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Sun Dec 01, 2019 5:53 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

He'd gotten Haichman under his thumb finally. But what did it matter as the male sat silently? His zanpakuto resting against his shoulder. People around the neighborhood he came into were scared. They had heard rumors about him being released. A dreaded War Criminal who murdered dozens without remorse. A villain of the Gotei who set fire to human villages. His digits let go of the paper which spread the article around. So this entire place was awash with comments. People pointing and staring at him. He felt like the thing in the zoo again. But wasn't anything he could do about it. He was a foolish idiot who didn't understand. He didn't grasp the poison flowing inside him. This place was a noisy thing that barraged upon the ears. Tatsuya grabbed his sword standing up. People jumped up as though he was gonna do something. Slowly he walked away from the area now. He'd gained a reputation as a villain. Nothing he could do about it sadly with what it was. Holding his sword below the guard he walked off.

Heading towards a more secluded spot with fewer people around. It quieter here a place to reflect. Many many mistakes had been made by him in his life. But that certainly did top the list. His demeanor had changed from that of a man who enjoyed everything. Too a quiet sort who remained very quiet about most things. He spoke little in prison to anyone around him. Merely offering grunts and nods of approval or disapproval. Finding a tree stump he sat down upon it exhaling slowly. It had been a while since he meditates on anything going on. His hand gently reached outwards as he remembered the feeling. The feeling of no chains on his wrists or feet. Being able to move freely among people. Closing his hands a couple of times he rested his sword against him for a moment. He couldn't rely on his zanpakuto powers any longer. Not as wildly as he'd been doing against people. Releasing those powers had actions he still had trouble with. But he was after all the Mass Murderer of Missouri.
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Prison Release Program Empty Re: Prison Release Program

Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:48 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Rumors. Words. Whispers all around. Everyone is so chatty today despite none speaking to her. They all point at the papers in their hands. They all give information offhandedly; their opinions on the world unbearing at times. How could people talk about others so easily? It boggles the redhead. Though, Elyss quickly learns just from walking around the Gotei and Rukongai why the world is so intent on urging their views. The release of a criminal? Someone worth as much as the scum beneath her feet. How prestigious of so many speaking as if they’re any better. She’s grown up in filth and knows a bit about being scum, so she can only take everyone’s words lightly not knowing herself just how severe this situation is. As if she cares though. If this man was released, he is no longer the criminal they speak of. If so, he would not have been released in the first place. If no more trouble stirs with his freedom, then, she sees no point in being worked up about it. That’s just life.

Though, she finds that being anywhere is unpleasant with the constant bickering of what’s right and wrong hearing so many different opinions that it makes it impossible to find any peace of mind around civilization. So, it’s time she retreats to a spot she usually finds herself when she’d rather be alone. Dressed in her Shinigami uniform with her twin Zanpakuto by her side, she makes her way outside of the Rukongai into the wilderness. Here, she only has to worry about the occasional Hollow, but she feels she can handle whatever straggler dares near the area that the Shinigami have made their own.

Something feels wrong however. As she neared further into the wilderness, she felt something… powerful? It is not Hollow. It is Shinigami. Someone’s out here without a care for who knows. Just her luck that her quest for peace and quiet is disrupted by another. No doubt this powerful figure knows her presence is near. And, either she’d find herself bothered, or this individual will find himself bothers, and Elyss would rather be the botherer than the bothered. So, soon, she is staring at a man all on his lonesome; his eyes closed lost in self thought. Elyss simply folds her arms and waits to be noticed. What the hell is this man doing out here?




Prison Release Program Empty Re: Prison Release Program

Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:05 am

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Inhaling a breath he wonders what sort of pest has come. Some vigilante coming to seek justice? Perhaps some white-hot flame who believes that killing him fixes it. Slowly his eyes open beholding the woman expecting something. His hands come to his knees as he stands. Tatsuya sensed animosity very clearly from the woman. But he was running out of patience for these games. Of people following him and pointing fingers. The moment of solitude had been encroached by the female. He didn't provide words as his eyes burned. Tatsuya looked at her eyes, the scar across his eye and nose ached. The familiarity of a kindred spirit one who liked fighting. His black clothing that most Shinigami wore in tatters. As he picked up his sword and walked towards her. The way it was something felt nice about a fight. Something fun that could entertain him. What would it be would her accusing glare continue? "Are those for a show, or can you use them?" His words were sharp and deep.

His love of fighting had been ignited by seeing someone with swords. Tatsuya didn't draw his blade. He merely waited for her response as he slowly opened his robe. "I'll let you have a free shot..make things interesting for me." He grinned a bit finding his smile as it appeared across his face. Tatsuya had only one thing left to enjoy. Fighting and combat everything else felt empty now. He just wanted to have fun with this fight and stop thinking. Turning off his brain and becoming just a fighter. That sounded so much more pleasant than anything else. He wasn't interested in trading barbs with her. Constant chatter and talking were so annoying. He'd grown irritable with people and their constant finger-pointing. These things were tiresome and annoying more than anything. Tatsuya just wanted to enjoy the fights ahead of him. Wounding him would be a nice feeling he imagined. Pain and the flow of adrenaline for a nice fight. She looked like she could provide him entertainment.

But not in the way most thought of it. He didn't bother introducing himself. He just began the process of getting her into a fight. Tatsuya was tired of the constant talk and stupid things. He wanted to enjoy a clear cut battle with no outside influence. No powers from his sword or his hollow. Just the sheer enjoyment of crossing blades with a strong enemy. That was what he desired most of all, she would provide him it.
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Prison Release Program Empty Re: Prison Release Program

Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:34 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Annoyance. It’s written all over this man’s scarred face. Clearly he did not like Elyss’ presence before him. On edge? Angry? Sad? Lost? His eyes spoke many things, but one thing is clear: he hungers for conflict. Just her luck. Though, what brought about this wanting for violence rather than explanation? Elyss cannot clearly answer for she knows nothing of this lone man in tattered clothing out on his own grieving for something she could not relate to. Or could she? All she can piece together is his want for a fight, and her eyes trail down to her own twin blades in little interest. A fight is what he desires from her. Not something she came out here to do, but if they both wear the same garments, then, there is no harm in trading blows. Maybe then she’ll learn just a bit of this man to understand his trouble.

“First strike? Unwise. Cocky. But, I’ve never been one to turn down an invitation.”

Her stony gaze hardened with sudden excitement as her hands trail lazily down to one of her katanas placing her thumb against it guard pushing upwards lightly. She’s never been the best sword combatant, for her preference to getting her hands dirty is high, but for this man, she will answer his request. He is a swordsman, so she shall approach him as such. Though, Elyss wonders their power discrepancy. Winning? How absurd for her to quest such, but she is a woman of greed and conquest. Trying may bring her fortune, but standing still will lead to nothing, and so, she shall charge in head first on his bequest. Maybe he’ll find enjoyment yet.

Not even a trading of names, but she can feel her adrenaline pumping already as her leg slides against the ground behind her as she trains her eyes on the man. Just cut him. That’s all her mind is saying. Who cares for skill? Just aim and slice! Her feet push her forward as she grabs the handle of her Zanpakuto with her right, gripping hard as she appears before him in a somewhat lackluster display of her speed before a man of power. It’s so simple as she slides her sword from its scabbard aiming to drag the honed edge of her steel against his chest in a horizontal line aiming to cut deep and true, but her movements are sluggish, untrained, and dull compared to a master such as himself. Yet, she aims true. Just one cut to answer his call for battle. That’s all she needs.




Prison Release Program Empty Re: Prison Release Program

Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:28 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Her blade slammed into his torso hard with a loud bang. It sounded as though she'd struck a hard rock with her blade. His body felt nothing from the blow as she'd not broken his skin yet. Her blade struck the skin as he sighed softly. So that was her level at the moment. Well, it didn't matter much too him not really. Her spiritual pressure was promising. But her stance was rigid and left a few gaps. Tatsuya slowly brought his hand downwards. Drawing his sword from its sheath now slowly. "Power's not bad, but your stance is also aren't being sharp enough." Slowly he brought his zanpakuto to rest on his shoulder. This was turning into a sword lesson on the nose. He wasn't an instructor by any sense of the word. He was just a killer who hoped to forget that place. "Defend yourself, guard..this." He brought his sword up slamming it down not quickly. Giving her enough time to defend but the power behind the blow. It had enough strength to send most people backward.

Tatsuya brought his blade to rest upon his shoulder. Letting the sword calmly lay on his shoulder. This had become more of a less than a fight. It wouldn't be that bad hopefully. He wanted to enjoy himself and see a fight play out. Her defense and stance needed work. But she could wound him and bring about clarity from it. "I want to forget, for that you are going to have to wound me..." His teeth came out almost like a shark with his grin. That was what came from his demeanor. He didn't release his reiatsu or let the spiritual pressure burst around him. He was a durable Vizard enough so that he could enjoy it. Spiritual pressure bombarded her. Standing straight he decided to wait and see what came of it. He wanted to see just how far the depths of her power went. He wanted to witness her full strength on display. Fighting the weak wasn't worth anything too him. Tatsuya was willing to fight her as close as he could. To test his limitations without using his zanpakuto or hollow.

He wished to witness her resolve to enjoy the fight. To take it to the entire next level of enjoyment. A fun fight was all he wanted and she could perhaps provide him something. Something since those tiresome days within the Maggots Nest. That was all he wanted from it at this moment. Something away from the moment that lingered behind his pain.
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Prison Release Program Empty Re: Prison Release Program

Tue Dec 03, 2019 9:46 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Strange. Truly strange. Her arm stings as her nerves flared with irritation as if she slammed herself against a sturdy boulder. Her stony eyes narrowed as she viewed the pride wounding scene before her. The blade she had swung, it did not even reach him. It did not even cut him. Her steel, it wasn’t sharp enough to penetrate him. Why? Her grip around her handle tightened as she felt somewhat empty as if a presence in her mind decided to vacate the area. The usual adrenaline that pumps through her veins felt lackluster and missing something. Not sharp enough? His words stung more than the pain coursing down from her hand to her shoulder. Dodge? Block? Defend?!

Her eyes widened as he brought his blade down. Already, she feels as if she lost her life numerous times to this one swing. Though, she grits her teeth tearing herself from her inner turmoil removing her blade from him to hold it up horizontally; both hands gripping it tightly as this man’s sword is brought down. Shit! She felt the blow coursing through her own body as it slammed against her own blade. There was no way she could stay on her feet despite him holding back, so backwards she went hitting the ground with her back before rolling stopping herself.

Her head hangs low as she took deep breaths wondering just what she got herself into yet again. Another strong opponent that she’s throwing herself into for no apparent reason but her love for a good fight. She has a problem. An addiction, but this isn’t the time to regret her life choices. Through her red mane, her eyes move upwards to his manic grin which causes her anger to rise.

She moves to rise herself much like her building rage, but suddenly, she is bombarded by his pressure feeling her body catch as the feeling of a great wave crashing down in attempts to drown her wash over her body. She gasps taking a deep breath as if afraid air would not fill her lungs, but it does. And this, this pisses her off further. It reminds her of when Ulv embraced her for just a tiny moment with her own power, and Elyss remembers how she fell near lifeless before her teacher. Not this time she screams to herself as her katana’s end is dug into the ground as she uses her own blade to help her stand. She shoots a glare that could kill at the man as she steadies her feet. Without a word, she unsheathes her second katana feeling her tired arm move slowly under the pressure around her. Right now, she feels hopeless in winning, but right now, she also feels nothing but determination to win. It doesn’t matter if something feels wrong. She’s in a fight, and she must win!




Prison Release Program Empty Re: Prison Release Program

Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:59 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya's smile faded as he noticed it now looking at her. The thralls of combat weren't complete. He lowered his sword down to his side upon sending her back. This called for work helping her get past her limitations. She at present had a rigid stance that didn't make use of her skills. He walked to her now slowly his sword being sheathed into the container again. He didn't know what fate had brought him here. But he could train a more impactful fruit she wasn't ripe just yet. Wasn't time to pick her or enjoy himself a fight. "Take a stance.." He said as he pulled his arms from his robe now. Crossing them in his clothing as he looked at her. Tatsuya wasn't going just keep fighting her this way. He took his measure and it wasn't enjoyable. She required training with her reiatsu and a few things. She'd get there at some point in time. It all depends on her reality and how much she wanted to get stronger. But fighting her with his sword wouldn't do here. He couldn't enjoy himself as he looked her over.

Her body was in decent shape, muscles had a good definition for handling swords. So she was working out at the very least and seemed potent in that regard. "Do you typically fight with both, or one?" His voice was extremely calm. But it held violence in it as he seemed to have trouble hiding his bloodlust. His interest in that was just to get cut up twice as much. That was what made days worthwhile. Battles without a victor being known to anyone. That was the best part of a fight. It let him truly sink into the pleasurable world fighting was. The price warriors paid was in the blood, fear of death wasn't optional. She had all the hallmarks already. Just a nice push he figured would do the trick. Show her how she should be wielding her reiatsu and power. They could fight but it wouldn't do anything. He wouldn't get to enjoy himself and it would only lead to his boredom. So why not train her a bit in how to fight using her energy more.

"Put your reiatsu into your blade..sharpen it as much as you can around that edge. Then cutting will be easier even people like me." He said casually giving her advice.
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Prison Release Program Empty Re: Prison Release Program

Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:43 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Take a stance? Her eyes showed nothing but disdain for this man. How dare he act as if this is some lesson when he invited her to fight. Even if she could not wound him, she wouldn’t just roll over onto her back like a dog and pretend this man is suddenly her teacher. This is a mockery! She can feel her blood boiling beneath her skin. Dammit. Every time! Every goddamn time! She always ends up fighting some gigantic asshole who throws their weight around. Despite how hard she tries, every moment, she is thrown against a nigh impossible wall to climb or knock over.

“Shut up. I don’t need your help. I fight with whatever I need to get the job done so buzz off.”

She lacks skill. She lacks finesse. She lacks power. How could she ever hope to reach the look in his eyes when she not even her blade could cut him? Is her want to win really that fragile that any form of defiance could swat her away like a measly fly? Is that why he won’t talk to her? She’s weak; a mere infant unable to satisfy his need for conquest. He wants a strong master, but all he has is her…

She can feel her mind tightening with anger, rage; a bloodlust to maim and destroy the thing in front of her. She doesn’t see this man. She sees an annoyance before her. As if moving with the sole purpose to slice him apart, she stands as tall as possible and holds both her blades out beside her as her eyes darkened and her Reiatsu flared around her red in color raging about her like a monstrous sea looking to devour her form and any near it. Though, that is not good enough. It’s not good enough for this man. Her teeth grit and her grip tightens as she finds her focus sharp and unmatchable as the outline around her body dances around her swords in deadly beauty. Her drive to succeed visualizing itself imprinting itself onto her Zanpakutos. Her very soul leaping from her chest pouring out calling for conquest.

“Bleed…” She mutters as she brings both her blades up wildly looking to slam them both down onto this man without care for if she wounded him or not. She simply wanted to express herself the only way she felt she could at this moment; her frustration, anger, despair, and grief spilling from her in droves and powering her swing down onto his shoulders.




Prison Release Program Empty Re: Prison Release Program

Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:09 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

He saw it coming really within her eyes was violence. She held a disdain for him as she muttered words he couldn't hear. Slowly he brought his hands out from within his clothing. Letting the familiar feeling of sleeves hit him. As both blades crashed down on him. They both struck and landed with a solid sound. Though not because they'd not inflicted damage. Small trails of red began forming under them. Cuts had been made. Though not deep or far into the bone as some would imagine. They were cuts she'd put everything she had. Tatsuya sent a small punch to her midsection, holding back his power yet again. To send the female backward if possible. Depending on if that worked he would slowly bring his hand to his zanpakuto. Drawing the blade free as a smile formed. He didn't let reiatsu bleed out of control again. "Impressive, come on..let's have some fun."His grin became more unhinged as he chuckled now. Steadying his sword in front of him with one hand. She would prove an excellent challenger for his muscles.

He'd not fought one with a spirit like hers inside the jail. She had plenty of it to come back at him like this. It was to be expected though. She had that fighting spirit raging in her eyes. Expecting her to back down was a folly of his own making. But wounding him despite not very deeply was impressive. This promised to be an amusing fight. How to draw out this sensation best. Sooner or later she'd get used to it. Feeling her zanpakuto begin to make contact more smoothly. He anticipated a good duel in the end. She'd proven herself worthy now of a fight without worrying about this or that. But he already took his measure once from her. But she'd grown since that moment. She now wounded him despite its deepness not being profound. She still had managed to cut him here. Her rage only made his excitement grow. This meant he could have some real tangible fun. Time to escape his nightmare of remembering it. Not remembering the screams of people as they burned.

Captain Kyoraku was nice enough to give him a chance now. But for this moment he sought the quiet to keep his nightmares at bay. Combat though it drowned them out entirely. Felt like sinking into a wave of blood and pain. All his own so he could enjoy each moment. Warriors needed this sense of a release. She didn't want to talk with words. That was fine by him, talking with words was boring. Steel was so much more honest and truthful when it came time. Her steel spoke of anger and desire to cut him. Which she'd accomplished in spades but he didn't intend to call it. No, he even made sure only to use force to blast her back. Not too wound her terribly. He wanted this fight to keep going on so he could enjoy it.
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Prison Release Program Empty Re: Prison Release Program

Fri Dec 06, 2019 8:19 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Blood? It was small, but the stink of it contaminated her nostrils and stung her breathing. How intoxicating. She’s drawn blood. How splendid! All her anger, rage, sadness poured out in a single swing. If it had not given her any progress, she would have given up right then and there. She will turn her weak body into a weapon to slay the masses of all who dares stand before her in vile and filth. Yes. That is her goal in life. Slay and slay and slay all the evils that ruin the world around her. Though, this man. He has taught her a valuable lesson. What is a blade unless one filled with the owner’s spirit? What is a swing unless you pour your very soul into it? And this! Her swords imbedded into his shoulders… This is a swing that is worthy of Elyss, but it’s just not enough still. She hasn’t reached him just yet. She wants more blood. More stains. More… More… More…

She snarls as her stomach is punched sending her backwards forcing her to catch herself before falling. With a look of sadistic glee, she flicks her coated swords sending the little red liquid on them into the grass. She’s injured him, and that is so satisfying to her. Inflicting damage to those who stand above her feels so… right. Oh. She will have fun with this man.

Without hesitation, she charges right back into the fray. She felt a strange connection with the swords she holds; something she’s not felt before. It’s as if they sing to her cutting the air as she moves forward. Her energy resonates within them so beautifully. She feels… odd… Yet, she feels… whole. Suddenly, as she neared close enough, her right is jabbed forward; the blade aiming right for the center of his chest hoping he’d parry her, for, immediately, her left swings upwards diagonally to drag itself across his chest as soon as he does parry.



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