Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Black Veil of Naps Empty Black Veil of Naps

Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:21 pm

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

The Rukongai was an ever-evolving realm within the Gotei. Jaeden sought to do nothing and maintain that. But he sat calmly upon a perch atop a building. The district was a bustling realm. Stretched with merchants and people enjoying their lives. Jaeden was rather content with this place over positions of power. Things of the world of old didn't belong for old men such as he. But on the other hand, the new generation was struggling. Takehiko was a mess of a boy and so were the others. Colin and he were relics of a time long gone. Gently moving the wheatgrass between his teeth. He mused about possible outcomes and things he could do. His zanpakuto lay by his side. Couldn't just leave things as they were now could he? But didn't have any pull anyplace. Vizard Corps were gone and last time he'd been Gotei. Zefonse Kaizame used him as a punching bag. Turned him into a vizard as well, though that was a different story. He'd run away from fighting and everything since that time. Defeat and failure to protect his men had been hard to swallow.

Jaeden's digits slowly moved in front of him. Black reiatsu flooded around his fingers and hand before a mask came out. ""Vaitspiritas, I think my friend our time of lounging may be ending soon." Jaeden said softly looking towards the mask. "Oh yeah, going to dive back in again boss? Jaeden sighed softly sitting up finally from atop the roof. Before using a quick step and coming to the ground. "I think, we need to get involved in this world again. The Kuchiki is a mess and things going close to home are noisy. " Jaeden softly said responding to his hollow who seemed bemused. "Think we'll find someone worth fighting?" Vait said within his yawn. Jaeden offered a mere shrug of his shoulders unsure. The question was what did he do to dive back in? Could enlist in the Gotei again to help them out. Jaeden Crow wasn't a name many recalled. In term of the power he'd stayed the same since then.

His frame yawned a bit as he gripped his zanpakuto before dismissing his mask. He guessed nothing else would be proven in this moment in time. Jaeden would have to move forward through at some point. The effort was the issue, part of him simply didn't want this. Wanted to stay napping how tedious was it that he had to insert himself again. -Grumbling he glanced towards a disturbance and began walking. Keeping the blade of grass between his teeth. "Let's see how rusty I am."
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Joined : 2019-09-15
Posts : 49
Age : 32

Black Veil of Naps Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Thu Sep 26, 2019 7:14 pm

Okuda was walking through the Rukongai on this beautiful day, wearing his usual Shihakushō with his Zanpakutō hanging from his left hip. He was not really paying attention, this was a thing that seemed to happen quite a lot these days. Okuda then felt a strange sensation, well...not so strange now that he had met his Inner Hollow. The creature wanted to speak to him once again, he sighed outwardly. He was not happy to have such a being inside of him, yes he had defeated the creature but he knew that until he bent both Shinda-en and Asahi to his will and attained his Bankai that he would likely never truly be in control.

He was about to pull his mask out to have a ‘conversation’ with the creature who was now practically yelling in his head. “I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME OKUDA! STOP IGNORING ME!” Shouted Shinda-en, however Okuda was about to answer when in his absentminded wandering he suddenly bumped into someone else, taking a few steps back he brushed himself off before closing his eyes and putting on a warm and friendly smile, something he had learned to do whilst he was still alive.

Oh I’m sorry about that! Do excuse me, I did not mean to bump into you!” Said the red haired Shinigami quickly. He did not look at the person whom he had bumped into, but knew it was best to simply apologize to whomever it was and then try to walk away, hoping they did not want to start any sort of trouble on this fine day...

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686

Black Veil of Naps Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:01 pm

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

His form had been about ready to strike from where he was. He'd brought his hand down towards his sword. Ready to draw it and take care of the ruffian's in a single flourish. But a feeling of a thud hit him square in the back. Sending him trotting forward a bit. Blinking he looked over his shoulder now. Taking notice of the being before him. Crimson hair stood out, far more than his black. Smiling a bit he brought a hand behind his head. Resting it gently on his neck as he tilted his head. "No problem, none at all. My fault really, I was going to help some folks real quick...Stay here a moment please." He said as his body vanished taking a step forward. He shot forward gripping the arm of a man holding his sword up. " Now, now, put down the sword. I think your excitement has made everyone else here a bit nervous." The man struggled to yank his grip free as Jaeden smiled. Bringing his hand up he sighed softly as a small glow encompassed his hand. "Take a nap buddy, just sleep it off. "

Not even a second later the male collapsed forward as Jaeden smiled. In the direction of the others. Gently laying their friend down as he stood up now. "Take him and head on home...I think you've done enough." Jaeden's eyes shifted now towards where he was. He could cover many miles in an instant. Jaeden's flash step was very potent, making him one of the more experienced users. Landing back where he was smiling a bit. "Sorry about that, squabbles happen around here. Guess I should go see the Gotei about them." He said offering a small smile and shrug of his shoulders. He'd grown used to thinking of an outcome. Before changing his mind entirely, Jaeden could use a couple of special kido. The previous one was meant to simply knock people out. His eyes looked towards the male, his own eyes were a yellowish color almost like a hollow. Jaeden hadn't required his mask to do anything impressive here. "You seem like something had been bothering you, nobody here I hope."
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Joined : 2019-09-15
Posts : 49
Age : 32

Black Veil of Naps Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Fri Sep 27, 2019 5:35 pm

Okuda blinked a bit, watching the man go from accepting an apology to suddenly utilizing flash step to appear near a man who was apparently making threatening gestures at people with a sword, though he was not sure of the whole story as he had only just arrived. Okuda watched as the man barely touched the ruffian’s forehead before he was out like a light. Okuda was about to flash step over himself when the man suddenly reappeared before him, it was then that Okuda knew he was going to have some paperwork to fill out when he got back to the barracks to detail what he had just seen.

Okuda let out a soft sigh and said “ they are, the paperwork I’ll have to fill out thanks to that idiot is going to be fun...but no, before just now it wasn’t something over here; I have a personal issue, you’ll think it sounds crazy if I were to try to explain it, so for everyone’s sake I think I’ll just take your side of that altercation and then go back to the squad barracks to fill out my report….

Okuda was ostensibly in his black Shinigami attire, it was clear he was not just some random soul passing through, he was a member of the Gotei United, and thanks to the actions of the older gentleman he was going to have some work ahead of him. It was his day off too, what a wonderful set of issues to arise, he then looked to the man with the wheat in his mouth waiting for him to start speaking as to what had occurred with the ruffian.

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686

Black Veil of Naps Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:03 pm

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

Jaeden listened to the male as he considered for a moment. Paperwork, it had been a long time since that word crossed his ears. Retirement from life did that to people. "Not sure he warrants paperwork though. I mean he did raise his sword, but the way he held it was flimsy. I doubt he was much of a threat." Jaeden was a swordsman himself so he took note. Single-handed grips were rare when effective. It could be done for those who specialized in that kind of style. Jaeden preferred the more open-ended things he did. But as for drawing his blade and such on that man. He wasn't going to risk a squabble over such a minor thing. "Huh, don't know about that..I've got my little hitchhiker." Jaeden with a flourish produced his vizard mask. It took very little effort to manifest it these days. Jaeden also had a reputation for something else. A couple of men came up offering bows. Jaeden turned around resting his free hand on his sword. But not with any sense of malice, merely as an armrest.

"Thank you Captain Jaeden, if it weren't for you that guy would have caused trouble. " Jaeden's eyes sunk closed now as an exasperated sigh left his lips. "Stop calling me Captain, I've not been a Captain of anything for years. Just plain old Jaeden..sho sho..go enjoy yourselves. " Jaeden eyes came back to the other as within a black wisp of reiatsu his mask vanished. "Sorry about that, they were here as youngins when I was a Captain for the Gotei. Long-time ago now though, they just keep seeing me that way. What Division are you part of it you don't mind an old man pestering? " Jaeden kept himself calm and casual as his eyes laid upon the crimson-haired Okuda again.
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Joined : 2019-09-15
Posts : 49
Age : 32

Black Veil of Naps Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:47 pm
Anyone got a pen?

Okuda watched as black reiatsu temporarily enveloped the man’s hand before a hollow mask appeared seemingly from nowhere. Something resonated in him as Shinda-en suddenly forced his own Mask to appear on top of Okuda’s head in a small fire of black flames with a red tint to them. The mask appeared on the top of the man’s head but not covering his face. Okuda definitely could feel the weight changing on his head as the mask materialized out of thin air. Okuda then let out a sigh and wondered why the Hollow was so damn annoying today.

Okuda then looked at the man before he let his eyes close softly, a look of concentrating appearing on his face. The mask then slowly from the center began to burn in that same black-red flame as before, the flame spreading from the center outwards. Disappearing with a lot more effort than it had taken to appear apparently. Okuda knew however that he had a kindred spirit in this former captain of the Gotei United. He then listened as the man asked him what division Okuda himself was part of, Okuda knew that this was likely to get a bit awkward.

I’m in the combat division...despite my looks I am quite capable with the blade myself, also the paperwork was not so much for that fool but rather paperwork for unauthorized kido use...though, most tend to simply ignore it, I think I can skip that paperwork since you are a former Captain...” It was clear that Okuda was holding back from referring to the man as Jaeden, after all he did not know if that was the man’s first name or his family name. Okuda then noticed the man placing his arm on his sword’s hilt as if it were an armrest.

Okuda decided to take up a similarly comfortable position for his arms, sliding his arms into the sleeves in a strange sort of crossed arm look. His right hand went into his left sleeve and his left hand into the right sleeve. It was a relatively comfortable position to rest himself in, and during winters he knew it could be used to keep his hands somewhat warmer than usual. Okuda sighed, as memories of his life in the living realm flooded and then were replaced by the image of Shinda-en. He wished he could just have a normal afterlife, did he not deserve that much at least after his long and painful life?

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686

Black Veil of Naps Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sat Sep 28, 2019 1:55 am

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

Jaeden's expression turned into a sad frown. Knowing he should of just hit the guy with a sword technique. But man that was going to cause problems too. "Oh wow, paperwork for something like that? " Jaeden frowned a bit rubbing at his neck. He didn't know the use of that kido got so much heat. He'd need to keep mental notes of that from now on. "I was trying to be nice since he seemed drunk. Maybe I should have hit him with my sword instead...But that would have given him a really bad headache. Or made him pretty uncomfortable." Jaeden mused on the subject until finally, Okuda revealed he'd not do that. But still, the paperwork for new kido was that strict. The new Captain must have been a lot rougher to work for. Given his history, though he wondered who got the gig now. Combat handling that stuff, Ibiki had been in charge of that Division. He leaned forward examining Okuda closer now rubbing his jaw. It seemed he was thinking deeply as he pondered a few things.

"Things are very different from my time as a Captain. Paperwork normally only came up with my Division. Though not for kido generally, only the illegal ones. Not a real skilled hand at that mind you. I'm more of a Hoho guy with a nice sprinkle of swordplay. " He had to admit the times had certainly changed before him. He was curious about things now and wanted to ascertain some stuff. "My name is Jaeden Crow, by the way, I was a Captain during a long while ago. Come with me for a moment please mister..." He said having the male follow him. Jaeden figured he needed some exercise anyway. He'd not stretched his powers all that much recently. "I'm a touch rusty, not had a good sparring match in a while. Mind humoring me at my family estate for a bit?" Jaeden said coming to a door he opened slowly revealing a rather small estate with a small training ground. Cracking his shoulders a bit he felt his body muscles begin to relax more.

"I am thinking about asking for deployment by the Gotei again, don't care what job they give me. But..I want to see what a seasoned man like you thinks..See where my dull skills are at these days." Jaeden offered a smile waiting to see if Okuda would help him out. His home was close to the Seireitei giving it location. They had a good view of the former residence he held.
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Black Veil of Naps Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:01 pm

Okuda, Okuda Nobuyoki is my name sir.” stated the redhead as he followed the older man who had explained that he used to be part of the Gotei United. The man had a similar fighting style to his own, at least in the most broad of terms, though he would not say as such unless directly asked. Okuda followed the man to what would be revealed to be his home, blinking at the rather lavish but small mansion that the man lived in. Okuda looked around the training field or yard that they were in a bit without leaving the side of his host, for fear of being rude.

It was then that the man said he wished to spar with the red-haired swordsman, to knock some of the rust off of himself as it were. Okuda would normally deny such a thing, but he was in the combat division, and he had not had a good spar with his real body since entering the squad itself. Unless you counted his spar with Shinda-en. Okuda let out a small sigh and walked a few paces from the man slowly, quietly agreeing to the fight. “I won’t be holding back then since you are a former captain, you’re strong that much I can gather from the fact you once held such a title...

Okuda then turned his right side towards the man, his right hand hovering over his Zanpakutō and his left hand gripping his scabbard near the top, the left thumb pressing against the tsuba to push the blade out slightly. He would let the former Captain make the first move, not wanting to be overconfident in his own skills usually, but in this case it seemed prudent for Okuda to instead make the first move.

Okuda then took a step, suddenly disappearing in a flash of Shunpo, or Flash Step, combining his own skill with the sword with this new style of movement. He was suddenly in the midst of his draw, which was naturally fast thanks to his training. Likely before Jaeden had even managed to realize the fight was on, Okuda would already be in front of him drawing his blade and slashing at the man’s midsection, though his Zanpakutō was still in its sealed state, he wanted to leave some sort of trump card in reserve, in case he needed to rely on the strength his blade gave him.

He knew he also had Shinda-en that he could utilize...if he felt pushed enough to make use of such a horrible power. He wanted little to do with the creature, but knew against a Captain that might not be a valid option for him. Okuda watched in what seemed like slow motion as his blade slashed out at the man, now fully committed to the slash, wanting to show the man he might seem weak but that he was not in fact weak.

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686

Black Veil of Naps Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:38 pm

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

Jaeden's eyes watched Okuda closely. It was akin to a veteran peering at a younger pup. Posture was good very few openings to exploit. As for the step, it wasn't hard to notice him coming at him. Jaeden had fought in a large number of battles and sneak attacks were pretty common. As for his style and usage, it would appear best described as a combination of swordplay and Hoho. Jaeden had to admire the traits the male showed. His movement was fast as he moved back drawing his blade in a smooth flourish. His blade's edge would slam into Okuda's blade hitting it. Leaving his blade's tip pointed at the male. Jaeden's muscles pulsed as he pushed forward and against the blade. Preventing movement with his skills alone at this juncture. It was impressive indeed. The Gotei had some promising youngsters joining their ranks. Would certainly be worth his time to come out of retirement. He also had a few trump cards he could wield. "Very good form, that style is very especially suited to people like you and myself."

Jaeden didn't mind comparing himself to Okuda really at all. It meant little to the former Captain. Jaeden's expression kept a calm and very knowing look at about it. He wasn't doing this to prove anything but to better examine a Division he would be joining. He didn't know what rank he would be granted truthfully. But it was good to ascertain quickly what you had. But Jaeden was a hard one to read really. He didn't expose his emotional self out like all people. But some could take it as he didn't care. That was a fair look as well. Jaeden's eyes softened a bit. Before flash stepping away now. Jaeden inhaled softly cracking his neck preparing for the next move. Jaeden brought his sword low and as he arrived his blade came to appear his weapon was already coming at Okuda. Bringing it down at the male's shoulder to his hip. If he landed a hit it wouldn't be deep by any means. Merely a scratch nothing compared to the scar the male wore.

Jaeden let his digits gently move his weapon to rest on his shoulder as he came to a stop somewhere a bit behind him. Having done a step into an attack and then one more moving away quickly. Classic hit and run a form of Seiryu Jaeden rather enjoyed. It was effective and a rather good way to gauge people.
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Posts : 49
Age : 32

Black Veil of Naps Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:53 pm
I must go faster!

Okuda pushed against the blade that had intercepted his Zanpakutō with ease. He was not surprised that the man could read his flash step, it was obvious he was skilled in such matters. But in a fight that would not matter, what mattered instead was what he could do to turn the tide of the fight into his favor. He knew right now he could still become stronger if he needed to, for now he needed to test the strength of the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū, to see just how strong it was in this other world still.

He saw the man suddenly coming towards him from above, which Okuda reacted to quickly by using his Flash Step to appear now near the wall that was behind the man. His eyes glinting with a knowledge of someone who faced off in sword combat thousands of times. He then raised his Zanpakutō high before swinging it down hard, adding some spiritual pressure to the attack to force the ground to erupt as the blade struck the earth. The debris from the attack would send many pieces of the ground towards the Captain himself.

Regardless of if the man was hit or not, Okuda would waste no time springing forth into the fight still more. Gripping his zanpakuto in both of his hands, he was ready for the fight. He suddenly disappeared using the debris to hopefully hide his Shunpo. Once he was moving at full speed, he suddenly struck at the man using both his Shunpo and now his Shinsoku to grant him a bit more speed hopefully. As he moved, the swordsman would swing his blade nine times, each one aimed at one of the main target zones of sword fighting. Okuda was pulling out one of the strongest techniques of the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: Kuzuryūsen.

The strikes would all come at the same time, or at least seem to based on how fast he was moving at this point. Diagonally up, down, left, right, as well as straight up, down, left right and then a stab directly into the center of the man’s chest. Each one moving as fast as the last. The man likely would be able to block or parry a few of the strikes, that much was certain, but the chances of blocking all of them were slim. His only hope was to realize what was happening and then dodge, blocking was quite pointless it seemed...

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686
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