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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:49 pm
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

Again. She finds herself waiting for another visitor. Her time has been spent with constant attention, people from every position within the Vandenreich coming and going to check up on her. She has lied to many of them, blaming a failed mission for her sorry state. It is the least she can do to save face before her subordinates, and to protect the image of him. She doesn’t want to think about him, but it’s impossible for her to not.

At least, for now, she’s allowed some respite thanks to Rafeala. She is busy using it to catch up on much needed rest. With her eyes closed, she kept her breath steady, to keep her heart at a constant beat. She has not had any episodes, but that is thanks to her constant use of meditation to keep herself tamed. At least she has found an application for the lessons from when she was younger.

Frail and Confused | END POST
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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty Re: A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:00 pm

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

He was concerned as much as the next person about Helle, and figured the woman he had fought so long ago deserved some visit. He was simply one of many he assumed that might visit her, and thus wanted to make this meeting as painless as possible. He even went some distance to prepare some tupperware food, some french cooking that was easy on the stomach. As he arrived at her door, the large male would knock.

He was currently simply wearing a large white t-shirt and some jeans, nothing too offending nor his uniform. He didn’t want this to seem like he was only doing this cause they shared some affiliation in the Vandenreich. So he waited while holding a large paperbag, taking note of her apartment. Not too different from his own. Provided she opened the door he’d lift up the bag.

“Hey, can I come in?”


A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) JfH75kA
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) H8Tyk70
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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty Re: A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Fri Mar 04, 2022 6:29 pm
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

Ah. Someone is at the door. Rest does not stay peaceful for the weary. It took but a request to send Rafeala to the door and see who it is. The quick description of a man that stood as tall as the door with blonde hair proved adequate enough for Helle. She knows who it is that awaits entrance, and she wondered just what brought him here. Is he worried? Was he asked to check up on her? Are there questions he wished to have answered? Her mind pondered for a moment before she allowed him entrance with two quick words from her mouth.

"Come in."

Uriel would find the woman in question sitting still on her couch, staring at nothing in particular until he approached, her gaze slowly moving towards him. One would say that Helle seemed well enough. However, one can see the weakness in her gaze, the poorness of her movements and expression. A small smile pulled at her lips, but everyone knows she is far from the prideful champion she used to be. Still, she found Uriel's appearance peculiar. That is not his uniform, nor does it seem formal in any fashion. He also has food with him. Hopefully, it proves edible.

"What brings thou so far, my dear friend?"

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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty Re: A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:25 pm

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

“Why are you talking like that, weirdo?”

Uriel would comment letting that sit for a moment before cracking a wide smile, clearly showing he was just jesting. He’d cross the room ducking down a bit as he went to sit down across from her, placing the bag of food on the table. He wasn’t going to question the woman who let him into the house, instead he rested a large palm on his knee and then lifted a hand with his palm facing upwards in a questioning motive.

“Well between both of our jobs, I don’t think we’ve much time to speak-catch up. That is what friends do, yes?” He’d comment before lowering his hand, now resting it on his thigh. He seemed to be taking her in, his eyes examining her for a moment as if searching for something. It was a quick thing, hardly long enough to be noticeable or uncomfortable. But it was enough that it showed that some level of deeper concern reamined.

“Let’s pretend for a moment, I am not Uriel Sancroix of the Vandenreich.” He’d begin, his deep voice rumbling in his throat. The melodic accent he possessed was only slightly French in origin, it was clear that he was one to get to the core of the issue. “I brought some food I made for you. I do not-” He brings hand up, moving it as if he’s looking for the right words.

“... push you to say things you are not ready for. I am here, nonetheless. Let’s eat?”


A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) JfH75kA
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) H8Tyk70
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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty Re: A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Sun Mar 06, 2022 7:01 pm
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

Eh? Eh? There's something wrong with the way she talks? Why, she's always spun her words in a similar manner with everyone. Uriel's the first to ever say it's weird to her face, but now she's unable to believe that other's have not thought the same. Well, now she has another thing to feel a bit self-conscious about. However, she does not let her newfound disdain for her vocabulary show on her face, deciding to keep her calm, yet, burdened smile steady. Things made in jest are just that, but that does not mean every insult thrown her way was in jest. What he founds a simple quirk, others may find undeniably irritating.

"Ah, yes. Thank you for cooking up something. You did not have to. I am kept well-fed."

She didn't even try to respond to his other words. They have spoken little, especially after Helle had closed herself off from everyone to focus solely on her work. Uriel did not visit her then. Many did not care to drop by during her time working herself to death. Maybe they thought she was fine. Maybe they thought nothing would occur due to her strength. If only they understood the danger that lied underneath the surface of her soft skin. Though, none of them probably would have adequately helped her with her situation. Only one person could. No matter how close people make themselves out to be, there's always that barrier between them, and Helle is unsure if she's willing to poke a hole in her own for this man.

"Do not fret too long over minor details. I am fine and recovering well. It won't be long until I'm able to continue my prior duties for our glorious Vandenreich."

Her words, as hollow as they are, seemed almost rehearsed. However, her smile was all too real, all too sad, all too injured. In fact, she broke eye contact, her eyes everywhere but on the only other person in the room. Ah... She began to toy with the food he had brought just to pretend that she is as chipper as she has always been. It is hard, but she's used to working under stress. She's been practicing staying in control.

Frail and Confused | END POST
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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty Re: A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:13 pm

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

Uriel stares at her for a moment, his face a mask of neutrality. A quietnes to his features despite the bright light his shadow cast. As if his very presence was magnified by something else, like those from birth destined for greatness. Rarely however did such things equal an easy life. The weight of a thousand hardships spoken and unspoken would weigh on their souls until their dying days. He wondered what might bring this onto her, and furthermore what he might do to aide her if he could at all.

He leans back on the couch, a large arm coming to rest against the backrest. His head turns from her silently. In this moment a rare glimpse into the inner workings of Uriel was seen. The light which shines in his soul dimmed, his shoulders sagged with the heavy burden on them. Barely in his twenties and having seen so much darkness in the world, it showed in the lines on his face.

“People don’t get it, ya’ know?” He’d remark in an almost soft-spoken voice. “All the shit we deal with. The things we struggle with.” He’d purse his lips for a moment, his tongue moving in his mouth as if to get something disgusting off it. She would know that Uriel's work in the darker sections of the Vandenreich wasn’t pretty, that for all his sunshine he worked in a grim field. Death and dishonor was among the things that he had to catch his pale hands in.

“I sometimes, sometimes, get these nightmares. Most of the time I ignore them. But I keep having this one, this nasty one, and it gets to me.” His voice shakes for a moment when he speaks those last words. A side of himself he didn’t share to others. Why was he showing Helle? It was simple really, so she understood that whatever struggles she had could be shared.

That was not alone, in feeling weak.

“I’m in Europe again and it’s the middle of the night. And I can’t move, I can’t speak. I’m tied up. And I see these shadows moving closer and closer. But not to me, to those around me. And they start cutting their throats. One after another. And, and, I can’t do anything about it.” His voice shakes ever so much, he isn’t looking at her. His gaze is out the window. As if going back to a place far away, cloudy eyes remembering something he wishes he could forget. “And as they come to me, I wake up in my bed.”

Uriel takes in a deep breath, his chest rising heavily before falling. His head turns back to her, looking like he has aged visibly.

“I lost more friends after the war, then during it. I don’t want to bury another, Helle.”


A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) JfH75kA
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) H8Tyk70
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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty Re: A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:18 pm
Siegharty wrote:
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

Her hand tightened on the cushion of the couch's armrest, the slow-moving line that represented her heartbeat quickening in its pace by barely a second. People do not understand the dangers that come with authority. It is not the physical trials that break a person. It is the mental fatigue that slowly drives an able body insane. There is much to worry about: the safety of your subordinates, the wellbeing of everyone, the paperwork that condemn or saves an individual. It takes a certain mind to handle it all, and Helle had that mind; had. One moment. One moment in her life, and everything simply tumbled, a domino effect that was long in the making. Maybe if she was a better woman, a stronger woman... No... This isn't the time to think about that, but how could she not with the words this man dared to speak?

She struggled to keep her smile. She struggled to keep her heart beating, a ticking in her head that she followed, counting the beeps of the monitor beside her. She doesn't want this, not now. She doesn't want to feel weak. She doesn't want to hear his small story. She doesn't want to know his nightmares. She has her own nightmares, the visage of the one's she called friends, family, teammates; their faces laughing at her. She can see the ghosts of her past, the people she left behind, their ghastly visages howling in her ears, whispering her failings, her misdeeds, her harlot-esque actions.

When did her smile leave her face? Her grip on the couch's armrest was as strong as it could be, sweat gathering around her brow. It's cold, but it's also so hot. With a small gulp, she smiled again, but it is an ugly little thing that emphasized the dangerous hatred in her gaze. Breathe.... Breathe. Breath, dammit! With one strong gasp, she began to chuckle, slowly. The beeping beside her picked up in its pace as Helle's legs seemed to vibrate as if she wished for them to move despite their inability to. Slowly, the power she once held started to flicker around her.

"Maybe some of them wanted to be buried, Uriel."

Then, she started to cough, her frail body shot with sudden pain that shook her whole body. The very act of coughing alone, broke her lungs, a trail of blood in the palm of her hand. Curling into herself, the monitor beside her began to beep quickly, signaling the risk of Helle losing everything if action isn't taken immediately.

Frail and Confused | END POST
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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty Re: A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Fri Mar 18, 2022 5:05 am

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

Before he could truly process what was happening with Helle, or really address what she said, he’d see she take a turn for the worst. He’d stand up immediately with speed that wasn’t normal at all as he moved across the table saying her name. “Helle, Helle, you breathe- I- what do I do!?” He’d ask as he knelt at their side not quite touching her yet for fear that he might break something. Instead he was only gawking slightly quickly looking for some indication what to do next.

“I’m sorry, Helle- I didn’t mean…” The man’s voice would trial off for a moment realizing the situation was far worst than anything he could have fathom’d. Whatever affiliated Helle wasn’t merely a lapse in judgment, or temporary physical illness, but a deep problem. Unseen wounds which festered in the light he brought, like an infection becoming sun burnt by his very presence.

He could do nothing to help her, as he looked at his fingers. Hands which had been made to kill men indiscriminately, a weapon forged for war. He could not save a life, if he tried. He didn’t know how to heal her, how to care for her, or what words might be used to counsel not a warrior but a woman. A deep abyss laid in his soul in his ability to do anything, but call for help from the aide which was here. The fear of losing a friend, or contributing to their downfall, evident in his eyes.

“God help me, I’m sorry.”

The words came hushed as he placed a cautious hand on her arm as he motion’d for help. His hands warm, almost hot to the touch. Far hotter than the average person, reacting to his own distress his sun-tinged aura burned hotter and brighter. As if trying to cast out the darkness in his own soul.

It was failing.


A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) JfH75kA
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) H8Tyk70
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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty Re: A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:32 am
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) V3UAJ9S

Helle Armstrong | Lost Savant

'Is this where things end? Has all I've done been for naught? Why must this body of mine prove incapable of the simplest of dreams? What was the point in the end? The power to save the world? Why has one lofty dream sunken me so low?'

Thoughts that did nothing but piss her off fired off in her brain like a barrage of bombs, never relenting. She can see it all: her birth, her youth, her training, her life, her death. Is this another moment of seeing everything she was, is, and could be again? Then, she is dying? Again? What a pissant of a human she proves to be. Brought low by the mere nightmares? Guess she was always weak willed. It's growing dark, the light turning hazy with shadows slowly eating away at it. She's losing consciousness. If she falls asleep, will she wake up. What will she dream of this time? Will she even dream? Maybe she should just accept it this time, save herself the trouble of having to see reality. That would be a pleasant dream.

However, she found herself annoyed, a hand that burned and shook her brain awake holding onto her. With a lofty breath, she turned her head slowly towards the man who burned too brightly for his own good.

"Uriel..." She found herself muttering as the shadows around her visage seemed to burn away. What a sorry excuse for a woman she is. She should apologize to him. She has a lot of people to apologize to. There are a lot of people who want to see her well, not dead. Ah, but isn't she done living her life for people? Isn't that an impossibility now? Is she really going to die unresolved? She had accepted such before, but now? Dammit. She hates everyone. Why do they still cause her suffering now? Fine! If they want her here, then she will give them their chance to break her stubbornness. Tch... Is this just her way of being afraid of death? Blaming others?

Her hand tightened around her chest, the sudden pain tearing her body apart nothing as her bloodied teeth tightened. More blood dripped from her lips as she began to focus entirely on her heart. For a moment, the Helle of old had returned, Reishi moving at her whim for one sole purpose: to save her. It was a simple but complicated procedure to force the energy of the world to take hold of her heart and force it to comply and return to a stable state. It hurt her. She could feel the last remnants of her teacher slipping away in totality. She won't be able to do this again, but at least, for now, she'll have another chance at life. Why? She doesn't know. All she knows is that she can breathe, and that Uriel is too bright and hurting her eyes while also burning her arm.

"Please let go of me, Uriel. I'm fi-" She broke into a coughing fit, more blood coming from her mouth. She is not going to die, but her body is still in a state of decay and immediate attention is still required. She's shaking horribly.

Frail and Confused | END POST
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A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) Empty Re: A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle)

Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:21 pm

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

He takes his hand from her.

It is hard to place into words the weakness that he feels in this moment. For all his strength he is incapable of providing her the aide she so rightly deserves as his friend, and he is too much trained for war to be a comfort in peace. Even now he was nothing but a lie to her. And for these reasons he withdrew his hand, leaving her without his warmth.

“You…” His voice croaks for a moment, hoarse as his weakness shows. He withdraws to where he originally was, more than an arms length away from her. He turns his back to her as a hand comes to his chin, before it slides up his face. Feeling supremely stupid, or perhaps foolish. Despite being the embodiment of the sun, his emotions where not always positive. Rather they were amplified, taken to extremes. And right now, he could only feel dim.

“You are not fine. And I cannot help you.” He’d remark more for himself than her, as he sucked in a deep breath he dropped his hand. His shoulder sagged for a moment before his posture seemd to fix it’s self. His head tilting upwards as he seemingly regained some level of composure.

“I’ll get your nurse, and depart.”

It was the best thing he could do for her, to get someone who might truly help her.


A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) JfH75kA
A Light to Bright (Uriel/Helle) H8Tyk70
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