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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Fri May 06, 2022 4:11 pm
Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 HEAD_sample-09e64b15c028e8b16e6d55c79ca595aa

Santa simply frowned slightly at that, a little hmph escaping her as she seemed..... to just sortof drop the subject of her fancy martial arts stuff. Though Santa DID look notably less annoyed at the notion that SHE could feasibly surpass Calypso in something. She put on a more neutral expression as Calypso went about trying to explain her condition. Normally something that Santa wouldn't understand in the slightest. But Ajora was there, and Ajora smiled, nodding along in understanding, and that understanding invaded the mental pathways and thoughts of Santa herself. Because Ajora understood, so too did Santa. Sortof. She KNEW what was being said. Of course she couldn't DO as much with the information as Ajora, but at the very least it was a step in the right direction .

Even more, both women raised a brow slightly in unison when Calypso went about...."answering" the question about their relationship.
"That's an awful lot of information about what she likes, and not a particularly large amount of explanation as yo how you yourself felt about her." Ajora observed. Santa of course wrinkled her nose. "Sounds like it was a lot to be around. Tch. But I guess you DID owe her. Still. Must be nice being without a big airhead." She murmured. Though she .....did pause and look off to the side. Thinking about the big blowhards in her life. Both of whom she was.... fond of. One of them she hadn't seen in a particularly long time. She sighed at that fact....wondering where they were these days....
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Fri May 06, 2022 4:20 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"She likes to talk. And it's hard to live inside someone else's soul without them getting to know you better than most people can. So I have a very strong grasp of Hvit these days" Calypso explained, giving a gentle shrug. "She was indeed a lot to be around, yes. But that's the price one pays. Few beings get to how powerful she is without developing their own quirks"

Calypso would then crack a grin and shuffle in, to give Santa a light nudge when she mentioned being without a big airhead.
"I dunno, I've quite missed you, in fact~"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Mon May 09, 2022 5:27 pm
Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 HEAD_sample-09e64b15c028e8b16e6d55c79ca595aa

Santa did seem .... to relax more and more. Truth be told, she'd also been kinda perturbed by how ....capitulating Calypso had been to Hvit. The girl had SEEMED to just hype the woman up, but now seeing that the relationship had more or less just been for show while the girl depended on the hollow.....certainly made sense she supposed. "Hmph." She murmured, making a wry face when Calypso insinuated that she was an airhead.

Ajora sighed just a little and smiled, shaking her head. "Perhaps a bit soon to be making playful jabs. But all the same, I'm certainly happy you've been able to gain some independence." She paused, looking off into the distance as she eyed the area around them. "So then, what is it that you plan to do now that you're independent? You have your martial arts. But what do you do with yourself? Do you have a job? I am aware that humans certainly have a number of needs that must be met more than just something to occupy their time." She observed, lightly bumping Santa with the back of her wrist. Santa herself glanced at her 'sister' before looking back to Calypso.

"What do you do for"
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Tue May 10, 2022 5:10 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Well, Santa was still grumpy. Calypso wondered if Hollows and Arrancar worked the same as Humans, but there was probably a culture gap, so she wasn't going to suggest anything. Instead, Other Santa commented on having independance, and then prompted Santa to ask her what she did for fun, which was quite a long list. But for the sake of humor, she just gave a smile and spoke simply.

"Have sex~"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Tue May 10, 2022 2:40 pm
Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 HEAD_sample-09e64b15c028e8b16e6d55c79ca595aa

Ajora glanced in Santa's direction as Calypso gave her answer. It may have been intended as a playful answer, but Santa's expression as she received it was....solemn. Her mind wandering for a moment at it's mention. Toward two individuals in particular that she associated with such thoughts. Well, the two that were still alive.

"Is it because you're lonely?" She asked lightly, thinking back to how Hvit had responded to her presence. With the new context of what Calypso had endured.... "You had Hvit with you for a really long time. You don't miss her now that she's gone?" She ventured. She of course hated and feared Hvit. But, that didn't mean she didn't understand.

Ajora closed her eyes and shook her head. "That's a little nosy Santa." She pointed out before waving a hand. "You need not answer that if you don't want, Calypso. That said, is there anything ELSE you do for fun?" She asked, her tone making it clear she noticed her little attempt at messing with Santa. Trying to move along the topic of conversation as Santa stared off to the side, clearly bothered by the subject.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Wed May 11, 2022 5:28 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

That was...not the response she was going for, honestly. Calypso would step forward to try and give Santa a warm, comforting hug.

"Ohh Shaka, you are so adorable~" Calypso exclaimed, snuggling deeply if allowed. "But no, she isn't gone. Hvit is a woman who can be where she wants, when she wants. And she is more comfortable inside a person's soul than out in the world. So she comes back regularly to take a break inside me"

Eventually letting Santa go, she would look to Ajora and think on what she liked to do.

"Exercise is fun for me so I like to go on a run, go to the gym, startle gym-bros, teach Enlightenment, go swimming. And then there is the normal stuff; eat good food, go to the movies, read comics. Everyone should take a rest day at least once a week to keep in physical and mental health. Generally, I just go where the wind takes me, doing things as they crop up"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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