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Tue Sep 27, 2022 3:42 pm
Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  LIpCg8u


Some measure of time had passed since Rio crossed paths with the charismatic Igendai. Excluding the embarrassment she felt in waking up sprawled across the lawn of her own estate, Rio regarded their first meeting with a fondness reminiscent of the time she enjoyed with her peers in the past, bearing a responsibility to no one other than herself. A dreamlike nostalgia. Those bygone days seemed so distant, as if they were inconsequential, void of impact.

She was free to live her life now, to regain the pleasantries she missed out on. There were no longer any responsibilities outside of maintaining an image, and she proved herself worthy of that single feat. There was no one to instruct, for she had long since given up on being anything more than a support guide. She had a friend now in Nanashi, someone with whom to interact and fight. And then... there was Igen. To be certain, she was curious to know of his whereabouts after that day.

Curiosity compelled her to meet that exuberant spirit again. She deserved to enjoy herself, to indulge herself in a moment where responsibility did not exist. To live not as the Shield of the Shihoin, but as Rio - a woman who welcomed combat and banter in equal measure, revealed once drawn from her self-imposed shell.

Her footsteps guided her towards the Seireitei, retracing her footsteps from their first meeting. Would she cross paths with Igen in the middle of the town, similar to the last time? Or would he be present at the clearing where they shared a few drinks? Perhaps, he was busy with Gotei duty. Wherever it might be, it was clear Rio would carry on with her exploration until they crossed paths again.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  Empty Re: Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 5:38 pm
Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen had been trying to take his time as of late. Dialing things back. After his visit to the world of the living, his desire to communicate with his zanpaku'to had grown just a little. Not only that, but also his endeavor into the Sawachika estate had practically doubled down on that desire! Seeing what kind of shinigami they had become, the lives they led even after retirement. He couldn't help but wonder what their blades were like. He had seen Katori's after all. And it had become somewhat clear that he'd need to shape up if he wanted to be able to tussle with someone using a release.


It was something to think about. was something he'd been thinking about a lot. He had a lot of brawl experience. But frankly, how much real combat experience did he have? Should he ask to be deployed out to earth? Should he volunteer to take part in a few operations? Maybe some Survey Expeditions out in the rukongai's further districts? After all, his Zanpaku'to had spoken to him in the middle of ....a pretty intense fight. Something that had been far more than just the bare-fisted brawls that he normally took part in. Perhaps he should ask Katori to fight him with her shikai again? He wasn't sure.

Of course, Rio wouldn't find him TOO difficult to get a hold of. If she asked around, it wouldn't be long before she was directed to where he was. Standing on the edges of one of the Fourth Division training areas. Watching as those in the combat division had at one another. His eyes a bit ....far off. Thoughtful. Contemplative. What was it that his Zanpaku'to wanted from him?

SO zoned out was he, that Rio would find it quite easy to sneak up on him, if she felt so inclined.
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Tue Sep 27, 2022 8:21 pm
Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  LIpCg8u


Rio would approach her exploration for the man of the hour by asking about his whereabouts to others. Gaining the necessary directions she required, her short-lived journey would take her towards the fourth division's training grounds. Amber eyes swept over each person, observing the combatants until her gaze settled on Igendai. He seemed to be lost in a spell of contemplation, his mind seemingly elsewhere.

He wasn't engaging anyone in combat, either. She recalled how fond he was of combat, and wondered why he wasn't participating. A spark of playfulness seemed to set in her spirits as she observed him, carefully moving behind him with quiet gait, playfully chopping at his shoulders with her hands.

"There you are. I've finally found you, Igen," she remarked with a hint of amusement in her tone, satisfied with her little prank. It was fun not to have to worry about carrying herself like a noble around him. He didn't really care about that image, and she was slowly beginning to adopt a similar frame of mind herself.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:26 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:23 am
Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

That sudden CHOP made Igen YELP out in surprise! Jumping a bit before he promptly turned around and put on a grin, cracking up when he realized WHO it was! He expected a little jumpscare from a lot of people, but he definitely hadn't expected it from her!
"Holy shit, Rio! I didn't expect to see you again so soon!" He blurted out, brushing off his shoulder before promptly perking up.

"Oh, you were looking for me? Sorry I didn't think to give ya my number. Sorry ya caught me when I was a little distracted. What can I do for ya? You didn't get into trouble or anything for the lawn thing did ya?" He asked, certainly a bit off his usual rhythm! He'd had a blast last time they hung out, but now he was curious. After all theyd wound up all drunk and on the lawn. So now he was a little hyped up at the possibility of getting to talk to her again.
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Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  Empty Re: Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 1:06 pm
Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  LIpCg8u


A soft chuckle escaped Rio's lips as she relished Igen's reaction at her sneak attack. The yelp made the reaction all the more endearing as he turned around to face her, the unexpected culprit. Rio mused at the act herself, almost as if she was aiming for that sort of reaction. When did she learn to develop a penchant for mischief?

Rio casually waved her hand as her eyes traveled around a little before they returned towards Igen, patting his shoulder. Life could get busy in the Soul Society, especially as a member of the Gotei. There was no reason to hold him to that. If anything, she was simply glad to see him again.

"No. Well if you count the few stares I got during that day, I pretty much came out unscathed. No one made any real comment on it. But you know? I don't regret a single thing. It was fun to let loose like that for a change."

Rio grinned softly, her gaze once again wondering off to the training grounds. She wondered. Was he busy? Was he about to go on duty? She was certainly open to the idea of spending time with her friend again.

"Well, besides giving me your number to keep in touch, I was wondering if you were busy today. My schedule's an open book, of course, but I expect things might be a little different for division members in the Gotei. Thinking... maybe a bite to eat? Another spar? Drinking again? Well, actually... I think that'd be counterproductive, especially when it's still early, no?"

This seemed new to Rio. To be straightforward with a friend, to gauge what plans they laid out for the day, and how she could influence it. And yet... it felt right. It felt... fun. Still, she wouldn't impose just yet. At the very least, she wanted to hear if her charismatic friend had anything set for today that'd make him busy.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Sep 28, 2022 2:53 pm
Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen raises his brows and dropped his mouth, a bit impressed that things had gone so smoothly. He supposed that it probably wasn't something that was TOO rare. It was good that nothing bad had happened though. "Oh! Well thats good! I was definitely a little worried you might have gotten in trouble. But hey, sounds like we're all good." He chuckled. He didn't even think twice about the woman asking for his number, taking out his phone and promptly moving it toward hers so the two devices could exchange information. That said, he DID raise his brows a bit when she floated the idea of hanging out again. "Oh, well yea I'm actually pretty free this evening! Got all my work for the day done early. So I'd totally be up to get something to eat actually! I was uh.... just kinda watching thew training. Squad Four has it's own...flavor to stuff ya know? Being the combat division. I been thinking about different ways to improve my own training after all. We Squad One peeps don't know... go out as much as the others. Heh, wouldn't ya know a lot of my classmates that graduated alongside me are already learning their Shikai..." He noted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

Yea, it was kinda obvious what had been on his mind. But Igen was also smiling and looking expectantly at Rio about lunch. As much as he WAS a little distracted by that. Rio had promptly garnered his attention, and it was clear he wasn't gonna let it get in the way of them having a good time and some nice food!
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Wed Sep 28, 2022 5:50 pm
Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  H52_ehgfwhvjown

As they exchanged numbers between their mobile devices, Rio was certainly happy with Igen's answer. As much as she was stepping out of that self-imposed shell, there was no particular desire to impede on anyone's progress concerning their own matters. From the way Igen expressed his thoughts, he was merely observing the combat division and their forms and disciplines. An eyebrow rose as she continued to listen to him with curiosity in those amber eyes. Igen was thinking on ways to improve his own form of combat.

Rio had never formally joined a division after she graduated, but she was knowledgeable enough to know how each division operated, from their principles to the respective fields they specialized in. To be certain, the shihoin woman definitely assumed Igen was already a member of the combat division. His boisterous personality and his unorthodox fighting style seemed as if it were almost tailor-made for the combat division. Then, there was more. Gleaming that sheepish expression, there was another thing that seemed to occupy Igen's state of mind. His zanpakuto.

Rio had no intent of assuming a teacher role ever again, but perhaps he could discover something through a spar with a difficult obstacle. Rio recalled the days where she worked herself into exhaustion to achieve a connection with her zanpakuto, recalled the days where she had to maintain that connection and keep at it. Of course, everyone had their own way of doing things. Still, she'd certainly offer a helping hand, but that could wait. She had offered a meal, he was free for the evening, and there was nothing to stop her from making good on her promise.

Offering her hand to pull him along, she would speak her opinion the matter as she walked through the barracks.

"You know, I actually thought you were a member of the combat division. It feels like it suits you really well," she remarked with a lighthearted chuckle before moving to the next part of her thoughts.

"With the type of go-getter attitude that you have, I think you'll bully your zanpakuto spirit into giving you shikai in no time. I wouldn't worry about that too much. We're eating today, but I'm always open for a spar. Spur of the moment combat is certainly one way of awakening something in your zanpakuto. None of it is an exact science, though. Some can seemingly come out of nowhere when you least expect them..."

Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  Empty Re: Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 6:07 pm
Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen blinked, tilting his head before reaching out and taking Rio's hand as it was offered to her, and promptly they were off! Truth be told, he had kindof the idea that.....well Rio was a lot simpler than she let on. She had that noble air, but really she just kinda seemed like a simple homely gal. Though even HE was surprised when she just took his hand and started leading him around. Though certainly he found a smile on his face regardless, intrigued as to where she was taking him.

"Ah nah. I mean, yea I kinda enjoy a good scuffle. But I also have other stuff too. I have leadership skills." He pointed out, puffing his chest a bit before tilting his head a bit. "Awwwww, lookit you trying to help." He chuckled, reaching out and patting her on the shoulder. Though truth be told... hmmm. "I HAVE been wondering about it. Thinking about like... more intense fights. I kinda use just my fists or like... a chair when I fight these days. Maybe I gotta use my sword more. Against a Shikai. That or just you know...volunteer for real combat operations." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He frankly would just vibe with wherever she wanted to eat, he was far more interested in the conversation than he was just like...being hungry. Also he got to hold her hand, so woohoo!
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Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  Empty Re: Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:06 pm

Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  H52_ehgfwhvjown

"Leadership skills, huh? Well, you certainly have the charisma of a leader. I cannot deny that. "

To be certain, Rio didn't doubt Igen's claim about leadership. His personality certainly seemed to speak to one that could rouse a whole group out of a lull. He had morale booster written all over him. She continued to guide him along until they were well out of the barracks, her steps propelling continuously toward their destination. It was a small establishment that served a variety of meals.

Ramen, meat skewers, and countless other dishes that might suit one's pallet. From her recollection, this place was particularly ideal for division members who wanted a quick lunch and doubtless lacked the time necessary to make their own meal. She would release his hand the moment they arrived, placing her finger against her phone.

"Hey, we're friends, right? Anyway I can help, I'll help. I'm kind of chomping at the bit to get a few hits in after the last time," she remarked with a bright grin on her face, followed by a small touch of laughter, recalling the events and how silly that fight felt. Technique had effectively went out the window.

"The intensity of the fights and the multitude of situations can certainly effect how a spirit might manifest. None of those are bad options, either. I think it also depends on the zanpakuto spirit, too. Their personality, how they mesh with their wielder. My particular path to mastering the finer nuances of my own weapon came with rigorous training, a lot of which I imposed on myself. I suppose, in a sense, that you could say I bullrushed mine into giving me every technique I could use at my disposal."

A sheepish smile formed across her lips, recalling those days where no one could reach her when she was in her own space. Rio had truly entered such a realm of relentless effort that, in those days, she was determined to push past every limit imaginable. Part of it was a sense of competition to prove that she was a far more suitable successor than her irresponsible sister. Thinking back on it, she wondered why she went at things so doggedly. Well, that was the past. The present looked far more brighter now.

"In any case, there are countless pathways. We can certainly figure out something together while you think of your own strategy, right? Oh, by the way, I'm placing our orders in now. Anything you have in mind you wanted to pick out," she inquired, handing the phone to him. A menu full of food items and drinks to choose from.

Last edited by Iori on Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  Empty Re: Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:13 pm
Lift The Limit[Igen, Rio]  HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen was all too quick yo puff his own chest out and smile from ear to ear. "That's me Igendai the Charismagician.Here to Gician your Charis." He chimed with as cheesy a smile as possible to go with that absolute disaster of a joke, his confidence only adding to the cringey nature. He let that one stew a little as they arrived at the vendor itself. Igen PROMPTLY ordering a skewer for himself. Just a bit of meat, nothing TOO dense that would make sparring a pain in the ass or anything.


Rio had a good point to be sure. And certainly it was the time to just flat out try different things out. Surely she just needed to .....russle things up? Try and get her Zanpaku'to's attention so that he might get into the actual minutia of know....meditating? Or whatever floated his zanpaku'to's boat in that sense. All the same, once they both had their food, Igen would sit down with Rio, promptly sitting directly beside her as they ate. "makes sense to me. No harm in giving it a try right? We just gotta crank things up a notch! I'd love to see your shikai honestly. I've only seen .....pshhhh....actually I've only seen one now that I think about it." He admitted, Katori had really been the only glimmer of that to take hold on. Other than her ....uh...surprisingly dark shikai, which he still intended to keep a secret, he didn't really have much to go on.
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