. He walked back up to Yoko and stood before her. He looked at her outstretched hand but did not take much notice of it as he was not the kind of person to simply take someone hand and follow them like their underling. Even though he said nothing to her this time, she must have know that he was happy, and that he wasn't going to simply walk away from an opportunity like this.

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The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Empty Re: The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future)

Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:51 pm

[ Y o k o K u c h i k i T h e S n o w P r i n c e s s ]

The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image432-1The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image432-1The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image432-1

[ P o s t i n g M u s i c ]

[ f r i p S i d e - L o v e t o s i n g ]


[E n t e r P o s t ]

The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image433The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image433The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Image433

[Let's begin]

Seeing Rihiku get up on his own was surely a good sign in Yoko's mind. Even if he didn't take her hand, she realized through his body language that he was ready to go into the field of battle with her. Thus, Yoko turned her focus towards the battle and had a small burst of blue reitsu cover her body. "Hehehe, I see your ready to go as I am!" Yoko commented while pointing her sword upwards in the air; directly towards the gateway that would through them into the line of fire. "What's awaiting for us at the end of this pathway will be war. You probably know more about then I, but I will be there for none the less and we'll both make it out alive!"

Smiling a bit, Yoko looked at Rihiku and nodded her head. "I would also like to thank you in joining me. It is really appreciated! I'm very glad you choose this path!" Turning back towards the portal, Yoko would then put on another one of her confident smirks before speaking again. "Just let me handle everything when we get back, and we'll both take care of these scum!" Getting into position, Yoko would then take flight towards the portal at great speeds while bracing her body for the imminent impact.

What was going through her head now was the trying battle that would await her upon their arrival. She knew there would be great bloodshed, large scale fights, casualties and much Chaos. Even though it's a bit short of notice, this will be her first real war-type situation. Yes, she fought against many threats before, but never something like this. A bit of her on the inside was scared to go into this type of situation, but she knew this was the path to take. After all, she was a friggin' Kuchiki! She had it in her blood to fight!

And with that reasoning alone, Yoko would let the portal teleport her and Rihiku to the battlefield. If they could both make it back home alive, she then thought about what type of story she would have to tell in order to convince the Captain Commander in order to make him believe her claims. Actions speak louder then words, so, she would need to perform some type of kidou spell that would record all of the things see saw into a holographic form at the end of the battle. Once they reach their destination, she'll figure out how to tape what happens from here on out.

Either way it goes, this is going to be one hell of a day for Yoko and Rihiku. Hopefully the two were prepared for what awaits them in Cairo.

[Exit thread]


[ E n d P o s t ]

Last edited by THEFROST on Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:21 pm; edited 2 times in total

The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) WVMWLOu
Queen Of The Sands
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The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Empty Re: The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future)

Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:53 pm

Rihiku Hitsugaya

The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Vergil-2-1

~ A mans pride is worth more than the most expensive jewel. The pride of a dragon... that cannot even be compared to the pride of a man ~
Rihiku closely listened to every word that Yoko said. He was paying attention to her even though it didn't look like he was. His stubborn attitude to never look at people he didn't deem worthy of his attention was certainly in play but the fact he was even listening showed some form of respect. Hitsugaya merely stared deep into the portal as Yoko spoke her words. She wanted the two of them to work together and was probably going to be keeping an eye on him like a babysitter with a camera. Either way he really didn't mind. Today he was going to prove one of two things to both Yoko and the Gotei: That he was a reliable power for them to rely on or a deadly force that they should fear.

However before Rihiku moved into the portal he realised something. When he was speaking with Haikenmaru a moment ago she was different. Even though she still wore that red chestplate of armour, had that sword and whip and that blonde hair... why wasn't she holding her actual sword? He hadn't noticed but the blade she had tied to her hip was gray and dull as though it was covered in stone. That wasn't right as she would always hold her own sword tied to her hip with a blue string and his own scabbard. The brilliant blade always looked good on her body and not seeing it just raised questions. Was she becoming less of a haikenmaru? The sign couldn't be good...

Regardless, Rihiku had a job to do. The sword she would have been holding was in Rihiku's hands and he certainly made sure it was the proper thing by looking up and down it a few times. Then he noticed Yoko had disappeared from the room ahead of him. He didn't bother grinning as only he would be able to see that it somewhat made him laugh and soon after yoko was gone, so was Rihiku. Pushing off from the floor, Rihiku soared through the portal and into the battle that was to come.

[Rihiku Exit Thread]

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The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future) Empty Re: The fate of the betrayer (Rihikus future)

Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:23 am

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