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God of Love
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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:44 pm
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Tkdomvz


It was immediately obvious that Levi hadn't been ready for Lulu's hand to leave his, though any playful fuss he'd have made about it was quickly tossed aside when he noted his lovely companion pull his hood back up. Seemed like he was more comfortable with it on, so even if Levi would've preferred to let the whole city see that cute face, he wouldn't say anything about it. He was just considerate like that.

"Nah, I don't mind one bit. Unless you're just tryin' to get rid of me and go see if the guy blowin' all this glass is an even tastier snack than yours truly, find out if he can blow more than just glass. Then I might mind a little, but you don't seem like you'd be sneaky like that, would ya Lulu?"

His tone was jovial as ever, teasing this handsome young man far too fun for him. He shot the lovely Sueki another wink, almost seeming like it was something he just did to punctuate his speech rather than necessarily a flirtatious gesture.

"Really, the real worry oughta be someone stealin' you away when I'm not looking, and I definitely couldn't blame 'em. Should I come with, keep a real good eye on ya?"


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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:28 am
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 EQYSGpD

Loukas Holt | The Man Searching For A Future

Loukas choked on his own spit, coughing roughly until he could breath again. "N-no! I wouldn't, that's not!"

It was always like this when he met someone he found attractive. Loukas became an awkward stuttering mess. A lot of the time, it turned his potential partner off, sending the men he'd met in bars and clubs running when they thought they might be dealing with a virgin, which he was far from. Sometimes, there were those who'd found out he wasn't and had left, but those were typically the scummier type he wouldn't fuck anyways.

With Levi, he didn't get the same vibes as he had from either of those stereotypes. As stupid as it sounded, he had an inkling Levi was different. Yeah, with the overt innuendos, it was likely the other man wanted in his pants. But this... this felt almost like a date. Softer, with a maybe later hanging in the air. Loukas... he liked it.

After taking a moment to calm down, the sueki placed a hand lightly on Levi's upper arm, smiling shyly at him. "I just saw a piece that reminded me of something, so I wanted to check it out. But, you can come in with me if you're really that worried I might be stolen away by some handsome and dark villain."

Sliding his hand down Levi's arm, Loukas slid his fingers back in between the other's, tugging him along as he walked into the store and over to the window display to take a closer look. And there it was, a beautifully crafted glass sparrow in flight, its transparent brown wings sparkling in the light filtering through the window. It was one of the hanging ornament pieces, a black string keeping it dangling. It was beautiful.

END POST | The Vandenreich's Resident Sueki
God of Love
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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:56 am
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Tkdomvz


"Nah, I know ya wouldn't. You seem plenty trustworthy."

Levi, admittedly, definitely did want in Lulu's pants. No question about it, no way of beating around the bush there, he absolutely wanted to rock this boy into next week. But! He also thought he seemed like a total sweetie pie, and Levi liked that way more than that cute face or that slim figure. He didn't tend to find a lotta guys like that. Or girls, really.

Basically, Lulu seemed like a real special boy, and that was pretty cool.

"Hey, I think I've got a real right to be worried! 'Course, I'd naturally come save ya, like the valiant hero I am. Wouldn't even expect a reward from the lovely captured princess, though it would be a nice bonus."

Giving Lulu a playful grin as their fingers were once more intertwined, Levi stayed nice and close, and despite his generally lackadaisical demeanor, it did seem like, in one way or another, he really was watching for anything untoward that might happen. Of course, the lovely glass sparrow caught his attention pretty easily, and any seriousness he might've had was gone almost as quickly as it'd arrived.

"Wowza, that's crazy pretty."


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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:16 pm
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 EQYSGpD

Loukas Holt | The Man Searching For A Future

It was more than just the craftsmanship of this piece that had caught his eye. Of course it was a very pretty work of art, one that stood out even among the others, but like Loukas had mentioned earlier, it reminded him of something. That something, however, was something that gave him such a dizzying wave of nostalgia, Loukas felt tears prick at his eyes.

"Ah... yeah. It is." As he zoned out even further while staring at it, it almost felt like he could hear his old teammates congratulating him for a win. He reached out to touch it, but a heavy hand fell on his arm, startling the sueki out of his reverie.

"Hey now," the older man who'd grabbed him said, "That piece isn't for sale."

Loukas frowned, eyebrows furrowing, and he glanced back at Levi. He attempted to shake the man off, but the grip almost seemed to tighten. "But, hmm... Maybe you can persuade me?"

His stomach tightened with nausea. Disgusting. But he wasn't so easily fooled. "You don't even look like you work here, and as you can clearly see, I'm here with someone right now."

END POST | The Vandenreich's Resident Sueki
God of Love
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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:29 pm
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Tkdomvz


Any cheery demeanor Levi had was gone in roughly a fraction of a second as the atmosphere completely shifted. Oh, he was certainly a very go with the flow sort of boy, but the flow had changed quite drastically now, so naturally he'd have to go with it. Honestly, he didn't even really think too long about how to react, he just sort of did. Namely with a very fashionable, and even more forceful, boot to the dick of the dirty newcomer.

"Hey, buzz off, fuckazoid. Ya don't touch a fine piece without permission, you know. And, B-T-dubs, who'd even wanna persuade you like that, huh? You're like a solid 9 outta 10 on the gross scale."

There was an almost icy coldness to Levi's gaze now, a rather stark contrast to the still airy and whimsical tone in his voice. He was, after all, the Iramasha of the Clear Blue Riverside. Filth and uncleanliness wasn't much his style, and neither was stepping in on other people's business!

Calling out in a bit louder of a voice now, Levi did his best to catch the attention of whoever else was in this shop, "Hey, mister manager or whoever is around, this old guy work here? He's kinda dirtying up the place."


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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:28 pm
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 EQYSGpD

Loukas Holt | The Man Searching For A Future

While Loukas had planned to deal with this a calmly, it seemed Levi had other ideas. Both Loukas and the stranger stared over at Levi in shock, although the sueki clearly recovered from it quicker than the other man since he was finally able to wrench his arm out of that grip. Glaring at the man, Loukas backed up until he was side by side with Levi, body pressing close.

It almost seemed like the man was about to argue, his brows furrowing and face reddening with anger, until Levi shouted for the manager. It was almost amusing to see the color drain from his face. "Goddamn bitches, think they-" he grumbled as he left the store, his words cut off by the door closing behind him.

Finally, the manager came over, apologizing for not being able to be there quicker while the man was still there. "It's okay, sir, there's not much that can be done now since he's already left. Maybe you should consider putting a sign up to warn people? He might come back. If you have security cameras, you could also try and add what he looks like for a better warning." Loukas tried to offer some advice to the shopkeep, but now he just wanted to leave the store. Forget the glass sparrow, he really just wanted out, feeling almost suffocated. As the manager kept apologizing, Loukas shifted restlessly.

He cleared his throat to grab the manager's attention. "If it's alright with you, sir, I'd really like to just go now, and I'm sure my date would too. Right?" Loukas looked over at Levi, begging silently. Hopefully they'd be able to escape and just forget this and continue on their merry way, although it really was a shame about that sparrow.

END POST | The Vandenreich's Resident Sueki
God of Love
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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:29 am
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Tkdomvz


"Oh, no no no! Don't feel like you need to apologize or anything, totally not your fault at all. You're not inviting him here or anything, don't feel bad about it at all."

Smiling sheepishly at both the manager's and Loukas' embarrassment, Levi quickly returned to his usual cheery demeanor, the previous disgust all but discarded now that things had gotten back to normal. No sense in dwelling on things that were over, right? Still, he knew that'd definitely be no good to just bounce out and call it a day, so he gestured to the pretty glass sparrow with a thumb over his shoulder.

"Mind if I buy that from ya before we go? Call it me makin' up for getting a little violent in your shop? Then I'll be outta your hair, promise!"

It was a relatively quick transaction, all things considered, and Levi sure wasn't taking no for an answer. He even refused a discount or two, that'd just be terrible! Once it was done, he gently handed the bagged treasure over to the brown-haired Sueki still at his side, winking assuredly.

"A beautiful treasure for the beautiful princess, eh? Now let's get outta here, we've still got dinner to get to."


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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:25 pm
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 EQYSGpD

Loukas Holt | The Man Searching For A Future

"Ah, wait-" he started before cutting himself off, lips pursing. It wasn't like he didn't appreciate the fact that Levi was doing this for him, especially after he'd just been fawning over it, but... Truly, he just wanted to leave. Loukas scolded himself internally. There wasn't any difference between leaving now and leaving in a few minutes, and he needed to stop being a baby about it.

Still, despite that, once they stepped outside the shop, he still felt irrationally better. Bag clenched in one hand, Loukas turned to Levi, bowing lightly. "Thank you for that, both chasing him off and getting this for me. I can pay you back if you want, don't be afraid to ask." He couldn't help but feel like he needed to compensate Levi for the money spent here, especially since he'd been planning on buying it himself anyways.

But still, being called a princess was almost too much, let alone a beautiful one. Loukas sucked his lower lip into his mouth before making his decision. He ducked in quickly for a light kiss against Levi's cheek. Pulling back almost immediately after his lips had brushed skin, the sueki cleared his throat. "So! Food! Let's go find somewhere, yeah?"

END POST | The Vandenreich's Resident Sueki
God of Love
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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:47 am
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Tkdomvz


"Pay me back? No way! That's all part of a date, right? Especially one that's going well. Er, well, maybe not the whole kicking part, but ya know. The buying a cute boy cute things part, I'd be awful if I didn't!"

Admittedly, Levi actually hadn't quite been ready for the kiss on the cheek, but he wasn't the sort to get all flustered over it, either. He just took it in stride, even if his already quite wide grin did seem just a touch bigger afterward. Well, even if he hadn't felt like he needed to be paid back, that sure had been more than enough payment for him.

"Right right right, still gotta get something to eat. I've got a pretty good eye for these things, you know, so don't you worry. You'll get a nice meal, Lulu, guaranteed."

His eyes once more turning to the streets of the City of Lights, Levi was on the lookout for just about anything, really. He wasn't the sort that had any particular tastes in food, so it was honestly all fair game. He just walked down the street, still hand in hand with his lovely princess, only stopping once in a blue moon if he saw something that vaguely caught his eye.

"Hm... You like seafood and stuff? I figure if this city's like, built on the ocean, they've gotta have that pretty good, right?"


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Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 Empty Re: Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas]

Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:30 pm
Left to My Own Devices [Levi, Loukas] - Page 2 NWoyIAUo_o

hold it, i'm about to drop off

Loukas was more than a little flustered. There it was, confirmation that this truly was intended to be a date from both sides. "In that case, um, thank you. A lot. I really appreciate it, Levi," he said, grinning over at his long-haired companion, sharp canines in clear sight. "Still, the food is my treat, like I believe I said earlier, so let's consider that the repayment either way," the sueki teased, grin easing down into a little confident smile reminiscent of the smirk he'd give his friends and family before competing.

Since he'd headed out intent on shopping in the first place, Loukas had brought a backpack with him to store any fragile items acquired, one of which he now had in a bag in his hand. As quickly as possible, he slipped the bag off his shoulders and unzipped it, safely storing the glass sparrow in its depths. Tuning back into what Levi was saying, he heard the words "... nice meal, Lulu..." and was suddenly aware of something.

He was thirsty. Not water thirsty, the new kind of thirsty that he'd acquired when being turned. Loukas froze for a moment after rezipping his backpack, gulping, before picking it up and slinging it back into its place. He looked over at Levi, unwittingly noticing his slender neck, and licked his lips before mentally berating himself and forcibly dragging his eyes away. The blood could wait until he got back to the dorms. He had control over himself.

"Seafood, huh?" Loukas hoped his voice sounded normal and not strained with the effort of keeping himself from even thinking about feeding like a sueki. "Would you believe me if I said I hadn't actually had any since moving here? But I've heard it's pretty good at some places! I'm down for it if you are."

drift into a deep fog
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