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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 7:24 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 ZGBwypB


Returning? Oh, she must've been one of the members from before the Australian War hit. Vivyan remembered that time - she was a lot younger when her dad took most of her older siblings off with him to rejoin their people, much to the dismay of a very determined young teen Vee. She wanted to go with them, be a Sternritter, be with her siblings working hard and doing things, but... At the same time... Maybe it was for the better, considering what happened or could have happened to most of them, and that look on her oldest sister's face when she returned.

..Though, a look of utter surprise struck her face when Giselle was not in fact a part of that Vandenreich, but the one over four-hundred years ago. Her mouth was slightly agape, shock in her eyes as she let that set in. Holy crap, she was that old?! She knew some quincy could get super old if they were strong, but holy crap! She must be pretty impressive to still be alive for all this time! This time it was Vee leaning in to look more closely at her,

"Stupéfiant..!" She could barely hold back her excitement as she breathlessly spoke the word, "You're from all the way back then?! What was it like? How many Quincy were there? What was the organization like? Were quincy more impressive back then compared to now?"

She let out a somewhat excited gasp, "Wait wait! I had family in the ranks back then - did you happen to know anybody by the last name 'Faye'? Anyone at all? It's okay if you didn't, really, but, augh i'm so sorry - I barely hear anything about how things were like back then, especially about my own family."

She huffed and tapped her foot, rolling her eyes, "Friggen Da... Said only his real quincy children got to hear anything. I got the sideline on a lot of info just because I wasn't as good as my siblings."

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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:10 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 HEADER_uyguywgvdsgsgsvwg3323gv2
Giselle was .....surprised. That was certainly not the reaction she expected given the and differing views that the Vandenreich had back then. But all the same she put on a bemused smile and waited for the girl to stop talking. Whew, she certainly had a lot of energy didn't she? "Hold your horses now. I don't know everything about the organization back then. And it was fairly.....different back then. It was exclusively quincy and it was pretty focused on...murderous goals." She noted lightly, folding her arms and leaning to the side. He looked to the sky, so dark and bleak, weeping it's red-stained tears. "Is that all you can remember from back then? For all of it's pitfalls, it certainly was a time your think back to often. Or do you not realize how much you missed being a part of something, Giselle?"
"I really have no idea how many of us there were. I wasn't exactly in charge of the census. Aaaand Faye isn't ringing a bell. Then again I didn't really bother learning anyone's name back then. I was a pretty different person back then. " She noted, pausing for a moment and raising a brow at the mention of the woman's Sounded familiar. But that kind of thing was SUPER not her business. "But I suppose you simply prefer not to remember such things. Maybe that's why you can no longer hear my voice." He smiled ruefully, gripping his sword. HER sword.
"Still, good on you for knowing your history and all that jazz. But still, all the more reason for you to be more careful about that power of yours. Plenty of Peoples powers were......wild back then. The way Yhwacht did things. Some peopel got swallowed up by their abilities, and you wouldn't want that." She hummed.
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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:48 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 ZGBwypB


Vee nodded in response, "Yeah, yeah, that I know. Da was pretty hard on for that stuff - revenge and whatever, also concerned about preserving numbers and whatever - I have like eighteen siblings from how obsessed he is with it. He haaates the current Vandenreich's stance, pretty much why he didn't just come here and drag me back home; hate for what it's become definitely is keeping him away, and you know what? Good. I personally don't care, I just want to do good work and be a Quincy."

She'd nod a few times, though seemed a bit disappointed with Giselle's admittance that she didn't know, and honestly didn't keep track of anyone, which was very understandable to Vee - That was hundreds of years worth of time... Man, she couldn't even imagine ever living that long.

"Yeah, I get it... Kind of was just wondering, is all. I didn't really hear much about them beyond some stuff when I was really young, like young, like, little baby kid."

She'd chuckle softly, "Sometimes Da said that I was so much of a screwup that it would be a total waste to tell me any family history, but whatever."

She'd lean back on the bench, looking off to Giselle, then remembering the bag next to her. Passively, she picked up the bag of ruined, frozen gloves and put it to the side, making her intent pretty obvious,

"That so? I heard some things about him from my mum, but not a lot. But, why do you think I should be careful about my power?"

A brow rose, "I mean, it's nothing much. I didn't even manage to get basic reishi manipulation down until I was like, sixteen. And I only managed to actually form any weapon at all a little after I turned nineteen. Doubt it's anything comparable to what could've been done before,"

Still, despite downplaying herself, she smiled, "I think i'll be okay, if that's got you worried or whatever. So like, did you meet Yhwacht? If you did, how was he like? Or well, if you knew anything about him period."

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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:30 am
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 HEADER_0596-009

Oh boy, what was she going to do with this one? She just smiled and listened as the girl went on and gave more......context to her family. Context that honestly felt like a bit much, but perhaps this girl was just opening up to her. Which she supposed checked out since this girl was apparently a fan of the old guard, but didn't actually know much about them. Which suited her just fine.

However, as the girl went on to her actual questions..... she paused. Thinking of her own past for a moment. Powers were....always tricky.A chuckle broke out. "How do my shoes feel, Giselle? Do you find it difficult trying to guide someone? Relax. Even if you cannot hear my voice. I will guide you."
"You should. Because that power is going to grow, whether you learn to control it properly or not. You're thinking too small. And you're thinking you have more time than you probably do. Sure, a fancy glove might work for now, but what happens when your power increases? Right now theyre just giving you some bad frostbite. But what are you going to do when they start to completely freeze your skin? And it cracks and falls off you like broken glass? What are you going to do when the cold spreads past your hand? And it starts freezing everything thats even close to the knife? You could ruin half your entire body or more. Your hands are the least of your worries in the long run." She pointed out.

She sighed, smiling just a little before she looked off to the side. Oh what a cute question that last one was. "Of course I did. I told you I was a sternritter didn't I? There's a special ceremony for the induction of a new sternritter. One that every one goes through. When you become a Star Knight, at least back in the day, you would have tea with the Emperor himself. As for the Emperor he was...."You never strayed from the path. In my death, I left my children behind. I was....pleased that you did not run away as so many did. I was pleased that you lived. That you returned even in my absence. I am pleased that the frail little corpse I showed mercy turned out as you did."
Intense. He sortof had a way of feeling like he knew more about you than you did. But he also was a little weird for a leader. Very personable. Guess that you kinda gotta be charismatic to get that many people to throw themselves at Soul Society." She chuckled, before canting her head at Vee. "You probably woulda liked him if he were still around."
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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:23 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 ZGBwypB


Vee was quiet, but attentive as Giselle laid in on the potential danger of her power. Even if she didn't think it was incredibly remarkable, she did have no choice but to really consider what Giselle was saying here. Perhaps it was because she wasn't used to having such power, or really didn't have a grasp on it's potential weight, but she honestly didn't fully consider that the freezing aspect of it could get... That terrible. The calm look on Vee's face gradually changed to that of quiet shock and worry, as she would look down to her hand.

There's... There's no way her power could become that terrible and uncontrollable, right?


Nobody in her family had issues with their power, none that she knew of at least. Her siblings and father surely didn't... But, out of all of them, she perhaps had the strongest aspect of ice, the only one anywhere near comparable was one of her deceased older brothers, and the most his arrows did in that regard was give off a chill - she never knew anyone who's reishi manipulation was so transfixed on ice-like formation, much less knives, much less formed the same way her's did. Maybe Giselle was right, maybe...

"...I'll watch myself, on that. I didn't really think about any of that..." She softly shook her head, her gaze lowered, as she'd sigh and pull a soft smile.

She tried to put that to the back of her mind so she could focus on the subject of hand - that of the old Emperor.

"That so?" She'd tilt her head, chuckling softly, "Guess I'm just a few hundred years late for him, too bad. Sounds intimidating but reliable..."

Kinda like a father... A REAL father. Not a paranoid, angry, overly possessive drunkard in a father's skins.

"Soooo, less about the past..." She'd blink and look to the side, "You busy in a sec? Doubt just standing around talking is very fun.. You want to go do something and maybe hang out? I'm still pretty new here and I want to get to know others a little better, and..."

".. I dunno, you make me curious, hah."

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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 7:24 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 HEADER_0590-014

She was pleased to see the recognition of danger on Vee's face.
He was pleased to see the recognition of danger on Vee's face.
After all, it was often a little....too late that some realized the complications or rules of their abilities. Just as one fails to know one's self, so too do they fail to understand their own capabilities. Ugh....just that thought reminded her of that old geezer. But it certainly stood to reason that it seemed Vee might need She had a feel for the vandenreich around here. They were.......different. New. But they perhaps didn't have the urgency of things. She could already imagine it. "So few have someone to walk beside them every step of the way. so they must step so very carefully."
Comforting words. Maybe assurances that she would get it right eventually. But she didn't really see anyone actually taking active investments into making sure this kid didn't hurt herself. She'd heard of that Al guy...but she could only wonder if that guy had the sort of schedule to allow such a thing.
"If you need help..."
"If you need help... I suppose I wouldn't mind helping teach you. An old piece of shit used to say that that 'Every step is a Stone to the Monument of Peace'. That includes Helping the lower ranks. You're going to hit the point where you can join a division. I'll help you get to the point where you need to be." She offered with a calm smirk, shrugging her shoulders. "That is, if you WANT some help."
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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:37 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 ZGBwypB



Vivyan quite literally did not hesitate to agree to the offer. Her eyes were huge, almost excited, but still held that worry and recognition. She would never turn down an opportunity to train - if that day ever came she could reasonably say she lost her mind and spirit. But literally she jumped on the shot to take up Giselle on that. Though, literally jumping up and almost getting in the woman's face was a highly impulsive action, of which she recognized and quickly yet awkwardly plopped herself back on the bench.

"I mean, yes. That would be nice. Thank you."

Though, she did chuckle at the 'old piece of shit' comment, tilting her head to the side, "I dunno, that doesn't sound like it's coming out of a piece of shit. At least it sounds a lot smarter and constructive than half the garbage the old pieces of shit I know have told me."

She'd slip off the bench, grabbing the gradually thawing bag of destroyed gloves, already scanning for a can, "So, when can we start?"

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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:11 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] - Page 2 HEADER_0591-015

Ah she was just so full of energy. Were all recruits this lively? No surely not.
Energy that could be put to good use.
Giselle smiled and could only chuckle at the girl's response. First in tempering her own enthusiasm, and then in making a comment about the words she'd repeated. "Some people are more subtle pieces of shit than others." She pointed out, taking a seat herself and gently drumming her fingers on the arm of the chair. She'd need a bit of time to put things together. Maybe dig up some old stuff from her Vandenreich days? Nah, nothing like that. Not at first.
But even so.... something felt oddly pleasant about this situation. Which was weird....for her.
There is much to enjoy about watching something grow. Especially when you tend to it yourself.
"Two days from now, in the morning if you can swing it. We'll meet here and I'll see about helping you. There's a few things we would do in the old days. Maybe try some new stuff. Sound good to you?"
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