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Sat Dec 04, 2021 10:44 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] NbjTzvd


Lost in distant memories
Days with companions long gone
Drunk on the honor of friendship
Certain it will never end
Now vanished like a dream
Faded, no warmth remaining
Covered in a silent, deadly haze

Kyoto, Japan. Cultural center of the continent, and a place that the ex-yakuza had found himself in, particularly within the Gion district. A cigarette dangled idly between his first two fingers, the gentle wisp of smoke emitting from the end of the stick. A brief billow of the smog came from his mouth as he exhaled softly. He leaned against the wall of a bar, having stepped outside briefly to indulge in an old, terrible habit.

Taking out a small, personal ashtray to dispose of the cigarette, before tucking it out of sight, Vanyel's step began to quietly carry him down the street. The warm, orange glow of the mid-afternoon sun irritated his eyes slightly, and caused him to raise a hand over them to shield himself, having forgotten his sunglasses back home. It had been a decent bit of time since Mana had came to him, telling him what Calypso hadn't: his child was dead. His lip quivered lightly at the thought, breathing in shakily as he shook his head, continuing his cadence.

Perhaps it was due to him now being stuck as a demon -- something that he had only realized now that it had accomplished nothing, and that he didn't even want this, or, at least, not want it anymore -- or maybe it was because of how deeply that the knowledge and the circumstances around it hurt. Nevertheless, he managed to pull himself together, push it down, and continue, eventually reaching a small guardrail as he looked over the Shijoo Bridge.

Everything he had done so far felt completely pointless. Conversion, his choices until now, it felt as if everything he had done in his life was suddenly being turned on its head. He didn't know what to do now. He wanted to return to being a human, but, that didn't seem possible -- he was stuck like this. In the blink of an eye, his purpose was ripped away, and he knew not where to go to find it anew.

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Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:26 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] HEADER_sample-54e134ace30aefea46b20118ecbb2b04

Japan. such an interesting place, and one that brought a smile to Ajita's features as she walked through the streets with idle purpose, those soft brown eyes scanning the area as she went. Under normal circumstances she might have found herself looking for a clinic or perhaps seeking out the homeless in such a situation, or even perhaps exploring out in the wastes in search of wanderers. But for the time being, she simply wandered aimlessly through the city itself, wondering to herself how such a place had maintained itself over the centuries. Such vitality was surely a subject of fascination to her, that dogged refusal to be extinguished. It was, perhaps, ironic then that what caught her eye was something so very lacking.

A young man staring out over the bridge, with a look on his face that seemed down and defeated. This creature, she thought to herself as she took a moment to observe the morbid expression sprawled across the young man's face, was the very sort of creature she was looking for. IN that very moment she could see the metaphorical jagged edges of the man's life, semblances of uncertainty, and a lacking vigor that surely spoke volumes to some inner turmoil. Truly a human in the process of being shorn away.

She slowed to a stop not far from the young man, her head canting tot he side, looking for all the world to be a normal woman as she fixed her attention to him and spoke, her voice gentle as she addressed him. "Hello there. Is everything alright?"
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Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:20 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] NbjTzvd


The last thing he expected was for someone to call out to him, to approach him and see him stand out as he looked over the bridge into the coral-colored horizon. He turned his head toward the voice, blinking a few times as he process what she asked. He looked her up and down, his expression hardly changing as he rested his hands in his pockets.

At first, he contemplated on whether or not to answer. Instinct told him not to -- to just keep to himself and leave people alone. It was something he had abided by for a decent majority of his life, but...something kept him from defaulting to that. Maybe it was the last bits of influence that she had on him, but, for once, Vanyel felt compelled to answer. So, turning around, Vanyel leaned against the railing of the bridge, squinting slightly at the sudden glare of the sun, his voice impassive and somewhat detached.

"Not really, no. Whole life's basically gone belly up."

He paused, his hands lightly fidgeting around in his pockets, even if he didn't bring anything out. He didn't really know what more to say other than that. He wasn't going to just blurt out his whole life story to this total stranger, even if she seemed friendly. Something just Maybe he was just paranoid and going back into old habits of distrust, but, with everything that had happened as of late, he was somewhat on edge.

"If you came around worryin' I was gonna jump, don't bother, I ain't gonna do that. Just...tryin' to process and contemplate shit. Figurin' out what I'm gonna do now, I guess."

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Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:46 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] HEADER_sample-54e134ace30aefea46b20118ecbb2b04

Ajita couldn't help but pause and tilt her head, mildly intrigued to say the lease when she didn't hear a ...normal response. Where some might have simply been dismissibve or vague, the man strangely enough opened up to her in that moment, giving a brief glimpse into ...whatever it was. He was at least vague in that aspect, but certainly she was surprised when he let it out that his whole life seemed to be taking a turn. She couldn't help but chuckle softly and gently cover her mouth in an attempt to be polite.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just didn't expect you to say something quite like that!" She hummed, noticing that fidgeting. "Hm, you certainly seem like a Main Character." She mused aloud, walking over to the young man and then glancing over to the rest of the city, briefly getting a small look at what the young man had been staring out to not moments before, as though to place herself briefly into his shoes. And indeed she WAS curious. The man had all but blurted out that he was suffering. And truly there was no subject that intrigued her more. A child lost and seeking their final shape, struggling through the pain of such a transformation.

That gentle smile of hers widened and she raised her right hand, extending her fingers gently ina soft open palm facing Van. It was often recognized as a christian gesture, a priest or other holy person extending their open hands. But it's origin was in fact: from buddhism. The Abhaya Mudra, a gesture of fearlessness, reassurance, and safety. Her other hand gently rested at navel level, her palm open and turned upwards with her fingers fully extended, her thumb slightly raised at a roughly 45 degree angle, a gesture of charity and compassion. Combined together, it was a brief, compassionate gesture offered to the young man.

"If you don't mind, I myself am something of a Priestess, so I'm rather used to hearing the troubles of others. You don't need to be specific or anything, but I'd be happy to lend you my ear." She offered lightly, lowering her hands and gently resting them on the railing beside them. "Of course, if you prefer, we could simply take a walk. A bit of physical activity also does wonders to clear one's head." She offered, well aware that not everyone was so willing to seek guidance from someone. And in such an event, she was happy to simply provide company as her mind tingled with a hungry curiosity. It was in her nature to be charitable, to help, after all.
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What Now? [Vanyel/Open] Empty Re: What Now? [Vanyel/Open]

Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:15 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] PzEyXFl


Him, a main character? The hell was that even supposed to mean? He sure as shit hadn't felt like a main character for the last year or so, far from it. He looked to the side, seeing her walk toward him, taking a couple steps to the side and turning to face her, resting an arm against the railing, still while his fingers idly toyed with a collapsible knife in his pocket.

He looked at the strange gesture she was doing, raising an eyebrow in confusion as he took a partial step backward. Her smile didn't give any kind of indication that it was something bad or insulting, as far as he could tell. He wasn't too pleased about the tidbit of her being a priestess of sorts, but, for now, it didn't seem all too bad. Who knows, maybe she would be able to give him some pointers on what to do now, or even give him advice on the biggest goal -- figuring out how to turn back to a human.

So, standing up straight and removing himself from the railing, he took a step or two away.

"Walkin' hasn't helped so far, but, eh, what the hell."

He waited a few moments before he started taking steps to the other side of the bridge. He held a casual gait, a rather strange contrast to the despondent tone that his voice carried. His gaze occasionally drifted over to the newcomer, feeling a strange sense of familiarity. Not like he knew her from somewhere or anything, just, something about her general presence seemed familiar. But, as they walked, there was something that was bothering him, thinking back to what she said before.

"The hell did you mean by me lookin' like a main character, anyway?"

He had a sneaking suspicion she was going to mention the white hair. From what he knew, the most signature way of figuring out said main character was the unorthodox and strangely-colored hair. White and a blue strip wasn't all that uncommon though, was it?

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Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:42 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] HEADER_sample-54e134ace30aefea46b20118ecbb2b04

She paused, raising her brows just a little as she watched him take a step back, and then proceed to get up, making his assertion about giving things a try. Hm, not very decisive, or perhaps, not the kind of decisive she might have hoped he would be. But alas, he was a poor soul burdened by imperfection. Such was to be expected. She walked by his side, thinking to herself as she imagined how she might help him. In the old days she would have simply lured him to her coven and placed him in the Trials. To break him, so that he could find himself anew. To shave away all of these broken and torn up parts of him away.

But well. That hadn't worked as well as she would have hoped. It WORKED. But it was ....missing something. And truly, it might be in the salvation of this young man that she could find her answers. A light smile crossing her face as his question emerged, asking about what she had meant. A question that made her chuckle softly before gently holding her hands in front of her.

"Ah, did I not use it correctly? I've always thought those terms cute. Stories and their tapestries of wonder. The struggle and pain of life all condensed into something...beautiful and lovely. How a soul comes to finally reach happiness." She noted softly, closing her eyes for a moment before glancing at Van and smiling. "The difference between a Main Character and every other character is the matter of their importance and their development. Normal characters may suffer, they may even die without much consequence. But a main character is someone who rises above such things. Its true....they may suffer and toil more than anyone else. They may truly find themselves in despicable places.... but in the end, that will only make them and their story all the more beautiful and meaningful." She noted lightly, closing her eyes and smiling as she imagined some of her own favorite stories.

She paused, glancing toward Van and smiling. "When I referred to you as a main character, I simply meant that you seemed like someone whose story will be beautiful. Everyone runs out of time, and we all seek to find some meaning in that limited ammount of it we get. I think that yours is simply memorable. I suppose? I guess I'm not very good at explaining these things." She conceded, her expression serene, hardly nervous or sheepish about her own shortcomings.
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Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:28 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] PzEyXFl


As they walked, the woman started opening up as to her meaning behind the rather strange comment -- and, the description was just as strange. She didn't seem to be lying when she said she was something of a priestess, if the little speech she was making had anything to say about it. But, it certainly was a unique way of explaining it, even if it was almost absurdly verbose.

"I guess that's one way of sayin' it. It ain't like that all the time, though. Some people like the side characters more than the centerpiece. Hell, even some of the most minor characters could sometimes even be more interesting and liked more than the main."

As she fell silent, he saw her glance at him from the corner of his eye, and his head turned toward her. As she spoke, however, his gaze turned to the ground. A creeping, sickening feeling rose in his chest at the mere mention of his story turning into something "beautiful". His thumb coiled tightly around the end of his jacket pocket, his gaze turning to face forward.

But, then he found himself thinking about the story of Nezha, the boy deity who stood against the Dragon Kings, sacrificed himself for the sake of Chentang Pass, and became a guardian, granting cures and performing miracles to the sick, even fighting against the Monkey King and becoming friends. Even the tale of Zhong Kui, a vanquisher of ghosts who was given the title "King of Ghosts" by Yama after his title was unfairly stripped from him. They suffered, yet rose far above what they were, becoming figures of legend and inspiration.

"I guess so. I don't even know what meanin' I'm lookin' for anymore. I thought I had it, but..."

He stopped, letting out a quiet, shaky breath as his fingers coiled tight around his jacket pockets once more, before he suddenly brought his arms out, crossing them over his stomach and clenching his elbow tightly. He tried not to think about it -- what he had lost. It did nothing but made him upset and sick to his stomach. He quickly turned his thoughts back to the prior subject.

"Honestly, I was expectin' you to bring up my hair. I...didn't really think of the whole 'main character' thing like that. Least, not that deep. It'd be nice for somethin' like that to happen, but I doubt it. Though, I guess some people would consider the struggles 'n shit to be beautiful in their own way, wouldn't they?"

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Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:18 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] Header2_sample-46fe1a0bc731bd09334313cfc9f6c5fd

She smiled, gently quirking her head slightly as she made note of his own little outreach of verbose response. That gentle expression maintained even as Van seemed to clearly ....crumple slightly in pain. She paused in her walk, and turned to face him as she watched his harrowing look inward. To see him rake at his own shortcomings, even if she wasn't quite sure....WHAT specifically it was that was eating away at him. But that mattered not. She was here for him, and when he almost caved on himself, she gently reached out, the faintest of touches to his shoulder as she leaned to the side, peeking into his field of view with concern written across her face. Humans were such frail things....

"There's no need to dwell on it if it causes you such pain. We all suffer, but there is such a thing as not being ready." Not .....quite a lie. It was a hypothesis of hers. A result of ....her failures. Wondering if her own suffering had simply happened too early. If those at her side had .......been rushed. Would they be alive? Would she have lost them? Ah....she so detested feeling uncertain. But something about it was ....pleasing. Whenever she strayed and halted from the path of Blissful Truth, The Empty Vessel was there for her. Letting her bask in such temporary reprieve. To remind her that there was no path before her. That her path consisted only of what she made with her own hands.

"Naturally." That gentle smile returned. "As some would say: An Instant of true living. Of love, life, and sadness, is worth eternity staring into the smothering dark nothing." She noted with a far-off glance. Brief wistfulness in her eyes. Before glancing back at him, and chuckling softly, a gentle smile showing across her face. "If you're not feeling well we don't have to continue our walk. Why don't we get something to drink? There's a tea shop nearby. Something to calm your nerves can help considerably." She offered in suggestion. They hadn't really made much progress before he'd had a little incident, so it stood to reason to offer up an alternative.
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What Now? [Vanyel/Open] Empty Re: What Now? [Vanyel/Open]

Sat Feb 19, 2022 5:34 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] PzEyXFl


Even with the slight change in his posture, Vanyel didn't stop walking, only taking a few extra steps before seeing the woman exit his field of vision. He turned his head to look at her, seeing her reach an arm out and touch his shoulder. At first, he flinched and jerked away slightly, but ultimately let her. He saw the concerned look in her eyes, and he turned around, gently brushing her hand from him.

Pain and suffering would exist in the world, and would attack whenever it desired. Suffering and sorrow always seemed to come whenever it was least wanted, seeming to bring someone down when they were at their worst. But, perhaps this was something that could be left in his hands to control, to choose when to confront this, to speak about it, and hopefully, to move past it -- if he ever could.

"I dunno if I'd call it all that, but, some people do see it as an instant of true living. I guess, without all of that, we wouldn't be where we are today. Humans have a tendency to evolve and overcome just about anythin', no matter how bad it is."

He paused, his gaze briefly turning to the ground, before he looked back ahead.

"Sure, tea sounds nice."

Strangely, his mind went back to her calling him a main character, her thoughts and seeming passion toward the idea, as well as his recollection of the stories and tales that he read growing up, of heroes, myths, deities, and monsters. So, as they walked, Vanyel turned his head toward her.

"I'm guessin' you like to read? Based on what you said before, at least. What're your favorite stories? You talked so brazenly about main characters, I got a bit curious."

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What Now? [Vanyel/Open] Empty Re: What Now? [Vanyel/Open]

Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:05 am
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] Header2_sample-46fe1a0bc731bd09334313cfc9f6c5fd

Ajita sighed lightly as she felt her hand being brushed away. Ah, humans were so troublesome. So very prickly and conflicting. She vaguely wondered to herself what sort of man Van was. Was he worth saving? Not in her own metric of course. As Tathagata the notion was beyond any notion of uncertainty. But were she a human: would she consider him worth saving? Ahhh she could not help but smile, imagining such a thing. The Empty vessel continued to think about such a notion while Purpose listened calmly enough, her two selves split. Nothingness naturally uninterested in the conversation, as Purpose held onto every word. Entertained.

"Hm. But have they?" She ventured with a light tilting of her head at the very notion. That Humans 'adapt and overcome everything'. That certainly didn't seem to be the case. While efforts had been made to push out demons. It had seemed that the Demons had mostly fallen to their own politics and ....whims if nothing else. Infighting. Honor. Had humanity truly 'overcome' them?

"Is it truly so useful to hold ourselves to such a standard? We have seen a lot of war as of late. And so much of humanity has been lost. Have we really overcome these obstacles? I can't help but wonder if perhaps, such sayings are a bit biased." She mused, glancing toward Van and smiling lightly. "I think, perhaps, that diluting individual strength as simply an aspect of one's race is a bit demeaning. Humanity does not overcome. Individual persons do. You are not where you are because you are, or were, a human-" She could sense that strange spiritual energy, not only that but he SPOKE like a human. And well.....demons were so virulent that it wouldn't be surprising if he were a convert. "You are here because you are you." She observed.

And then she smiled, promptly beginning to steer them toward the nearest cafe. Pleased, no doubt, about his accepting of a drink, but also .....intrigued when he returned to that topic. Him being a Main Character.

She blinked, staring at him for a moment before she smiled from ear to ear. "Only now and then! I actually much prefer Animation! Such a far more engaging medium for expression. Reading though.... you must be older than I thought." She chuckled lightly. Naturally, she DID read. However, in these modern times she was born into, there were other venues of information. Did she go through old archived databases? Certainly. But the majority of her information intake was audio/visual, not simply visual.
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