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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 3:40 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] 7bedf83ea0d19fe31ab4649fd740fae2

The Netherlands.
Not exactly the most Hopping of places, but it was still somewhere that got her a bit of cash for showing up. These days, events and the like had gotten a little sparse. Something about some.... hollow issues in the area. There was a convention that was supposed to take place, but due to a rise in Hollow activity, the coordinators were considering postponing the whole thing. And with Khaana herself having a Booth riding on that, she decided to take things into her own hands.

The place itself was nice enough. North Holland? Trith be told, this little Nook of the globe was something she had almost never even thought of looking into in the past. The 'Netherlands' was just what she'd internalized the region as. She never was great with Geography to be honest. All the same, it was a seemingly peaceful place most of the time. But she could sense them. And almost immediately she could see WHY they had considered postponing the event. There was a whole PACK of them.

The far-off Harbor was almost abandoned and she sensed at least more than a dozen of the things lurking around the shipping yard, a place filled with containers that were, for the time being, abandoned and sectioned off until the local enforcement could try and deal with them. It'd be a whole process that Frankly she could handle herself. Though as she opened up her own spiritual sense, she was ...startled. Wait...there was ALREADY fighting going on? Up North Past the Harbor.... there was a number of Residential areas that were already under attack. Well, that explained why the Shipyard didn't have anyone already on the scene. She focused and narrowed her eyes.

She could sense.....four hollows. They were moving around pretty quickly, sneaky little things that were giving the local enforcement a hard time. But she could already tell that once they started causing a ruckus....the ones hanging out in the Shipyard would probably move over there and overwhelm the local militia. At the very least, she could try and do something about these.

A slow grin spread across her face as she gave a slow lick to her teeth. She herself was dressed in her usual casual clothes. A hat, zip-up red hoodie, and sme slacks to cover up the material of her combat bodysuit she always wore underneath. Though as she approached the Shipyard, she could feel the change in the hollows. They could smell her soul, and she put on a grin. Letting her own spiritual pressure RIPPLE out in a sudden burst! It wasn't big, but it was enough to draw the attention of hollows. Reacting to her own hollow reiatsu.

"You hungry boys?" She called out with a smile, watching as those monstrocities slowly began to creep out from cover, glowing eyes leering at her through the darkness. Yes......GOOOD.

She felt that familiar thrill. The KNOWLEDGE, at least in her mind, that she was the protagonist rippling through her. She was no simple human, she could take ALL of these freaks!
There was a sudden VRRRRRRRR sounding as the fan on her spine began to power up, peeling her hoodie off and tying it around her waist, showing off the upper portion of her bodysuit as the thing began sucking in Reishi. The vents along her wrists glowing as the absorbed reishi was concentrated, licking her teeth as she lowered herself into a crouch.... The excitement before a fight already running through her veins.

These monsters wanted to hunt? She'd give them a meal worth working for!
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 11:19 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] IsBYfv4

W. A. R. Curry | WRFS President

It was not often that Curry found himself in Amsterdam of late, business across the channel had been taking up more and more of his time and then there was the impending Greek expedition that he intended to oversee personally. Still, the city sat upon the main north sea shipping lane for his products. He needed to maintain some business interests here from time to time, and a small warehouse on the harbour was where he had found himself today. Disruptions were to be expected from time to time, but they had been falling consistently behind schedule of late and sometimes that also required a personal touch.

A pack of Hollows terrifying the staff had not been the reason he had expected to hear, but it had been spoken nonetheless. That was a bluff that he was more than willing to call. Either the warehouse manager was lying or there was a serious problem that he needed to get a handle on. The local militia was only as good as the people paying them really, and they certainly weren't in his pocket. So he contented himself to wait until nightfall and see what creatures came out to play.

Eventually, they did.

The manager had not been lying, which was a small comfort, but the fact that it had taken the President coming here directly still did not bode well for the man's career prospects. Taking one final drag on his cigarette, he let the stub fall to the dirt before firmly extinguishing it with the heel of his boot. Only then did he sense a different presence, something Hollow and yet clearly distinct. An unaccounted variable. It was going to be a long night.

Nine-to-Five. Two minutes.

There was hardly a noticeable change to Curry as he established the parameters for his augmentations, his body offering the slightest of responses as gears slowly began to turn within him. Taking another moment to straighten his glasses, he took off in the direction of the gathering of Hollows with the use of Fullbring to expedite his movement as he skipped along the waterfront. What exactly he would find at the scene remained to be seen.

Clocking In | END POST
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Sun Apr 03, 2022 1:39 am
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] 7bedf83ea0d19fe31ab4649fd740fae2

The sound of Howling in the distance mixed perfectly with the carnage of combat. As the first pair of hollows began charging toward Khaana, she could feel it in her bones. The sudden rattle in her soul. Her heart's themesong snapping into her ears through the pounding of her vessel's heart.

The very first hollow was a flyer, streaking up and into the air before flaring it's batlike wings as it charged in, blade-like tail scraping the ground before cleaving along the cement, Khaana's body dipping to the side in a burst of speed to avoid that ripping blade, the ground at her feet blackened into a dark shadow, a singulat red shaft spiraling up out of the ground and forming a two-pronged spear as she took a hold of the beast's tail and YANKED downwards! The sudden lurche jarring the beast out of it's flight path. The hollow let out a scream as it was slammed down and impaled on the just-formed spear jutting out of the ground, wings bursting from the sides, slicing through it's sides as the spear itself writhed inside of it, tearing up it's insides.

The second hollow charged in next. Khaana turning just in time to half-block a swipe of claws. Long nails raking along her bodysuit, scraping against the thicker material and sparing her flesh being rent. Her teeth gritted, her smile only widening as she tightened her grip on the offending palm, digging her wrist into it's palm before that Reishi vent fired. A bright streak of energy shearing through it's chest as Khaana swept downward, slicing through it's thigh and leg, almost severing them entirely with the burst of energy. The entire combination causing the hollow to stagger onto it's knees, shrieking as it held onto it's side.

As a Coup De grace, Khaana twisted to the side, grasping her spear and then ripping sideways, the blade of the spear slicing through the flying Hollow's neck and skull on it's way out, in a clean crescent shash straight into the mask of the second hollow, hitting with a solid THUNK. The second hollow proving much more durable than the first, the weapon stuck rather than cutting clean through. But the cleaving into it's face and mask was more than enough to cause t to slump and crumple, both monsters slain in that sudden fit of violence.

Already Three more of the hollows were beginning to circle. Troubling. That meant they were smarter than just the normal chaff. And probably wouldn't go down as easy as the first two. She also had managed the first exchange with only minor clawing along her body. Slight Injuries, but mostly mitigated by her suit. She readied her spear and took up a more defensive stance. "You understand speech? Take a hint and fuck off, losers." She snarled, that grin never leaving. Hollows never really responded to her jeers, it was just the protagonist thing to do after all.
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:07 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] IsBYfv4

W. A. R. Curry | WRFS President

Racing between the buildings, the sound of an emerging battle was surprising and so Curry picked up the pace. Whatever was fighting would only put him at an advantage, even if the Hollows were just squabbling amongst themselves, so it was prudent that he would capitalise on it.

One hand fell to one of the pistols holstered at his hip, a gloved hand running over the grip with a particular familiarity as his digits began to wrap around it. He considered it for a long moment, weighing up the pros and cons, before letting it rest again. Firearms made things messy, so for a small gang of Hollows like this then he would prefer to dispatch them the traditional way. He was due for a workout anyway. It had been all business for a while, meetings and travel, not that he could get tired of the grind but this was an expected part of his daily monotony that had grown lacking.

Nine-to-Five. One minute.

Turning the corner, he was greeted by the sight of Khaana bringing her weapon to bear on a pair of Hollows whilst the rest began to descend upon her. The woman was an unknown, garbed as she was in some peculiar combat suit, but right now the other creatures were focused on her and she was trying to antagonise them. Good, keep them distracted.

With a tremendous burst of speed, prompted by his fullbringing of the ground, Curry sprang into the air and came down on the closest Hollow with an overhead clubbing motion. It was hardly a graceful move, relying solely on surprise and brute force, and collided hard with the bestial creature's back to slam it down into the ground and firmly off balance. They were hardy things though, and one such blow was barely enough to do more than momentarily stun the creature. It stumbled back to its feet just in time for Curry to land two more blows to the side, before swiping at his legs with a tail that the sharply-dressed man was slick to avoid.

He was in the thick of it too now, but it was just a matter of holding out for his augmentations to kick in and then he could land a meaningful blow.

Clocking In | END POST
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:34 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] 7bedf83ea0d19fe31ab4649fd740fae2

Khaana's eyes ...WIDENED when she spotted a blur. She wasn't fast enough to track it completely, but her eyes did light up as she saw a man roll in and SLAM into one of the hollows, pummeling it into the ground and deftly avoiding one of it's attacks! Briefly, her heart skipped a beat! But then...wait a minute, that hair. DAMMIT! This wasn't a main character, this was just a supporting cast! "ACK!" She gacked, leaping back as a set of claws narrowly avoided her face, whiffing through open air as the beast that attacked her attempted to snag her while she was distracted!

Already the hollows were rushing to surround them! No sooner had she dodged than did she feel a fist slam into the ground beneath her, brfeaking apart the cement as a larger muscled hollow leapt in to join gthe attack on her! She raised her hand, that vent at her wrist powering up before HISS! A streaking burn ripped across it's chest as she fired a beam across it's shoulders, and then another streaked out, slicing through the claws of the other hollow before she planted her other hand into the ground. Blackness GUSHED into the space beneath her, filling the space below as a massive maw grew out of the ground, a beast a solid ten meters in height pulling itself from the ground before lunging down and CHOMPING on the larger hollow.

An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] HEAD_sample-4e0c21f295824caf1f383c98f0e84b11

The sheer size of the beast making it quite an obstacle, and a number of the hollows promptly backed up as the beast drew itself up and out of the darkened ground, Khaana standing beneath it's hukling shadow as she promptly whistled toward the man. "Hey there Specs! Nice of ya to join the party!" She grinned from ear to ear before twisting, using the spear as a counterweight to spin around twice before LAUNCHING the weapon! Wings peeling from the length of the shaft to BEAT, adding a bit of force to the throw as the lance then promptly shot out and sliced through the air, slamming into one of the spectating hollows' chest with a resounding CHUNK! The startled beast screeching out as it fell off the storage container it had been standing on, clawing at the spear, though having a hard time as spikes erupted from the shaft in response.

All the while, the muscle bound hollow struggled in the maw of the larger beast, prying it's jaws open as it struggled! Unfortunately, the big beast had a lot of weight behind it, but was not all that powerful, were it not for the searing burn across it's chest it would already be free!. And almost instantly, Khaana hissed a bit at herself. Dammit, every time she summoned one of these things it felt only useful as a meat shield! but it would still be very useful for now. Almost none of the hollows could seem to pick out a good easy target, as they seemed to hesitate to tango with something so large.
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:06 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] IsBYfv4

W. A. R. Curry | WRFS President

There was a long moment, as this monstrous black portal engulfed the ground beneath the woman, where Curry thought that they might be in even deeper trouble. His hand reached instinctively for the knot of his tie but, before he made any hasty choices, the new abomination took a bite out of a different Hollow. The girl had called it here? What a curious power. But that was all the processing time he got, as his own opponent took even less time to continue the offensive without even pausing to assess the state of its compatriots.

The tail whipped around again, faster than before, and suddenly William was on the defensive. Acting like a razor blade, it flicked from side to side quick enough to take chunks out of the nearby buildings. It was all he could do to simply give ground and wait for an opportunity, and then a meaty paw swipe caused him to slide sideways right into the path of the tail once more. It wrapped around his left leg, attempting to pull it out from under him and drag him off his feet, but Curry stood firm. It was a losing battle, man versus beast, but it bought him a few more precious seconds.

Nine-to-Five online.

Akin to the starting of a car engine, there was a notable hum in the air as his spiritual pressure went from negligible to something actually noteworthy. His whole body flushed with energy, power finding its way to those muscles that had previously been at their limit.

An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] IVzKXFG

Spinning on his heel, Curry turned the creature's grip on him to his advantage in a single moment and suddenly pulled it closer. Stepping in towards the oncoming body of the Hollow, he swung forwards with his right hand and punched straight through the creature's chest. Gore splayed around him from the point of impact, painting the ground behind them with blood and ichor, before the creature collapsed in a heap. Taking a moment to wipe the lens of his glasses, he threw a nod back in the girl's direction.

"I take it the big guy is with you? Let's finish this up quickly."

The brutalised creature tried to stand once more, a significant portion of its midriff still missing, to which Curry responded with a heel kick that turned its mask concave with an ear-splitting crack. It was irritating that it had even persevered that long, such an unsightly thing.

Hell to Pay | END POST
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:50 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] 7bedf83ea0d19fe31ab4649fd740fae2

Khaana perked up, intrigue coursing through her as she watched the man suddenly power up. Now THAT was definitely some supporting cast stuff. The kinda booster shit that you taught the MC later on to add to their nonsense numbers of abilities. She may just ask him about that later! However... seeing the lurking crawl of darkness in the distance, she couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly.

A menagerie of dark shapes suddenly erupted from the darkness! No less than seven more hollows charging in from the darkness. As if they had been ordered to collapse in on the pair! No sooner had Curry executed one of the hollows than did two more suddenly move in. Most of them chaff. But one in particular waas a long, serpentine thing, streaking in at a speed that even he would have to take note of. Incredibly long, even moving in from behind the shipping containers the beast still didn't show it's entire body as it rolled in!

Two other hollows moved in, much slower, but still threatening as they sought to pincer the human as that long whispy thing bared a pair of long fangs, veering to the side, waiting for an opportunity to lunge in and sink into Curry if he left himself open while dealing with the other two.

Khaana of course didn't have much more slack on her end either! Three flying type hollows were flying all over her summoned beast, streaking around and cutting chunks out of it's large slow frame. She narrowed her eyes and stomped the ground, another dark swell forming which spat up a MUCH larger spear this time around, one that grew up, just as tall as her summoned beast. Seizing the opportunity, the beast promptly grabbed the spear and swung! Catching one of the hollows off guard and clipping it's wings, sending it spiralling into one of the shipping containers as the others promptly flew further away.

The beast let out a dull roar and pointed the spear up at them. A loud BOOM sounding as it fired off a blast of energy, which slammed into one of the flyers and promptly sending it crashing into one of the nearby buildings.

Khaana herself had a trio of Monsters rushing her as well. Two large Jaguar-like hollows racing around her, keeping her on her toes as the third stalked at a further distance, shaped like a spider. It was wiggling it's many legs, seemingly preparing something.

"Fuck. OI! How good are you at keeping secrets?" She shouted to the man in the distance, pausing when she saw him just shrug. UGH. She rolled her good eye and then twisted, batting the swiping claws of one of the Jaguars away, only for another set to SINK into her from behind! Her eyes wide as she felt enormous claws DIG into her back! Blood bloomed out from her suit and she hissed. HER SUIT!

She grunted and twisted around and SLAMMED her fist into the beast's face! It wasn't the same explosive power that Curry had, but the shot promptly CRACKED it's mask, making it's head JAR to the side as it was dropped! Another spear grew out of the ground, one of the smaller ones this side. Normally she wouldn't create so many so quickly, but there were FAR too many to take the time to go get the other one. Snagging it's shaft, she deflected another pounce by the second Jaguar! The reishi vents on her wrists lighting up and FLARING to burn into it's chest, causing it to scream and thrash away from her!

She spun the spear around, now with a good amount of space, and promptly knitted the flesh of her body closed. What LOOKED like healing, but frankly, she was just moving flesh around. Not like her REAL body was damaged any, she just didn't want this guy seeing her injured and calling an ambulance or some shit. Her weapon flashed, spinning around as she flourished the weapon, keeping them from closing in, giving her a bit of breathing room as the vent along her spine sucked in more Reishi. She was stalling just for the moment. She could take them down, but they were being fuckers and moving in tandem, and she didn't want to lose function in her suit. The fan was already making sounds she didn't like. She'd charge up enough to get some good powerful beams. She had a plan to take them out, and she would keep the blasts from her spear ready for the spider. These hollows were far too competent to properly just style on such a large group without getting fucked up, and with Curry here, she definitely didn't want any stories about her getting fucked up out on the net.
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:00 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] IVzKXFG

Nine-to-Five | Three

The arrival of a second wave was surprising, but a welcome change of pace. If they wanted to make it easy for him and gather up in one place, then he would welcome that with open arms. The girl seemed able to handle herself too, even if she had taken some superficial injuries, and yet as she called out to him about secrets all he could really muster was a shrug of his shoulders. He was a secretive man, with more than a few skeletons in the closet, but he had known her for all of a minute and did not wish to belie some greater level of trust than what he had for her.

As his trio bore down upon him, the businessman dropped low and took careful note of their approach. Two went to flank him but, rather than give them the opportunity to capitalise, he flew at the leftern one with expert precision. Rushing forwards at a far faster pace than his legs could ever have managed mundanely, he began with a knee to the creature's core that stopped the forward momentum it had before landing a pair of spiritually enhanced punches that sent it tumbling away.

That did leave him open to the serpentine creature that was waiting for its opportunity to strike, no doubt pleased that it had come up sooner than expected. Only as the fanged maw began to close around Curry did it perhaps wonder if this had been too reckless. The jaw snapped shut, punching a neat series of holes into the evening suit he wore but finding the flesh beneath to be far harder than any mundane cloth. Placing a hand on each side of the Hollow's mouth, Curry began to force them apart with a strength that almost bordered on herculean. For a moment it seemed like he might split the beast apart, but then the third one made itself known.

Wriggling free, he narrowly avoided the claws that swiped at him and instead fell upon the snakelike creature, driving the latter away for a moment. Taking the chaos in stride, Curry strafed around the beast to deliver a flurry of blows into the side and back in time with his steps before delivering a thundering uppercut that knocked the beast off its feet. The only casualty so far was his outfit, but he seemed to be handling himself well.

Hell to Pay | END POST
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:30 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] 7bedf83ea0d19fe31ab4649fd740fae2

Khaana huffed, taking the space she'd made for herself to take note of the fight on Curry's side of things, raising a brow slightly as she noticed his furious and precise attacks! Interesting! She let her spear SNAP to a forward position and she thrust! A sudden brief burst of thre piercing strikes! Catching the nearest panther hollow off guard by striking it in the shoulder, and then twice more in the flank! It HISSED and then rolled away as it's partner rushed in! She twisted and then promptly fired the laster at her wrist! A hot stream of Reishi slicing across the panther's face and shoulders! But a surprisingly durable mask seemed to only get singed as it hissed and backed off! Her eyes darted between the two rapidly, gauging her distances as she backed off! It would be then that she felt something....weird? A gleam around her. And then ...TWANG!

"GUH!" She gasped out! As something sliced clean across her chest! Another slashing her bicep as she suddenly froze! Wires? WEB! Not only around her, but she also noticed from the corner of her eye that her summon was now almost completely immobile?! Large spines were lashing out around the spear, ripping it's way through some of the threads, but still taking its time! The massive spider having executed it's tactic on the area! Not only that, but she saw the other hollows passing through the threads completely unhindered, as if they weren't even present. No sooner had this been set up than did she see the spider begin to back off, as if intent on disengaging! But before Khaana could turn and try to go after it, the Jaguars rushed in! A flurry of slashes forcing her back, only to HISS as she felt more web slicing into her back as she backed into several more almost-invisible strands!

She growled out and SWUNG, slashing deep into one of those slashing paws, getting stuck in it's flesh with a dull THUNK before that spear lit up, a brilliant energy igniting before it FIRED! A burst of energy plowing into it's body and causing a chuink to be block out of it's chest! The Jaguar hissing as it's form crumpled! But before she could sink the spear into it's mask, it's mate rushed in, roaring and clawing mercilessly so she had to back to the side. DAMMIT! Already she could see the other jaguar's body trying to pull itself back together. But she was patient. She just had to cripple the second one....

Her Monster was faring about as well. Now wincing as it's body was sliced at many places. But it was so massive that it wasn't that obstructed! Waiting until those flyers rushed in, it simply swung its head to the side and CHOMPED on the nearest one, causing it to scream loudly as it began chewing it with sharp gristled teeth, bashing it into the ground by ramming it's own face into the concrete again and again, as it's body slowly began to stop moving as the beast consumed the hollow.

Curry would notice his attacks did a GREAT deal of damage to the two that had been flanking him, their bodies bending and twitching slightly as a result of his attacks, though still managing to remain on their feet! Doing their best to protect their masks with their strangely durable bodies. The serpent was indeed forced to peel back, getting slashed up by one of the other hollows, but a dull RUMBLE would be felt beneath his feet, and that tail would suddenly SINK into the ground, that long length rapidly vanishing under the concrete before a fist would erupt from down below! A HEFTY lion's head erupting from the ground to break up the cement beneath Curry's feet, attempting to ram itself into him from below! And what a hollow it was!

This big beefy thing was strange to be certain, with a lion's head and large birdlike claws for fists, its tail seemed to be the serpent that Curry had been engaging with before. Having used it as a distraction while it's main body attacked from under ground, attempting to throw Curry off his fancy footwork by eliminating any ground for him to execute that footwork on! All the more alarming was the brilliant bright blue energy collecting at it's maw, a cero! One that would explode in a LOUD concussive roar! IT wasn't as damaging or explosive as a normal cero, but it would be alarmingly disorienting, seemingly shaking Curry's very bones and jar his senses if he were hit with it!
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An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] Empty Re: An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana]

Mon Apr 11, 2022 9:31 pm
An Eye for Talent [Curry, Khaana] IVzKXFG

Nine-to-Five | Two

Satisfied with his performance against the assorted Hollows thus far, Curry took a brief moment to assess how his ally was faring. The monster and she were both falling afoul of some form of ensnarement, which was hampering their effectiveness to some degree, but she was still shooting off beams and lasers and blasts. These Hollows were proving to be a little more stubborn than he had expected, which did not bode well for his augmentations, but he was never one to back down from a fight without good reason.

It was then that he too found himself in peril. His foes were retreating, the smaller creatures looking truly worse for wear whilst the serpent had been humbled by its own peer's attacks. There was a lull, so slight that he might not have sensed it was he not taking a moment to study the battlefield, and then the ground beneath him simply gave way. Just as he was beginning to fall, desperately reaching for air upon which to fullbring, the fist shot upwards and caught Curry square in the chest. Flying upwards, there was indeed a notable crack as the blow connected that probably indicated a broken rib or two. He did not spit blood or anything so dramatic, though it was clear that the strike had certainly flustered him and he was forced to bundle up into a ball as the blue light of a cero encased his being.

It did not sting as much as had been expected, his spiritual resistance absorbing much of the damage, but the ringing in his ears was doing a number on his concentration. Earns ringing, eyeballs near bursting in their sockets, it was only his hardened mental fortitude that stopped him from becoming delirious. Focusing instead upon the lion's maw, William decided that if he let the beast get off another of those blasts then he was probably done for. Fullbringing himself downwards, hurtling back to the ground with a sudden burst of speed. It almost seemed like he might fly straight into the creature's waiting mouth but, instead, he stopped his descent by unleashing an almighty blow that combined his enhanced strength and the forces of gravity that he had manipulated to pull him back to earth.

Tumbling away from the aftermath of his strike, Curry struggled to his feet and prayed quietly that he had been forceful enough to end it in a single mighty blow. His mind knew better than that, though, and he braced himself for the next exchanging of attacks. Nine-to-Five was halfway done already, but were they making enough progress? At least, if it went on long enough, the local militia might catch up and be able to do something about this mess.

Hell to Pay | END POST
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