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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:42 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 PzEyXFl


Vanyel blinked as she mentioned his familiarity with Mana. Well, this was a bit awkward. Even forgoing the time he spent in Shadow Fall and the concealed Seal of Eris on his chest, the Queen of Demons was someone he had become a bit personal with, given those he knew, as well as him just having a habit of calling people by their names. To him, it just felt normal. He found himself rubbing the back of his neck as he answered, partially avoiding the topic.

"Uh...somethin' like that."

The small response to his comment, however, made him freeze. He could see her expression changing as she mumbled, and Vanyel felt a chill run down his spine at the thought of his transformation really being permanent. He knew and could agree that conversion and reversion were vastly different in the manner of processes and difficulty.

But, as Ajita shifted the topic, asking what he was going to do now, Vanyel hesitated. He knew that he had the access to the Demon World, and he knew Mana and Algos on a somewhat personal level, given his involvement with everything that had transpired in the past year. But, he knew that Algos likely despised him for having abandoned he and Calypso's home in Demon World, burning it to the ground.

Mana was a possibility. He was at least on somewhat good terms with her, even if their last meeting had been...

His expression darkened at the thought, only to turn even more dark as Ajita inquired about the nature of the one who turned him. His fingers tightened around the cup, grasping it so firmly that his fingers and hands began trembling. A lump formed in his throat again, but, letting out a shaky breath, his fingers soon relaxed.

"No. She wasn't. She...was my girlfriend, fiancée, whatever. It's...complicated. She was a Danava. The Danava of Dreams and Nightmares, and...the daughter of Mana Asthavon."

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Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:06 pm
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Ajita was raised a brow. A little intrigued as to his very clear aversion of the topic. She didn't pry though, that seemed to be a sore subject. Though that only grew MORE curious when he .....spoke again. Her brows raising in surprise. Oh my, he really WAS familiar with the Queen of demons then! How peculiar to say the least! She furrowed her brows and imagined such a thing. My my my, what a meeting THAT would be. She could only imagine that it was no wonder he would be averse to seeing her. Even if they were on good terms, to be the EX of the woman's daughter, even if they lef ton good terms would be something of a sticky situation indeed.

"I see. That is..... a complicated situation. I have no doubt if someone COULD return you to Human form, It might HAVE to be someone on the level of Mana. Her very own Daughter, the Danava of Dreams.... you mean Calypso?" She asked, her voice a bit ....grave and surprised. Even SHE knew about her. The Asthavons were quite well known, and not in the good way. To think that he wound up so entangled with one. Even one so .......morally grey compared to the rest. Hm. "An Asthavon certainly would have been a potent transformation. Under normal circumstances there would be room for doubt, But one of Mana's OWN Daughters saying that it's permanent? I can't help but imagine she's probably correct unless you were to enlist the help of someone even above her."

She knew that would not be well for him to hear, and she felt a slight mote of pity. And she did wonder. He was growing, but ....was his Final shape that of a Demon.... or a Human? Or rather, what would be after a human? What if it had been his destiny to ultimately be an Arrancar? Or a Shinigami? Thus his final shape was denied. Demons were...... a messy sort of existence. At least Danava were more refined. Frankly she considered Demons akin to Quincy in just muddying things up. Hm. A tricky situation indeed.

"I'm sorry, that's probably not very helpful of me to say. But ..... it is a likely reality. The power of such a potent danava...." She paused..... and then offered him a gentle...rueful smile. "I'm very sorry Dear....I myself am a Danava. Purpose... is something that I embody. Purpose and Nothingness. To take away one's meaning, and give it a new one. To try and help others find .....comfort and truth iun themselves. Their Final Shape, it is called. What they truly are meant to be. Souls move around and arouind in the soul Cycle. But there is always a finality, something which causes them to ....solidify and crystalize their existence.... My entire life I have dedicated myself to such a thing. And..... it pains me to see you robbed of your own. Were it within my power....." She sighed.

"I can also understand that seeking out Mana might be .... for all that it might provide you what you want..... I can't imagine it's what you'd prefer." She tapped the table, trying to think. "I wish I could provide some manner of comfort. But I'm afraid it doesn't sound like your Journey will be an easy one. And for that I am very sorry." She noted sincerely.
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Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:18 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 PzEyXFl


Vanyel's head perked up at the mention of her name. He knew that she had some influence before her...passing, but, he was a bit surprised at someone knowing her name. But, as Ajita continued, his expression continued to grow concerned and worried, and his heart began to sink. An Asthavon's potency when it came to conversions, and the potential that she was right about it being permanent.

He almost felt sick to his stomach at the idea that he would be stuck like this, in a body that didn't feel like his own anymore -- it scared him. His head began to lower, his fingers tightening around the glass, cracks beginning to form as his hand trembled. It made him angry, it made him feel sick, it made him upset, the same time, it filled him with spite, with determination and will.

Even as he dreaded the idea of being stuck in this form, the spark of rebellion still raged against the thought. He thought back to what he said, mere minutes ago. The thought scared him, but he didn't care. He would still try and find a way to turn himself back. Mana might be an option, but there was still a large part of the world that he had yet to explore, to see if there was someone who could maybe be even stronger than Calypso and be able to reverse this.

So, as his fingers relaxed again, he took a drink, emptying what remained of the contents, before setting it down and sighing, his hands resting in his lap.

"I guess my hardships aren't over yet, huh?"

Perhaps it was a peculiar response, given the information that had just been presented to him. He knew that there was the possibility, but that wouldn't stop him from trying. His gaze shifted to the table as he mumbled.

" take away someone's meanin' and give 'em a new one. Guess you kinda did that with me. Turnin' into a demon gave me a new purpose, but, I'd lost it. And now, I've got a new one: turn back to a human."

He paused, sighing softly as a hand drifted into his pocket, his thumb gently rubbing against his lighter.

"It's gonna be tough, but, I don't care. Even if it's not in your power, I'm sure that it's in someone's. I guess, I still have a chance to reach that finality, that...'Final Shape'."

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Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:37 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 HEADER_sample_6f57ce184f421927a349d0713d3cab17

She could see his despair, but also something....else. There was not just fear and sadness, but also determination. Ahh, so beautiful to see. She couldn't help but admire it. Seeing just what sort of thing this was turning him into. Pushing him to try anyway. And it did occur to her that perhaps his will might surpass what this....THING was that had turned him into this. Certainly it was possible. and she felt herself excited at the notion of such an undertaking.

"I'm happy to oblige I realize that I haven't given you my name." She caught herself almost calling him 'Dear' for the second time. She straightened up and offered a smile. "My name is Ajita of the Hand of Maitreya. It is a pleasure to have been of help to you." She noted with a warm smile. True, she left out the fact that she was not only the leader, but the Goddess of her own Religion, that was more or less unnecessary information. At least for the time being. It was fairly possible he'd heard of them after all. They had been war heroes in some small local areas in Asia, not super famous, but at the very least a group of note. And that notoriety had only grown when her group had shifted to humanitarian aid to those surviving the world wars. And given how long they had been at it, it wouldn't be unreasonable if Van was familiar with them.
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What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: What Now? [Vanyel/Open]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 10:17 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 PzEyXFl


Jarred out of his thoughts by Ajita cutting herself off, then making a remark that he had only just now realized: that the two of them had been talking for this long, and yet they hadn't even so much as exchanged names. He blinked a couple of times, chuckling softly. Admittedly, it was a bit embarrassing to have gone this long without knowing her name, but, they at least had the chance to correct that.

As she told him her name and the group she was a part of, something felt...oddly familiar about the name. Maybe he had heard about it in passing when he was in Japan as a teen? The name sounded familiar, almost cult-like, but he couldn't properly think of what it meant or where he had heard it. Sitting up straight as well, resting his cheek on his palm, Vanyel returned the smile as he spoke.

"Vanyel Xiaoyang. Thanks for your help, Ajita. I'm...not really sure how I can repay you, or help you in return for helpin' me, but, if you need anythin', let me know."

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Sat Apr 02, 2022 10:37 pm
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Ajita nodded lightly at that and smiled. "Vanyel. A pleasure to meet you. And in truth there is no need for repaying. It may seem perhaps a bit odd, but helping those who have lost or suffered is not just my job, but it is who and what I am." She noted with a fond smile. "You're familiar with how Danava work. There is nothing more fulfulling for me than to help others." She assured him. Though she did...pause and smile fondly.

"But, all the same. I more than appreciate the sentiment. If you truly wish to pay me back. I would simply insist that we meet again in the future. I would very much like to know how your quest to become human again goes. And if there is anything I can do to help, Please let me know." Of course she knew she was somewhat reversing things on him. But that was simply her way. What else could he possibly have to offer but to see his journey unfold? There was no greater joy so far as she was concerned, than the fulfillment of her purpose. Although.... she did wonder.

What WOULD he do now? He had seemed fairly unsure. Well., she supposed she'd just have to wait and find out.
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What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: What Now? [Vanyel/Open]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:53 am
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 PzEyXFl


Vanyel found himself chuckling softly as she spoke. Given what he knew of the Danava, it really was more than just a job, it was basically a way of life. Yet, even if it was part of who she was, there was still something that he wanted to do, to try and show some level of appreciation other than just saying his thanks. As she insisted on another meeting in the future, Vanyel slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"Well, not to sound creepy or anythin', but, if you wanted, I could keep you updated through text or call, and if you ever needed me, wanted to meet up again, or just, wanted to talk or somethin', you'd be able to reach me easy."

He smiled awkwardly, his fingers tightening around the device, his other hand resting on his thigh as his leg shook and lightly bounced in place.

"Plus, maybe in the future, you could meet some of my friends, or I could even introduce you to the people I met along the way, or, somethin' like that."

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What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: What Now? [Vanyel/Open]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:15 pm
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Ajita perked up, her brows raising slightly as her head began to tilt slightly to the side, eyeing the device that was brought out into the open and putting on a soft smile as she made note of the offer. "Oh! Not at all! I'd be more than happy to exchange contact information with you!" She chimed, promptly taking out her own device to exchange the information. A little amused that he had been so hesitant to it. Ah, he certainly seemed to have some confidence issues. But she kept that to herself for now.

""That sounds like an excellent idea! I do admit, my work may keep me away at times so I can't guarentee I'll always be available. But I would certainly not be opposed to being introduced to others." She chuckled, saying nothing of just how such a thing sounded. Rather, she was pleased with the opportunity to track his progress through this quest of his, and potentially to meet other similar individuals in need of guidance.
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What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: What Now? [Vanyel/Open]

Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:29 pm
What Now? [Vanyel/Open] - Page 3 PzEyXFl


Vanyel breathed a small sigh of relief as Ajita gave a rather positive response. He found himself smiling and chuckling, as he pulled up his contact info, but then quickly switched over to the system settings in order to change his phone's language from Chinese to English. He switched it back to his contact info, set his phone on the table and turned it to face her.

"Not a problem. I've been slowly tryin' to get back into workin' myself, so, my time might end up being a bit limited too."

He had to admit, despite the familiarity of the name, he had to wonder what kind of work she did. What all could something called "The Hand of Maitreya" even entail? Especially when the name alone sounded like a cult. His expression turned curious and puzzled, and he was tempted to broach the topic, but...maybe it was better he didn't ask.

"It was nice meetin' you, and it's been nice talkin' to you, Ajita. I'm not usually the philosophy type, but, that was...surprisingly interesting. I never really thought I'd find some familiarity in somethin' as obscure as The Ringin' Bell."

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