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Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:25 pm
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) IduoPbp

Helle Armstrong | A Simple Woman

A lock is but a minor setback. With just a flick of a wrist, a key of Reishi unlocked the quiet abode. The sun, still slumbering, did not give away this person’s identity, a mere shadow of the moon’s weak glow running along the walls. Silently, work is done: floors swept, rooms cleaned, and a waft of something delectable coats the stale air. Slowly, time goes by until the sun finally rises from above the horizon, dwarfing the moon’s spotlight with its own egotistical glare. It is not until this time that the door to a certain man’s bedroom is opened, its hinges silent. Stepping in, tired, but satisfied, a woman stands. In her hands is a platter that is soon placed on the small dresser next to the bed.

Emerald eyes then peak at the one who should be sleeping soundly in their bed. The happenings of prior days felt too surreal, but as the man slept, reality came crashing down. Yet, somehow, seeing him so peaceful made everything that more of a fantasized dream. A depressed sigh would slip from the woman’s lips as she goes about straightening the room. Anything left out of place is returned to where it should be until everything seemed perfect. All that remains now is to wait. Stealing a chair from another room, it is placed beside the bed and taken. The sun will soon stand up in the sky, and that would undoubtedly wake up her sleeping prince. Finding herself staring again, the desire to stir him in a more fairy tale manner traversed her mind. She stilled herself though. She must not stir him. He deserves his rest.

How long had she been working, being the perfect her she could be? Maybe should she rest as well, but the desire to greet him fought the temptation to close her eyes. It was a losing battle. As if a bandit had stolen her will, she soon found herself resting, her chest rising and falling as her head went limp against her own shoulder. Surely, a quick breather would not hurt.


Last edited by Siegharty on Mon Apr 19, 2021 6:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
God of Love
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Mon Apr 19, 2021 6:23 pm
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) MKPVPsr


Cyrus had not had dreams in several years, now. They had disappeared with his humanity, swallowed up just as so many other things had been when he had taken on his divinity. And yet, he had awoken this morning from a dream he could only have ever called pleasant. A quiet life in the sands he had once called home, peaceful and free of evils. He spoke with Shirohime, with Hayden, all about such simple things, and he watched his beloved's golden hair dance in the evening breeze as though it were the most beautiful thing in the world.

He hated such dreams. Such visions of a world that would never be. It soured Cyrus' demeanor, just the faintest bit, as he awoke, and while he might normally have been more than a touch surprised at Helle's appearance overnight, he had of course sensed her energy, even if unconsciously. Her sleeping form, despite his displeasure at his dreams, could only ever have made Cyrus smile faintly. He knew that he had hurt her--it was not even a question. But he did love her, so very dearly. He would do anything to make the world he had promised her.

Moving was still so very difficult, so painful. He knew, even so, that it was little compared to Shirohime's suffering, and he allowed himself no complaint. He merely moved enough that he could reach out to Helle, and take her hand in his. He could ask for nothing more than such a pleasant moment as this.

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Tue Apr 20, 2021 10:06 am
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) IduoPbp

Helle Armstrong | A Simple Woman

Despite her rest being short, unlike Cyrus who had lost his capacity for dreaming, Helle’s nights were always filled with fantastical worlds and stories. Whether nightmarish or heavenly, dreams were something she could never hope to escape from. Right now, her mind is lost in a pleasant paradise, a false world. This world is at peace, all forms of life living in harmony with one another. However, the focus is on only two people, sitting idly on a porch that overlooked the sea, the rising sun coating the ocean red. It is just the two of them: her Lie-no, Cyrus and her. There is no divinity, no emotional stagnation, no heart problems. They simply exist beside one another in bliss and harmony. Then, slowly, he reached for her hand and took it as his own.

With a low rumble, her emerald eyes opened to see that the room had become brighter due to the sun. Her neck, a bit sore because of how she slept on it, cracked lightly as she straightened up. In an attempt to move her hand, she would notice the extra weight on it and turn her head towards it, catching sight of dark digits around her own. Instinctively, a blush formed on her cheeks as she swiveled her attention to her Liege.

“Even when ill, you wound yourself to embarrass me, Azmi. Now, sit still will you?”

Yet, her words are but a tease as she moved, lowering herself to place her lips gently against his brow. Placing his hand back onto his chest, she rose and stretched. As nerve wracking as it was to be caught sleeping, she would not let such a mishap distract her from her duties. No doubt he is hungry. Without a word, she would move to the platter and remove the covering which revealed to him a plate stocked with breakfast, more than he could handle.

“Now, sit still. It would do us no good for you to pain yourself with meager movement.”

How uncanny, but when she lifted a strip of bacon and moved it closer to his lips, it is obvious she is requesting that he eat from her hand.


God of Love
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Thu Apr 22, 2021 1:46 am
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) MKPVPsr


"You must forgive me, Helle. I do not aim to embarrass you, but in times such as these I cannot help but wish to hold you however I may."

Cyrus did not particularly mind the thought of having embarrassed her. Not because he wished to make her feel foolish, of course, though the true reason was every bit as foolish. He simply thought her rather charming when she blushed. Perhaps that was poor of him, morally speaking, but he could not bring himself to worry about such things.

"As you say, my love."

Despite his usual refusal to rely on others, Cyrus knew fully well that he had little place to complain about it in this moment. Even disregarding the breathtaking sight of the woman before him, and the knowledge that this moment was one that no other man would ever be so fortunate as to experience, there was the more pressing matter that he likely could not have fed himself if he wished to do so. So, he simply did as Helle wished, and ate from her hand. He did not mind it.


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Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:44 am
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) IduoPbp

Helle Armstrong | A Simple Woman

He talks too much, or, maybe, he allows just enough to slip from between his lips. However, she prefers he stays silent and rest his weary soul. Today, and the days to come, the only actions he is allowed to take are those of accepting her own. She is worried. Under her gentle smile and caring actions, her heart is but an array of disarray. Not only is his health poor, but her own health proves just as, or even more, unstable. Just looking upon his darkened complexion that has paled due to the lack of sunlight, she can but still see that divine being: his taunting glow, his irresistible visage, that bravado that made her sully herself, but a blink is all it takes for her to understand that even this version of her Liege changes little. Simply being near him shakes her heart and stills her breath. It was foolish of her to believe that she could ever not find him in her soul simply because of his transgressions. Ahura Mazda and Cyrus, oh what is she to do with these two foolish men?

“If I must, by my own hands, I shall nurse you until you are fit once more. The Vandenreich requires that its Grandmaster makes a full recovery, Azmi. Every day, I will be stopping by to check up on you, cook your meals, and to make sure not too much dust collects around your bed.”

The thought of helping him wash also filtered through her mind, but she could not possibly say such a thing so blatantly. Another spoonful of the eggs she had scrambled are scooped before placed between his lips. This scene is something directly from a romance novel. Oh, how her childish heart leaped before tripping and harming itself. She mustn’t let him know of her near death experience. Right now, that is unimportant. She simply wishes to continue being by his side for as long as she feasibly can. She has made such her duty.


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Sat Apr 24, 2021 7:44 am
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) MKPVPsr


"I would not think to argue with you on this matter, Helle. You are correct, that the Reich demands me at my best. Even if I can no longer lead them into the fray as I have, I must still be ready to lead them in my decisions, and to be the leader they may depend on. That much is owed to them."

Despite his confident nature, there was a faint degree of dejection as he spoke on this topic. He knew that he no longer carried within him everything that he had used to lead the Vandenreich, that he could no longer serve as the hand of his people for their sake on the Earth. Even if he knew that Mazda had the same aims as himself in the grand scale, he could not feasibly predict the divine's actions. He knew very little, beyond that Mazda would likely consider himself beholden to none.

"You are a blessing, my dear. I think there are very few who have ever lived who have known such love as this."


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Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:44 pm
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) IduoPbp

Helle Armstrong | A Simple Woman

“Oh, Azmi. I am pleasantly sure there exists a many of couples who share such simplistic mornings with one another.”

He is troublesome. She can hear the strain in his voice. It is obvious what is plaguing his thoughts, but she dares not speak of it. Not now, not while he recovers. With a sigh, she moves the plate away from herself and slid herself across the bed closer to his side. With a simple twist of her wrists, his head is moved to her side, his body allowed to lean against her. Her fingers run through his head, gentle digits massaging his scalp. The day breaking through his room is rather beautiful. However, she should have opened a window and allowed for some light and air to grace his presence.

“Your words alone sway the hearts of many, Azmi. I doubt the Vandenreich could reach such heights without your contribution. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Even if you falter, you have a created a splendid network of individuals who are ready to act in your stead.”


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Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:28 am
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) MKPVPsr


As he leaned into Helle, Cyrus could feel his body cry out at the efforts, such a small exertion still tremendously difficult after all that he had undergone. However, he knew at much the same time that this pain was temporary. That he would recover, that he would still fulfill the oaths he had made. This was nothing more than a brief pause in his efforts.

"I have, this much is true. My faith in every man and woman I have brought to the City of Lights is unwavering, even now, and I have no doubts that they will do well in my absence. But you must forgive me for worrying, even so. It is only natural, I suppose."

Of course, the longer Cyrus leaned into Helle, and the more he spoke, the more it struck him how truly different things were now. He was not divine, he did not carry within him that eldritch core. And, as such, he did not suffer at the mere idea that he might feel. He did not experience agony as he thought of Helle's loveliness, did not need to temper his pride in the Vandenreich. He could simply...feel.

"I love you, my dear."


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I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) Empty Re: I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus)

Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:25 pm
Siegharty wrote:
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) IduoPbp

Helle Armstrong | A Simple Woman

Those words. He should not speak them. She knows how much it pains him to simply feel any form of emotion. He should be recovering, not causing himself more harm. The power he holds within him- The power he used to hold within him. Yes. Wait. The full weight of her Liege’s sins finally struck a nerve. The fact that he has lost that divine power that held the core of his existence hostage meant that he is no longer chained emotionally. It means that the words that slipped from between his lips caused him no pain. She is not a weak woman, but it proved impossible to control herself. The tears flowed down her cheeks like rain down a window.

“Do not fret, my Liege. I, too, worry, but I see the world around me change in unexpected ways, some pleasant and some not. However, as long as I am surrounding by everyone, I am sure we shall be capable of handling anything that comes our way.”

If only he were in good health, she would have taken up his morning, possibly his whole day. However, she must remain steadfast for his sake. For now, she must remain a strong woman. There still exists plenty time when she may shed her rough skin in favor of something more enticing to his tastes. No. Remain strong.

“I love you too.”


God of Love
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I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) Empty Re: I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus)

Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:55 pm
I Love You, Tis Why I Do (Helle/Cyrus) MKPVPsr


Her tears bring a good deal of pain to Cyrus' chest, but he supposes that this pain is not, in itself, a terrible thing. It is not the searing agony of his very existence being denied, of his soul being consumed by a higher power. It is simply the displeasure at seeing his beloved cry. Though it certainly caused him no small amount of pain, Cyrus reached up to wipe her tears away, offering her a small smile as he did so.

"So long as you are with me, Helle, I have no reason to worry. I am only sorry that I do not have the strength at present to show you the full scope of my affection, but I do hope that my words, if nothing else, might suffice."

Of course, he knew that they surely would not. How could any words ever possibly convey to Helle what it was that Cyrus felt for her? The depths of gratitude for having stayed at his side, the simple desire to keep her by his side. Such things could not be conveyed by mere words.


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