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Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:05 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

He returned here different and less of his former self. His shoulders cracked as he moved his body. Something felt missing in this regard as he stepped back in the halls. Informing the instructors he wished to retake his tests. They took it as meaning he wished to show improvements. But that wasn't it at all, Takehiko came here for one reason. This school was useful to improve and test his theories. His ideals and logical inputs going forward. These things would grow vastly when given the chance. He had the basis for a new type of kido spell. One that involved using the user's body's bones and blood. He was familiar with manipulating his blood. That was a no brainer the skillset that would take time. That was the bones he stepped into his first lesson. He would be doing a quick sparring session against younger kids. Takehiko seemed unfocused at first. His eyes were cold and empty of emotion or feeling. Something felt removed from him, gone within him. It felt as though something more then Akuma had been taken. That his emotions were burnt away as well.

Sighing a bit he turned his gaze at the thread who charged. Their movements were slow yet. They'd not developed tactics or skills in Hoho. His swordsmanship needed work yet. But coming from training sessions with different teachers. He was able to read their movements from previous fights. His kendo stick struck one in the rib cage. Before sliding knocking one in the wrist. His final strike struck the third in between the eyes. He only did enough to leave bumps and bruises on them. Not going beyond his means to destroy them. Zanjutsu training was an art. He'd gotten better and saw improvements. But it felt meaningless to him deep within his core. What did it matter, these little strides and detours? It seemed so empty in reality he felt nothing. His expression held a melancholy to it as he sat down. His azure eyes holding a lighter tint becoming almost a gray color. Sitting down on a bench he watched. Observing the movements and practice of other students.

This return didn't feel important anymore. Whatever Ulv did had stripped him of his emotions. He just didn't care about this or anything outside the Kuchiki. It felt like a burn had happened upon him. His only desire now was to train. To restore some usefulness to the Kuchiki Clan from him. He felt almost dead inside, food didn't have a flavor aside from bland. Couldn't fill the pit inside him with anything. Not anymore even going through the motions. He just drove himself forward for his ideas. Beyond that, what brought him here, was it the Vice-Captain Commander? Or did he even care about her or what she said now? No, he just didn't care anymore outside of Byakuya. Just focus on the Kuchiki and helping them wear a mask if you must. Pretend to smile even though you feel no reason too. Laugh despite nothing being funny, just pretend to be emotionally alive.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:28 pm


"What are you doing here?"

Keiko was standing right before the seated Takehiko, her arms folded in front of her chest. Like the rest of the people in the dojo, Keiko was adorned in the protective gear with a kendo stick in one of her hands. Her bogu was off though, letting Takehiko see the irritated expression on her face. Her foot was tapping impatiently, and the zanjutsu instructor was calling out for her to go back to the mats and begin sparring with her training partner, but this took priority.

"Don't you have some things to attend to? Run errands for the Clan Head maybe, or just Vice Captain duties in general."


Back to School 8Bvy1N8


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Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:49 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

His eyes looked up and his voice came out as though all feeling had been removed. "Oh, hi Keiko..your still here? " He said asking before he looked at her. Hearing her question he didn't blink as he spoke. "The Vice-Captain Commander, though coming back would be good." His dry monotone came out now. He shrugged his shoulders showing a clear indifference to it. It wasn't that he didn't want to care. He was just emotionally unable to do so. Why had it happened in such a way? He didn't have answers aside from maybe Akuma took some with him. Was all he felt the negativity and without he was empty? If someone asked Takehiko if he had positive thoughts prior. He had a few here and there, nothing concrete though. Just general thankfulness to be alive and well. Excitement about his progression and growth. Self-doubt and other emotions with some loathing. Now he didn't love or hate himself. He just didn't care one way or another. But Keiko looked like she was doing alright.

"Are they treating you well?" He asked tilting his head a bit to the side. Takehiko's new nickname around crowds was cold-blooded Kuchiki. Just because of how he spoke and looked. The disinterested face that was kept as he walked these halls. Everything else was fine or maybe it wasn't true. He just did not know or care anymore. Somewhere inside he did care about Keiko and her safety here. He knew of her from living in the home. "Any guys giving you trouble, I can hit them with kido if you want." He said it casually almost like walking through a door. Takehiko's changes may have been apparent to Keiko if she'd seen the beaming boy prior.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:13 am


"What? Of course I'm still here, school's still in session. I'm not going to play hooky with my responsibilities, even if I don't like it."

Keiko let out a scoff in response to his confusion, and another scoff from his explanation for being here.

"Are you sure about that? Didn't you 'graduate' the academy already? I'd think it redundant for you to come back if you're already a Vice-Captain yourself, only god knows how. Actually, we all know how."

Her words came out with vitriol, but that was always the case when it came to Takehiko. The zanjutsu instructor continued to call out to her to get on the mat, but she continued ignoring them. This still took priority. Her eyebrows furled at his shoulder-shrug, like he was dismissive to the Vice-Captain Commander's suggestion.

"Is that the real reason you're back here? The Clan Head decided for you to come back to the academy? Because you sure don't seem to care much about what the-Vice Captain Commander said."

When Takehiko asked if she was being treated well, she had to physically restrain herself from rolling her eyes too much. God. Even looking at his face takes conscious constraint to not just--no, nevermind.

"Yeah, I'm being treated well. Not as well as you, but I try my best to make up for that."

Looking at his face usually brought up some revile, well actually it always brought up revile, but he did seem a little different than usual. As Keiko saw it, she usually saw him with a face of uncertainty and cowardice. She didn't see much of that in his face anymore, and were it by anyone else, she might've cared enough to ask or comment about the change. She especially had no intent to ask at his last comment. From that, Keiko actually scrunched her face in anger, and her foot tapped faster and faster.

"No. That won't be necessary. I try not to use my noble privilege too much. If someone was giving me any trouble, I would take care of it myself."


Back to School 8Bvy1N8


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Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:19 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko listened he didn't react or look hurt by her comments. "That's good, you are an important part of our family." It wasn't as though he ignored her comments. He didn't have a response for them, in reality, they simply were. He just didn't care about them in truth. His expression remained unchanged as he spoke. Trying to muster some sort of caring inside him. But it was of no avail for him he couldn't summon them. "I'm thankful that she allowed me to return. I needed it somewhere I think." Takehiko said but he still was unable to put feeling. He looked down his eyes of gray which once held that azure color. His eyes shifted towards the mat now. Looking at the instructor before back to her. Takehiko didn't mean to upset her as he couldn't control this. It was something happening independent of his will now. It was a matter of perspective for those who knew who he was. Knew that he was much more doubtful and innocent generally.

He'd lost an amount of his power when Ulv did it to him. He could sense that himself when it came. It was a blistering feeling that made him think. Did he wallow in self-pity? No, he just didn't care what people said to him. He wanted to emote and show emotions again. But it still wasn't in the place he could find. His eyes looked outwards now as he glanced in the distance. As though he was thinking about something. Lost in his train of thoughts trying to find something. He was thankful for the opportunity to improve himself. Was being thankful an emotion or a simple matter of fact? He tried to reach down into his core now. To find something that felt alive in him. Food lost it's taste and so had liquids. Takehiko was far from protected as students mocked him beneath whispers. He'd always been the mocked one before. So that remained the same in that regard. His expression didn't soften or lighten in any sense. It was a strange feeling being who he was. The Kuchiki family and he were never at odds in truth. Everything he did was to protect his family.

His eyes went down to his hands now as he became stuck in his thought. [color:2541=b lue]"Good Luck.." Was he all he said to her as he looked back towards the mat. Takehiko didn't have anger in him or anything else left. He was thankful for what was given to him. But that monotone didn't disappear now. It remained evident and uncontrolled as he looked ahead. His eyes noticing she'd not gone yet. He didn't wish to anger her or stoke those fires anymore. Slowly he rose from his spot now. He grabbed a book and began to observe and study more keenly now. She was a skilled and respectable person. Keiko Kuchiki, someone he held respect for despite her feelings towards him.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Back to School Empty Re: Back to School

Sun Jan 12, 2020 1:47 pm


Takehiko's words of "affection" paired with his lack of expressiveness was... gross. The latter wasn't as bad, but the former was definitely nauseating. It wasn't the type of words she wanted to hear from someone she so thoroughly detested. Even moreso when he continued talking. It was like everything she said was being said to a brick wall, and everything he was saying in turn was just him thinking aloud, rather than towards her. It was all just... really, really, irritating. Revolting, even, and at this point Keiko couldn't help but blurt it out.

"What the fuck are you talking about? What happened to you?"

And when he said "good luck", thaat really set her off.

"I don't need luck. Luck is for people who can't do anything, just praying that things work out in their favour. As a matter of fact--Instructor! Can I change my sparring partner?"

She wasn't gonna let this guy just go back to his studying. It's too late to be studying for him, and there's no point in him coming back to Shin'o. It's not only wasting his time, but much more importantly, the faculty at Shino's time. Of course, the prime motivator here was her desire to just take it out on him, even if she knew that Takehiko was vastly better in zanjutsu than her.

She argued with the instructor back and forth for a time in earnest attempts to convince him, and eventually he just gave up. Keiko walked back up to Takehiko, picked up his bogu, and tossed it into his lap over his book.

"Let's go."

Without waiting for any sort of response, regardless of any protest, Keiko walked back onto the mat and donned her own bogu, held her starting position, and waited.


Back to School 8Bvy1N8


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Sun Jan 12, 2020 2:07 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko couldn't make progress with anyone like this no matter what he did. Perhaps it was better just to remain silent. His voice without his emotions sounded like a wall. It was frustrating to an extent. She finally asked him what happened to him in that place. "I had my hollow removed for everyone's safety because I wasn't fit to handle it." He said in his monotone voice before standing up. His frame walked towards the mat not arguing with her. His digits softly folded around the familiar wood. He'd been spending a majority of his time here. Putting effort towards zanjutsu especially. Takehiko was already well thought of in terms of kido. But Hakuda and Zanjutsu weren't his specialties. Dawning his bogu he felt the hilt beneath his fingertips. That sensation that remained familiar at this moment in time. Takehiko took no issue with what she said. Nor did he intend to show off or do something. He did care about Keiko as a family member. But she hated and despised him which was fine with him.

He acknowledged the way things happened before wasn't right. Everyone should work to succeed even him. He had to come back here and fix what had happened.e]"Once before, I was allowed to pass. I should have been failed when my parents died I stopped. I do not make excuses for what happened then Keiko, I can only try to do better now." His voice held a monotone to them. But something within those grey eyes burned. Takehiko came back here to undo the noble getting ahead. To show that he would work as hard as anyone else. He would pass every course this time. To undo the scorn he brought upon the man who saved him. His breath exhaled beneath it as he brought his kendo stick upwards. Holding it in the traditional position. He didn't wish to fight her as a medic it rubbed him the wrong way. But for some reason, he could put that aside now. And work towards developing his skills. "Thank you for the opportunity." All matches helped him to grow.

No matter strong or weak it was important to grow. Takehiko spent more time here and in science courses. Learning and educating himself further. His marks in Medical fields were top notch. But most agreed he worked as though nothing else mattered. He returned here with a goal in mind, that when he returned to the Gotei. He would become a different man then he was. He had to make Akuma proud now. He'd failed him already by not being strong enough. His expressionless face gave nothing away. As he waited for the signal to fight now. He had a plan in mind going forward. He'd been working on a style of combat while here. It was still early in its development. But it suited him just fine for what it was. He brought his kendo stick to the side if slightly. Preparing himself for a combative effort against his family relative. She was skilled and he found her to be a vital part of their family. Not because of her blood, not because of the Clan elders seeing her as a bargaining chip. But Keiko Kuchiki the person was important to Takehiko. But he had no skill or tact in dealing with people. Constantly a failure at everything including social interactions.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Back to School Empty Re: Back to School

Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:03 pm


Keiko didn't respond to his explanation. She had things she wanted to say, especially about his inner hollow being taken away on account of his irresponsibility, but that could wait for later. Or, if anything, she'd let him know what she thought about that through her shinai. Admittedly, her opinion of him slightly bettered on his note of being self-aware on his privileges--though she was uncertain of how serious he was given the apathy in his voice. But that wasn't enough.

Keiko always had a hard time seeing the world in black and white. She was decisive, or tried her best to be, but there were always so many complicated things broached to her. Things she figured she'd understand better as an adult. Handling your privileges? That was something she felt very certain on. Either you live up to them and honour the responsibilities those privileges come with, or you give them up.

As soon as the referee signaled the start of the match, Keiko snapped forward. It probably wasn't that fast for Takehiko given the gap in their skill and power, but the girl put all she had in this first hit, an initial frontal strike straight to the head, and at the last second, she pulled back and tucked her body down before lunging forward again to strike directly at his neck.


Back to School 8Bvy1N8


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Sun Jan 12, 2020 8:42 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Her strategy wasn't hard to see for Takehiko in this regard. His eyes watched her movement now. Studying her and how she would move. Coming forward for what he saw as a likely feint. To make him not check the distance of her swing. It wasn't completely shallow though and she'd gotten better. From what he'd gotten to see at the manor. But her movements were forward not calculating everything. She was a fire that held tremendous talent. Takehiko for a moment thought about letting her win. But a poor spirit and ego wouldn't help. So he gripped his weapon now and with a fluid motion moved to the left side and brought his kendo stick down. Using his body to fully bring down the weapon. But he didn't stop there as he quickly came up and made an attempt on her head. Before bringing his kendo stick downwards. He kept it at an angle for defense. Takehiko's style used minimum movements that didn't tax his body. He'd been practicing it here more and more. Kendo was an excellent way to learn for him. The instructors helped him understand the fundamentals better.

He was a far cry from the boy who came here long ago. His skills had vastly improved since then. But he remained an idiot during that time as well. He fought recklessly and kept himself in that zone. He never tried to improve skills he was bad at. Nor did he study as long as he should have. When Ulv opened that gate he ventured in the world. It was a foolish journey across the world and its places. That was the nature of his training. His emotions may have been spent on this journey and what happened. His digits curled into that handle ready to parry and dodge. Takehiko had rather excellent footwork as well. Something most did note as a relatively normal thing for Kuchiki. Byakuya had it and so did Rukia to some extent. Takehiko had started out modeling his skills after his uncle. But found himself unable to copy the swordsmanship his uncle employed. Thus he'd given up before returning. Now that his soul was empty of emotion. He could see clearly where that mistake was. Ulv had been right about many things.

But he just didn't care anymore about that or anything outside the Kuchiki. His emotions were that far gone now. Did he surrender the hollow in the end and become this? It is true and something he should have protected further. Something he could have fought long for. That was his goal now to brush up and become an ideal Kuchiki. To represent the family with as much as he could. That was what he felt needed to happen. That he needed to be useful to his family and the Gotei. So something had to change and drastically so. Takehiko's time this time around was spent in the sciences and kendo. Developing himself as skilled scientist and member of the kendo practices. Having fought multiple times today alone to enjoy the feel of it again. Or maybe just to figure out everything in his style. To develop it and grow it here.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:16 am


Keiko was aware of the gap between their skills and physical ability--she just didn't care. The opportunity to at least try and get a good hit in was good enough for her, though it was clearly a lot harder than she first thought. Not that she expected any clear and glowing victory.

The faint seemed easily read, like it was telegraphed to him. Irksome. Whatever. Takehiko certainly outpaced her, and she could tell his footwork had more to do with it than just his superior speed, but Keiko wasn't the type to give in so easily. Fighting orthodox obviously wasn't going to work, so instead Keiko went full force with a change of plan. When Takehiko side-stepped and parried her shinai downwards, Keiko leaned into her swing and pushed off with her foot to essentially tackle him with her shoulder. They had a considerably difference in size, so following the tackle while her sword was too far from his body to make a good strike, Keiko brought her chin down to hit his hand in an attempt to disarm him.


Back to School 8Bvy1N8


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