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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:59 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] - Page 2 7bedf83ea0d19fe31ab4649fd740fae2

Khaana panted slightly and put on a bit of a smirk as she watched the Jaguars moving, giving her time to breathe as one of the Jaguars prowled between her and its partner as they regenerated. Twirling her spear, she began to move back, spinning her spear and flourishing it around herself, slicing through the webbing that had been scattered around as she repositioned herself and in one sudden jarring move, turned and then FLUNG that very spear. The weapon morphing in her hand, wings spreading from it's shaft and giving a PUMP just as it was thrown, giving a bit of extra propulsion as it flew. Though she didn't bother aiming at the Jaguars.

It was, in fact: The remaining flying enemy that was sweeping around her Monstrocity that was her target, that lance firing out and then hitting them with a loud SHUNK! Cleaving the beast clean in two as it flew through the air, those wings then BANKED hard! Changing it's trajectory. It was hardly a bird, able to just fly freely, but it was able to steer itself a little.

It was in that very moment that the Seraphim LUNGED at the Jaguars from behind! With the healthy Jaguar's attention fully centered on Khaana, it didn't even have time to react as that lumbering beast dropped and chomped onto it's regenerating ally. Having been unable to distinguish between the rumble of its approach and those that had simply been produced by it bashing one of the other flyers into the ground in it's mouth. STREAKING straight back in, and with the Jaguar now showing her it's back, Khaana let out a hiss as she briefly twisted her fingers into pointed claws and rammed them into the Beast's back, jarring its spine out of place and causing it to crumple. It was then a simply execution of ripping her hand free and then stomping on it's head.

Curry's own gambit had certainly seemed to pay off! So soon after having fired it's Cero, the Chimera found the man blitzing down and ripping a chunk from it's face, the mask cracking and causing the beast to stagger back! That gravity-powered chunk slamming the beast onto it's back as Curry landed nearby, DEEPLY wounding the hollow. Not in its body, but simply by merit of the damage he'd done to it's mask! Already it was gushing spiritual energy and the beast was staggering to its feet, frenzied as it's mask attempted to repair itself slowly. In much the same way that he himself was on his last legs: the beast was not defeated but clearly was not going to last much longer. IT would be at that very point where Khaana's living spear steered itself in. It wasn't able to alter its path enough to actually plow into the hollow, but overshooting the Chimera, it instead planted directly into the ground not far from Curry! Those wings flapping once before folding and vanishing into it's shaft. Offering itself as a weapon to allow him to fight more safely than with his bare fists given his rough condition.
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Fri Apr 29, 2022 11:36 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] - Page 2 IVzKXFG

Nine-to-Five | One

It was fortunate that his attack had been able to do enough to drive the beast back, but Curry knew that his own body could not take much more punishment even if he did not quite yet feel it thanks to the suppressive nature of his physical enhancements. This contest would be decided in the next few moments but, just as he raised a hand to loosen the knot on his tie, he was surprised to see one of Khaana's weapons shoot past the creature and land at his side. He was not exactly used to fighting with a lance of such proportions, but he was more than capable of adapting to use the tool presented to him.

Banking in the direction of the weapon, he altered the angle of his approach to the monster to account for the new addition to his armoury. Hands wrapped around the shaft, hefting it free from the ground in which it had been embedded with little effort, before spinning it around to bring it to bear upon his foe. The Hollow was already starting to regenerate, so he would have to make this attack count or he would quickly find himself outlasted.

Perhaps because of this, the creature was lashing out wildly in every direction in a desperate bid to protect itself. But Curry could see the windows of opportunity, that timing window in which there was an area left exposed. Ducking low, he slid under one wide tail sweep and felt the fabric of his trousers complain from the additional strain that the ground placed upon them. Fullbringing himself back to his feet and upwards into the air, he propelled himself towards the creature's chest. The spear flew forwards, seeking to drive itself deep into Curry's foe, but that was merely the start of his attack. No sooner had the first blow landed than he was pulling himself up further, dragging the spear with him as he used whatever strength it took to drag the weapon upwards through his enemy. Arriving again at the mask of the creature, he withdrew the spear and thrust forwards once more in a bid to impale the Hollow's masked feature into whatever was behind them even if it was more of the creature itself. It was risky, placing himself right in the midst of the creature, but that was a brutal efficiency to his work that won him more than a few idle nods.

Hell to Pay | END POST
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Fri Apr 29, 2022 11:59 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] - Page 2 7bedf83ea0d19fe31ab4649fd740fae2

She could not have asked for a cleaner finish! Khaana wound up smiling to herself as she executed the last of her own opponents and then promptly she was able to watch Curry off in the distance, peeling the spear and utilizing the weapon to execute the hollow. That flurry of motion catching that thrashing beast off guard, and then pinning it's skull to the container behind it. Khaana herself let out a WHEW as she looked around, her spears dissolving as she glanced up at her Seraphim. It wouldn't be long before it too would begin to break down. The big beast looking about and idly pick bits of hollow from it's teeth.

As far as Khaana was concerned those claw marks and chomps she'd withstanded before were already closing up. Not actually healed, but just moving the material of her gigai, thinning the skin to simply close up the wounds and give the impression of rapid healing. She'd have to fix it herself later when she wasn't around someone. All the same, she did ...frown a little. The Spider hollow was nowhere to be found. She sucked her teeth and looked off in the distance to where no doubt the city militia would be probably finishing up dealing with those other hollows.

She glanced back to Four-Eyes.
"Thanks for the assist. Probably woulda been messier if you hadn't shown up." She hummed, surveying the man thoughtfully. Side-character material for sure. No speeches amidst the battle? This was perhaps some upper supporting cast no doubt. DEFINITELY the kind of character withj a tragic backstory. Maybe some guilt? Tortured past definitely seemed like this guy's vibe, the kinda character that would sacrifice themselves and whisper 'I'll see you soon babe." or something like that. The notion that Curry was an antagonist definitely didn't register. He'd been having WAY too hard a time with those hollows. If he was a bad guy, he'd be more of a badass clearly. All the same, she peeled a roll of cash from the inside of her jacket.

"Here. This aughta be enough to get you patched up. Maybe even patch up that fancy suit. Consider it a thanks for assisting your local heroes." She offered with a casual smile, tossing the roll his way.
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Sat Apr 30, 2022 6:20 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] - Page 2 IVzKXFG

Nine-to-Five | One

Ripping the lance free, Curry dismounted from the creature as the death knells began to sound. It had been a devastating blow, but there were still potential enemies left unaccounted for. Those had likely fled but perhaps were waiting for a new opportunity to present itself and he would not permit such. Satisfied that nothing was lurking in the immediate vicinity, he turned the spear about to offer it towards Khaana, only for it to break down into nothing in his hand.

A bemused grunt first escaped his lips, and then he used those now free hands to straighten out his outfit. The suit had certainly seen better days, several holes were punched clean through the fabric and there were at least a couple of areas that were stained with blood. But Nine-to-Five was still active, so his body continued in its heightened state for at least a few moments more. As the wad of money was tossed his way, a hand shot out to catch it without even taking his eyes off her.

"Don't worry about my clothes, I know a good tailor. Now, your change."

Peeling a single bill off the top of the roll, hardly caring to note the exact denomination, Curry tossed the remainder back toward Khaana. The last thing he needed was to be regarded as some common mercenary, but it did help to keep a low profile. From the rush of battle to the rush of business, he was hardly one to lose his edge.

"If you're the hero type, though, the Foundation could make use of another capable individual. It seems like you are making enough money, but there's always more to be had, or perhaps there is something else you might be after? We have deep pockets either way."

The faintest hint of a smile crossed his features, and then suddenly he spasmed as his cybernetics finally ran out of juice. The shock was mitigated by the fact that he had been expecting it, but there was still a clear moment as a jolt of pain shot across those calm features and then a hand was resting firmly against his midriff. There was no artificial regeneration for him, just willpower and fortitude.

Hell to Pay | END POST
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