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Sat Feb 19, 2022 10:20 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Formal2


Very well, if that was his recommendation then she'd judge his tastes. It was a trivial thing and ultimately without any greater meaning behind it as to affecting her view of him. Call it a cat's curiousity that she just wanted to know - his level of detail and research though made her smirk to herself. He really was into her, huh?

"Alright. I'll have that too... Unless you'd like to share it, you did say two noodles right?"

Yugiri contemplated adding a little bit extra, something along the lines of implying that he could guide it to her mouth but she held back. Maybe that would be just a touch mean, maybe she'd think more on it while she waited for the food itself. She was still working out her own ideas.


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God of Love
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Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:18 pm
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 AZ3ndZy


"Oh? Well, that is a rather striking idea, isn't it? After all, it would hardly do to overeat, when there is still more to be enjoyed tonight. Quite astute of you."

Fuuen naturally understood that the suggestion had been somewhat multilayered, but he felt his answer had matched that as well, and so he ordered a singular bowl of the kurume ramen, before returning his attentions to the lovely lady. He was, indeed, quite taken with her, though much of his passion on these topics of conversation was simply the nature of his own personality.

"You did truly pick a wonderful part of Japan to meet, you know. There is such a peaceful refinement here, away from all the rush and clamor of the cities."

Indeed, he preferred these quiet little towns, nestled among all the hills of Japan. It was the closest thing to home, really.

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Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:53 pm
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Formal2


"Thank you. Would you like to do the honours of stealing my first taste?

Her response was delivered far quicker than the amount of thought she had put into it could convey, for the time between his answer and her's was as fast as she could move. Quick on the thoughts and in a way with a silver tongue. It was a blend of flirtatiousness which could be interpreted in multiple ways like his haiku. A taste of him or a taste of food?

She thought it was quite clever frankly, even though she had no idea if he would interpret it in these two ways or even a third way which she had not thought off with her deft reaction. Just to add to the effect she closed her eyes and waited patiently.

This was kind of fun, maybe she had fantasised about romance but things like this never seemed to really be viable to her. It was the kind of things a girl might think about but then jump to the conclusion that it would likely never be anything more than that. Daydreaming and entertained thoughts, nothing more significant as a what-if.


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God of Love
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A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:24 pm
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 AZ3ndZy


"Oh? My, I am indeed honored at such. If such a thing is laid before me, then how might I refuse?"

Fuuen, certainly, understood the ways that he could have taken such a thing. And, for the briefest of moments, he thought that he might perhaps take advantage of the interpretation that most immediately appealed to him. But he was hardly some boorish slave to desire, and instead, he gave to her the more immediately appropriate response of the ramen itself.

Was it straightforward? Yes, perhaps, but not all things necessitated layers upon layers, poetry in every action. After all, there was value in simplicity as well.

"It is to your liking, I hope? Or ought I give you a bit more?"

Well, he could certainly return at least a bit of her teasing, something of a counter to her question that once again put the weight of it onto her. He quite enjoyed this banter, really. It was so far removed from what he was used to.

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Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:44 pm
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Formal2


It was a strange feeling, to let him do such a simple action which she would otherwise not conceive as letting someone help her. It was a rare thing that someone as prideful as herself would extend the branch of needing help and the recent memory of needing Ira to help her shower due to a hungover state was a stain that wouldn't be soon washed off. It was nice though to let him have control of that situation, the element of surprise even if a little predictable that he would not take the opportunity to kiss her.

In that same vein that he were not a slave to his desire, neither was she. Yugiri gave a thoughtful look away as a finger pressed against her chin. Feigning that she had a lot to think about by his question of giving a bit more but he had used that opportunity now and she was not about to let him have his cake and eat it too.

"I think that was quite satisfying, excess only spoils things don't you think? It does taste quite nice though. You should try some."

How hard it was for her to suppress the impish grin that wanted to make it crystal clear that she was fully aware of the subtext in their banter and consciously playing a bit hard to get. Guys liked a bit of a challenge, right?


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God of Love
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A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:08 pm
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 AZ3ndZy


Ah, the gesture in itself was a vision of loveliness, but her wording made such a sharp return to what Fuuen himself had said. Yugiri was quite sharp indeed, wasn't she?

"I agree, to fall into excess is to lose sight of the beauty in simplicity. Naturally, given that you have honored me, I think it only right that I return the kindness and offer my first taste to you."

Fuuen's smile edged upward the faintest touch, a sly edge to it that made it all the more transparent how aware he was of the banter between the two of them. He could certainly have suppressed it, but why should he? There was a value in being up front with her, as well. Besides, such a thing made his counter all the more of a playful challenge, to see if she would do much the same as he had.

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A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:26 pm
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Formal2


He made her cock her head a little bit with a sly smile as he parroted her gesture. Okay, well she wasn't going to copy him and mirror what he did so Yugiri leaned forward. Body getting closer but she held her breathe so that she could try her best and make him unaware until her lips finally pressed against his for a moment. A quick thing but long enough that he'd get a proper indulgence.

"How was that?"

Yugiri was a little nervous about it but she refused to show it, insisting to herself that she had performed as well as anyone else could and hoping that the feigned self-assuredness somehow showed in the act. There was no way she'd act like it was anything less.


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God of Love
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A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:39 pm
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 AZ3ndZy


It had been one matter, to be kissed by this woman in such a place as the teahouse at Karakura. A chance encounter, and with alcohol in the equation, it had been simply a pleasant little exchange between them, something that he could look back on with something more akin to amusement. But, by contrast, a kiss in this context was something far more lovely, and he could do little more than provide a genuine smile, almost even a touch shy as he made his reply.


He said such a simple word, so far removed from his typical flowered prose and poetic elaborations, that there was no room for question as to how genuinely he had meant it. He had already committed to this night far more than he typically might, but it felt now as if he had all the more reason.

"I feel as if I've shortchanged you by comparison, quite frankly. But I will assuredly make it up to you, for the night is still young."

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A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:52 pm
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Formal2


"I'm glad to hear. You should eat your share though."

She chimed to his promise to make it up for her and raise the stakes of the night, how did he plan to do that exactly? It just left her to wonder but a little bit of that came naturally between the two of them it seemed so Yugiri couldn't complain about the surprises.

"So what's our next destination after the food, or am I not allowed to know until we get there?"


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God of Love
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A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:21 pm
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 2 AZ3ndZy


"Ah, of course."

Fuuen certainly didn't wish to linger any longer than necessary, both because of his plans for the rest of the evening and because it was simply in his nature to move and continue. He took a moment to follow her suggestion, eating a bit more of the ramen, before he answered her question.

"I think that to keep it a secret would only be to suggest a lack of confidence in it, that I might feel the need to avoid telling you simply so that I avoid any judgement early. After this, there is a confectioner in this town which creates a mochi recipe passed down since before the wars, and a tea house which has a seasonal blend of tea that will soon be unavailable. I have already ensured that they will have both at the ready, that we may simply collect them and continue on."

Another bite, and a sip of barley tea, and he continued to explain, clearly confident in his plans for the evening.

"There is a quite old tea room up the river, in the shadow of a magnificent waterfall and with an exceptional view of the night sky. An exceptional place to enjoy the evening, would you not agree?"

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