Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:20 pm
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 YrkEqFf


Ow. He felt a foot against his head, rattling his brain. Incapable of simply eating it, Yuujin let himself move forward, his steps wobbled by the sudden disorientation caused by the blossoming pain in his skull. However, it dulled just as quickly as it came, leaving him a mild itch. Anger filled him the next second, his readjusting thoughts commanding his body to move against her. She may be trying to make space, but he won't let her, turning on the ball of his feet.

She's in the air. He should be able to do something, right? Whatever, he'll come up with a plan. Right now, close the distance. His feet kicked up dirt as he ran at her. By chance, he's able to get to her when she'd reach the ground, and when he got there, his first action proved a determined jump, an attempt to tackle her to the ground. He's not as nimble as her, so he should try to keep her from being able to move too much. From there, if he even got her, guess he'll try to pin down her arms. Victory by capture, maybe?

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Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:12 am
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Header2

Yugiri | Wandering Vizard


She wondered as he made his move to respond to her little display by turning and looking like he was going to rush her when she landed. In response Yugiri decided to form the footholds underneath her feet and stop her fall, leaving her angled at an awkward spot by standing on the air. By all rights she should be falling given that she was not upright but with her mastery of the shunpo and creating footholds it was easy to keep herself like this.

The vizard was still in his tackling range though but having opted to have her head roughly in the same spot as his made her ready to punish the charging boy if he wanted to commit to hard to his strategy by grabbing his shoulder from her upside-down position and use him to swing herself behind him and drive her kick him in the back to send him stumbling forward with his own momentum.


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Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:58 am
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 YrkEqFf


Was he annoyed before? He feels annoyed now. This doesn't even feel that much like a fight. It's more like when he's being shown how to read a book or something, and his teacher's having fun messing with his illiteracy. Not only is Yugiri showing off the little things she's learned because of her prior experiences, she's making light of his ability. Yeah. He can't keep up. Yeah. He's unable to do even half of what she can. Well, guess that's pretty much it, huh? He can try as much as he wants, but he can't just decide to not fall or run at the speed of light or shoot lasers from his fingertips.

Maybe that's his own fault though. Maybe he should have joined the Academy, learned something beyond how to throw a punch before running away. However, he won't sit here and depress over something that can't be helped. Even as he's lying on the ground, refusing to get up, he won't get mad over something as inconsequential as not being strong enough to even be considered an opponent. He's just being bothered by too many thoughts is all, too many questions about his future frustrating his present situation.

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Tue Oct 04, 2022 6:37 am
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Header2

Yugiri | Wandering Vizard


She asked from a couple of metres away, her long hair hanging behind her back as it settled from her acrobatic display. The vizard was showing him the canyon of difference between them but it was just how Shaoling had taught her as well, from day one it was being shown the gulf between them and their powers. The checkpoint that she had to achieve, only to then be showed up when she had put blood, sweat and tears into crawling up to match her and then the process repeated.

"How's your understanding of using your reiatsu?"

Yugiri asked while walking a bit closer and perching down to crouch. She had stopped playing with him after she'd gotten an idea of how where he was. Persistent or not he was lacking in every department and so she went to the basics to assess if her hunch was true or not. He had the mindset for it but what was he trying to accomplish here? He clearly didn't want to be a shinigami and she couldn't be mad at him for that, she just wanted to achieve her dream of becoming the greatest shunpo user in history. She'd show that little girl who was born unable to walk that she could really fly.


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Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri)

Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:22 pm
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 YrkEqFf



He muttered something from his position on the ground, but no one's going to understand him with dirt in his mouth. He rose and took a better seat on the ground. His eyes focused on the dirt beneath him, a hard to read expression on his face, something like a peeved pondering.

"I don't know."

His honest answer. Yuujin doesn't really know where he is. He simply knows he's growing stronger physically, and maybe that means he's grown his energy levels a bit. There haven't been many situations where he's needed to actively try.

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Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri)

Fri Oct 14, 2022 1:22 pm
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Header2

Yugiri | Wandering Vizard

"Alright, well let's work on that instead. Copy my position."

She took a seat opposite of him with her legs crossed, opting to close her eyes to faciliate her focus a bit better. Yugiri could try and teach him this much at least since it'd help him develop in the other fields a bit more. The vizard's hand reached out and took the shape of a fist to give him the spot that he'd hold.

"VIsualise your reiryoku inside of your body, imagine your fist as a pool and the arm as a river. Try to imagine yourself floating down this stream and ending up in the body of water to exert some reiatsu into your fist."

Opening her eyes and assessing him, Yugiri was thoughtfully watching and trying to assess his performance.


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Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri)

Fri Oct 14, 2022 6:31 pm
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 YrkEqFf


Hmm? Well, look at this. Someone's suddenly a teacher. Who does Yugiri think she is, bossing him around? Yuujin felt his body sag a bit, his back arching forward as he felt inclined to not listen. He's being stubborn just for the sake of it though. Sort of like a last ditch at some bravado to feel a little bit better about losing, but he's not the type to get caught up in debauchery.

How is this even supposed to help anyway? Just stick out his arm, form a fist, and imagine running water? Fine. His arm's out, his fingers are curled into a fist, and his eyes are closed as he imagines a river. Though, the visualization of water flowing between the cracks of the Earth didn't really feel right.

He can see the water, imagine it akin to the blood in his body, and he can feel it flowing through him, but there's something else there, like a secondary form of life. His tightened muscles feel constrictive, like a dam, and, slowly, his body relaxed as it felt natural to let go. Suddenly, he's full of water, but to Yugiri, it's nothing more than a trinkle.

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Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri)

Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:06 am
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Header2

Yugiri | Wandering Vizard

"There you go. It's not strange to feel it flowing like blood, your reiryoku and heart are intwined like that. The blood and spirit energy rushing to your extremedies and it's the basis of hakuda and all things really."

She continued, reaching out and putting her finger against his outstretched fist and exerting her own reiatsu a little bit. Just enough to let him feel the small current that pushed against his own and into his arm, if she was using the application of her hakuda properly then she could make it feel like she was sending a shockwave through the limb but that wasn't necessary to illustrate her point to him.

"Combat is not just the physical act of fighting but a mutual usage of your own soul in the process. Manifesting it and using it in tandem is necessary to grow stronger Yuujin. You know in the extremes you can do some pretty cool stuff with it as I'm sure you've seen already."


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Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri)

Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:05 pm
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 YrkEqFf


"The soul? Mmm... I suppose most books I've read wouldn't have anything about this sort of stuff. Humans aren't normally capable of what we are."

Yuujin doesn't particular enjoy the feel of Yugiri's energy against his. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be. Maybe that's just the combative nature of his being talking. It puts a bit of perspective into what he's doing. Most of his training has been physical, but if this is supposed to be like another blood flow, a strong body is required to make it stronger.

"I see..." He muttered, pulling away from her, his eyes fixated on his own fist. "I see..."

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Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri)

Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:14 am
Two Bright Stars (Yuujin/Yugiri) - Page 3 Header2

Yugiri | Wandering Vizard


She'd made her point though and even given him some tips, as much as he must absolutely be thrilled to try something new besides being made to run laps and do the menial physical workouts he was being put through right now Yugiri wasn't going to let him deprive himself of sleep over it.

"Anyway, got get some sleep kid. It's my turn to stand watch anyway."

It was probably a little less or a little over, she wasn't keeping an exact metric here but it was close enough and she was pretty comfortable to sit here and keep herself amused through the evening. He must be tired after she had beat him around a bit like that.


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