Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:28 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] M4Pe3rP


"Well, rubber definitely doesn't work."

She was slowly pulling at the glove that had become affixed to her weapon, cautiously trying to peel it off without - ACK! Damn thing cracked on her fingers! Shaking her other hand free and letting the weapon dissipate, she'd shake her both hands, huffing softly at the sting in both hands. Sheesh, were there no cheaper ways to just protect her hand?

"Merde..." She'd breathe. She was sitting on a bench with a bag full of torn or frosted gloves of varying materials, something she had taken some time to test. Even her bandages stuck to the dagger instead of just being left alone to stay on her skin, was like it behaved like ice with everything but her skin, except a lot slower when it came to her.

She wondered if she had to maybe get something more specific, especially considering the knives were a spiritual weapon... But she wasn't incredibly well informed on what exactly would work for her, something she'd probably have to figure out later. Sanrei Gloves just sounded like it would make training a lot more difficult - she struggled with even the basics of gathering reishi until she was someway into her teens, she could only imagine how hard of a setback it'd cause for her to try them now..

"Oy vey, Da.. Curse these frozen fingers ya gave me, but you know what, i'll work with it."

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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:19 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] HEADER_0590-014

The sound of something crackling caught the woman's attention. Her head poking out from around a doorframe as her eyes scanned and then spotted a bunch of broken .... ceramic? The white pile of pieces and broken bits caused her to pause, halting in her walk through the area before she heard the dull murmurings of the one who had thrown it.

It didn't take very long in the slightest for her to spot the woman responsible for the mess. Another Soldat? Her eyes shifted to the box of......gloves. And she could only raise both brows as she realized what had happened. A frozen glove? She promptly vanished, a whisper of a hirenkyaku moving her to the girl's side before she leeeeeaned in and tilted her head just a little. Eyes scouring the busted bits of handwear. "Whatcha doin?" She asked quite suddenly out of nowhere.

Truth be told, without the context of WHAT had frozen them, she could only deduce that the girl had intentionally had the gloves frozen. Which....frankly she was now curious as to WHY the girl would do such a thing.
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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:46 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] ZGBwypB


Sucking gently on her fingertips to help them warm up, Vee didn't pay much attention to her surroundings for a moment, trying to get that numbing pain out of her fingers, until of course she turned her head only to be met with a pair of wide, curious eyes. She almost fell out of her seat in surprise but quickly righted herself as she would pull her fingers out of her mouth, swiftly slapping the clammy hand to her thigh as she looked at the newcomer that she didn't particularly recognize,

"Oh.. Uh.. I was just trying to see if any gloves could protect my hands..."

She'd chuckle awkwardly, a wide toothy smile on her face. Sheesh, not even a hello, just up in her space like that? Spooky..

"..As you can see, my weapon isn't super nice to a lot of them. Oh yeah, by the way, who on earth are you? Feel like we skipped something here, yeah?"

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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Sat Oct 16, 2021 10:01 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] HEADER_0590-014

Giselle quirked a brow and gave an amused look as the girl explained. But really didn't answer any of their internal questions. "Huh, if your daggers are hurting yhou then why are you touching them?" She ventured, promptly opening her hand, collecting reishi into a slim arrow, one which remained suspended in the air. "Maybe you should just try learning to use them without having to touch them. Especially since no matter how strong the gloves are, you'll probably get too strong. Oooooor, maybe try coating your hand in reishi?" She hummed, tilting her head and poking her tongue out.

"Aaaaand my name is Giselle gewelle! Sternritter! And who might you be, miss icy knife?" She asked. Of course she already had a feeling she was new, buuuuuut there was a whole lot more information she might incite from the girl anyway. She seemed..... well she seemed a little on the unawares side. But all the same, she was happy to hum to herself and smile, waiting for the girl to elect more information.
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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 6:30 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] ZGBwypB


She let out a soft, gently irritated huff as the stranger seemed to go on and on about stuff that she wasn't able to do yet, opening her mouth a few times to try to answer but only to stop and get cut off by her running mouth. The presentation of just how easy it was for her to suspend her weapon in the air just like that was also kinda much, but she figured she was one of those kinds of people who just ran and didn't think much of what the other person was meaning to say in the moment. That's alright, she could work with that, she has siblings fifteen times harder to get a word in with, after all.

"..Ookkayy... Vivyan Faye," She'd start with that, introduction was better to start off with than a bunch of answers to questions that had just about the same answer, "I'm touching them because I kind of have no choice but to, the most I can do is just barely form one. I'm not super gifted in the reishi manipulation department..."

She'd catch herself and grin, "Yet. Not yet. Will be. Just not now. It'll happen, absolutely, I just have to work a bit harder than my peers."

"Was just hoping there was something I could wear to lessen the freezing effect but, weirdly enough my knives freeze pretty much everything except my hand instantaneously. Weird... Maybe I have some resistance or something, dunno, not like Da went over anything with me. Freakin' Da..."

She'd laugh with that bitterness, but shrug and shake her head, "Regardless, i'm trying my best to figure it out without totally ruining my hand."

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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:38 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] HEADER_0590-014

Giselle tilted her head to the side as she took a moment to inspect the woman's hands for a moment. "True, but if you keep fucking up your hands in the meantime eventually you'll just lose use of them." She noted.... thinking it over, before leaning in and smirking. "You should maybe just work on forming normal arrows if these knives are gonna be a liability." She smiled nice and wide before she leaned back and then spun around. "Buuuuut anywho Sorry to just go barging in on ya like this~ But hey! If we ever wind up going out on an operation together, I'll be sure to watch your back." She noted encouragingly.

Of course she was well aware of how annoying she was being. But that was just how things went. A pause. "Although, have you considered where in the Vandenreich you plan on going?"
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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:11 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] ZGBwypB


Her lips bunched with Giselle's answer - honestly that would be the reasonable conclusion to come to, so she couldn't be terribly annoyed, but still, it stung a bit. She'd stare back at the woman who came up in her face to say such a thing, soon pulling back,

"..Well ya see Giselle," She tried to figure out how to put this in the best, least salt-filled way possible whilst pulling a cheesy, strained smile, "That would be the sensible thing to do, yeah, you are right - if the knives are so much trouble I should just try forming arrows."

She'd bring out her hand bearing her bangle in presentation, "Except,"

She'd focus, drawing reishi in, the dangling crosses and snowflakes on the wrist jewelry suddenly coming to life, arcing out into a bright glowing snowflake figure around her wrist, as bright, glowing blue reishi would gather in her palm, seeming to strain to do anything with the shape, the vague shape of the knife twitching and rippling as it tried to get longer, only for the entire structure to collapse in on itself, merely dissipating in seconds with no weapon yielded. Vee then threw her arms up and flopped back on the bench,

"I literally can't. I have tried. For days worth of time, I have tried to make anything besides putain de couteaux! I can't make anything besides them!"

She'd inhale, and then exhale, regaining her composure, "..I've always had a bit of difficulty working with reishi, even as a child. Probably why I wasn't properly taught until now. Whatever."

She'd weakly smile to the sentiment Giselle had given, of at least being there to back her up if they were ever on an operation together, exhaling, "I'm going to be a Sternritter. And I am going to be one of the best, and no silly hand burning knives will stop me. I will figure out how to get better, just right now, I have to figure out how to work with this until I can do that."

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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:50 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle paused as Vee took a moment to ....explain......what? She stared, her brows slowly knitting together as she tried to understand what the fuck this woman was telling her. Reishi gathering was indeed a hard thing to learn at first. First just concentrating it into a mass. Then giving it shape. And then refining that shape to a weapon, generally an arrow. And then, only through more advanced training, were higher elements manifested generally.

But this girl, was trying to tell her that she just.... was incapable of LOWER levels of reishi control? Her face scrunched up. If the girl was ...well a LOT older, she could have believed that this was a schrift at work. But she couldn't be Yhwacht's work. "Uh.....alright? Well I dunno what to tell ya then girly. Hope you get that shit under control till you ruin your hands forever." She chimed passively enough. A pause for a moment as she turned her attention to the woman's hands. Under normal circumstances, she would just wait until the woman died. Then she could make her a zombie. But well...that was a big nono.

COULD she heal people without using her blood? Hm. That was a question now wasn't it. She kept it in the back of her mind before her eyes drifted back up, listening to a fairly...well alright. It was pretty normie in terms of goals. What a dorklord. "Izat right? Well I wish you luck. You've got a lot of big shoes to fill if you wanna get that title. I assume." She probably had missed a lot of the more prolific ritters. Not to mention it wasn't even that prestigious a title anymore. Ugh....she missed the old days.
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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:18 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] ZGBwypB


Vee would let out a small sigh as she'd shrug at Giselle's response. Really, that was the only answer she'd gotten to that from most - she was a weird one who for some reason couldn't just form the absolute basic, she just defaulted to these weird, complicated, hand burning knives. She remembered how absolutely excited she was when she finally, finally managed to form a weapon that she hadn't even considered that it was kind of strange, but regardless... These were the cards she was dealt and she had to deal with it.

"..Yeah, I know. I got a lot ahead of me. I'm not really talented like a lot of people I see... But, I decided I wasn't going to let that stop me. I've wanted this for like, my entire life."

She would sigh wistfully, looking up at the sky for a moment, before looking back at Giselle, honestly.. A little curious of the woman. She hadn't actually seen her before, at least she wasn't anyone of acclaim. She clearly was part of the Vandenreich, maybe a Sternritter herself?

"..Though, hey, enough about me. What about you? You gotta be in the proper ranks, right? What branch are you in? What can you do? Why're ya here?"

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Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:41 pm
Frozen Hands, Frozen Plans [Vee/Gigi] HEADER_0592-0172

Interesting indeed.
Giselle was quiet for just a moment. Thinking. Watching the girl with a curiosity that coursed through her. It made her wonder. The girl seemed so very set in her ways, And yet, she seemed to be of the opinion that her lacking ability was some sort of lapse in talent. IN fact, that was not correct. At least from what Giselle understood of quincy. Ugh. She hated complicated things like this.
Don't be so sour. This sort of thing is important. Especially in the life of someone so young.

Her eyes meandered to the side. Hmmmm. "Is that right? Weeeeeell I'm more of a.....returning member. I'm a member of the Sternritter." She noted before her eyes shifted back to the woman infront of her. Her smile nice and bright as she canted her head to the side. "MY name is Giselle Gewelle. Buuut back in the day. They called me Sternritter "Z". I was in the Vandenreich Four Hundred Years ago, when we went to war with Soul Society. Buuuut thats totes the old version of the Vandenreich. Honestly outside of the name I wouldn't even call them the same organization." She chuckled, speaking casually as she idly rolled back and forth along her heel. No need to pout. Change is good.
Change. Is what is needed.

Giselle then stick her tongue out. "Sooooo you could say I'm one of the Original Sternritter."
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