Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:54 pm



Who said Sidekicks ain't shit?(Tati/Ichijou)  6EdIfMt

Nightlife within the city of Tokyo was often filled with wondrous events. Whether you were frequenting a nightclub or taking an extended stroll through the city, if you were looking for an eventful evening, it would likely be found in this city full of bright lights.

Of course, with world war four fast approaching, there was hardly anywhere one could feel safe nowadays. There were barriers, certainly, but against the type of otherworldly threats so far? They hardly meant a thing. Even so, to the blonde-haired woman casually dancing through the city, none of this truly mattered.

Ichijou was always in her own world. She enjoyed being that way, loved being the center of attention and earning the praise and admiration of those who adored her. Lately, however, those selfish notions that rang so resoundingly within her heart before now seemed to be fading. She still desired to be admired and affirmed within this world but she would do it on her own terms.

What led Ichijou to this present state of mind was Ulv and Elyss’differing but very similar forms of advice... They had opened her mind to the possibility of actually creating a path of herself. No shortcuts. Oh, and the addition of a certain someone else in her life, had also led to some food for thought. For now, listening to this music through the speakers in the nightclub was all that filled her mind. She swayed her hips and consumed a drink as she wished to celebrate this new state of mind.

Therefore, what better way to celebrate than to rent out a nightclub, invite as many people that wished to come and just have fun? This time, she wanted to have fun for the sake of having fun and not securing any clout.

Ichijou smiled and consumed more of her drink, gazing at the number of people who came and were enjoying themselves. This was fun. Hopefully, this night was going to be fun, too. Hopefully.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:41 am; edited 4 times in total
Cooking Spray
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Sat Nov 09, 2019 6:20 pm

The Crimson Cat

Tatiana Romanoff

Who said Sidekicks ain't shit?(Tati/Ichijou)  JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

You need to go out more often, they said. You need to quit being so antisocial and get laid, they repeated.

Usually that sort of thing didn’t really bother Tatiana all that much. However, her friends kept repeating it over and over to the point of being annoying; even her roleplaying online weeb friends said so. What?! She went out… She went to the store, to the salon, to the movies, and she explored the world through videogames and writing. To be honest she did go out often during the night but it was usually to beat up criminals in a tight red suit with a cat mask. It wasn’t exactly the best ice breaker or anything she could share with acquaintances without regard. Either through their insistence or her own curiosity, she finally gave in. She would go out and try to have a fun night like most normal people her age usually did. She figured that going out to the club and drinking until she could barely walk home would do the trick; yea, perfect.

Her outfit was...something she hadn’t worn ever since her undergrad years which somehow still fit. To a certain extent she sort of hoped she forgot she owned it, and she did, until now. Still, there was no way she was wearing that. Even if it was fitting of the evening, it was more in line the outfit of a prostitute or that of neckbeard’s wet dream. Instead she chose what she considered to be an equally pretty, the slightest bit seductive outfit that didn’t outright scream thot. It was a sort of two tone dress in red and black. The top was black, covering almost her entire upper body except for the uppermost area on her bosom where the v-cut like design was located. The sleeves did stop just an inch or two down and past her shoulders, meaning that her arms were bare. The lower portion showcased a deep crimson red with a near unnatural affinity of sticking to her body and shaping and revealing just about every noticeable contour she possessed. It did go down to just about knee length, so its not like anyone could see anything they didn’t mean to purposely stare at from the get go.

The next hour or so went by in such a hurry it could have as easily been sped up without her noticing. Tatiana wasn’t a stranger to doing her makeup, though she had certainly forgotten the last time she had done so for an occasion like this. The uber ride to the cloud was thankfully quiet enough. She had nothing to say other than greetings and thank you, and the driver wasn’t interested in doing more than either and driving. Once she got the place, she could hear the sounds of music even from the outside. That meant it would only be louder and busier on the inside. No doubt there was a bunch of guys and girls drinking, doing drugs, and screwing each other with clothes on the dance floor, and without them in the bathrooms, in the parking lot, and probably everywhere else too. Oh god, what am I doing? she thought to herself as if having second thoughts. No. She wasn’t Crimson Cat that night, she was Tatiana. And so, with a smile and a wave to the bouncer she walked in… a heft on her step and a swing to her rear that was sure to turn heads, and it did.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Who said Sidekicks ain't shit?(Tati/Ichijou)  ORabiFS
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Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:49 am



Who said Sidekicks ain't shit?(Tati/Ichijou)  6EdIfMt

Ichijou remained blissfully ignorant of everything that happened around her. She paid no heed to the males and females engaging in dirty-dancing, grinding against one another as though they wanted to fuck each other on the dance floor; she watched on in silence as she continued to sip the bloody mary at the bar.

She could not quite track how much alcohol she had consumed so far but presumed that none of it would affect her judgment in the slightest. Alcohol, like most things, did little to inhibit her. It was fun to consume it and there were particular drinks that would make her feel giddy enough to lose herself but those were fundamentally rare.

The best part of these drinks so far tonight is how many males she had tricked into procuring the delights, deceiving them with the promise of a “fun-time” only to tease them for being attracted to someone who, if one didn’t take a second glance, could be mistaken as a high-schooler. Moving somewhat silently through the crowd, Ichijou continued to take in the wonder and allure of the celebration. After all, she was the one hosting it.

Having a mother with a notable business and a bank account that was the envy of the town, she could afford to throw lavish parties such as these. She wasn’t all-world rich but damn close by a mile, and so she enjoyed utilizing it. That’s what made Ichijou childish.

The fang-toothed Sueki was not a spoiled brat but like any young girl with a rich parent, she reveled in buying things that caught her eye. Even so, after a while, most of what she desired didn’t really reside in the realm of physical items, no matter how extravagant they were. But… self-reflection aside, Ichijou happened to glance upon a large group of her guests glancing upon someone.


Ichijou tilted her head and looked around, dumbfounded by what they were looking at. Had somebody started a fight? Did someone have a drug overdose? She definitely hoped neither of those was the case, and thank god, it turned out that neither of these scenarios came to pass.

What most of her fine guests were distracted by was a woman who was - admittedly - attractive beyond proper description. A certified babe. Ichijou’s mouth was somewhat agape, gazing at the blonde-haired woman as she walked through.

The way the dress contoured around her body, the way her blue eyes shone amidst the lights, and the enthralling preparation of makeup… all of it left Ichijou spellbound. At that moment, Ichijou felt the flare of her Lover’s Sueki blood calling out, but she suppressed her lust.

Even still, that didn’t stop her from wishing to meet the gorgeous and buxom woman who now dominated the gazes of her guests. Ichijou moved ever so slowly until she was somewhere amidst the general direction of Tatiana and with a small grip around her waist, she pulled her forward and grinned widely.

“Welcome to the party, Gorgeous. Since yer’ looks have pretty much left most of my guests speechless, mind tellin’ me yer’ name?”

In typical Ichijou fashion, the Sueki paid no heed to personal space and gazed into her eyes as she awaited an answer.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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