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A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria) Empty A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria)

Mon Apr 19, 2021 6:18 pm
A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria) DXnFrBP

Damian | Always Wanted to be a Baker

Who knew flour was so heavy? Well, Damian does. However, after a few months of inactivity, jumping from a couch into a bakery proved a bit of a leap for even him. It’s his own fault for becoming so lazy and neglecting his daily regime. After being relocated to The City of Lights after their assault on Washington D.C., who could blame him for becoming a bit reluctant to bounce back up as he had before. It took him a while to find the will to get back out there. Luckily, the Vandenreich allowed him a small home and an opportunity. He had almost squandered it, but, in the end, he had accepted his new job in a small Bakery. His duties are simple. Since he’s such a big strong guy, he’d help carry the big ingredients back and forth and other heavy lifting stuff. That’s why he’s currently moving a bunch of flour from the back of a van into the bakery.

He was on his tenth sack when he noticed a commotion not far off. It wasn’t any of his business, and he does have work, but he couldn’t just let it slide. For one, he’s not like that. And, for another, all this racket could chase away business. So, taking the sack with him, he made his way over towards the crowd seeing that there were two people arguing. It must be one of the tours that The City of Lights has occasionally. He remembers when he went on one. This, however, seems to be going sour and the person working the tour seems to have things not handled at all. It hasn’t devolved into violence, and he doesn’t know what’s being talked about, so it’s probably best if he keeps his opinion out of it. Things should be settled down by the authorities soon anyway.

END POST | Gains
Resident Black Woman
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A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria) Empty Re: A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria)

Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:29 pm

Song: Sabrina Carpenter – Looking at Me - Word Count: --


Maria was lonely, tired, and ready to throw down hands.

It'd been awhile since anyone has truly riled up her anger, most of the time she's too weak to want to put up a fight, but Duyi made sure she had a blood pack before he left that morning, taking his daughter, Yu Yan, with him. She'd been pouty since then, now officially alone in the city. Helle was still stuck in America, Uriel was nowhere to be found, thankfully, and even Saisei was missing. Vaguely, it crossed her mind they might be doing Vandenreich things, as that seemed the most reasonable explanation for where they all disappeared to. But as Mimi meandered around the city, she was confronted with the sight of a what appeared to be a very verbal fight. It was nasty looking, they looked like they could dissolve into fists at any point.

Honestly, the sight made the pretty woman frown, she didn't like fights in the city, especially when it was supposed to be a safe haven of sorts, even less so when a Vandenreich member seeing to be part of the problem. Idly, her mind wondered to what would Helle do, or even Saisei? Maria flinched at the thought of the pink haired boy, but he was one of the most polite people she knew, and she just knew he would greatly disapprove of this situation. Plus, wouldn't Helle be so proud of her for helping her citizens?

So, without much prompt, the blonde woman straightened up and smoothed down her black blouse before pushing her way through the crowd. There were some sounds of discontent because of her jostling, but Maria didn't care, she was in bad bitch mode. Strutting up to the tour boy, she grabbed his twitching hand that seemed ready to strike and gave the shorter man a pointed look, before turning her scowl into a bright smile that still seemed to be threatening somehow. "Whoa there, don't wanna hit a civilian now do you? You should chill before you get in trouble! You know what calms me down? Good ole coffee, with maybe two donuts. Wanna come with?" Mimi jerked her head at a nearby bakery she saw while pushing through the crowd, but the man just gave her a blank stare as he ripped his hand out of her grip. She didn't flinch, but she did drop her smile and glowered at the brat with her hands on her hips now. The man wasn't that much shorter than her in reality, but the four inch heels she wore today helped her tower slightly over the man.

If anything, her attempt to diffuse the situation seemed in vain, as the other person part of this argument screeched at her to stay out of it. She scowled at the woman and tried to remind herself that this was for Helle to praise her, not to lose it at some dumbasses. Maria ran her hand through her hair as she tried to sweetly persuade them to at least take it somewhere private but the man just flipped her off, "Shut up, ugly.". Now, that got her blood boiling. Was it because her horns were out? She was sensitive about those, damnit. Her eyes flashed as she just raised a fist to sock the dude across the face. Physically, she knew she was far from strong, but she refused to be disrespected by some scruffy looking man who couldn't even look her in her eyes without breaking his neck, Vandenreich connection be damned. She'll sling Helle's name around if she has to, if it got to that point.

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A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria) Empty Re: A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria)

Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:55 pm
A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria) DXnFrBP

Damian | Always Wanted to be a Baker

Just when he thought best to turn the other cheek on this situation, to his blind side by the way, he couldn’t help but take notice of the growing hostility. This is going to get violent before it gets resolved. He should step into the middle of it, if only to take the brunt of the abuse that these people may soon dish out to one another. Securing the sack of flour over his shoulder, he took a step forward, but someone else decided to steal his moment. A woman, whose height dwarfed his own, appeared from seemingly nowhere. Fair to assume she ‘s been there from the start, but with the ruckus, no one would have paid her any mind, until now. Damian was befuddled by her sudden appearance, his one eye widened slightly. She came speaking her mind without any hesitation while he dilly-dallied.

Well, that’s no good. Maybe this woman has it handled. Maybe not. Now, he couldn’t help himself but to step forward. Not only did the new woman punch the man in the face, but the man showed no hesitation in dishing out the same punishment. Normally, it would prove fair for the woman to take what she puts out, but Damian knows he’d feel bad for someone else taking a blow that he should have taken. He’s done wavering.

His face hurts, but it’s only a dull thud compared to everything else he’s ever felt. “Hey. Everyone calm down!”He growled after the other man had pulled his fist back. Damian doesn’t try to scare people, but his facial expression seemed to strike fear in the tour guide. Guess some people find angry people with eye patches a bit threatening. It doesn’t help that Damian moved so fast with a sack of flour over his shoulder. Nor does it help that he had eaten that punch without flinching or giving a damn about it. Luckily, that is when other authorized members of the Vandenreich showed up which got the crowd dispersing.

Damian, ignoring everyone else for a second, turned to the woman, his features softening just a bit but still glaring disapprovingly down at her.

“Sorry for taking that for you, ma’am, and I get wanting to help the situation, but, next time, don’t make it worse, please.”

END POST | Gains
Resident Black Woman
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A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria) Empty Re: A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria)

Sun Apr 25, 2021 2:31 pm

Song: Sabrina Carpenter – Looking at Me - Word Count: --

"Nobody asked you for your opinion!"

Maria glared hotly at the man who dared to step in, who did he think he was?
Nobody asked him to take a punch for her, was he insane? That's how you end up with one eye in the first place! Scowling, the woman childishly stuck her tongue out at the man. She didn't care how silly it made her look, she was already late for her usual coffee anyway, but people just love to be difficult. The blonde was about to give the other blonde a piece of her mind, but the sight of the Vandenreich authority appearing had her rethink her decision. He was lucky she didn't want to cause trouble for Helle and blew the man who tried to punch her a raspberry, taunting him further. She wasn't going to fight anymore, but that didn't stop her from acting cocky.

Turning back to Damian, she gave the man an actual once over this time, to actually access the man who dared to step to her as if she wasn't the hottest thing around. Yeah, she was checking him out shamelessly, but it wasn't like she was looking at him like that. The thought of her actually another person attractive enough to hope for something past friendship was almost enough to make her bust a gut, but Mimi held herself back from making herself look crazy. The sueki's evaluation ended upon his single visible eye. A dashing blue that made her blink in surprise. How many blonde, blue eyed men were there in this damn city? Next thing he'll tell her he's apart of the Vandenreich, but that thought was immediately put in the trash when she saw he was carrying a bag of flour. A delivery boy?

"What's your name, or should I just call you Eye Patchino? Regardless, what's up with the flour and butting in? You bored of mundane life so bad you think coming to help some beautiful lady will get you a grand prize?"

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A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria) Empty Re: A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria)

Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:10 pm
A Good Day to Bake (Damian/Maria) DXnFrBP

Damian | Always Wanted to be a Baker

“I’m pretty sure no one asked for yours either…”

The words came out of his mouth immediately following hers, but he instantly regretted speaking up. For one, she stomped her way into a possibly violent situation like she owned the place. Secondly, she’s the one who started the fight. His mouth is probably going to get him hit again, but he couldn’t help but speak after she made fun of his eye patch. He’s sensitive about that! You think he doesn’t feel out of place whenever he’s walking down the street, and the kids start pointing at him, or when people give him weird looks. Everything thinks he’s some sort of rugged gangster to avoid.

Not only is this woman childish, but she has a mouth to match it. He shouldn’t be stooping down to her level. Oh, yeah. He sees her heels too. What’s up with that? Is she compensating for something? Guess she’s not too bothered by his appearance however. He’s not bothered by hers either. This city is full of oddities. It’s a bit comical. She looks way too together to be acting the way she is. Maybe it’s all just a font though. The same way his rugged look doesn’t convey his personality, her nice look doesn’t convey her personality. Anyway, even if she wants to pick at him, he’s not going to stoop to her level. He’s been working on his anger issues, and this is the perfect time to enact his training.

“I work at the bakery right there. Was just doing my job until all of this started. I… I was going to break up the fight, but I decided not to get involved. Saw you jump in and thought you had some guts about you, but then you threw a punch. Wasn’t going to let this devolve into an actual fight.”

He jerks his head towards the bakery, his one good eye flicking towards the van that’s still waiting for him to unload it. He should get back to work.

“Heard ya wanted some coffee and donuts. Might as well, yeah? Boss’ll appreciate it. Watch your head though. Don’t want your horns to get caught in the door. Might rattle your brain a bit.”

Well, he didn’t have to make that little snide comment, but he did. Guess he’ll have to work a bit more on not getting peeved about certain things, but his eye patch is a topic that he’d probably break someone over. She’s lucky she’s actually cute. He can put up with her mouth, for a bit. He’s used to the pretty types talking a lot, but enough of this. Turning away from her, he actually heads back to the van, hoping to avoid being questioned and gets back to unloading it.

END POST | Gains

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