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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 2:38 pm
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown
Rio's recent conversation with Igen had certainly piqued her curiosity the last time they'd crossed paths. It wasn't anything terribly worrying, but the Shield of the Shihioin couldn't shake wondering about where his mind was now, and if her zanpakuto advice had truly been taken in stride. From her perspective, he wasn't the type to get spooked or thrown something like that. Whoever he fought against had made him question if his own weapon might end up being warped.

These musings, although somewhat justified, would do her no good if she ruminated on it too long. Sitting on a tree branch in a forest, Rio decided the best option would be shooting him a simple text. As per usual, there was nothing to occupy her day unless she chose something to fill those idle hours. Whiling away for any amount of time made her feel restless, and tedium could make a day feel incredibly dull in quick succession as a result. She wanted none of that. Rio would lean back against the tree after sending him a message, awaiting both answer and arrival.

[Text]Yo, Igen. Are you busy at the moment? If not, let's hang out. Spar, vibe, whatever.

There was something surreal about texting to the Shihoin. She was use to writing and having her servants deliver her letters for a time, and it wouldn't have been incorrect to consider her an old-fashioned woman as a result, but this was amusing. She held back from being super professional, too. A peer from the her academy days told her that texts like those were sort of a no-go between friends.

Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 26, 2022 4:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Re: Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 4:05 pm
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen kinda....sat there looking at the text for a few minutes when he actually got it. He had the afternoon off and was kinda hanging out while Ko amused herself with one of his pillows. Confusion kinda....draped across his face as he tried to figure out what vibe meant. Was she referring to like...hanging out? Yes, that absolutely was the fitting context. But she was like....old...wasn't she? Like... she didn't go to the world of the living did she? Was she using the OLD context of that word? Was that something nobles did together? He made a face, and decided that he was just being silly. She must have picked it up from someone else.

[Igen]: Sounds good to me. Where are you right now? Shihoin estate?

He sent back, glancing up to see Ko carrying two pillows around in her mouth this time, frowning briefly as he wondered what she was doing, but deciding not to worry about it. "You up to go meet someone? One of my gal pals just texted me." He chimed with a smile.

The tiger paused and looked in his direction before dropping the pillows. Oh? Certainly. You know, Igen, I was worried you did nothing but hang around big-chested hussies. But Moe was rather pleasant to be around. I look forward to meeting more of your friends.

He made a face. Right, she already knew who he was talking about......right? Could he read his mind? Yes. Oh well alright she was just bullying him. "They aren't hussies, they're my friends."" He murmured, sighing as he got up and kicked the pillows over toward his cot and heading out the door with Ko in tow. Glancing at his soul phone to see if Rio had given her location yet.
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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Re: Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 4:55 pm
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown

[Text]Lol, nah. I'm actually at one of the forests in the Seiretei. I'll give you the coordinates. See you soon!

Rio rose up from her position on the tree, texting her friend the coordinates to her location, although she supposed he could eventually sense her through spiritual signature, too. Placing the phone in her pocket, Rio stretched har arms out and leaped off of the tree. Landing on the ground, Rio would cast her gaze towards the trees. It wouldn't take him a long time to get here now, but she decided to pass the time while she waited by stretching and striking at the air. A fist to the left, followed by a kick to the right. A fist to the right transitioning into a kick with the left. She repeated these patterns, biding her time until the man of the hour arrived.

Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Re: Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:19 pm
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

It didn't take him and Ko long to make their way to the forest, especially not while using Shunpo. And when they finally DID arrive, Igen allowed his spiritual pressure to ripple out for just a moment, projecting it in case she was hiding, before promptly looking around for the woman in question. He could always go for her spirit energy, but if not, then she'd probably find him.

"Hey there Rio!" He chimed, giving her a nice wave and one of his signature smiles. All the while, the Tigress behind him promptly sat beside him, taking one look at her before shifting her attention back to Igen. Another eh? The percentages aren't looking great for you, Igen. He twitched just a little, clearing his throat. "Ahem, uh... this is Ko. My Shikai. I uh.... kinda can't seal her. Ko, this is Rio shihoin." He introduced the pair of them. Honestly he was getting more and more used to introducing her.

That said... he was curious as to how Rio would react.
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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Re: Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:39 pm
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown

There he was. Rio turned to Igen as he waved at her, chipper as always. Expecting him to come on his own, Rio's gaze was cast toward the tiger hat had occupied a position beside him. Rio slowly opened her mouth to pose a question, curious as to why he'd brought a tiger along. Had he bought a pet perhaps? Of course, any question that found itself rearing into existence was just as quickly brushed from her mind as Igen introduced her. This tigress, Ko, was his Shikai? Oh...? That meant... He'd made significant progress with his zanpakuto! And it didn't, from what it appeared at the moment, to be something that terrified him.

"T-this is your shikai!?"

Rio rose up and pulled him into a half hug, nudging his shoulder a few times with her fist, proud of his progress. Rio didn't know how to react. Could it speak physically? Or did it only talk to him? What was she like to him so far? What did her abilities look like so far? Did she have abilities? A boundless wave of questions filled her mind, but the Shihoin wasn't going to bombard him with such a wave, and thus decided to take a deep breath.

She leaned forward to stare at Ko before her gaze returned toward Igen. Her expression was a mixture between visible shock, happiness, and confusion. An odd mixture, to be sure, but of all the things she expected... a tiger was not one of them. Chuckling softly, Rio let him go and sat down, a few meters across from both of them.

"I don't know if you can speak, but it's nice to meet you, Ko. Ahem... hm, you look.... really cool?"

Rio was honestly at a loss as to how one would compliment a tiger, but she made the attempt nonetheless before gazing toward Igen, prepared to hit him with a few questions at least.



Last edited by Iori on Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:54 am; edited 4 times in total
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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Re: Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:09 pm
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Eheh... yea he knida was used to this whole song and dance now. The look on Rio's face was something he'd been dealing with for about a week now. "Eheh, yea well, she's my Shikai! It's been...interesting getting used to having her around, but actually t's kinda growing on me." He pointed out with a fond smile toward the Zanpaku'to, before he YELPED As Roi suddenly pulled him into a hug and then nudged his shoulder. Brushing himself off a bit as he watched Rio leaning down to greet his Zanpaku'to.

Ko in the meantime watched casually as Rioe bent over and greeted her. Eyes lazily drifting down barely half an inch before glancing incredulously in Igen's direction. I liked your other friend better. But then again, she DOES seem fairly strong. I suppose I can allow this. She mused. Further confusing Igen. Wait...what? He frowned, briefly confused before then remembering that Rio was waiting on him to translate. "OH, uh... y..yea.. she uh,...says hi back." HE murmured. Furrowing his brows. That was bizarre, why did she approve of Rio, but not Matsumoto-sensei? What a strange spirit...

Hmph~ To think that you understood my reasonings. Adorable. Why don't you ask to see HER Shikai Igen? HE paused, ah right, she did mention something about her Shikai before. If she was willing to explain it, maybe she'd be willing to show it? [color=salmon["Uh...she wants to know if you wanna have a little spar. Shikai vs shikai. Which I gotta say...I HAVE been a little curious about yours ever since you mentioned them.[/color] He added, his smile perking up just a little as he turned his attention back to Rio and glanced at her weapon, then back up to her. A big sheepish grin showing across his face.

"Ah but that can wait if you want. I didn't realize you were just relaxing around here. We can just sit and talk a bit if you like, Don't wanna harsh your ...uh..vibe." He quickly added. Was he keen on learning a bit more about Rio's fighting style? Absolutely. But that still wasn't something he was just gonna push on her. If she wanted to talk about something, or heck just relax a little, he didn't mind waiting a little bit.
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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Re: Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 2:42 am
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown

Shikai vs Shikai? Rio cast her gaze between Igen and Ko, contemplating the decision. Unexpected as it was, Rio was from opposed to the idea. Truth be told, the Shihoin had been aiming to adopt more training into her schedule. If she was serious about enlisting into the Gotei, let alone humoring the idea, she felt it would go against her sense of pride to approach that path with anything less than her ideal best. She certainly respected that he was aiming to appease her by choosing to hold it off, but honestly, Rio viewed this as a mutual benefit.

To Rio, she would benefit by working off the rust of not using her weapon in a battle for some time, and she no doubt felt Igen could thrive by learning - if he hadn't already, of course - how his shikai worked. There was nothing wrong with the idea at all in her eyes. Rio would glance at her blade, tracing her eyes towards their surroundings. The location was ideal, too. No one was here to disturb them, there was plenty of space for movement, and there was little to impede them outside of the trees. Rio tapped her blade towards the ground, pointing a finger towards Igen, a soft grin adorning her lips.

"While it is true I was relaxing in the trees, I wasn't doing anything of note, either. If Ko wishes to test herself, I'll gladly accept the challenge. I've been meaning to train more, anyway. If I'm serious about enlisting, I don't want to approach it with anything less than my full commitment to the Gotei's cause, and that means giving it my best."

To be certain, Rio was curious about Igen's shikai. If a battle helped sate that curiosity, she'd be foolish to brush away the opportunity.

"Before we start, are there any handicaps you want set out to make it an even playing field? I'm not exactly looking to make this overwhelming, even if I know you're always up for a challenge and overcoming the odds. I want to see your Shikai in action as much as she wishes to see mine."

This was essentially Igen's opportunity to set out anything he felt would be advantageous to him. To be quite honest, Rio didn't technically need to use her Shikai. She was, ideally, skilled enough to go at this with nothing more than her bare hands and a body considered a pinnacle of durability in her family. On the other hand, she had explained the basic idea of her Shikai to him before. If anything, this was to even the playing field. After that, she'd be ready to go.

Last edited by Iori on Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Re: Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:26 pm
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] HEADER_100599456_p3_master1200

Igen watched as Rio seemed to consider the challenge. Of course he knew that SOME Shikai definitely were pretty terrifying. However, this was Rio! He trusted that she wouldn't unleash anything awful on him. Or at the very least, would WARN him if her Zanpaku'to was inherently just awful to fight against.

He considered the notion of giving Rio limitations, but frankly, he just wanted to feel things out with his own Zanpaku'to. "I trust your Judgement. After all, I'm mostly looking just to practice! And experience what it's like to fight someone using a release. Push me as far as you feel comfortable." He pointed out with a calm smile. All the while Ko began to slowly prowl about, circling Rio as the pair discussed things. The Zanpaku'to's spiritual pressure was almost nonexistent. The fact that his Shikai didn't seem to give off any energy had been probably something she'd noticed instantly, but now, it would be a very subtle danger. There was nothing from Ko. Just an incredibly subtle signature. Barely noticeable even for someone of Rio's perceptive abilities.

"Besides! I've gotten quite a bit better with shunpo and hakuda. Even my Kido's gotten a bit stronger." He noted with a proud little puff of his chest. "So yea! Uhhh, I trust you to adjust the difficulty as you see fit. And ... hmm...actually. You wouldn't happen to know like...shunko...would you?" He added with a slight tilt of his head. Remembering witnessing Shaoling or well....sortof....sensing her use it? It hadn't been much to go on. It didn't hurt to ask if she knew anything about it. Certainly the books had been... so so in terms of description.
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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Re: Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 8:13 pm
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown

What followed Igen's inquiry was a complicated expression that danced between perplexed and curious. Shunko? That was an interesting question to pose out of the blue. Wondering what brought it out on, Rio recalled her past, reflecting on the days when she pursued learning the principles behind it, but quickly realized her patience would never allow her to cultivate it properly.

By a certain point, she had already consigned herself to her title as the Shield of the Shihoin, in both combat capability and fighting discipline. In simpler terms, she was a tank and prided herself on acting as a tank would, withstanding multiple blows, remaining upright, and punishing the enemy with a devastating counterattack. Rio only knew of a few people, but unfortunately, she was uncertain whether Igen could reach either of them, without going through some difficult channels, at least.

"I always thought Shunko was an interesting discipline, but I was and still have never been able to grasp it with any real degree of success. It certainly isn't something you'll have to worry about during her battle," she remarked, grinning confidently as she nudged his shoulder one more time, allowing her golden eyes to wander towards Ko, who circle them quietly, gazing toward the two of them.

Noting each movement, Rio was curious to see what abilities this tiger possessed. After all, Rio found it odd that this spirit's spiritual presence felt entirely subtle, slightly indiscernible even. Ignoring its presence might well give her issue if she focused too much on Igen, who, by his own admission, had made his own share of improvement.

"Now that everything is settled, why don't we begin, eh? I'm certainly excited to see your improvement, Igen."

Rio exhaled deeply, creating a small distance between them. Lifting her blade forward, she uttered the phrase, "Harden, Tetsumaru." In that instant, an obsidian hue cast around her blade, splitting into four black blades - equaling her in size - held together by chains. The hilt was now the only thing that remained in her hand. Pointing the hilt towards Igen and Ko, Rio beckoned him to begin his approach. Defend and counter. That would be her approach. It was, after all, always the way she approached any battle. Faint steps guided her feet along the ground, four black blades idling behind her in pursuit.

"The first move is yours."

Last edited by Iori on Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tiger King[Igen, Rio] Empty Re: Tiger King[Igen, Rio]

Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:40 pm
Tiger King[Igen, Rio] HEADER_100599456_p3_master1200

Igen noticed the surprise on her face and offered a nervous smile. "OH! Well uh, I mean, Shunko was developed by the Shihoin after all. I just thought it was worthwhile to ask about it. I actually ran into the Ex Captain, Shaoling, who used it. I ...THINK ... she used against me? It was so weird though, nothing like the textbooks describe it." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as he thought about that ...strange sensation when he'd tried to get a sense of it with his Reikaku. "She looked so .... fierce when using it. And it was so subtle. I've been thinking about it a lot ever since." He admitted with a smile, as shameless and without hesitation as usual. Openly gushing a bit about his encounter and showing that he was more INTERESTED in the ability rather than worried about it.

Even so, as Rio showed that she was ready to rumble, he gave a gentle nod of his head. Right. Whew... He closed his eyes. Taking a nice deep breath before smiling at the woman. His eyes shined as he witnessed the strange release of her zanpaku'to. What a strange look... a little odd for a defensive type, he had almost expected an actual shield! All the same, he was being given the first move, there was no reason not to utilize it! He let out a slow and steady breath. Already fortifying himself with Hakuda, a steady flow throughout his body, before suddenly charging at the woman! A straight line made between him and the shihoin! He wasn't particularly fast, but DEFINITELY faster than he had been the last time they fought. Using Hakuda to boost the strength of his steps as he closed in and then aimed a FIRM strike to the center of the woman's body! After all, with his Shikai out and about, he was fairly unarmed!

It would be at that very moment that Ko shifted in from the side, aiming to avoid the blades trailing in behind Rio and swiping with a paw toward the woman's back. Of course, the claws were retracted, but it was a firm blow to the woman's back, a blow which, simply by the sheer size of the paw, would knock most shinigami down, though Rio was HARDLY any shinigami. If nothing else, Ko almost seemed intent on distracting the woman as Igen went for a more forward attack!
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