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Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:41 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 Formal2


It would be a lie to say that when he approached her that she was expecting him to kiss, maybe she wanted him to kiss her just a little bit more than she let on, maybe she did want a bit more than that. She wasn't going to let any kind of lust and her dominant attitude ruin this moment so she returned the embrace nonetheless and leaned into him. Hands moving to feel the consistency of his hair, she did like long hair on guys.

"Show me? Show me what exactly?"

Yugiri quietly said with a loud sigh, her mind debating whether or not to let him go just to try and close her kimono which was opening at the front from being lax about reapplying her obi. Maybe she should do that, although that didn't need to be fixed until he pulled away from her. It wasn't like he could see much like this.


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God of Love
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Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:51 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 AZ3ndZy


The feeling of her hands through his hair was one that Fuuen had certainly been ill-prepared for, but one that he welcomed all the same. It only made the moment feel that much more intimate, made him want her that much more deeply. He supposed if he was being honest from here onward, he could hardly deny the truth of his own desire, hm?

"I think it would only be a disservice if I were to simply express it through words."

He pulled away from Yugiri after a few more moments, his eyes meeting hers before he leaned in to kiss her. If he had been a more greedy man, he might well have been nearly ravenous in the gesture, but he was firmly in control of himself, of his passions. It was a gentle sign of affection, though behind such restraint there was still that faint ember of something more. After all, he had already deigned to be honest with her, had he not? There was no reason not to do the same in this.

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Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:02 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 Formal2


It was completely within reason for her to take the small peck on her lips and call it there, to have what was a brief moment shared between them but unlike Fuuen, she did want more of him and she pulled his lips back against her's as he retreated. A longer and more needy one that she had wanted to deliver, the kind which lacked any of her refinement or confidence, a kiss that showed her inexperience and made her self-conscious. The kind that was her.

A couple moments longer before she pulled away and looked away with a small grin on her face, the type that she might think was stupid if she saw herself in a mirror. A little red were her cheeks while she reached down to fold her kimono over at the front instead of letting it hang open. He probably saw if his eyes were quick to open after their kiss but that felt okay.


She said sheepishly to him, it probably didn't help him to be so aggressive though that was the difference between them. The strong wind that pushed through obstacles, the passive wind which admired the world it flowed through as a breeze. Kinda poetic, right?


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God of Love
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Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:47 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 AZ3ndZy


If Fuuen's desire had been restrained, Yugiri's could never be called anything close. But he could hardly call that anything other than exceptionally alluring in all its own way, her confidence and forwardness something that he could only ever call magnificent. As she looked away bashfully, Fuuen brought a hand gently to her cheek, bringing her gaze to meet his once more.

"I can hardly imagine anything which might merit an apology less."

His own smile was a touch unsure itself, though not by merit of unfamiliarity. It was, rather, that the circumstances of the act were far different. Had he been quite so charmed by any woman before? No, he could say quite certainly that he had not. Every woman he had known in such a manner paled by comparison, and in that thought he felt not the faintest degree of guilt. After all, it was simply the truth.

"I think, if anything, I ought to apologize for having failed to match you in that moment, hm?"

He wished to kiss her again. Would he? Should he? So much of his typical composure was rapidly being lost in the moment. But Fuuen could hardly even say he minded that, really.

"The tea is surely getting cold, I realize. But I think I am willing to let it do so."

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Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:58 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 Formal2


Her metallic gaze looked into his own, it was a weird situation that she visualised here. He was clearly more experienced in this, it briefly passed through her mind to wonder how many women he had actually been with but the thought flew away like the birds as she went back to thinking about her inexperienced forwardness and his experienced patience. Almost like a duality of yin and yang.

"We can get more tea later."

She chimed while regaining a bit of confidence after his reassurances, enough to try and sultry up her tone a little bit again. It would be simple to just reach up and kiss him again, entirely within her power to do so actually. She did not though for she wanted to be led for this and experience it more.

Her eyes closed while leaning forward with anticipation, her mouth was a little agape while she waited for him to plant his lips on her's again. To kiss her again and mould her lips to his in a much longer chance to enjoy the night.


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God of Love
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A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 Empty Re: A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:24 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 AZ3ndZy


Even if Yugiri had responded in the plainest voice imaginable, Fuuen still would have felt his heart skip a beat at the words themselves. He nearly felt like a young boy again, for how shaken he was by this moment. But he had already said he would lead her, would show her far more. How could he dare to stop now?

There was hardly even a need for words, for no reply could have matched what she had said. Instead, he simply pulled her in toward him, closing the space between them as his lips met hers. Still gently, of course, still the guiding breeze over the mountain. But there was more confidence to it now, more assuredness. If she wished to be forward, then he would match her, guide her further along.

Where would they stop? He did not know, nor did he care. Such thoughts were not the sort he concerned himself with. In the moment, the here and now, he simply knew that this was exceptionally pleasant.

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Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:45 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 Formal2


It felt like she was sprinting a marathon, her heart never beat like this. Well, that was a lie. It did but it was far different like this. His arms holding her close while she tried her best to keep pace, avoiding any kind of attempt to wrestle control out of instinct. She knew when she was probably beat for experience and this was new, different and exhilerating. A small moan escaping her lips which almost humilated her if not for the fact her mind was far too preoccupied by him to linger.

Her own arms took hold of his sides while she continued, aware that her kimono was hanging dangerously on her shoulders and tempting fate to fall off, she remained close to him while it played out and finally she concluded with a display of panting, a need to catch her breathe after it.

Yugiri felt the most vulnerable at the moment than she ever had before in front of him, in a strange way it felt even worse than when she had to face Yushiro for the last time. To be dragged through the mistakes she had made and punished, a miserable experience but this felt different and the fact every bit of her was almost on display to him made her self-consciousness.

There was no way that she could maintain her composure, to articulate the kind of allure and confidence she wished that she could maintain. All she could muster was what felt like the most genuine and embarrassing thing she'd ever heard herself say in all her life.

"Fuuen.... I want you."


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God of Love
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Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:07 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 AZ3ndZy


There was temptation in spades before him, and yet Fuuen did not allow himself to collapse before it. But, when such words escaped Yugiri's lips, as she pulled away from him and allowed him to see her in that moment, the weight of the whole situation collided with him at such a degree that it was quite nearly as overwhelming as the moment all of his memories had returned.

No, in a sense it was far more overwhelming. For he wanted her with such an intensity that he had not known in six hundred years, with such emotion that it could never be called mere lust. Would he dare to say that the physical was not a part of it? Of course not. She was beautiful, profoundly so. But if that were all he had considered, all that had drawn him to her, then surely nothing of this night would have happened as it did.

"And I you."

There was nothing more that could be said, nothing more that needed to be said, and for all of his composure, those three simple words were spoken with a need that could never possibly be hidden, all of his poetic speech simply lost by the sheer force of his desire for her. He brought himself closer to her now, not even so collected as to pull her toward him, but his lips instead moved lower, to her neck, his touch now more assured, confident, exploratory.

She wanted him. He wanted her. There was nothing more or less that needed to be known, and no words that might begin to compare to action now.

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Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:20 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 Formal2


Yugiri did not know exactly what to expect? Of course they were some of it, she had some idea of all this from idle thoughts and her own fantasies. It was a new territory to really understand, this was her in genuine and earnestness right now compared to putting on some facade of nobility. A guise which had long since been put away. No matter what she had expected it did not been something she could predict when she felt Fuuen's advances and control of the situation. She did not mind in the slightest, for something like this Yugiri admitted that having a guide was probably beneficial.

Yet she still let out a gasp at his lips on her neck. A growing blush and flustered feeling that wouldn't go away and only became harder to deal with. Suppress it? Reject it? No, she wasn't going to turn back when she knew that what she had said was in fact honest and it would be a lie to act as though it wasn't.

What was she meant to do? Reciprocate? How? It felt difficult, if not impossible with him attacking her. The thought did occur that maybe she wasn't supposed to do anything, maybe she was just meant to relax and let him act irregardless of her more proactive and aggressive nature wanting to somehow wrestle the lead from him. Though, she wouldn't.

She'd just remain like this for now and lean in closer to him.


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God of Love
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Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:43 am
A Letter for Hymn [Fuuen, Yugiri] - Page 5 O4gifxw


It was perhaps for the best that Fuuen was the more experienced between the two, for he could certainly take her into his arms without concern. But, admittedly, even he had not been fully prepared for the night which faced him then.

Or, admittedly, for the morning afterward. Did he mind that? Hardly. What beauty was there in knowing where something might lead? Yugiri had surprised him even in this, and that was something that Fuuen relished as he ran his fingers gently through her hair, his other arm simply wrapped around her. Would he ever see this place again? Perhaps, perhaps not. But whether or not he did, he would certainly remember it for the rest of his days.

"I would be all too remiss if I did not suggest we travel together for a short while, you know."

It was a suggestion that, even in its romantic nature, was still fully aware of who they both were. The sort of people who traveled by their whims, who would not be held down by anything. He would not have found her half as beautiful without knowing such a thing about her. Did he wish for them to always move together? No, hardly not. They were as two winds, blowing across the Earth in whatever direction fate took them. But to travel together did not necessitate permanence. They could part ways whenever they wished, and meet once more when it suited them. He quite liked that thought.

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