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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue0/0Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Sat Apr 30, 2022 12:27 pm
Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] HEADER_sample-7c4256700e58acbf0c07289d8f3edc1f

How long had it been since Santa had headed over to this section of the continent? Honestly quite a while. With so much of her time devoted to hanging around the City of Lights, she had to admit that she honestly rarely had the DRIVE to explore outside. But alas, it was Ajora that had convinced her this time around to perhaps expand herself a little. And perhaps give the Silbern a bit of room now and then so that she wasn't just ALWAYS around.

An understandable sentiment to say the least. She guessed.... Well, AJORA told her it was. And so she found herself walking through the streets of a small town. She'd been ACTIVELY avoiding Karakura. The big city reminded her too much of the City of lights, and simply stuck to the smaller towns in the region. Simply.....wandering. Doing her best to enjoy her surroundings. And thankfully, it was easy for Santa. IT wasn't long before she was happily moving between small shops, food vendors, and just talking to people. Reminded of her old ways of ....simply enjoying the world of the living.

Of just being her usual happy self.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Sat Apr 30, 2022 1:33 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

The quiet moment was shattered when a woman descended from sky, and landed less than a mile away from Santa. It was quite the entrance, though far enough and fast enough that the precise identification of the woman was hard to nail down. That was, until she would suddenly appear in front of Santa. Casual clothes and light purple eyes, Calypso looked and felt wildly different from their last meeting.

"Santa! Hey! It's been a while since you've been around. How have you been doing?"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Sat Apr 30, 2022 1:48 pm
Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] HEAD_sample-09e64b15c028e8b16e6d55c79ca595aa

The arrival caused Santa to pause. Her head turning in surprise for a moment before her eyes shifted, darting in order to track the sudden incoming woman. The arrival was much less sudden from Santa's perspective, as she was hardly the same arrancar that had met the woman before. But almost immediately, tension and anger coursed through Santa for a fraction of a second. Memories of their last meeting instantly causing muscles to tense, and for that dull field of her reiryoku surrounding the area to shift in response.

"Relax." A calm, smooth voice hummed out. The air beside Santa peeling open like a maw shrinking away to reveal another secondary woman. But she wouldn't have a separate spiritual pressure. In terms of spiritual sense, both woman would feel exactly the same, but they would look as different as Night and Day.

"Did you want something?" Santa asked, her tone rather unfriendly as she promptly moved so that Ajora was standing between the two of them.

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] HEADER_2509817

"You must be Calypso. Hvit's Host if Santa is remembering correctly. My name is Ajora, Santa's......sister, as she prefers to call me." She introduced herself, even as Santa continued to glare from behind the woman.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Sun May 01, 2022 6:45 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Calypso was not stupid, and so when Santa gave her that tone, she accepted that the actual negative feelings were not just a product of the moment but something Santa was clinging to. So she would shake her head and turn, to give the woman the space she wanted. But then, the other person spoke. Much more friendly and polite, Calypso wasn't so rude as to just leave.

"Host sounds permanent. I'm more like a friend she occasionally crashes in" Calypso explained, stepping forward to shake Ajora's hand. "Though, while it is lovely to meet you, Santa seems uncomfortable and upset. I know Hollows and Arrancar have bigger problems dealing with those emotions than a normal person does, so I would hate to exacerbate your present state"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Sun May 01, 2022 2:30 pm
Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] HEADER_2509817

Ajora chuckled softly at the comment. "Oh? Based on Santa's memory, I was under the impression that you relied on Hvit to be able to walk. And so I had imagined that yours was indeed a permanent relationship. Though I'm certainly happy if that condition of yours is getting better." She hummed. But did not sound surprised. Given the sheer strengthof Hvit, she was rather surprised that Hvit had not simply separated a part of herself to implant into Calypso in order to help her. But it seemed Hvit had done something else? Or perhaps Calypso had simply gained strength for some other random reason. All the same, she glanced over her shoulder at Santa.

"Ah yes. Santa is...... apparently, not that fond of you. However, that disdain seems mostly connected to Hvit. If Santa is remembering correctly, it seems that Hvit pridefully ....asserted some form of power on her? And Santa grew to dislike her. And since you are her host I'm afraid that you were caught up in the crossfire." She explained, even as Santa BALKED and frowned at Ajora, clearly a bit indignant about the description. "No, she's just mean and a showoff!" Santa insisted. Even though Ajora knew that not to be the case.

All the same, Ajora glanced at Calypso and offered a calm, diplomatic smile. "Though by all means, if you wish to leave you can. Though truth be told. I'm a little curious why you approached in the first place. Did you not pick up on Santa's feelings previously?"
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Mon May 02, 2022 5:22 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Ohh, I did. But only for a while. I fixed myself now, so I don't need her to move anymore, so she is free to persue other things. Still comes around sometimes, but I fixed what was broken" Calypso explained. And then Ajora stated that Santa's ego was bruised by Hvit's being Hvit, which was the source of all the distress.

"Ahh. Yea. She's...certainly like that. She's a Hollow of Pride, and as much maturity as she has these days, that is still the crux emotion that everything has formed around and everything is attached to. It leaks into my brain when she is around and makes me feel better about myself. Though, I don't know if I can actually put out as much as I feel I can with Hvit inside" she'd shake her head and flick her hair out so it would be less hot inside.

"I got that Calypso had a grump, but I felt it was just because the meeting was...sub-par. And that I could make this one a better meeting than the last one"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Mon May 02, 2022 1:30 pm
Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] HEAD_sample-09e64b15c028e8b16e6d55c79ca595aa

Ajora raised a brow at that and smiled, seeming content with Calypso's response, even though Santa promptly popped out from behind the woman. "It wasn't just that! You kept trying to compete with me! We had a race and you clearly just ran all over me! Then we had a test of might and you just toyed around with me! Again and again you just wanted to feel superior to me! You kept talking about wanting me to improve, but you just wanted to feel stronger!" She insisted vehemently! Her own pride clearly rousing itself as she insisted.

Ajora herself raised a brow and glanced in Santa's direction. "Are you sure about that? It might be that Calypso simply isn't the teaching type. I don't think that's really her fault." She reasoned, folding her arms as Santa rounded on her. "Whose side are you on?! Did you see how she showed up?!" She glared, leering in Calypso's direction. "Tch. I saw you speeding in. Tch, but you should know that I noticed you even before you arrived! I'm way stronger than before, so if you just wanna stroke your eggo-" "Ego." " -then you can go somewhere else!"
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Mon May 02, 2022 5:14 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Scratching her head awkwardly, she didn't realize that Santa felt bad about being lesser. For Calypso, being shown something above you gave a goal to aspire to. She didn't think how Santa might have taken being on the other side.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you like that. That's just how I learned. When I fought my cousin Noctis, it gave me a feeling of what I wanted to aspire to. And I thought other people would like that as well, but there are a billion roads in Wulin, so I can see how it would be bad for some" Calypso apologised. And then she looked to the sky, when they mentioned how she arrived.

"The arrival, was me trying to get Lotus Stepping. I need the concept to learn Earth-Grasping Step, which I need to learn Ursa Takkeyeon. Martial Arts is a whole tree diagram of prerequisites. I wasn't trying to show off anything" she stated, trying to placate Santa. Which, also meant that she didn't at all mention the fact that she too was much stronger than before.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Tue May 03, 2022 5:14 pm
Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] HEAD_sample-09e64b15c028e8b16e6d55c79ca595aa

Santa..... continued to frown with the explanation. But at the very least she seemed to listen as Calypso gave .... a better explanation of the reasonings behind her behaviors. Begrudgingly, she still frowned, but was notably less .....hateful and furious in how she was looking at Calypso. At the very least, the whole mixup seemed to be just a misunderstanding. "Yea yea, we al, know you got big, dumb fancy whatever martial arts... I guess what you're saying makes sense though. " She grumbled, folding her arms. It was incredibly begrudging, but at the very least she seemed to understand what was going on.

Ajora smiled, clearly amused at Santa's apparent concession. All the same, her attention did shifty back to Calypso. "If you don't mind me asking. Just how DID you manage to repair yourself to the point of being able to walk? What was it that was damaged in the first place?" She decided to ask. A bit of a ....change in subject that would hopefully let Santa be redirected from her little sour mood. And of course: because she was a little intrigued as to the little...arrangement Caly and Hvit had had.

"Not only that, but I'm also a bit ....curious about your relationship with the Hvit woman.. You had seemed fairly....attached when you last met Santa." She pointed out. "You were practically kissing her feet." Santa pointed out. Still in the process of shedding that mean attitude. But at the very least, her voice was getting less and less hostile.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso] Empty Re: Getting over Grudges [Santa/Calypso]

Wed May 04, 2022 8:10 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"You can have big dumb fancy whatever martial arts as well. Probably a lot quicker than me as well, that instant regeneration of yours lets you overcome the need to learn things in slow steps and stages" Calypso put in. Though, before she could go further with that, there was an interesting question. What was damaged?

She knew and could explain it to another Cultivator, but someone who was not even human would require more work. Biting her lip and taking her foot as she went through mental gymnastics to try and get the words right.

"My spine. Or, like...I guess the metaphysical concept of the energy running through the pathways that make up my spine. Some call them Chakras or Meridians or Gates, whatever you want to call it, it's that. Hvit's energy bridged the broken pathway and allowed me to develop over that. Cultivators like me constantly build and rebuild your pathways, layering over them a hundred times as you get stronger. So eventually I had developed that pathway enough that it didn't need Hvit holding it together anymore"

Shifting her feet and taking a leaning posture on the air, she'd look at the sky and think about Hvit. Surprisingly complex individual for how she seemed.
"Hvit is an extremely powerful Hollow of Pride, but she is also a mature woman. She likes people treating her as if she is the Queen and they are her subjects, but she also likes people wanting to be her equal. It can actually happen, she sees a few people that way. So while she is overbearing and solves issues with a sledgehammer, she can also care a great deal about people. Because she has to, as a Queen without subjects is just a pretentious hobo. A ruler's greatest treasure is their people, and only a fool cares little for their treasures"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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