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Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki) Empty Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki)

Wed Dec 29, 2021 4:06 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Well, that was unexpected, but, at the same time, an unavoidable encounter. What is she going to do about all of this? Her talk with Abalia didn’t really help her at all. Even after their talk, Elyss isn’t sure what she’s meant to do about Tenmarin. Obviously, she has to confront her Zanpakuto. There’s no other alternative besides losing the tool hanging from her hip, but that won’t really change anything. Tenmarin is an extension of herself, right? Her Zanpakuto is acting up because there’s something she isn’t getting, right? Maybe if she understood herself better, understood Tenmarin better, none of this would be happening. That’s it. Losing Tenmarin would just fix an outlined issue, but what lies beneath, her mental problems, would remain, and, for some reason, Elyss feels like her Zanpakuto is key to finally solving her own ailments.

It’s an annoying subject to have to deal with, and it’s rather annoying how little everyone seemed to care about the fact that a man is dead. Though he wasn’t the best of people, it’s still not right that he lost his life in such a heinous way. This is a problem that has to be looked at immediately, but Elyss just wants to forget about everything for a bit. Soon, she’s going to be taking a long time to sort through this, but, for the time being, she wouldn’t mind getting wasted or something. The problem now is deciding where to go. Does she want to drink with a crowd or drown herself someplace quiet. Maybe she’d become too volatile around people, or maybe being on her own could lead to her making some mistake that having someone around would keep her from making. Though, she could just find a drinking partner to come along.

She found her eyes wandering around the outside of the First Division, mildly looking for anything of interest. Does she really want a new friend? She could just go get someone from Seventh. However, that leaves the issue of bothering them and possibly having to explain her situation. Now, that’s definitely something she wants to avoid for now, so guess she is about to grab someone from off the streets to be her safety net out in the wild Rukongai.



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Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki) Empty Re: Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki)

Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:26 pm
Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki) L0Imfce


After what felt like a rather long day, one that was made rather pleasant by the time spent with Abalia and her family, Kimitsuki was planning on relaxing in her own personal quarters; maybe have dinner with Abalia that night if her schedule was open. Frankly, she had no idea what her evening held aside from relaxing herself from a long day of work. Maybe she would take some time to practice her swordsmanship so she wouldn’t grow rusty.

However, for now the Danava worked on leaving for her own abode. An easy task, thanks to Bambietta’s tour. However, her route had her pass by the barracks of the first; where Kimitsuki last escorted Abalia before Abalia gave her the rest of the afternoon and evening off. Of course, this lead to a rather interesting meeting.

As if Elyss’s subtle desires had been spoken to the universe, Kimitsuki Yamamoto, was currently walking by the very same barracks Elyss’s eyes were wandering around. Even if Kimi wasn’t wearing any clothes to make her stand out, she had long since relieved herself of the clothing she wore while she was on duty, she still stood out above every other being present. Fiery red hair, which hung down to her ankles with obvious ease, that had one rather messy bun with a myriad of small braids here and there; in a very charming sense of controlled chaos. Her clothing was casual, but still appeared to compliment her looks. Black jeans, that seemed to cling to the woman’s legs in a way that helped emphasize their shape in a rather alluring way. The black pants terminated under a pair of black heeled boots. They were rather small boots, all things considered, but fit the outfit in a very nice way. Meanwhile, she also had on a black tank top that was mostly covered by a dress shirt; which was partially unbuttoned to reveal juuuust enough cleavage. Frankly speaking, Kimi wasn’t thinking about how she looked, but she seemed to have obtained a rather attractive look despite it all.

Walk by she did, not taking much notice of anyone’s gazes, not even Elyss’s if it found the sore thumb that was Kimitsuki’s presence. Frankly speaking, if she was looking for a new friend, it may as well be like the universe was offering her one on a golden platter. And who was she to refuse such a generous offer?


Last edited by darkfunnel on Mon Feb 07, 2022 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki) Empty Re: Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki)

Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:21 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始


Well, life has a way of giving you lemons, and it’s up to you to make lemonade. Despite everything, it seems Elyss still has some favor left with whatever God is watching over her. She has to, right? There’s no way someone like this would appear right before her eyes without some behind the scenes force at work. What makes it better? Elyss actually recognizes this face, the red hair, the body shape. This is the woman that she’s seen a few times around Abalia once or twice before. She’s never spoken to her, but if she’s looking for someone to take on a trip, then this is probably her best bet, yeah? Now, what was her name again? She could have sworn she heard it from the side or something…

“...Kimberly? Kim? Kimi… Kimi!”

That’s probably not her name, but it should work at getting this sudden redhead’s attention. What’ll also help is the fact Elyss stepped into the woman’s personal space, red on red sudden intimacy! No one would even guess that Elyss just got done discussing murder and the likes.

“You’re that redhead that’s with ‘Balia sometimes, right? If so, you free? Ya look free. Come on. Let’s go get a drink.”

Elyss isn’t normally so straightforward with things like this, but this isn’t a normal situation, and if she doesn’t get away from everything soon, she might just pop.



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Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki) Empty Re: Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki)

Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:07 pm
Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki) L0Imfce


Kimitsuki was actually in a rather okay mood. Off work, at least for the time-being, and taking a trip around the Soul Society and Seireitei to once more keep herself familiar with her surroundings. However, she had far expected to meet someone of relative familiarity; even if it was one sided. Kimitsuki heard a name called. First Kimberly, not her, then Kim, certainly not Kimi, albeit it was much closer; such reasons were why Kimitsuki kept walking. She wasn't calling for her, why stop? Then came a call that was most certainly hers. 'Kimi'. A nickname bestowed upon the Danava by a most who were unwilling, or unable, to say her full name Kimitsuki. She supposed it was fair, since not everyone could know how to pronounce every existing name. Kimitsuki soon turned to the woman who had called to her; someone she had probably seen before, but never truly interacted with. What was her name? Elisa? Erza? No... it was Elyss. Or at least something close to that. Kimitsuki shrugged gently, deciding to brush off the slight bit of surprise that followed when the woman approached her, and soon listened as she spoke.

The only answer to her question was yes, of course. She was here as one of Abalia's personal guard. Of course, right now she wasn't needed for work, not for a bit of time at least, and she supposed there was no need to refuse. Regardless, the way Elyss conversed, not waiting for Kimitsuki to accept, seemed relatively rude. However, she couldn't deny that she was free, and had no real reason to refuse, so she calmly followed Elyss. It was odd, to be suddenly approached by a woman that seemed so agitated. Whatever the reason may be, Kimitsuki followed until they had almost arrived at their destination, at least before she finally spoke to Elyss.

"If I may, Elyss right?, you look extremely agitated despite the present situation. What happened? I can't imagine that drinking is the proper solution to how you are feeling. Besides, I believe talking about such things does help. If you insist on talking over drinks... well, we can try it and see what happens."

Kimitsuki was a little trepidatious over this particular... issue. However, she was willing to try and help. Regardless, she was loathe to actually drink anything more than water; perhaps something non-alcoholic if it tasted nice. She never had been too keen on the concept of getting drunk. It was something she was definitely going to avoid if at all possible. A clouded mind would not be the best thing in making decisions; especially if Elyss's agitation was related to a very particular problem.


Last edited by darkfunnel on Mon Feb 07, 2022 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki) Empty Re: Flame Spitter, Fire Eater (Elyss/Kimitsuki)

Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:34 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Eh! Eh?

She is agitated, huh? The walk was enough to calm her a bit, just enough to make her forget that she’s supposed to be really pissed. However, Kimitsuki’s reminder just made her all the more pissed with everything. She just pouted her cheeks, blew out some steam while stomping her foot, and gave the other redhead a quick look over.

“Just… Things. ‘Balia told me not to worry too much about it. Everything’s… handled, in a way, but now I’m stuck with some tough decisions.”

She doesn’t want to go into the whole thing about murdering someone and having to take their place. She doesn’t want to think about having to get some actual help in controlling her issues and crap. She just wants something to drink.

“Let’s head inside,” She suggested, moving ahead into the place full of no good scum. It is a bar after all, and Elyss didn’t waste time getting to the counter where she could order, waiting for Kimitsuki to follow along. Elyss’ head soon hit the counter, her arms softening the impact as she sat there, in a slump.

“You just looked… level headed. I need someone smart to make sure I don’t do anything dumb right now.”



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