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Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:11 am

Vampire Diaries (Sleepover) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Forewarning, I am not Helle Armstrong, a member of the Vandenreich. Right now, I am Chickpea, your friend.”

She felt that distinction a necessity to make. It may help Maria open up about whatever is bothering her. As a woman who deals with people on a day to day basis, it is easy for Helle to distinguish obvious signs of distress. It helps her better understand her subordinates, even if they refuse to relay their issues to her for whatever reason. Even if she tried hiding it earlier, now that Maria has taken the spot next to the Savant, her unease is undeniable, and such is enough to sober Helle from her slumberness.

No words are exchanged, for it is not Helle’s place to push for information. She can only provide the support necessary to help Maria through her troubling times. Ah, how interesting it proves to see a woman who is normally standing atop the world show fear and worry. With a gentle smile, Helle’s arm would wrap tenderly around Maria’s shoulder and pull the woman’s head down onto her shoulder, a headrest meant to provide comfort and security. The Sueki may take as much time as she wishes. Helle is tired, but there are somethings that predate even one’s own health.

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Resident Black Woman
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Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:38 pm

Song: Sia - Snowman - Word Count: --

The reminder of the impromptu nickname from their first meeting made her stop nibbling on her nail and jerk her head over to the quincy woman. She'd always called the woman a friend in her mind, albeit hesitantly, because Maria wasn't sure if it was one-sided or not. The what-if of Helle just being nice was always there. But the confirmation from the woman herself made her feel better, enough to crack a smile despite how sick her stomach felt. To truly have at least one friend without extra package was a nice change in comparison to the army in Romania.

But even with Helle's softness, Mimi couldn't stop her racing mind. She said she was her friend, could she tell her? Does she even know what she is? The horns and ears could be mean anything, so it isn't hard to be unable to guess what she was, along with her refusal to attack people for her needs. How much should she tell her? That she was in Africa during the fall of a King? Ho far back should she go? To Anton? The blonde worried her bottom lip for a moment, debate still going hot, before she ultimately gave in and fell back into the couch, sighing loudly. Like she said before, she was never good at keeping hiding her emotions. Wearily, she glanced at the clock on the wall, noting they had a good 30 minutes before their food arrived. Was that enough? She actually did want to watch a movie, but this was also important. Hesitantly, she began to speak.

"Well...It really depends on how much you want me to spill. For starters, a Sueki. A blood, and energy, sucker basically ahaha." Admitting what she was felt underwhelming, but at the same time she felt as though she was going to faint. The laugh felt faker than her bravado. Her head pounded and she dropped her head to her chest, but she continued nonetheless. "Um. You know, I appreciate you introducing me to Uriel, because in him I've made a new friend. But trusting...trusting is hard. And everyone has secrets, but I charge head first without thinking a lot and sometimes I get backhanded by the universe for repeating my actions—or rather, I guess you could say I got burned."

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Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:17 pm

Vampire Diaries (Sleepover) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

A Sueki? That is an interesting fact to learn, one that explains so much. Yet, it also brings new unasked questions. Whether those shall be answered tonight or not is yet to be known. However, what Maria is matters so little to what is being shared between the two. The Vandenreich is full of interesting people, a true melting pot of races and ideals. Somehow, they all meld together to form this unification of sorts that works for the betterment of the world. Has Helle ever thought Maria a bad person? Why, Sueki or not, the answer has been known for a while.

“Uriel is a nice man, I concur. However, everything is not as black and white as we hope. I know little of him. I know little of you. You know little of me. Only the details we deem worth sharing are ever revealed. Sometimes those secrets strengthen bonds or…”

She allows for her speech to end without a true ending. They both know that life is but a travesty waiting. Why exemplify such further? The doubt that Maria holds is with merit. Humanity is a fickle thing that tends to fear much. In an act of reassurance, her hand moves to Maria’s lap, patting the woman’s thigh gently. Her smile had not left. In fact, it seems to shine brighter, the tiredness in her eyes replaced by worried curiosity.

“Do not fret, Mimi. I know much about Sueki. It is my job to understand those that I lead. Do not think such info ruins what we have. I am sure Uriel would understand as well. But, please. Is that all that you wish to relay?”

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Resident Black Woman
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Wed Feb 24, 2021 6:23 pm

Song: Lewis Capaldi - Hold Me While You Wait - Word Count: --

"N-no, I just..."

Maria felt like she was going to choke, her body began to shake as she covered her mouth with her hand as the other gripped Helle's. Her eyes were glossy and looked as if tears would drop at anytime. Why did her dam decide to fall to this? Was she really about to drop it all? She was weak, so weak, but she couldn't stop it. With shaky hands, she gently grabbed Helle's hand she was holding and brought it to touch her cheek. As soon as the woman's warm skin touched her face, the dam let go and allowed the treacherous tears to fall, but Mimi didn't even bother to hide it. Her vision of the quincy blurred but her eyes never left the other's. The kindness in her eyes made the pale woman feel warm, but the memories of Anton still made her feel cold. She tried to speak but no sound would come out.

Why was she so pathetic? To be this dependent on someone she didn't know very well, but the connection just felt like home. Like she could walk through those doors everyday and live without all her barriers, to actually be free for the first time in life since she was a small child and the world was different. Helle wanted to know the real reason for her troubled mind? Gods, where could she even start? All the way back to the orphanage? To Anton, and then Africa? Mimi's shoulders started to tremble at the thought of baring herself, but would Helle really betray her? She had nothing to gain by doing so, so why would she? She wouldn't, her heart argued back. She let her into her home, and to see her exposed, she trusted her. Hell, she let Maria clean her home. It's okay to fall when you know you'll be caught, said her brain.

Then the last of her barrier fell.

Shaking and trembling, Maria let it all go and told Helle everything. From being abandoned as a child, to her family of orphans, to Anton taking her in and taking advantage of her, and finally tying it all together with Africa. She wailed heavily into the younger blonde's shoulder, telling her about how scared she was and how sick the energy in the air made her feel. She spoke of how sad and depressed Uriel looked, about how she let herself be dragged by him into a battle that wasn't hers, but she would have died for those people if it came down to it. Why? She's already lived past her due date, they barely started. Through hiccups she painted the picture of when she thought she was going to die when the blonde man went all out against the hollows, about how close one had been to her. And of course, she told Helle about how similar it was to being burned by Anton that it made feel so viciously ill, she almost wished she did die.

It was all so embarrassing, sobbing like a child into her friend's shoulder, but releasing all the tension felt like heaven. It would take her a minute to actually calm down, sniffling and rubbing viscously at her more red than normal eyes, but it felt worth it to feel light and airy after the storm.

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Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:46 am

Vampire Diaries (Sleepover) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Nothing. At this moment, nothing. It is as simple as that. Not even Cyrus, himself, could interrupt this. The world may be ending all around them, but such a thing felt trivial in the wake of Maria’s distraught. What is this pain in her chest? It is horribly familiar to a sensation she has felt before, when Cyrus had thrown away his health just to put a smile on her face. Yet, this situation does not put a smile on her face. Her heart feels strung up on a rope, held bare over a pit of razor blades threatening to bleed her dry. Maria was hurt, is hurt. This is torture, for the only desire that the Quincy has is to replace that frown with a smile, its bossiness and crassness returned. All she wants is for those tears that fall to dry and threaten her friend’s sanity no longer.

Yes. Helle’s hand is warm. Why would it be cold? No. She could never appear or feel cold to Maria. They barely know one another? That matters not. If Maria requires a sister, Helle shall provide. If Maria requires a mother, Helle shall provide. If Maria requires a friend, Helle shall provide. The only thing that Helle would ever request from Maria is to see her smile once again, that frown turned upside down. Caught, indeed. As Maria came forth, Helle held no reservations about embracing the woman, the Quincy’s bosom quickly turned into a pillow for Maria’s head to rest against. The tears burned her skin, Maria’s mourning cries ripping the other to shreds.

“Mimi… Let it all out. I am here. I shall always be here until death decides it is my time, and even then, I shall not leave thee comfortless.”

A story unfolded, it proves her duty to listen and accept all that is shared. Yes. That is all she is capable of right now. Helle’s arms hold Maria tenderly, as if the woman proved her lover at this moment, fingers gently petting the Sueki. Though, as it ended, the other would calm down, and that would leave Helle with ample time to digest and understand the hardships of her friend. It seems that they share much: both orphaned and both given a family just to lose them. Already, choice words are being devised for Uriel. Helle has always known that Maria hid a heart of gold behind her astonishing swagger, has always known how strong her friend is. Now she has confirmation, and as Maria’s friend, she shall protect the Sueki’s heart and help it grow tenfold.

“You’re strong, Mimi. To live through so much, and yet, continue forward without hesitation. Do not worry. What has been spoken shall not leave this room, our little secret I dare say. However, I demand that you stay the night, and stay for as long as required. My home is your home… Besides, it’s barely being used anyhow.”

A quick pip at the state of her own home, Helle shall not let the mood be spoiled until it proves unrecoverable. Maria has cried and has allowed her heart to speak. There exists nothing left but to begin the healing process, and what better way to heal a burdened soul than by spending time with friends? What was it that Maria had asked for? A scary movie? Ah. And the doorbell is being rung. With a wide smile, Helle would simply give Maria a head tilt. One of them has to answer it, correct?

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Resident Black Woman
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Vampire Diaries (Sleepover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire Diaries (Sleepover)

Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:57 pm

Song: Sia - Snowman - Word Count: --

Helle's words hit deep in Maria's heart and she damn near started crying again. but forced herself to not ruin the moment with her self pity, again. To be accepted by someone after spilling her guts felt like she was just accepted into God's holy land. Her body felt like the calm after the storm, light and airy. The pale blonde gazed at the woman with pure, undying adoration, bloody eyes still misty and body tired. The quincy had beautiful eyes, she couldn't help but be mesmerized by them. What can she say? She liked pretty eyes. She could feel a small smile start to spread across her face, nuzzling closer into Helle's grip on her chin as her body melted. It felt like Mimi could truly relax and be herself without judgement.

Then the doorbell rung and Maria's eyes snapped open, her body starting to heat up in embarrassment as she realized she was a bit too relaxed. She could feel her face burn as she scrambled to get up and answer the door. With a crying session like that, she totally forgot about the food they ordered. How embarrassing. When she did open the door, the poor delivery boy looked disheveled, like he didn't know how to carry an order properly. Good thing she paid over the phone, she thought praising the God as she carefully took the food and drink with a small "thank you".

Afterwards Mimi carefully spread their grub on the coffee table and then sat back on the couch, a little lost now. It'd been so long since she had someone she could call a friend, even longer since she did something like a sleepover. But was it actually a sleepover if Chickpea had offered her home to her? So it was more like a little party. Her eyes wandered around aimlessly, as if looking for her next queue, until they locked onto the tv. Oh! The movie! excitedly, Mimi turned to the quincy, eyes bright as she practically bounced on the couch. She had the perfect movie choice!

"Let's watch Dracula!"

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