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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:15 pm
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Vizard Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Nanashi Gombei
» Alias':
» Age: 67
» Race: Vizard

» Affiliation: Gotei

» Alignment: Neutral Good
» Marital Status: -
» Nationality: Japanese
» Sexuality: Bisexual

» Height: 5'2"
» Weight: -
» Hair Colour: Natural Pink
» Eye Colour: Green

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei SIDE__shiranui_mai_the_king_of_fighters_and_1_more_drawn_by_hichi__sample-a798d5ac82e598e3476bc0547dd1fc92

» Appearance Description:

Nanashi is a woman of moderate height clocking in at a blistering and spicy 5'2". She has a fit physique with some considerable curves hugging the layer of muscle and generally keeping her muscle tone obscured unless she is being physically active. Generally toeing the line between feminine and tomboyish without being too far into either where she can't pull off the other. All the same, she carries herself with somewhat of a shaky sense of seriousness, not usually SEEMING as serious as she's trying to be.
That said, she has become considerably less tomboyish since graduating from the Shino academy. A combination of filling out and growing her hair has resulted in her landing squarely in the curvy department.

I. Personality

» Personality:

Nanashi is what many would call moody, often switching between calm and angry often as she has a bit of a temper problem when it comes to everyday interactions. All the same, there is a soft earnestness about her that makes her a bit on the unremarkable side. She is a bit on the vain side in terms of her looks and has her own little hodgepodge of insecurities but nothing that really stands out.

At times, she does feel unsure about just how plain she is and will try to adopt the personality traits of other women she finds more desirable or interesting than she is, but this rarely ever bears fruit and it won't be long before she is back to her old ways. Because of this copycat sort of mentality she can often come across as somewhat childish, especially when such attempts usually backfire.

Since the incident in Area 40, she has grown very afraid of her Inner Hollow. However, rather than brooding and secluding herself, she has become MUCH more sociable as she is always on the lookout for someone who can help her, even somewhat reducing her weird childish tendencies as she tries to seek out friends to help her endure the attempts her hollow makes to take over. Because of this, she somehow respects those that choose to be more emo a little less in her heart.

» Likes: Popular people, Trendy Stuff, Human World Stuff, Looking Cool, Noble Garbs

» Dislikes: Emos, Sour Foods, Demons, Questioning her intelligence.

I. History

» History:

Originally a human born on earth, after having died she lost her memories rather quickly even losing the memory of her old name as a human. As such, she lived out in area 73 as primarily a nameless girl mixed in with the criminals and poor souls that lived in these areas. While she had no memories of her life as a human OR her name, she DID understand that her environment was very no bueno, and as such she began travelling to the lower districts in an attempt to find a better lifestyle, along with some other rukongai citizens from the same area who had the same idea. Unfortunately this little caravan also held a number of gangsters with vendettas against the gotei in partocular. Mingling in with those seeking a better life, the Caravan got as far as area 40 before the gang showed their true colors.

One of the Gang members used some smuggled hollow bait and promptly brought a number of powerful hollows into the District, causing a massive panic as a result. This only grew MORE out of hand when Stronger hollows were drawn by the fight between the shinigami in the area and the hollows. It was in the midst of this conflict that Nanashi was severely injured by one of the hollows present.

Treated by one of the healers present during the incident, Nanashi instantly came to grow fond of the Gotei in general and promptly aspired to become a shinigami. Passing her exams to enter the Shino academy. It was this, however that spelled her doom. While a small ammount of Hollow reiatsu had entered her body during the fight, it had remained simply as dormant traces as a result of the special ability of the Hollow that attacked her which would seal itself into a victim when it was close to death and attempt to emerge from their body at a later date, though it was much less effective against Shinigami. Once she began to develop her own powers as a Shinigami, this taint within her began to grow and fester in panic as it's chance to be reborn was now in jeapordy.

Thankfully, one of the teachers was able to sense the traces of hollow spirit energy within her before it could show itself during a training exercise in the world of the living.

As a result of this, rather than going on a sudden rampage, Nanashi was able to be confined and imprisoned while her Inner hollow began to first take over, drawing out her own hollow form as she battled with this Hollow attempting to take her body over, fighting against her budding hollow powers. It was an incredibly long and drawn out fight, almost prompting the Teacher to consider slaying her rather than allow her to further rampage. But ultimately, Nanashi was barely able to defeat her inner hollow and regain control of her body.

Throughout this internal battle, Nanashi struggled with the monster inside of her mainly because of a point of willpower and the means to defeat her. This beast continued to rail about how it would refuse to vanish and die, even wrongly blaming Nanashi for having drawn it to Soul Society only to almost wind up being slaughtered and in this state Nanashi found herself pitying the hollow's lot in life, having learned of the life cycle that hollows endure in the Academy, it was difficult for her to keep from empathizing with the monster. In that moment, she resigned herself to her fate of death or takeover, unsure if she would die or if this beast would simply steal her body, she advised that the hollow at least try to pretend to be her, in hopes that it would escape and find a better existence.

Strangely, this seemed to weaken the hollow's advance. It was well aware that simply taking over would likely mean it would be slain on the spot. And so they made a deal: that Nanashi would be allowed to remain intact but in exchange she would allow her hollow, Amanta, to live vicariously through her. Nanashi even suggested allowing Amanta to take over if she were able to behave, but Amanta chastised her for assuming that she would not simply eat everything in sight and get Nanashi thrown in jail for allowing such a thing.

All the same, Nanashi survived her hollowfication and managed to gain some shaky relationship with her hollow, to such an extent that Amanta has more or less come to mentor Nanashi and even help her in studying her other budding abilities.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Absurd Hollow Relationship:

Nanashi's relationship with Amanta is bizarre to say the least. Having an amicable interaction in which Amanta generally has to mentor Nanashi through their combined existence in the interest of not getting them both killed. As a result, their bond is more like a deal than an actual struggle, resulting in abnormally high control over her hollow powers and even when losing control it is often in the context of Amanta saving Nanashi from her own poor decisions or lack of responsibility when wielding her hollow powers.

Stupid Tough

Primarily the result of her Hoho fixation and the fact that she has, and DOES spend much of her time accidentally slamming into things at shunpo speed. By the grace of god, her teachers managed to keep her from being so reckless when around anything sharp or extra dangerous, but this does not mean she hasn't plowed through a number of training equipment, doors, or even into her teachers from time to time. Because of this, she is exceptionally sturdy by sheer merit of the fact that she hasn't managed to kill or maim herself yet.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Hoho Natural

While Nanashi's general capabilities are on the low side, she DOES have both a knack for hoho, and something of an obsession with it's use as she finds it to be 'the bees knees' that she has the ability to essentially teleport. Since she learned the ability she has spent no small amount of effort to make the ability her primary means of transportation or even just moving around. Because of this, her Shunpo in particular has been used and made incredibly efficient. No, her Shunpo is not especially fast, or precise, or controlled, or really anything that might be unexpected of someone of her skill level. But by sheer tenacity and obsession, she has managed to find a way to use Shunpo such that performing it uses virtually no energy, sacrificing most other aspects of the ability for efficiency.

Doom Blast Enthusiast

Similar to Hoho, Nanashi has taken a particular enjoyment of being able to fire a Doom Blast, even refusing to call it a Cero on the merit that Doom Blast sounds cooler to her, though Amanta has gotten her to at least use both on account that she finds this offensive to use the Shinigami term for the attack rather than what hollows call it. All the same, Nanashi uses this ability whenever possible, though this is more sparing as it is difficult for her to actually manage to use her mask repeatedly. That said, she has VERY high efficiency with her Ceros compared to others.

I. Sealed Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: 妖術者 Yōjutsusha (Sorcerer)

» Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance: Nanashi's zanpaku'to spirit takes the form of a black-haired woman with sleek raven wings growing out of her mid-back, often with a white garb and a red Tokin Hat on her head.

» Zanpakutō Spirit Personality: Yōjutsusha is incredibly birdbrained and prideful, expressing great disdain on Nanashi having to rely on Amanta for so much, while at the same time often being tricked by the hollow into capitulating to Nanashi's desires. All the same, she often gets into arguments with Nanashi and Amanta, generally losing in both instances.

» Inner World: The Inner world is a kaleidoscope of landscapes. Desert, Tundra, Volcanoes, Hotsprings, Swamps, all of these twisted into an enormous ever-changing ring up in the sky overlooking a dry desert where most things ACTUALLY take place as Amanta's soul has merged with her own. Often putrid water, lava, ice, and debris will rain down from the twisted infinity band of nonsense in the sky in streaming rivers onto the desert below.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Nanashi's zanpaku'to takes on the very unremarkable appearance of just a normal katana.

» Sealed Zanpakutô Powers:

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Claro que sí! (Of Course!)

» Shikai Release Actions: Shikai can be initiated by snapping her fingers and winking at her Zanpaku'to.

» Shikai Appearance: Upon activation of her Shikai, her weapon promptly dissolves into a fine metal dust which is then reshaped as per the whims of Nanashi. When naturally allowed to condense without a form in mind, it will take the form of an ornate staff.

» Shikai Abilities:

Majutsu: Katachi (魔術: 形 Sorcery: Shape):

Outside of release Nanashi is able to reshape things that she has infused with her reiryoku. While this cannot change the amount of mass that is being manipulated this is exactly what it says on the tin: She can change the shape of nonliving targets. The size of these targets can vary, but generally anything she can make physical contact with and pour spirit energy into can have it's shape changed so long as it is not alive or having possession of someone else's reiryoku in it. As such, she can reshape a bank of snow into a ball of ice or a blade. This also does provide a level of durability and weapon potential scaling with her Zanjutsu skill. These changes generally last 6 posts (after which it reverts to it's original shape at the same speed (2 posts)), though objects that she owns and has particular connection to can be altered permanently, such as her Zanpaku'to (Much to Yōjutsusha annoyance). This has led to many believing her to be much better at Kido and Cero than she actually is.

The process by which this change occurs is facilitated by a pulse of reiryoku through the object over the course of two posts, the changes taking place along the object as the pulse travels through it. In addition to living things: targets that consist of or contain another person's reiryoku cannot be manipulated by this ability. A target cannot have it's shape changed by this ability while still in the process of a previous shapechange (if she is turning a slab of rock into a cube, she cannot change it again until the transition is complete.) And this ability cannot be initiated if a living thing with a significant soul (A person, not animals), is within the intended range of the ability.

Targets of this ability must fit within a set space based on
Beginner: within a 3 meter radius
Adept: Within a 5 meter radius
Advanced: within a 15 meter radius
Elite: Within a 25 meter radius

Majutsu: Dansei ( 魔術: 弾性 Sorcery: Elastic)

A higher end transformation ability which allows Nanashi not only to infuse her spirit energy into an object and change it's shape, but also alter it's size by infusing it with her spiritual energy into spiritual matter. As such, physical matter affected by this ability will become a mix of reishi and kishi. Using this ability Nanashi can increase an object's mass by up to 300% or reduce it down to 1/4th of it's original mass by converting some of it to energy, which in turn provides energy for her rather than expending it. Objects with durability superior to her zanjutsu are immune to being shrunk.
This ability effects the mass, not the density of the target.
This occurs over the course of 2 posts, lasts for 4 posts, then returns to it's original state over the course of an additional 2 posts.

I. Inner Hollow/Mask

» Inner Hollow Name: Amanta

» Inner Hollow Description: Amanta takes the form of a large white Jaguar with pink stripe markings running along the length of it's body crisscrossing along the spine and her hollow mask. Generally speaking Amanta is around 5 meters from nose to tailtip and has long curved claws at the ends of her limbs which can extend and retract. These markings however can not only move along her body, but also extend like tendrils to attack and latch onto targets.

» Inner Hollow Personality: Cunning and indignant, Amanta is incredibly sentient for a hollow and often makes it a point to note the inconvenience of her situation. But most of this grumpiness stems from allowing herself to get stuck in a body that ultimately usurped her ability to reconstitute as a normal hollow. Under normal circumstances this would make her incredibly hard to deal with, but she seems to have taken an interest in Nanashi due to just how simple and gullible the girl is. So much so that Nanashi has had to take on a guiding and even protective role in helping the girl develop and grow so as not to wind up being slain if the girl somehow loses control.

Thanks to this level of higher intellect, Amanta often finds herself guiding Nanashi more than anything to desperately keep the girl from getting the both of them executed.

» Inner Hollow Powers:

Semilla Rosa (Pink Seed):

Amanta's primary ability to extend her soul and plant seeds of herself within other objects and individuals in order to possess or control them. This is generally accomplished by extending her markings out of her body like tendrils and then stabbing into the object in question. This implants a seed of possession into the target using a shred of the hollow's soul. Initially this power was designed to allow her to rebirth herself in the event that her main body was destroyed, but more recently she uses the ability in order to possess an object to use as an external avatar outside of her main body. An object possessed by this ability generally takes on black markings similar to her own. Up to 3 objects can be taken over, with stats equal to her own -1 but with no mind of their own, functioning entirely off direct control by Amanta or by giving them orders to follow. When following orders, their intelligence can be likened to a teenager and these entities can sometimes be disobedient. These entities can only last 3 posts at max. 1 can be created per post. A maximum of 5 can be produced per thread.
Willing Living Targets can be taken over but maintain their own stats, outside of Hollow stats which match Amanta's -1.
It can effect objects up to 5 times her size.

» Hollow Mask Appearance:

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei HEADA_inlineT_15917474-cutout

» Vizard Powers:

Semilla Elástica:

A combination of Amanta's Semilla ability and her own Elástica ability. This power allows Nanashi to inject a portion of their mixed souls into an object, reshape it into a physical form, and then have this seed possess the body. This entity will have identical skills to Nanashi -1 (Equal once she has attained Elite Hollow Control and Zanjutsu) which functions as a second version of them in it's capabilities and intellect. This entity can last for up to 5 posts before a 10 post cooldown is incited. Only one may ever be active at a time.
This entity has access to all of Nanashi's non-release abilities.

I. Equipment/Other Resources

» Equipment: (If your character has any equipment, then you should put it in this section. Otherwise, if they don't, do not fill in this section and you can leave it blank.)

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Martial Skill: Beginner

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Advanced
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Adept
  • Hakuda: Beginner

Vizard Skills
  • Power Augmentation Advanced
  • Hollow Control: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample:


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:46 pm; edited 16 times in total
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:24 pm

One of the Gang members used some smuggled hollow bait and promptly brought a number of powerful hollows into the District, causing a massive panic as a result. This only grew MORE out of hand when a small pack of Gillian were drawn by the fight

A small pack of Gillians would be an unrealistic turnout for even a hollow bait incident within the Rukongai. Tone that bit, please.

Majutsu: Katachi (魔術: 形 Sorcery: Shape):

This can also be applied to her Kido and Cero by transforming the spirit energy gathered for the attack before it is fired. This has led to many believing her to be much better at Kido and Cero than she actually is.

What does this mean? How does this work? This does not seem to fit with the rest of the ability.

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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:28 pm
History tweaked to just "Strong hollows"

Majutsu: Katachi (魔術: 形 Sorcery: Shape):

It functions exactly as the rest of the spell does. The "form" of the Kido is given a new shape, either in changing thew shape and way that it is fired (Sokatsui being narrows into a beam, or shaped into blade-like projectiles) or compressed into a weapon.
There is no specifics as to how it effects kido and ceros because it is effected the exact same way the rest of the ability functions.
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:16 pm
As per Discord discussion the following constraints have been added:
-Not effecting objects and reiryoku of others
-Speed at which objects are reshaped
-size constraint of objects
-snip the ability to manipulate kido and cero
-no living people within range
-moved to Shikai

-does not change density
-duration and speed

Pink Seed:
-max uses per thread
-1 created per post
-size restriction

Vizard ability:
-only has access to non release abilities
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:31 pm

Hazard Ranks
Power: D
Influence: E
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Nananananananananana Batman!

Tier: 4-2
Hazard Rating: E

Application Approved
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Tue May 17, 2022 10:18 am
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:18 pm

Spookyburst 2022
General speed: Beginner-> Adept
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:24 am

Modernization. rmoval of all Hollow skills and changing of Vizzard skills to Modern set.
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:16 am
Hoho: Adept-> Advanced
Strength: Adept-> Advanced
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:47 pm
Updated Profile Image FC and small update to physical description!
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Nanashi Gombei

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