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Cooking Spray
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Do Not Freeze [Claire] Empty Do Not Freeze [Claire]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:00 pm

The Quincy Prodigy

Sofia Montero

Do Not Freeze [Claire] JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

She was one to believe that uncertainty was best served quick, without fear or further preparedness. When Claire reached out to her, the Quincy agreed at a moment’s notice. The Queen and her name had slid off the tongue only but once or twice on the Quincy’s vicinity. But even then, it seemed like the woman was amassing wealth and resources at an alarming but interesting rate. Her name kept coming up a bit more often in conversation, and it seemed about time she put a face to all the talk, and to all the rumors. It wasn’t the first time Sofia had been in Romania, but it was the first time she had entered without really expecting a fight. Her outfit was a more noticeable indication of how relaxed she had become in the later half of the year.

Her outfit consisted of a black dress that reached just a couple of inches below her knees. To one of her sides and towards the outside of her thighs, the dress had a form of cut out that rose up and towards the upper portion of her thighs, closer to her waist. Due to the design, the smooth look of her skin was concealed save for during lengthened steps or in semi suggestive positions and situations where she had likely intended for the view to be seen in the first place. Her shoulders and upper back were left largely bare, with only thin black straps in the way of her skin connecting the article of fashion below. Her shoes were a bit out of the ordinary, even for folk of their caliber. Despite their inherent natural look, the black high heels were a construct of her own reishi manipulation, and for a singular purpose. It allowed her to modify its shape at her whim, be it from a stiletto shoe that increased her height by a few inches, to one much closer to the ground and far more fitting to a violent encounter.

Taking her steps just a foot or so behind Sofia was Sophie. The woman looked almost indistinguishable from the real thing; almost. In reality Sophie was a good two to three inches taller, just the slightest bit bustier, and displayed a pair of black fox ears that twitched and wiggle at certain noises. Both had chosen to remain quiet until Sofia announced her arrival at the castle gates. Neither of the two seemed to carry any physical weapons, although their kind was the least likely to need them given their source of creation. There was no real plan or goal going into this meeting. Uncertainty had brought them to Romania, and curiosity seemed to foster the idea or feeling of something that could turn out very well for all parties involved.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Do Not Freeze [Claire] ORabiFS
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Do Not Freeze [Claire] Empty Re: Do Not Freeze [Claire]

Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:22 pm


Queen of the Damned

Do Not Freeze [Claire] 6EdIfMt

As her servants received the announcement, they began to haul open the hefty doors that blocked off the outside world from the castle. They’d already received instructions to lead Sofia to the dining hall, where a cozy, somewhat lazy scene had been prepared. They took note of the additional party, but said nothing. After a few minutes of walking they arrived before the Queen, who sat upon what could be likened to a throne, but was not her actual throne, which resided in a different portion of the castle. Claire looked over the newcomers, and then, after a moment, dismissed the servants who had led them to her.

“Well, you’re more beautiful than I expected. So elegant as well. A welcome change from the usual riffraff who wander through. If you wouldn’t mind having a seat?”

As she said this last sentence, Claire gestured to a similarly elegant chair that had been prepared across the table from herself. Generally, the dining halls were massive, however, on this occasion she felt that a more intimate approach was more fitting, so she’d had the large rectangular table exchanged for a much smaller, square table. It remained, however, that she’d only prepared a fitting seat for one of her two guests. With a snap of her fingers, two more servants entered the room. After a brief explanation, they hurried off to retrieve a suitable bit of furniture to accommodate her other guest. This took but a matter of moments to accomplish, after which she gestured for the accompanying woman to have a seat. They were both very similar, but she knew that the one she’d invited was not the one who possessed fox ears. The ears did intrigue her a bit though, perhaps she would experiment with that later.

“I welcome you to my country and castle. I hope you will enjoy yourselves as much as possible.”
After having said this, she paused for a moment, and smiled warmly towards her two guests. So far, she had used none of her innate ability. Perhaps she would save that for later, if the situation arose. At the moment, she felt more inclined to learn about other powers opinions of herself, the goings on in other parts of the world, and the general opinion of the woman before her. Due to all of these factors, she restrained even the natural aura she gave off, and allowed those before her to be completely unaffected by any of her powers.

“I’m glad you’ve chosen to come. Although there will be time for more casual interaction later, at the moment I would like to know your opinion of my people, and of myself. I hope that isn’t too forward of a subject to begin with, but I like to know where I stand before I engage in significant diplomatic conversation. ”

So far, Claire had been very formal. That was just her nature. She was the prophesied Queen, and as such she had to conduct herself in the most presentable of manners, especially upon a first encounter. With that being said, she generally became more receptive to outsiders after a certain amount of time had passed.

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Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Do Not Freeze [Claire] Empty Re: Do Not Freeze [Claire]

Sat Jun 29, 2019 5:34 pm

The Quincy Prodigy

Sofia Montero

Do Not Freeze [Claire] JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

As the two were led into the castle each of the girls seemed to take notice and interest of distinctively different things. While Sofia looked primarily to any visible weapons, she would occasionally avert her gaze to admire the scenery and the architecture. As for Sophie she too would be keen to the presence of any weaponry, and averting her gaze somewhat often to eye the servants; specifically the size and shape of their rear, and anything else worth taking into account. Neither of the two was above that sort of behavior, but one of them knew how to conceal it well while the other had a tendency not to care.

”Thank you for the compliment,” replied Sofia as the two were brought into the room.

”I suppose in between honesty and brown-nosing you hear the same yourself, but for what it's worth, you look far better than I thought.”

”She certainly does,” interrupted Sophie before being met by a subtle glare from Sophia.

”In any case, it's an honor to meet you,” said Sofia with her natural charm.

”Thank you for having us.”

Her words were followed by a vow that exuded class and prominence. The Montero family was almost as ancient as the Quincy, and their name was known throughout Europe as they hailed from the Iberian peninsula. As for Sophie, she simply crossed her arms under her tits, presenting a pose with thighs semi spread in a fashion more fitting of a male. There was no disrespect in her demeanor, but the way she bobbed her head in a sort of Sup, showed a clear difference between the two; but still not the sort of difference that Sophie had ever tried to hide. Still, for better or worse while still vowing, Sofia reached up, grabbing the upper end of Sophie’s dress, right by her breasts and janking it down. It would more of less coax her into joining her in vowing at the expense of a highly revealing cleavage shot that lasted a second or that most were bound to enjoy.

Once back on their feet the two took their seats, making an effort to not move them any closer to each other than they already were. Both girls had always enjoyed a very close and personal relationship in more than one way. However with the resurface of darker forms of energy and new revelations during the war, both of their personas had been strained, and the roles had changed drastically. It wasn’t something that either of them disliked, but it had brought up Sophie into a different light that fought for control in the more sensual context in a battlefield where Sofia already had to contend for survival with the likes of her evolved seal.

”I’ll be honest and say I don’t really have an opinion,” said Sofia as she got comfortable into her chair.

”Not a hunch, a prejudice, or even a stereotype. That’s largely though because I know next to nothing about them. Pardon me for that, but at least it makes painting a picture and creating a view on you feel all the more natural, wouldn’t you say?

A few feet besides her, sat Sophie , filling the chair a bit more nicely either without regard or fully intending to. For as long as Sofia talked, her companion had made no attempt to avert her gaze from Claire. She allowed her eyes to guide their path and trace along the curvatures of her body. From the peculiar look of her horns, to the length of her hair, to the perkiness of her tits, and to the natural look of her black dress, and then some. The question from her partner came as a surprise, and while she was mildly paying attention, she couldn’t really be placed at fault if she was robbed of it. Rather than a nod, the woman presented her own response in the off chance the question was meant for her as well.

”Despite her looks and despite her feats, she’s very young,” added Sophie as she looked to Sofia before looking back at the Queen.

”Music and combat got her far with the Quincy, but there are a number of subjects where she’s naturally lagged behind; you and your people are certainly among them. Its something we’re aiming to fix right by being here.”

Claire would have no way of telling, but what Sophie had said was downright terrifying for Sofia. It was far too eloquent and astute. The way Sophie was made and the way she had turned out and behaved for well over a year was nothing like this. She was more likely to laugh uncontrollably, wear a monokini, and bounce her tits while wondering if water was wet. She was dumb; pretty, but dumb. It sort of ruined the whole purpose behind her creation which was to be as much an aid in battle as she would be an aid in scientific endeavors. Initially it seemed that her creation had only managed to filter out the sensual from the influence the original and now dead Eris Seal had on the Quincy, but it was now shown to be a lie. Sophie had been purposely playing into her hand by showing only the safer side that could coexist with the person Sofia was shaping up to be back then. But with the effects of the war and the new empowered seal that battled with the Quincy as well as the resulting shift in Sofia‘s personality, the true side of her companion had finally shown, for better or worse.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Do Not Freeze [Claire] ORabiFS
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Do Not Freeze [Claire] Empty Re: Do Not Freeze [Claire]

Sat Jun 29, 2019 5:38 pm


Queen of the Damned

Do Not Freeze [Claire] 6EdIfMt

Claire smiled charmingly as she listened to the other woman speak. Not only were the contents of her words pleasing, the way in which she spoke them was as well. Certainly, another welcome change. She had been dealing with too many unsophisticated individuals lately, so this was refreshing. As the one with fox ears interrupted Sofia, Claire looked to her briefly. It was apparent that she was in some way related to Sofia, but Claire’s information evidently wasn’t all-encompassing, as she hadn’t heard of this one before she’d invited Sofia. The fox ears intrigued her momentarily, but eventually she turned her attention back to the woman she’d originally invited, and began to speak.

“Your words are much appreciated.”

As she was saying this she noticed that Sofia was bowing to her, while the woman beside her remained upright, and greeted her casually. Amusing. Almost immediately, however, Sofia pulled her down into a bow as well, pulling on her dress to do so. Claire couldn’t help but laugh at this, although she did enjoy the momentary view. Her laugh was elegant, and carried the effects that it always had. While she didn’t intentionally use any ability to cause this, it had always remained that her laugh was incredibly enticing, and would generally create a sense of longing. She wasn’t quite sure why this was the case, most likely it was just a side effect of her actual power. Afterwards, she continued to listen to Sofia speak, and had little reaction to her saying that she did not know much about the Sueki. That fact couldn’t really be blamed on her, afterall, they had been fairly reclusive for a great deal of time. Only now were they finally making their entrance back onto the world stage, under her leadership. She was actually quite pleased with the pace at which she’d been able to propel their assets, gaining control over Romania being the crowning achievement. She hoped to soon spread that control to other, neighboring countries. Because she was confident that all would soon know of her people and their achievements, she felt no anger or negative emotions when others confessed that they currently knew very little about them. At the same time, she noticed that the woman’s companion had been taking in her form with her eyes for quite a while now, which prompted her to glance towards her momentarily, and give her a wink. She then immediately turned her attention back to Sofia, as she completed her thought.

Directly after Sofia had finished speaking, the one with the fox ears spoke up as well, which did admittedly surprise Claire a bit. She hadn’t expected this one to be very vocal in their encounter due to the impression she’d gotten earlier. That impression quickly changed, however, as the fox-eared woman finished speaking. This one wasn’t exactly what she appeared to be on the surface, Claire had already deduced that much. How many more surprises she had up her sleeve was hard to determine, but Claire hoped to learn more about her as the day went on.

“It’s nothing to be concerned about. I’m sure you will soon know all that you need to about myself, and my people. After all, that’s why I’ve invited you here today. I can tell you the history of my race and the significance of certain things in our past in a few moments, however, we may as well wait until the food and refreshments arrive, wouldn’t you agree. I always treat my guests to cuisine of the highest caliber, although I regret to inform you that the selection may be rather limited, in terms of a balanced diet.

As she said this she smiled very widely, revealing the glistening fangs that resided in her mouth.

“I am carnivorous, after all.”

She paused for a moment after she said this, evidently thinking something over.

“I am curious about one thing before we get to all of that though. Who exactly is your friend here? ”

She eyed Sophie’s body lasciviously as she said this, returning the favor from earlier. She had grown more interested in this other woman the longer their encounter had gone on, and now her curiosity had reached its breaking point. It also gave her a few ideas. Something to try out later, perhaps.

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Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Do Not Freeze [Claire] Empty Re: Do Not Freeze [Claire]

Sat Jun 29, 2019 5:41 pm

The Quincy Prodigy

Sofia Montero

Do Not Freeze [Claire] JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

”Oh that works just fine,” said Sophie with a peckish smile, ”we love meat.”

”And wine and cheese, added Sofia before continuing, ”and bread and chocolate; but who’s keeping track?”

Sophie had understood the wink and answered with one of her own, which preceded a quick but scrumptious licking and biting of her upper and lower lips respectively. There was no real difference between the wishes and the desires between Sofia and Sophie. The only real difference laid in the delivery, the ease, and the method in which each plan and feeling manifested. As Sophie had shown in the past, she had no qualms with being sexual right off the bat, without regard to class or morals. That wasn’t to say she was incapable of displaying them, she just often chose not to. As for Sofia, half of the time she had the education and the courtesy of behaving better. She was raised by a highly prestigious family to possess an air of royalty and class that Sophie simply could not emulate. For better or worse a part of her allowed itself to give in to her darker desires and those of her unique seal, but that was a topic of a rather unique and touchy nature on its own.

Taking a quick look back at Sophie, Sofia pondered on how to best answer that question. Doing so quickly and without regard for its implications could lead Claire to misunderstand in ways that could deteriorate their relationship. More importantly the Quincy needed to brush aside a certain air and a certain number of mental pictures that had assaulted her mind, all to the fault of her aid. The connection between the Quincy and her aid were such that Sofia felt what seemed like a grazing whisper at the nape of her neck when Sophie spoke. This wasn’t out of fear, excitement, or anticipation, but rather as a form of reflex or sense informing her of the sort of dark, nefarious, and hedonistic thoughts that likely ran through her friend's mind. The amount of bindings, the look of the fire, the sound of the moans, and the musky scent in the air were all thoughts and ideas she needed to brush aside to better answer the question at hand. Luckily for her, the dark seal had chosen to remain dormant for the time being...for reasons yet unknown.

”I hope you understand,” started off Sophia as she waved one of her hands., ”In the fields of love, war, greed and desire, almost everything is valid and justified.”

As she said this, from her fingertips a light blue form of energy, likely reishi, began to glow and string along around her. The strings could be likened to threads that weave at the mercy of her whims and with a rhythm that seemed intrinsic. The energy, like a well rehearsed play or ensemble began to display form of imagery and visual cues that perfectly accompanied and described the words she spoke thereafter. If at all, the effortless display stood as a testament to the power she exerted over reishi, and the extent of her dominion over that Quincy gift.

”Once upon time I found greed a bit too intriguing a path to avoid. Despite my own power and my own advancement, I needed it more. With a good bit of research I found out about something called the Eris Seal. I believe you know all there’s to know about it, though I’d be happy to explain if that’s not the case.”

As the symbol was displayed in the reishi-like hologram before the Queen, the light blue hue was replaced by one deep red, nearing the color of wine. At first it looked as though the change had been intentional, and by all means, it was. Thereafter however, the blue and the red would exchange moments of dominance, though there was no reason to believe that was or wasn’t within Sofia‘s sphere of will and control.

”At the expense of offering relief from a carnal desire, I was able to manipulate a select being into getting access to that sort of power. Most cave or die under that sort of pressure; I didn’t. Instead I used it to tap into levels of power and inherent darkness within the holy energy of the Quincy that few but beings such as Yhwach had ever seen. Power and monstrosities were finally possibly within the scope of my influence; it gave me access to far more control to become not just the Music of God, but also the Music of Death.”

It was at that point that Sophie’s eyes turned a blood red. In fact, even Sofia ‘s did so for a split second. It seemed to mark the turning point at which her new unique seal would resurface, though it wouldn’t be allowed to do so right now. With a quick snap to her fingers, both her aid’s and her’s went back to their bright golden look. For as dominant as Sophie had turned out to be after the grand reveal, she didn’t forget what the name Sofia Montero stood for. She was the strongest pure Quincy, and it didn’t come without a list of tools and aptitude to stay there. As she took a quick breather and produced a large and bright smile, the young woman continued.

”Right before I, convinced someone else into ridding me of the seal, I decided to push my luck at something else. I wanted to create, not the most powerful, but rather my most time consuming and intricate technique yet. Initially I had meant to create the perfect copy of myself in every single way. It was meant to be as much an aid in battle as it would in the lab and in my fields of research. But alas, it created something that though capable, and extremely alike myself in physical appearance, possessed mostly if not all the feelings that were heightened by the late and gone Eris Seal.” As she finished speaking, the woman turned to Sophie, knowing she had at least something else to add.

But let’s get something clear,” started Sophie, ”Everything that I am, everything that I feel, and everything that I do exists all at once within Sophia. I embody the death, the murder, the lust, the desire, the greed, the anger, and the hedonism. She embodies those too, but she also has the human qualities that make her Sofia ; the music, the kindness, the class. She’s the whole package. I’m a select and necessary portion of it meant to bring out what I consider to be one of her better halves.”

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Do Not Freeze [Claire] ORabiFS
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Do Not Freeze [Claire] Empty Re: Do Not Freeze [Claire]

Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:22 am


Queen of the Damned

Do Not Freeze [Claire] 6EdIfMt

Claire smiled as Sophia reacted to her provocation. She always took interest in a woman who could return the same sort of energy that she gave out. This, however, was not the time for that. That would come later. With a small amount of effort she focused on the matter at hand, and sat patiently as the other woman began, and then continued to explain herself. She was, of course, intrigued by the way Sofia manipulated reishi to illustrate her point more effectively, but she didn't comment on it, at least not for the time being. She was too focused on listening to the other woman's words, and viewing the almost magical display she was putting on. It was a rather captivating experience. Of course, it helped that she had always been naturally curious about the world around her, and how others viewed it.

She was, in fact, incredibly intrigued by the story that Sofia was relating to her, and for good reason. She hadn't encountered anything like it in the past, which was in itself enough reason for her to be interested, but that wasn't the only reason. It was something that would have captured her attention regardless. First of all the name "Seal of Eris" meant that she had, at least at some point, been connected to Mana. Although Claire had come to understand Mana more thoroughly since their first meeting, it still remained that she was in fact a demon. She wasn't so narrow minded to believe that all demons and anyone connected to them were her enemy, but it still remained that demons were one of the largest factors in her own races decline. A decline that she was only just beginning to lead them out of. It left a bit of a sour taste in her mouth when she thought of it, but she could set that aside for now, especially when there were benefits to be garnered from doing so. Initially she had despised Mana, at this point she didn't know what she felt towards the demon, but she could at least understand the reasoning that drove the chaos.

Perhaps more interesting that the seal though, was the fact that Sofia had essentially created a being out of her darker half. For a moment Claire stopped to think what such a being created out of her own desires would be like, then smirked and dismissed the thought. After all, there could only be one of her. After a moment Sofia had finished speaking, and Sophie began to add her own bit to the story. Although her addition was much less lengthy, it was no less interesting. She was beginning to get a feel for both of the women before her, obviously helped along by the fact that she could tell a lot more about someone based on a short interaction. As she was thinking this, servants began to scurry about setting up a fine selection on the table. The main dish was, as always, roasted lamb. The scent it gave off was absolutely divine, the closest thing she'd ever experienced to a meal of blood. After that came the smaller dishes, such as turkey, chicken, pheasant, and goose. She was not much a fan of pork or beef, and so she didn't keep them on hand. She did, however, keep a selection of fine wines in the cellar. She called one of her many servants over and instructed her to bring something that would suit the lamb. With that taken care of she turned to Sofia once more.

"I appreciate you telling me all of that. Quite an interesting story, to say the least. I enjoyed listening to it. I hope you'll enjoy mine as well."

Claire smiled after she said this, and began to collect her thoughts. There was a lot to convey about her people, and she intended to do so in the best way possible. As she was doing this the servant returned with the wine she'd requested and served all of them without speaking. Claire dismissed her politely, and then began to speak.

"I suppose I'll start by telling you of our race as it was in its earliest days. We roamed the earth freely, fearing nothing. Humans were easy to feed on, and were not yet so well organized. This was our world, and we truly didn't think that would ever change. All good things must come to an end though, I suppose."

Her smile became more wistful as she spoke her last sentence, and she paused for a moment before continuing.

"The humans did eventually become more of a threat to us. They developed ways to fight us, they learned of our strengths and weaknesses, and utilized that information far more effectively than we thought them capable of. After a time we became more secretive, and the race split off into separate branches, which specialized in different things, in order to more easily deal with the climate and the humans that lived there. At that time, we still felt that we were superior, and perhaps that is what led to the state of the race now. We were too confident in our ability, and placed little stock in the ability of our adversaries. "

After this she paused once more to drink from the glass before her. The ruby color of the wine reminded her of blood, although the taste was all wrong. Perhaps later.

"While we stagnated the humans came up with ever more creative and destructive means. Eventually our firepower could no longer compare. It didn't help that so many other races were intruding on our turf, causing the humans to develop even more quickly, and to be even more aware of what was happening around them. The years leading up to, and directly after, my birth were probably the worst for our race. During that period of time our numbers dwindled into the dozens, and to go into hiding was the only solution. Thankfully, that time is over, and the dawn of a new era is upon us. I hope I haven't bored you with such a long speech, but hopefully you can understand why I became carried away relating our history to you."

Having finally finished speaking, Claire took a bite from the lamb that had been set upon her plate. She ate as royalty should be expected to, wiped her mouth with a small napkin, and then asked a simple question.

"Have I told you everything you need to know about my people, or do you have questions?"

Code By:
Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Do Not Freeze [Claire] Empty Re: Do Not Freeze [Claire]

Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:27 pm

The Quincy Prodigy

Sofia Montero

Do Not Freeze [Claire] JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

With a bob to her head, the two Quincy readied to listen. Despite Sophie’s inclination of being far more immature, both her and Sofia showed the required respect simply out of itself and the curiosity to know more about her kind. There was a select portion of her story that drew a surprised look, moreso from Sophie than Sofia. The part where Claire explained that her kind used to hunt and feed on Humans far more should have produced a very different reaction than it did. The Sofia from a few years back would be drawing her blade or at the very least delivering some form of snarky retort. This time however, she listened to it as easily as she did any other part of her story. Out and from afar, this very notion drew a subtle grin from Sophie who rejoiced in the experience of the change and strong descent of the Angel of Music. It wasn’t that Sofia no longer cared, but rather that she was more open to the reasons they would do that, and the lengths she would now go herself to get what she wanted and what she needed.

”I think your story just about satisfies my curiosity and drives several points close to home,” said Sofia as she collected her thoughts to continue.

”In the world of kill or be killed, the spiritual races and their members have a choice to make. You either die or evolve. It's a continuous struggle and my race has lived through it more times than I care to admit. The seal, my hunger and thirst for power among other things are my desires to evolve. I want to help my race survive, but I’m beyond the point of wanting to remain stagnant for that sake. I will continue to evolve, and continue to do what it takes to make sure I get what I want, every time.”

Although there was nothing seemingly ominous from her words, there was a certain dry and cut manner in which she delivered it; certainly not common from the seemingly holy kind she hailed from. As the table was set and the items were served, the two sat closer to the Queen, Sophie perhaps a little too close. While Sofia was a good chair or two away from Claire to her left, Sophie had sat towards the corner to Claire’s right. If she extended her right arm she could easily touch Sophie’s shoulder. With a shallow breath and rolling her eyes, Sofia started to cut into her lamb; at least Sophie hadn’t started rubbing her thighs against the host’ just yet.

”Thank you for the food by the way,” said Sofia before enjoying a piece of the lamb.

”It tastes just as I remember.”

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Do Not Freeze [Claire] ORabiFS
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Do Not Freeze [Claire] Empty Re: Do Not Freeze [Claire]

Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:17 am


Queen of the Damned

Do Not Freeze [Claire] 6EdIfMt

"Ah, I see we think similarly. It's nice to find another who I can share my own point of view with. I was a bit worried you'd take offense to parts of my story, to tell you the truth. I'm sure you know the ones."

Another smile, ruby lips outlining the stunning ivory of the fangs tucked safely behind them. For the moment, as least. She took another small bite of the food that lay before her, as elegantly as she had the first time, as she listened to the rest of what Sofia had to say. As she did so, something piqued her interest.

"Oh, has it been a while since the last time you've eaten? Are you on a diet?"

She looked Sofia up and down as she said this, perhaps lingering over certain, more interesting, areas for a bit too long, then spoke up once more.

"It doesn't look like you need to be, or perhaps that just means it's working."

Claire very much doubted that this was the actual reason, but the thought made her giggle, so she had presented it as a possibility. She was also curious as to what the actual reasoning was, however. She took another small drink from her glass of wine and awaited whatever response she would receive. Based on what she'd heard so far, she expected it to be at least marginally interesting. All in all, she was already happy that she'd invited the Quincy woman to her home. She and her tag-along had brought a nice atmosphere to the castle, which while not dreary by any means, could have used a bit more excitement lately. As their conversation continued, however, she began to grow hungry for a bit more than lamb. Oh well, at least there were plenty of emotions in the air for her to feed off of.

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