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Thu Nov 10, 2022 7:57 am
Gamma's random character ideas that probably won't be made due to a big full list already or lack of interest do stuff with them.

Some open for adoption if people want to do something with them, ask first.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gamma_Signature
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Thu Nov 10, 2022 7:57 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gremmy-header

Basic Information
» Name: Guenael Lee Thoumeaux.
» Alias':
▕ The Visionary.
▕ Gremmy Thoumeaux.
» Age: Unknown.
» Birthday: September 19.
» Gender: Male.
» Race: Human [Quincy].

» Affiliation: Vandenreich: Todegestalten.

» Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
» Marital Status: Single.
» Nationality: French.
» Orientation: Gay.
» Ideal Mate: A demure, meek individual.
» Special Skill: Adapting to the situation.

» Height: 5'6".
» Build: Slender.
» Hair Colour: Blonde.
» Eye Colour: Golden.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gremmy-appearance

Psychological Analysis
Gremmy is a polite and curteous individual but to say that he is truly capable of forming strong relationships with people is a farcry. In his earlier days alive he was always looking to grow and cultivate the quincy. He took great pride in it and he was very ambitious, it was a large portion of his identity essentially as many quincy can resonate with.

Due to the historical circumstances though he is quite bitter and untrusting, he feels let down by the original quincy for her decision to abandon Earth. Her disciples are all dead, many renown quincy have only invited ruin onto their race. They are every bit a failure in their role as protectors and cultivators of the quincy arts.



» In Recovery: It's noted that Gremmy was quite powerful, serving Yhwach's Lichtricht in the original war against the shinigami not out of loyalty but necessity for his actions would invite ruin onto the entire quincy race. It was just that which occurred and begun his bitterness towards the ones who called themselves leaders. It was during the Quincy genocide though that Gremmy was forced to utilise the Quincy: Letzt Stil and lost all his powers in an attempt to save his fellow quincy.

From the loss of his powers he lost his identity and it took him many years before he would be able to reclaim the powers of a quincy. As a result he has lost much of his extraordinary spiritual abilities and is in the process of redeveloping them into the present day.

» The Visionary: Gremmy's age and having witnessed much of the "golden age" of quincy development before being plagued with war and genocide has granted him quite a large repetoire of knowledge of their skills. They mostly relate to methods of teaching the quincy arts which he scribes for new quincy to learn that join the Vandenreich. His engineering prowess itself is substantial and he possesses a great deal of knowledge in the synthesis of reishi based materials with special attributes such as soul-made silver.

It is for this reason he views himself as something of a "visionary". He envisions a future of prosperity for the quincy and he will do his very best to ensure that does better than the ancient figures did to provide that golden age after being let down by them.


» Name: Heilig Bogen [Holy Bow].

» Summary: Gremmy's spirit weapon is a straight-forward bow, comprised of its hard blue shape with a faint glow to it. The weapon does not possess a string and as a result he does not need to draw the bow and damage his fingers with extended use.

» Abilities: His Heilig Bogen is capable of firing Heilig Pfeil without needing to draw back, though the amount of power behind the arrow is slightly weaker without pulling back a string. It has the hidden function of being able to gain four protrusions and spread reishi over the limbs to function as a makeshift shield before firing an arrow at the attacker.


» Name: Sahaquiel [Ingenuity of God].

» Appearance: [Link].

» Ability: The power of Sahaquiel is quite simple, especially at his current state. The only power it currently possesses is to acquire perfect and enhanced vision. He has an uncapped range of sight in terms of spectrum, light, heat, uv etc. All of the electromagnetic spectrum is within his sight and it can even break through targets' attempts to conceal themselves such as piercing through barriers and spells to see through it. It provides him with as much information is possible.


General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner.
  • General Speed: Beginner.
  • Strength: Beginner.
  • Martial Skill: Adept.

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Adept.
  • Mental Deduction: Adept.
  • Focus: Adept.

Quincy Skills
  • Blut: Adept
  • Absorption: Adept
  • Spellcraft: Adept
  • Spirit Weapon: Adept

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:19 am; edited 1 time in total

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gamma_Signature
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Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:26 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas Caren-header

Basic Information
» Name: Penelope Waccabrada.
» Alias':
▕ Ms. Matchmaker.
▕ "PePe" - Close Friends only.
» Age: Christmas cake.
» Birthday: September 19.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Human [Quincy].

» Affiliation: Vandenreich: Sternritter.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Marital Status: Single.
» Nationality: Italian.
» Orientation: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: The Last Man Alone.
» Special Skill: Making cute couples.

» Height: 5'4".
» Build: Slender.
» Hair Colour: White.
» Eye Colour: Golden.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas App-pepe

Psychological Analysis
Penelope is a pretty carefree individual with a mixed reputation amongst the sternritter. She's not known as Ms. Matchmaker for nothing since she handles all people like characters in an otome game, from the moment she's met someone she's already orchestrating their perfect match that she thinks suits them! It's a frustrating experience for some people since she'll happily organise blind dates and try and force people into doing them - even resorting to trickery to ensure that it happens.

Whether there's any success is up for debate. The results are often mixed but Penelope views Love as the most powerful and important thing in life. Too many people go without someone to be their other half and that's where she likes to get involved. As love is the most powerful force in the world that can heal all wounds and she loves all living things, believing no soul should go without it if she has anything to say about it. Violence is upsetting to her and she views battle as a miserable thing but out of love for her comrades she will do her best to assist where possible.

» Likes: Beekeeping. Reading questionable material. Amateurs

» Dislikes: Divorce. Declining birth rates.

» Talents: Matchmaking, and hooking people up.


» Storge: The feeling of love one's parents have towards oneself.

Penelope was born in Italy, a young child that was quickly abandoned and left in the care of an orphanage by her parents. Never one to learn for what reason she was give up, perhaps her family couldn't support and and this was the best course of action, perhaps they had passed away, or they just didn't want a child to take care of. Regardless of the reason from the earliest days of her life she began alone amongst other children who were left alone and only surrounded by each other.

Raised by these people she grew attached but lived with the sense of loneliness, empathising with all of the other children's lingering sense of abandonment. It was through these feelings surrounding her that she grew to hate them. She


» Acrobat: Penelope fights and moves with the grace of a trained athletic. She can contort, flip, and launch herself around the area without much reliance on her spiritual abilities to enable her to. Her flexibility, agility, and reactions are the primary things of note while her actual movement speed of getting from A to B is lacking compared to the others.

» Accuracy: As a quincy, it is natural that she would display some capacity of archery. She is competent as an archer, launching arrows from afar and in closer proximity to targets with consistency in hitting their mark. While she does use a bow it is not her preferred style of engaging in combat, that would be her preference to the cumbersome daggers that she wields. Her technique with these impractical weapons is second nature to the point that she can throw them with alarmingly consistent accuracy and achieve feats such as the weapon blowing through a wall using just "martial technique" despite the lacklustre strength she displays otherwise.

» Close-Combat: While an atrocious fighter if she was made to fight unarmed the same cannot be said if Penelope has her spirit weapon on standby. With fluid ease she can pressure a target stronger than herself through the weapons that she wields in close combat, her style is built on precision rather than strength due to only caring about applying her spirit weapons' ability onto anyone nearby. A scratch is sufficient and lethal, which she can be very good at doing.

» Observant: Naturally observant, you have to be good at reading people if you're trying to set them up together with their ideal lover. Penelope knows what certain looks mean and how to read a person's body language, whether she lets on that she's anything but a ditz is completely different though.

» Sangue Vena (Blut Vene): Penelope is hyperspecialised to raising her body's defences as opposed to granting herself any kind of direct offence. Essentially she has no aptitude for Blut Arterie at all which grants her a leg up over many of her peers. The fact that she has committed entirely to a single blut means that she does not need to worry about the delay for changing. Her specialisation allows her blut vene to be quite expansive as opposed to being generic in application, it is not just an increase in her body's defensive attributes but gaining specific characteristics through her blut such as filtering poisons out of her body; gaining resistance to environmental hazards like temperature or elemental resistances so while it is not unreasonable to see her endure grotesque amounts of damage her greater capacity to further tailor her defence is a huge boon for Penelope.

» Esodo (Steigen): Competent and reliable in her application of the technique that allows for her to surf along reishi and move at high speeds, only the basic technique though as she is incapable of more advanced applications such as afterimages. One wouldn't find her falter but she's not pulling any special tricks out of her hat, except maybe manifesting platforms under her feet to raise someone into the air with her.

» Agápe:

» Love Heals Everything: The primary power of Penelope is her ability to utilise spellcraft which covers just about everything that she is failing in. The primary usage of her spellcraft when she isn't using Ginto is using her spellcraft to reach out and heal her allies. This incredibly potent ability to infuse her reiryoku and essentially keep her allies in a state of near-perfect fighting form is Penelope's trump card. As long as a target is not killed immediately, there's a high chance she can deliver care and get them back into the fight quickly.


» Soul Cutters: She keeps three on her person.

» Silver Tubes: She keeps ten on her person.

» Silver Wire: She keeps a length of about one hundred metres, the wire is woven into a bracelet and can be used in a number of ways from a spellcraft medium or as a tool. It is created out of soul-synthesised silver.

» "Love Potions": It is unclear what this concoction is, she offers it to people that are having trouble in a relationship.

» Contraccettivi: She keeps a small box of twenty, different sizes, which she gives people who might need them. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, right? It's not always a happy accident.


» Croce (Kreuzen): Penelope wears her Quincy cross on her left wrist. Attached by a silver chain it is quite orthodox with its design of being a typical crucifix except that there is a heart-shaped ruby embedded in the centre of the tool.

» Primary Weapon: Mal D'amore: Her primary spirit weapon takes the shape of long dagger instruments which are unwieldy at a glance. They're too long, the weight is poorly distributed, and the handles are too small to have a secure grip. It is a messy weapon but love is a messy affair so she doesn't mind that the shortcomings of her youth with making it have been adapted to.

Mal D'amore has a universal shape but it is not limited to one either, which gives her a great deal of utility in creating up to six of them at any given time to launch them as weapons, wield them in close combat, or utilise them as mediums for spells.
» Holy Darts: Penelope can fire holy arrows the weapons or turn the weapons into holy arrows. When firing an arrow from the weapon it may shoot out of the point, fire as an arc through slashing with the weapon, and what have you. When thrown she can use the blade as a medium to double the potency of the projectile.

» Valentine's Malady: Successful attacks made with Mal D'amore leave heart-shaped marks on the target. These marks are benign until they are consumed for different techniques. Each mark may function as a instance or an amplifier, the former is an effect itself and the latter enhances the effect for each mark consumed to amplify the instance. Arrows fired by Mal D'amore do not apply marks onto the target, these marks can be applied to allies by Penelope either wounding them or making the length of her blade intangible so that only the handle is solid--the blade is unable to reform inside of targets due to there being no space for it to form relative to the target's own physical form.

» Innocent Love: Allows for Penelope to use the malady on a target to heal them. One mark may heal light wounds, two marks may heal deep wounds, three marks restores the target's stamina as well as healing deep wounds, five marks may heal grievous wounds and amputation.

» Heart Blockade: Allows for Penelope to use the malady on the target to fortify them. One mark may reduce incoming damage by a tenth, continuing up to ten marks essentially reducing all incoming damage for an instance. Rather than fortify them against damage specifically, this can be applied to different sources such as contaminants, curses, and other status ailments.

» Passion Rose: Her primary offensive ability, by using a mark on the target Penelope is able to ignite it with "a passionate fire of love" which spreads from the mark and immolates the target. It increases in potency by 50% for every mark consumed in this process.

» Secondary Weapon: Sacro Balestra: Her secondary spirit weapon takes the shape of a bow, quite small as far as bows are concerned which is modelled off the depiction of the cupid which she saw when she was young. The bow hasn't changed size either since she was a little girl which emphasises its small size. Using her holy bow she is able to fire the typical holy arrows of the quincy from it.


» Name: Santa Valentino.

» Appearance: Upon releasing Santa Valentino, Penelope gains a five-pointed halo. in the centre of that halo is a heart and she gains small, tiny wings which stick out behind her. Her outfit changes to a pure white cloth and she is reminiscent of a cupid in this state.

» Ability: The ability of Santa Valentino is very simple, it reaches out towards every ally around her and anchors her in spot. By using Santa Valentino she is capable of absorbing damage from a target to restore them to proper health, not just in form but also replenish their stamina. This has the issue that she will take that damage as pain for herself where too much of that damage will cause her to pass out from the trauma or begin to have it actually appear on her physically.


General Skills
» Durability: Beginner.
» Speed: Adept.
» Strength: Beginner.
» Martial Skill: Advanced.

Mental Skills
» Willpower: Adept.
» Deduction: Adept.
» Focus: Adept.

Quincy Skills
» Croce (Kruezen): Advanced.
» Esodo (Steigen): Adept.
» Preghiera (Gebet): Elite.
» Sangue (Blut): Advanced.

Last edited by Gamma on Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:49 am; edited 10 times in total

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gamma_Signature
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Fri Nov 11, 2022 6:07 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas Cangdu-header

Basic Information
» Name: Cang Du.
» Alias':
▕ The Steel Sage.
▕ Man Who Is One With The Earth.
» Age: Unknown.
» Birthday: September 19.
» Gender: Male.
» Race: Human [Quincy].

» Affiliation: Vandenreich: Sternritter.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Marital Status: Single.
» Nationality: Chinese.
» Orientation: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: A Tough Woman.
» Special Skill: Can eat metal.

» Height: 5'7".
» Build: Slender.
» Hair Colour: Black.
» Eye Colour: Green.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Cangdu-app

Psychological Analysis
Unflinching and tough as nails. Cang is a peculiar individual who is stoic and silent most of the time, he rarely talks but will certainly have plenty to say to an opponent that is on their last legs. He chases the goal of becoming unbreakable, where no force will ever be able to break or shatter him. It's a pursuit of honing both his body and mind to this level, he will not move before others and if it is required for him to bend or break then he'll do neither.

This leads to a bit of a rebellious behaviour from him since he moves when he desires to move, he takes all orders as suggestions and guidelines rather than things to obey. He serves where it is convenient to serve but he is truly quite content to lead a selfish life in his own pursuit of perfection.



» The Iron Body: Cang's body is durable, he proclaims his pursuit towards his martial art has made him unbreakable. He practiced the ancient Chinese discipline of ingesting small amounts of metals over the course of decades to turn his body into something which is durable enough that he can quite literally catch and parry swords, even bullets that connect with his skin fall harmlessly away after his decades of conditioning. His greatest material that he's opted to start using is soul-made silver of the quincy which has only taken his body's durability to far greater heights and granted him the ability to augment his blut's benefits beyond what any other quincy might display.

» Chinese Martial Arts: A man that spent many decades roaming his homeland as well as the rest of Asia to seek out more and more martial arts to learn. Cang possesses truly vast amounts of knowledge, he can identify just about any martial art that is rooted in an Asian foundation on top of being able to do them himself. Where this falls short is that he has very little in the way of knowledge when it comes to Western martial arts so he's pretty hopeless there.

» Blut Focus: Unlike other quincy who utilise Letzt Stil and Vollstandig, he instead uses his reishi systems to drastically augment his abilities. By fusing the quincy techniques with his own Chinese martial arts he is able to enter a state which he refers to as being strong enough to compare to the Quincy: Vollstandig. When using Blut he gains a boost equal to the rank that one would see at this level of spellcraft when the quincy is using vollstandig.


General Skills
  • Durability: Elite.
  • General Speed: Beginner.
  • Strength: Beginner.
  • Martial Skill: Advanced.

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Advanced.
  • Mental Deduction: Adept.
  • Focus: Adept.

Quincy Skills
  • Blut: Advanced.
  • Absorption: Adept.
  • Spellcraft: Adept.
  • Spirit Weapon: Adept.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gamma_Signature
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Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:23 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas Suika-header

Basic Information
» Name: Suika, Shitori.
» Alias':
▕ The Green Bulwark.
▕ The Strange Suika.
» Age: 50s.
» Birthday: April 4.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Shinigami.

» Affiliation:
▕ Suika Tribe - Member.
▕ Sixth Division - Seated Officer.

» Alignment: Lawful Good.
» Nationality: Soul Society.
» Martial Status: Single.
» Sexuality: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: A Bara, preferrably taller.
» Special Skill: Chadō, Kadō, Kōdō .

» Height: 6'7"
» Build: Muscular.
» Hair Colour: Green.
» Eye Colour: Golden.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Suika-app2

Psychological Analysis
Shitori is a bit of an outlier among her tribe, primarily because of the fact that she's quite disinterested in their behaviours and habits. Obviously for those that didn't guess based on her horn, she's only half Suika and rather than having two or no horns she only had one ever grow in her youth which attributes to her physiology being disinclined to have the same requirements. Being judged as a Suika is an annoying subject though, she hates when people assume that she's rough or rowdy because of the horn on her head.

She's quite refined, preferring the taste of tea over the taste alcohol, the arranging of flowers over fighting and appreciating incenses over the scent of alcohol . She'd rather read than party. She's actually quite introverted but satisfied with that which makes her get a bit frustrated when people put attention on her, or they just feel inclined to come and get in her face but it's kind of hard to not be the talk of the people when you stand out like a sore thumb.

A stickler for the laws, Shitori takes her job very seriously and she's not afraid to get on someone's case for being a bit too rowdy. While very polite and carrying the attitude of a kind older sister figure, she can be as stern as a fighter when push comes to shove. Always willing to talk through an issue before resorting to getting the message across though her fists.


Shitori was born in a pretty bad spot. Her mother was not nobility but she was a pretty well-respected shinigami that had managed her way to a seated position in the Thirteenth Division under Captain Juushiro Ukitake. Her father was just a drunk ruffian out in the Rukongai from the Suika Tribe. The pregnancy came as a surprise after her mother returned from her home district with a couple of weeks taken for a break and being able to see her old home before she became a shinigami.

She grew up not knowing much about her dad besides that he was an absent father, he wasn't one to be blamed since her mother never sought him out after the fact. She would tell Shitori of how big, strong and larger than life her father was but her lens were coloured much differently by the fact that the reputation of the Suika spoke far louder than her mother spoke of one individual man from it.

When she was eight her mother tried to insist that she meet him but Shitori wanted none of it. Not interested in dealing with the likes of those brutish characters that she had heard tales of. Despite having a supportive mother Shitori was very independent, maturing rather quickly and learning how to support herself early in life and it shows when she aimed to become a shinigami where she moved away from her mother and only kept sparse correspondence with her.

There was never any feelings of betrayal or anger towards her mother from her. Shitori just wanted to pursue her own lifestyle and values her independence. The most Suika trait about her if you were to ask.

Ten years after setting out for this path and after four years of jinzen, she was able to learn her zanpakuto's name. She found it difficult to hear it try to pronounce its name through the fact it never came out of its shell and after multiple attempts - varying from kicking her, holding it up to her ear and straining herself or even trying to fit her head into the turtle shell herself - she finally was able to hear it clearly state its name.

When the Gotei reformed into its current state she opted to serve in Realm Enforcement, serving under Captain Kyoraku (both of them) and achieve recognition for her abilities to serve as a low-level seated officer which she diligently continues working as to this day.


» Hikagamu [非屈, Unflinching]: The only trait one could say that she has inherited from her Suika father is that Shitori is very resistant towards pain. This is not a psychologically induced matter though, she physically has less sensation than her peers which makes it actually quite inconvenient as the little girl would burn herself without realising it or she'd get injuries that she was not aware of. She still has feeling in her body but it's certainly dulled considerably.

People often presume it is due to her mental fortitude that she is able to take a beating but for Shitori the actual attacks just feel weaker than they really are. Even if her arm breaks in the process a punch from someone much stronger can just feel like a dull throbbing. Even the process of having her arm torn off can be overcome pretty easily but this is because her body just doesn't recognise pain past a certain threshold.

» Close-Combatant: She's pretty proud of her body and Shitori likes to show it off. She dedicates a lot of work into her skill with hakuda and while she practices no special fancy school of her own design, she eagerly pursues many of the martial arts that can be found with mundane roots of hakuda into her own growth. It's not uncommon to see her able to utilise a mix of various asian martial arts when she fights in combination with hakuda techniques.

This is primarily due to her zanpakuto and it's defence-type nature, it's one that can be very beneficial to her allies but also her enemies and so she'll often jump straight to using her hakuda before the zanpakuto when it comes to a fight.


» Zanpakuto Name: Kusagame [臭亀, Fragrant Turtle].

» Spirit Summary: Kusagame takes the form of a turtle that never leaves its shell, only two bright eyes can be seen from the pocket where it's head should be poking out from.

» Inner World: It's a beach.

» Zanpakuto Appearance: The sealed form of Kusagame takes the shape of a nodachi. It's handle is wrapped in a plain brown wrapping while it has a verdant green sheathe. Its tsuba is an oval and has a turtle pattern on it.

» Zanpakuto Sealed Power: Kusagame has no sealed power.


» Shikai Release: Stand Tall, Kusagame.

» Shikai Appearance: Upon release Kusagame's katana changes into the shape of a large circular shield, doubling as a chakram due to its sharp edges. It can be thrown and utilised by Shitori as a projectile but is primarily kept on her person to absorb oncoming attacks and negate them.

» Shikai Ability: The power of Kusagame is quite simple being that it is a defence-type zanpakuto. When force comes into contact with Kusagame whether spiritual or physical then it absorbs the energy and converts most of the impact into a thick and fragrant smog - the perfume smell overbearing and putrid - which obscures vision of those not touching Kusagame. This smog indescriminately heals wounds of people inside the range.

It can block damage up to the rank of her zanjutsu, and reduce but not completely cancel out something above, despite it being able to do this if she hasn't the strength or means to remain anchored then she's more likely to be blown away. This putrid smoke is potent enough to function as a mental attack, rendering most people who have Beginner Focus unconscious while serving as a very bothersome deterent to anyone else. Finally, the smog can reach up to her tier of area of effect influence - higher if the conditions are right such as the wind blowing it further but it will be more diluted the further away a person is from her. The regeneration granted to allies and enemies are equal to high-speed regeneration of an arrancar two ranks below her zanjutsu.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept.
  • Speed: Beginner.
  • Strength: Adept.
  • Martial Skill: Adept.

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Adept.
  • Deduction: Adept.
  • Focus: Adept.

Shinigami Skills
  • Hakuda: Adept.
  • Hoho: Adept.
  • Kido: Beginner.
  • Zanjutsu: Adept.

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gamma_Signature
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Sat Dec 10, 2022 7:56 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas NU1l5Qs

Basic Information
» Name: Sophie Demaris.
» Alias':
»» Sophie Geisleitt.
»» Die Einzelgängerin.
» Age: Twenties.
» Birthday: July 7.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Human [Quincy].

» Affiliation:
»» Independent Contractor.
»» Vandenreich [Formerly].
»» Weisekreis [Currently].

» Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
» Marital Status: Single.
» Nationality: Frankreich Province.
» Sexuality: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: Low Maintenance.
» Special Skill: Keeping her cool..........

» Height: 5'3"
» Build: Curvy.
» Hair Colour: Red.
» Eye Colour: Red.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas F3smnWk

Psychological Analysis
Aptly named for her personality, Sophie is a stern and rigid individual in character but not her behaviour. She is headstrong and stubborn which makes it difficult to tell her what to do once she has something in mind. She won't disobey her orders given to her but for Sophie the actual outcome is what matters and an adaptable mindset is important to achieving an objective. This leads to her being a bit of a stray bullet at times where she'll accomplish her goal but in an undesirable way or one that people disagree with.

She has a habit of sticking her nose into business which she could otherwise ignore. For Sophie, she does not trust people to do it how she wants it to be done and as a result she rubs people the wrong way plenty of times. Stepping into a colleague's business and providing unwanted assistance or interference, she's the type of person that won't leave a stone unturned and it can be pretty frustrating to be on the receiving end of her curiosities.

Some could wonder if she was simply a contrarian by the way that she acts.

Growing up in Shadow Fall controlled Europe, one would expect that Sophie views them in a negative light. This is not exactly true since she possesses animosity towards those that try to enforce their own beliefs and values on others, especially on those of less power who can't resist. Her own free-spirited nature comes into clash with the idea of oppression and restriction of one's autonomy. She does not consider race as a metric to base prejudice off, rather the actions of that person and those they have associated with.

She is quite intelligent, in an analytical capacity it is easy for her to breakdown information and process. Esoteric science nonsense falls short on her though Sophie is incredibly good at reading a person's emotions and body language. People often complain that she appears to mindread sometimes by her ability to apply abductive reasoning. Sophie has been referred to as a prodigy and peculiarity due to the fact she was neither born a Quincy but took such little time to train into it and still reach the level she has in only a few years--she takes great offence to being called one though since she feels it downplays all the work she put in to get there.

Sophie is capable as a teacher and administrator hence her former position in Vandenreich, she would often manage some classes in the teaching of Quincy arts to people who desire to pursue them and deal with administration aspects of the Vandenreich. Particularly in diplomacy, internal affairs and resource management. It is not uncommon that she would work with the Sternritter division and she does not have much qualms about going onto a battlefield. This flexibility proves to be one of her greatest advantages.


» Alastair Demaris: Her brother, they don't particularly get along as she finds his desire to protect and look out for her to be annoying and conflicts with her goal to live her life the way she wants it. Regardless of the risks involved in it.

» Alastair Eisfluch: Her ex-boyfriend. They're still on good terms,as far as she's aware.

» Weisekreis: Weisekreis is a group of Quincy that she formed after stepping down from the Vandenreich. The group is neutral for the most part and not very large. While they do not boast very significant numbers they are primarily motivated with rediscovering Quincy culture so that ancient practices and techniques can be reintroduced into the modern world and preserved. They boast a great deal of success with developing tools and techniques themselves.

» Holy Roman Empire: A member by proxy of the region of parts of France becoming the Frankreich Province of the empire. She occupies no position of great importance but possesses citizenship. The business side of Weisekreis operates under Roman regulations as well, seeing a mutual benefit as for resources.


Sophie comes from France, particularly a remote area of France that her family set up to live in many years before her since they longed for a simple life. While never isolated she felt the weight of her tiny world on her shoulders a lot which conflicted with her inquisitive nature. She loved to play and interact with her brothers, being the only girl though besides her mother did weigh on her a bit.

She would often get into scuffles with her brothers while trying to playfight with them. Not caring about the fact she was a petite little girl, she lived pretty uneventfully up until the day her brother had a close call with death. Alastor's transition into Substitute Shinigami left their family one short, she knew she should be sad but she thought she could get some of the limelight now that one of her two brothers were off elsewhere. It did not. Her brother still ignored her for the most part and she grew bored, envious that Alastor was allowed to go off and enjoy himself and the world at large while she was just stuck here.

It is because of that she ran away. Travelling and getting out and about, seeing the world for what it really was. It was all so thrilling and eventually she was even able to make her way to America. She liked it here, there was something exciting and really enjoyable about the fact she was on the other side of the world than where she had been for all her life in her tiny box.

When World War Four happened though it was striking, she was saved multiple times by the intervention of the Vandenreich and the Gotei United, so much so that she felt compelled to enlist and insist on showing her appreciation to the group that had saved her through the troubled times.

Sophie thrived in the Vandenreich, she spent only a couple of months in her transition to a Quincy which was unnatural. Her hyper specialisation in the Quincy Spellcraft field and ability to dedicate herself made her rise up. Eventually settling as a member of a division within Albedochiffren where she could put her head to good use in the management of the organisation.

She skirted the line between outstanding and general, a promotion could be given to her but she didn't take it. For lack of a better word, she was content where she was in her situation. Her life in the City of Lights and the way she had developed, the work she did, the things she had seen in the world. For Sophie that was enough. Without the hotheaded temperament, she might like to settle down and just live comfortably for the rest of her life while doing her job.

She rose to the position of Administrator, operating her section with a smooth efficiency as she handled multiple ventures at a time. One such investigation she was running would cause her to meet her boyfriend at the time, she remembers it being pleasant but her ambitions and task orientated personality made her fickle and neglectful. Eventually, this caused a drift which resulted in their subsequent parting. She participated in the defence of the City of Lights when Ichigo Kurosaki attacked, assisting to mitigate damage with her spellcraft, and eventually attempting a counterattack that saw her easily defeated when the physical disparity was brought to her and saw her have a brush with death.

The failure of herself did not bother her in the aftermath but the events that played out damaged her faith in the organisation by being unable to rely on the people around her. Despite that she remained in her position but expanded her horizons in studying the quincy and their history. Prior to her stepping down she served a diplomatic role and represented Cyrus ast-Auramazda in relations with the Gotei United until finally stepping down to pursue her own ventures and having a small group of her subordinates follow in her footsteps.

She had returned home briefly, only to find parts of her country being taken as territory of the Holy Roman Empire after the events of World War 4. Rather than reject this she accepted it wholeheartedly and identified as a Roman citizen of Frankreich province. Ever the free spirit she could not accept her roots here however, and established the Weisekreis with her former subordinates.

Over the course of that time the Weisekreis made it their goal to investigate and rediscover lost pieces of the past for the Quincy race. The efforts drew attention from others that abided by the same pride towards their race, and they became a neutral group that looked to the interests of preserving the race rather than participating in conflicts or chasing revenge. It was during this when she distinguished the Mantic and Sophic schools of the Quincy.

The Mantic Arts were those that derive from the Founder and the five pillars but the ambitions of the Weisekreis shifted towards the Sophic Arts that were modern in origin and design.


» Natural Born Genius: Regarded as a prodigy by her superiors in the Vandenreich due to her ability to shift into the quincy arts with relatively little difficulty and grasp the concepts presented to her. It is Sophie's ability to grasp information that allowed her to take the mantle up in a few years and be considered not just a quincy but a master of spellcraft, and an expert in the other fields. Her ability to keep track of multiple things at once is crucial in her approach to the quincy arts, in not just the techniques she employs but the tools and forms that she channels her spirit weapons into.

» Quincy Pride: She has something of an ego, despite not being among the race from her heritage it can be called her own success with the rate that she developed which creates a strong resonance with the racial identity of the Quincy. Due to this she boasts an impressive level of mental fortitude when her pride is threatened, it is purely selfish and she is hardly a philanthropist of her race and its culture. It is because she is one though that she will not tolerate exploitation of it.

» Sharpshooter: The primary combat of the quincy is at a distance and Sophie opts for the same style. Whether it is firing off attacks from a distance or preparing locations in advance to flip onto a target. Using her control over reishi she is able to precisely curve and ricochet her projectiles in manners that can allow them to move at impossible angles, making her attacks difficult to react to without understanding how a quincy fights.


» Blut Siedepunkt: A unique attribute of blut after her high-spec powers from before becoming a quincy adapted into her new state of being. The attribute of her family finds a home for itself in her blut and works by taking the functions of the two basic blut techniques and empowering them by using the inherited Boiling Blood attribute as the medium. It is not instaneous by any means though and Sophie needs to give her blood vessels a time to warm up until it hits an appropriate level for her blut system to enhance itself. Attempts to hit her boiling point before the appropriate timeframe has elapsed will only result in serious damage to her circulatory system and likely prove fatal.

» Blut Arterie: When using blut arterie, Sophie gains a potent increase of her strength and offensive qualities as long as it remains active. By using her spellcraft, unique enhancements can be applied to the reishi that is in her circulatory system to grant her more specific offensive boons.
Siedepunkt: After three consecutive posts of using blut arterie it will reach its boiling point. When it is brought to its "boiling point", Sophie's blut arterie can further increase her offensive capabilities to grant her a boost of 300% equivalent to a shinigami's shikai in power for a maximum of three posts before her body needs to cool down During this empowered state, Sophie's surrounded by an intense heat and can burn those around as a result of this aura which grants her a greater edge in close combat though she feels this heat herself and it feels like she is genuinely on fire for the three posts.
» Blut Vene: When using blut vene, Sophie gains a potent increase of her durability and defensive qualities as long as it remains active. By using her spellcraft, unique resistances can be applied to the reishi that is in her circulatory system to grant her more specific defensive boons.
Siedepunkt: After three consecutive posts of using blut vene it will reach a boiling point. Upon hitting its climax, blut vene will also begin to grant her a special reishi resistance where the reishi inside her body will function like a repelling magnet to all incoming sources of reishi. It feels like she is coated in fire when using blut vene in this manner her body will feel like she is on fire from the inside and that all the liquid in her body is being evaporated. This state can only be maintained for three posts before the boiling point's repulsion will begin to affect her as well.
» Bifrost: The movement technique of the Quincy, steigen, though Sophie opted to refer to it as a name known by some old tribes of Germanic Quincy. It allows her to create pathways of reishi and ride along them to travel at high-speeds, it is highly energy efficient since it mostly relies on reishi rather than expending her reiryoku and physically initiating the movement with a step. With enough reishi it is possible to form platforms of reishi, creating pathways for not just herself but others as well.
» Gerhilde: A Bifrost technique that Sophie employs as a distraction, leaving an obvious afterimage in her place to take the enmity of her opponent. She can create up to two afterimages in succession which is either used to allow for preparation or to make a surprise attack after confusing them.

» Ortlinde: A reverse approach to Bifrost where Sophie creates the destination rather than travels to it, using this anchor she is able to pull herself towards the destination or use it as a fixed point, such as using it to spin around as a change of direction.

» Siegrune: An alteration of the Bifrost technique which Sophie is able to utilise her spellcraft and steigen to create pathways for other people. She cannot use the technique herself while supporting another individual but in exchange she can essentially increase their speed beyond their own capabilities through the combined work of two individuals.
Mantic Arts

» Zeichen - Silbern: By creating the zone and expending reiryoku, Sophie is able to apply a high form of transmutation to create soul-synthesised silver. The ritual is much faster and modernised than the archaic method of creating the material used for various quincy tools. By using Silbern, it can be used for supplementary or offensive means. What this ritual does is rapidly transmute reishi within its field of influence to become a silver material.

» Bifrost Ritual - Gjallarbru: A ritual that requires materials to set up a gate. With the assistance of fellow spellcasters it becomes possible for Sophie to create a pathway that can traverse the turbulence of the Garganta for travel between different dimensions.

» Quincy Art - Lichtfaden: Through the usage of her spellcraft, Sophie is able to generate glowing blue threads that originate from her fingers and utilise them in a plethora of ways. These strings make her incredible flexible since she can manipulate the properties and forms of the reishi strings. The sheer amount of uses with her threads is limited only by her creativeness, imagination is the limit. She is an expert sensor due to her ability to lay intangible threads that have no influence in the universe other than to serve as a connection to her mind, allowing her to track people as they pass through and cause her intangible threads to go taut which allows her to perceive it as a sense of feeling, with this she can easily track many people or evade them as required.

Another facet of her Lichtfaden can be her ability to form her wires to be tangible and their material varying from metal wire to actual woven threads. She can use her strings as extra-appendages, being able to grab at things by controlling her strings in a telekinetic fashion, using these threads she is able to achieve many different feats such as wrapping the threads around her body for extra-defence should she need it and even form constructs. She can use her threads offensively being able to bind, impale, whip and harm people with the use of her threads. The fact she is able to choose which material the threads are made of make it incredibly versatile as well since she can use silk, fabric, steel and even organic-based threads such as using muscle sinew. Dispersing when she
» Lichtfaden - Marionette: By using Lichtfaden she is able to control herself like a puppet which allows for her to move regardless of status effects that would paralyse her. As long as she is alert and able to focus, Sophie can move around freely using reishi manipulation.

» Lichtfaden - Bauchredner: Bauchredner is a ritual that allows for her to utilise Marionette on a target, despite being the same ritual it requires some preparation. The ritual requires that Sophie utilise a tool in the shape of a doll, if she is able to collect a blood sample of the target she is able to create a connection between the doll and the target. By using Lichtfaden she is able to turn the doll into a puppet and force the target to move in the same way that her doll moves. While the easiest way to counteract Bauchredner is to inhibit it from the beginning, a strong enough or tactful enough opponent can feasibly break out or disrupt the control over them.

» Lichtfaden - Zünder: Creating her reishi threads, Sophie is able to ignite the threads much like one would a fuse for a bomb. By ensnaring targets or laying them around the area and using Zunder she is able to cause them all to rapidly be coated in fire before exploding.
» Ritual Formats: More than capable of creating and leading rituals, Sophie possesses multiple formats that she can employ which allows for a great deal of versatility and powerful spells. While some are not convenient to use in the midst of combat, Sophie is able to take measures to make them more practical - often at the expense of needing time for preparations before the battle even begins to ensure optimal usage.

The primary way she establishes rituals is through setting jewels by creating them out of ambient reishi. Once per post Sophie may set a jewel in her vicinity. These jewels are able to be interacted with but they are usually used in sacrificial rituals by transmuting them into fuel or into different magical. Due to their placement, they are also able to be used to set-up other rituals as well such as arranging a Zeichen ritual.
» Ritual Format - Opfer: A ritual format which utilises sacrifice, the concept of giving something up in exchange for a result, or to empower the result. It comes from a tribe of Quincy that practiced human sacrifice and were shunned for it. Rediscovered by Weisekreis during an expedition to Argentina, Sophie and her collaborators were able to recycle the concept into more modern forms.

» Ritual Format - Siegel: A ritual format that utilises symbols and sigils. It is a vast field of rituals due to the many different cultural origins of the quincy that range from European quincy that created runic symbols or others that made magic circles. Siegel is also the preferred ritual format that Sophie employs when sealing a spell inside of a catalyst such as ginto or inscribing it onto a tool that allows her to cast it and skip the incantation process.

» Ritual Format - Zeichen: The ritual format of Zeichen is one practiced by Sophie. The purpose of Zeichen is to establish a zone and evoke the symbol of Quincy-kind. By using seele schneider or other forms of Quincy tools to create the perimeter of the field, it creates a space where the Quincy can more easily control the reishi in this space that allows for different rituals to be utilised. It can be called one of the most basic forms of rituals due to the many effects that can be evoked using it.

» Ritual Format - Zeremonie: A ritual format that uses ceremony. They are very difficult rituals due to the demand of collaboration with others but come at the benefit of allowing Sophie to create and utilise Grade VII spells. A Zeremonie ritual is difficult to set-up but is also the easiest ritual to sustain as long as part of the collaborators remain involved in it's continued application, and boasts greater potency as more participants lend their power to these spells.
» Schools and Foundations: As a scholar of many different quincy cultures, Sophie possesses a level of versatility that is difficult for another quincy to hope to keep up with the different spheres that she pulls from. From Europe to the Middle East, Asia to the Americas, and in-between. Even if there is overlap in what the foundations can accomplish such as two different schools both casting a fire ball, it is her ability to opt to switch just to make it difficult for someone to predict the same spell.
» Vessels of Power: There are innumerable methods over a myriad of different quincy tribes. It is due to this that practice and records need to be distinct. The records kept by Weisekreis can be as vast and authentic as possible but Sophie prefers streamline and efficiency when it comes to practice. This is how she came to her own taxonomy for the plethora of foundations she draws upon. This is found in her classifications of gems.
Sophic Arts

Sophic Arts are the true "modern" arts pursued by the Weisekreis which put emphasis on shifting away from the schools created by the Founder and the Pillars. She compares the Mantic Arts to alchemy but likens the Sophic Arts to chemistry. While there has been headway on their development, they are slow to be created and difficult to refine as they tread unknown territory compared to rediscovery or building off a foundation that pre-exists as found in the Mantic Arts.

» Sophic Art - Prismatrize: The Sophic Arts of Sophie revolve around precious stones. While represented by the jewels, the foundation of Prismatrize is the flow and transfer of energy. Specifically through the generation and control of jewels that she achieves a number of effects with. She has two primary approaches in the form of conjuring a jewel or setting a jewel. Conjured jewels are equipment and represent something being sealed within it but a set jewel is placed and grows into something.
» Bernsteinhüter: Once per post, Sophie is able synthesise a jewel by mixing her reiryoku and ambient reishi. Unlike her rituals this is the equivalent of making a Silberröhre but she can also take it a step further and seal a spell into the Bernstein to save for later that allows her to cast it without expense. She cannot set a jewel in the same round that she does this and vice-versa.

» Bernsteinmeister: Once per post Sophie may set a jewel in her vicinity. These jewels are able to be interacted with but do not move unless a force acts on them. They are usually used in sacrificial rituals by transmuting them into fuel or into different magical effects. Due to their placement, they are also able to be used to set-up other rituals as well such as arranging a Zeichen ritual.

» Bernstein Überfluss: Due to her status as a Quincy, Sophie receives benefits by being in areas of dense reishi as opposed to the loose ambient reishi of the living world. In a place of dense reishi, Sophie can utilise one of the following boons:
1. Sophie can set two jewels instead of one per post
2. Sophie can conjure two jewels instead of one per post.
3. Edelstein-Ritter gains two jewels instead of one per post.
» Bernsteinmeister:

» Sophic Eye - "Clairvoyance": "Sight is the true power of a Quincy" or something like that is how the saying goes. For Sophie, Clairvoyance is the result of casting her Sophic Art through the medium of her eyes. By using Wave=Length through her eye, Sophie is able to detach her "sight" from her body and cast it into the world as a form of soul-body separation. During this period, her chain of fate is visible and connects her to her body


» Andvaranaut: A tool which she keeps on her person, it's conveniently disguised as a ring worn on her index finger. Andvaranaut is a tool which is designed to be used with a bow specifically. It will siphon ambient reishi to fuel itself like a battery, after nine posts in a reishi rich environment — eighteen in a non-reishi rich environment — it will greatly augment the next heilig pfeil shot by Sophie to make it 800% more powerful, though it does include release form benefits if she is using it with Vollstandig. This enhanced heilig pfeil is referred to as a "Gungnir Shot" due to being designed to be a decisive trump card if she is struggling.

» Seele Schneider: She keeps 1-6 on her person, depending on if she has intentionally prepared for battle or not for the establishment of the Zeichen ritual format and to have a spare. Any further ones she require, she will try to create with Drucker's Alchemize Print.

» Silberröhre: She keeps approximately five on her person at any given time which allows for her to utilise spells or assist with the cost of spellcasting.

» Reginnaglar: Functionally totems made out of soul-synthesised silver, they appear as thin nails that are shaped like humanoids at the top. They are used for a variety of spellcraft whether that is setting up a ritual format instead of Seele Schneider or for the Bauchredner ritual.


» Name: Edelstein-Ritter

» Appearance:

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» Ability: Edelstein-Ritter is a spirit weapon that serves as her knight. It differs from many other spirit weapons due to its almost autonomous nature but it takes advantage of her Lichtfaden and spellcraft that utilises jewels to exercise a powerful versatility and potency. This is partly due to it serving as the primary combatant in her stead.
» Edelstein Verbindung: Edelstein-Ritter functions like so, Sophie does not receive any physical attributes based on her spirit class. Any physical attributes above D - with the exception of Soul - are instead wielded by Edelstein-Ritter to fight in her stead*. This does allow her to be very oppressive by having Edelstein-Ritter overwhelm an opponent while she stands off to the side but leaves her incredibly vulnerable. Even when Edelstein-Ritter is not manifested, this detriment remains in place and so Sophie is no different than a regular human in terms of physical capabilities.

* The baseline of Edelstein-Ritter is considered E as well so for Sophie's physical attributes to remain D it will detract from the pool of points i.e. Edelstein-Ritter will have physical attributes -1 Sophie's physical attributes.

» Regenbogen: Every round that Edelstein-Ritter is active it gains one of seven jewels. These jewels are core for the actual powers of her spirit weapon. Regenbogen has the detriment that it must spend a jewel to receive its boost as her primary spirit weapon meaning any action that Sophie does not spend one of her jewels will not allow it to gain the respective Kreuzen boost.

» Brillanter Edelstein: If Edelstein-Ritter has seven jewels, Sophie is able to spend all seven jewels to empower her Quincy: Vollstandig spell or ritual. This overcharges the form to be on par with a Quincy: Letzt Stil. The downside of using Brillanter Edelstein is that she is unable to utilise her Quincy powers for a twenty-four hour period after the form ends.

» Rubin Shot: FFFFF


» Name: Freikugeln.

» Appearance: Sophie's spirit weapon is built with simplicity in mind to take advantage of the basic structure of her spirit weapon. The manifested spirit weapon takes the shape of numerous ball-bearings. Each ball is essentially a receptor to pull in spiritual particles when she releases it which causes them to glow and be telekinetically under her command. Using her control of spiritual particles she is able to change the shape of them, often taking the form of a flock of birds if she uses them in this manner. The primary usage though is to just use the cluster of floating spheres as bullets to move around and attack people while being receptors for her other spiritual abilities to channel through.

The ability of Freikugeln is in its numbers and ability to alter its form for maximum versatility. Despite its evolution since she departed her former position, it has not lost its ability to serve as catalysts for her spellcraft. To that extent it is not uncommon for her to use her many spheres as anchors for the Zeichen for subtle set-up of ritual fields or to turn them into vessels for different spells.

» Infinite Shapes: Sophie's spirit weapon is made for the most convenient use possible. It's option of taking the shape of a plethora of small spheres makes it perfect for her to adjust and manipulate its appearance. This is accomplished by her using the small spheres as anchors and joints before linking them with reishi. Were she to require a bow, Sophie would align enough of her spheres to create a shaft before reishi formed between them and the spirit weapon became a bow.

Likewise, if she were to utilise the spheres to create the template of a shield, fill it with her reiryoku and reishi then it could take the appropriate shape. Sophie is not a person who looks for one tool to do every job, a single tool that does every job is more valuable.

» Fusion ÷100: At any stage Sophie is able to fuse the many spheres of Freikugeln into the form of Quecksilber which allows her to substitute out the spirit weapon without having to dispel it and remanifest it which makes it quite convenient in the midst of combat.
» Name: Quecksilber

» Appearance: Her secondary spirit weapon is referred to as Quecksilber for its appearance. As opposed to Freikugeln which applies the idea of many small spheres - it is Quecksilber which opts to manifest as one large mass. When she utilises Quecksilber it is like controlling a large ball of mercury that moves with her hand gestures.

» Ability: Quecksilber is a spirit weapon that is a mass of liquid metal which gives Sophie a great deal of utility in its usage from offence, defence, and supplementary uses. As with Freikugln which can be considered its antithesis, Quecksilber is capable of being used as a medium or catalyst for spells which makes it not out of the question for the liquid mass of metal to gain unique effects or attributes from magic being applied.
» Living Liquid: Due to its liquid metal form, Quecksilber is exceptionally viscous in how it is able to move around like fluid around her. By slashing with her hand she can send out pieces of it as blades to cut a target, she can create barriers around herself, trap a target in a coffin and then impale them, or fire off little blobs of it.

» Fission x100: At any stage Sophie is able to convert the mass of silver liquid into the form of Freikugeln which allows her to substitute out the spirit weapon without having to dispel it and remanifest it which makes it quite convenient in the midst of combat.
» Name: Drucker

» Appearance: Her third spirit weapon is supportive in application. It takes the form of a silver suitcase with a hole where the lock might be.

» Ability: The power of Drucker is to be a printer to fabricate tools with the required materials. Sophie is able to utilise her spellcraft to create the materials that Drucker can then absorb to fill the moulds that it makes of tools - allowing it to print out the required tool for her to remove from the suitcase.
» Alchemize Print: The purpose of Drucker is to be able to feed materials into the suitcase through the hole in the suitcase. By adjusting the "mould" inside of the suitcase she is able to utilise the spirit weapon to rapidly synthesise tools of the quincy such as silver tube containers, seele schneider, or whatnot.
QUINCY: Hochzeit

Quincy: Hochzeit is a hybrid of Gebet and Kreuzen, thus requiring Advanced in both, as it equips the primary spirit weapon with the user that distinguishes it from the Quincy: Vollstandig spell - it is still considered a Quincy: Vollstandig for mechanical purposes.

» Name: Edelstein Ritterdame.

» Appearance: To initiate her form, Sophie grips her hair and runs her hand through it, causing it to glow brightly before she is encased in a crystal which can serve as a temporary barrier. This crystal breaks to reveal her Quincy: Vollstandig while increasing her size to be eight feet tall. If the form is released through the spell she only has one jewel to utilise, however she will gain an additional jewel for each person involved in a Grade VII Vollstandig ritual.
Gamma's Collection of Ideas SAoQAxQ

» Ability: Edelstein Ritterdame is a powerful form that fuses her with her primary spirit weapon. This "returns" her physical attributes to her for the duration of this form as opposed to manifesting through her knight but she cannot manifest a spirit weapon during this state. This does come at the advantage where she is considered her "primary spirit weapon" during the Hochzeit and grants her the appropriate boost.

» Ritual Activation: Due to her mastery of spellcraft, Sophie has developed a second method to releasing the Quincy: Vollstandig using rituals and collaborative spellcraft. This raises her Grade II Vollstandig to a Grade VII Vollstandig, Sophie refers to a Grave VII Vollstandig as one of her greatest innovations. It works through leading a ritual, this has the issue of requiring the person to set-up a ritual and once ready to begin they are able to activate their form as a ritual.

A ritual requires the collaborators to provide some of their own reiryoku for the activation process which raises the ritual leader's Vollstandig's potency by 100% for each person involved in the ritual up to twice as much as the normal output of the release form. It is still a prototype and has an issue, the collaborators of the ritual cannot utilise their own vollstandig's as long as the Grade VII Vollstandig is active, requiring them to dismiss the form or be knocked from their Vollstandig for the people involved to be able to use their own.

» Kaleidoskop: Jewels become the primary source of the power for Sophie's Vollstandig, this is where her ability to activate it as a ritual can drastically improve its effectiveness by granting her an additional jewel for every person involved in the ritual - allowing for multiple jewels to be utilised simultaneously. In a ritual Vollstandig Sophie cannot alter the jewels after they have been declared but in a standard Vollstandig she is able to reconfigure the jewel once per post as long as she does not use its effect.
» Flight: Within her Quincy: Vollstandig Sophie is capable of flight, even in areas where flight is not possible. This is a passive function, common to many users of vollstandig.

» Rubin: Rubin is the power of amplification, to gaze into her ruby is to see a raging inferno. Rubin increases the offensive power of all spells she casts through it by 150% but she must use an incantation in its complete form that cannot be shortened. This does not apply to rituals and only one spell may be cast through Rubin at a time.

By destroying the ruby, Sophie is able to double this boost but the jewel will be lost for the rest of Edelstein-Ritterdame.

» Bernstein: Berstein is the power of stagnation, everything encased in amber is captured in the moment for eternity. Bernstein therefore is utilised as protection or entrapment, by casting defensive spells through Bernstein they receive a boost of 150% but she must use an incantation in its complete form that cannot be shortened. This does not apply to rituals and only one spell may be cast through Bernstein at a time.

By destroying the amber in the vicinity of herself or a target, Sophie is able to encase them in an amber barrier which is considered a "defensive spell" doubling the boost of Bernstein but the jewel will be lost for the rest of Edelstein-Ritterdame. If it is not dispelled or destroyed it will dissipate over the course of a day as the reishi breaks apart.

» Topas:

» Smaragd:

» Kobalt:

» Saphir:

» Amethyst:

» Brillanter Funke: Can only be used if Sophie has at least seven jewels from a ritual or she activated Edelstein-Ritterdame with Brillanter Edelstein. There are two forms of it. The seven jewels will either...
(1.) Circle around her and detonate outwards to cause destruction in a wide area.
(2.) Spin in front of her before firing a concentrated beam that only travels in one direction.
By destroying all of her jewels she can releases the full potency of her Soul and utilises all of her reiryoku and the ambient reishi around her in a prismatic attack. The


General Attributes
» Durability:
» Speed:
» Strength:
» Soul:

Mental Skills
» Willpower:
» Deduction:
» Focus:

Quincy Skills
» Blut:
» Kreuzen:
» Gebet:
» Steigen:


Last edited by Gamma on Wed Oct 23, 2024 9:17 am; edited 13 times in total

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Gamma's Collection of Ideas Empty Re: Gamma's Collection of Ideas

Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:06 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas Mirin-app

Basic Information
» Name: Akatsuki, Tae.
» Alias':
▕ Taechan.
▕ Joshi Kishin [JK].
» Age: 190s.
» Birthday: May 20.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Kishin [Shinigami + Hollow].

» Affiliation:
▕ Kijogami of the Kishin.
▕ Soul Society Outlaw.

» Alignment: True Neutral.
» Nationality: Japanese.
» Martial Status: Single.
» Sexuality: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: A Solid 10/10.
» Special Skill: How's all of them sound? .

» Height: 5'3"
» Build: Don't worry, she'll show you.
» Hair Colour: Blonde w/ red highlights.
» Eye Colour: Red.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Mirin-app2

Psychological Analysis
At a glance she is unassuming, an obnoxious and pretentious teenage girl to anyone that gives her a moment of consideration. While that is true of her behaviour, Tae is ultimately someone who is a problem in more ways than just being a nuissance. As any kishin, who is functionally a hollow, would be she is an enemy of Soul Society. Why she turned away from the Soul Society and her life in the Gotei Thirteen is up for debate, she'll never tell you frankly.

Tae is not a woman of strong morals, she's too vain and too smug to keep a man for long so she flutters about between partners and hobbies. The attention span is short though so she'll never keep an interest for long before moving onto something else, that's why it's amazing really that she's even stuck to being a kishin but maybe that's also because she's got a talent for it which keeps her interested by padding that ego of her's.

When she isn't hunting for souls to feed her sword, Tae is easily found her favourite hobbies of shopping and making friends as a social circle.


Tae was born in Japan as a human, almost two hundred years ago roughly. It was a time of peacefulness, at least for her. She lead a relatively mundane childhood with nothing eventful from two loving parents, her mother stayed at home to raise her and her siblings but her father was a soldier in service of country and emperor.

It was when she was in highschool that her life was turned upside down. The country was going to war and join the war effort to establish amazing nippon supremacy, or so they said. Tae spent most of the time wondering why her father never came back home after he left for that glory they spoke of. It could've ended there, the loss and sadness at not knowing where he was going. Her friends all blamed those dirty westerners, and so she blamed them too. She'd never met a single one of them in her life but apparently they were the cause for her father being gone and that was enough for her to hate them.

While it could've been a grudge carried through her whole life, Tae would not live to carry that burden very long nor would she live to grow old and die a ripe old woman. Her life ended swiftly and in a blaze of hellfire, everything she had grown up with and known in her life was razed to the ground and she was left with many other souls standing around in distress and despair. They all wept but she was just confused, it was the kind of thing where you could think that the entire ordeal was a dream.

Life did not end like that, a world could not be destroyed like that but alas it was. It was fortunate though, with all the despair many of the souls found their chains of fate encroaching fast. People in black robes were abundant as they fought the people that had turned into monsters, you can see how this might appear like a dream to someone? Especially when one of them told her that they were sending her to a better place, where she'd never be hungry again.

That was a lie. From the moment she got there she was afflicted with the need to eat. Stealing and begging, whatever could make things work until she became aware of the new life she led. Tae was a much different young woman then, more modest and polite. Her dark hair made her not stand out much but her reiatsu spoke louder and in time she eventually learned of the existence of the shinigami which made her remember the time before she ended up in this wandering soul city.

That's where she went.

It took her seven years to graduate, hardly the most outstanding and she always remained under the radar. She served as an unseated member of the thirteenth division for much of her service, narrowly avoided being a victim in the tragedy that took the life of her vice-captain Kaien and many others of her division.

When the ryoka invaded, she was stationed in Naruki City. A pretty boring assignment which suited her fine, she hardly wanted to deal with those ryoka that had invaded the Seireitei that were apparently monsters in their own right. All that effort, for what? One person? She didn't get it but that was probably because she'd already experienced death on such great scale that the idea of a person dying was a numb thing for her.

Then came the twist of Aizen's betrayal and the beginning of the Winter War. Uneventful, yet again. What was a lowly twelfth seat like her supposed to do against an Espada, right? Oh yeah, she had become a twelfth seat since the ryoka invaded and the situation resolved itself. The real clincher was the invasion of the demons led by Ender. It was absolutely devastating, on par with the tragedy that took her life as a human away from her. There was a motivation to stop this encroaching destruction and so when a group of shinigami thought of a solution she jumped on board.

How bad could acquiring hollow powers be, right? Ichigo Kurosaki and the vizards had done it. So she accepted the role of using a bakkoto to slaughter the ranks of demons and feed their souls to the hollow corpse in the shape of a sword. Who cared? They were invaders that took away her loved ones after all, sound familiar? After they had done their service though and the original group stood there with their evil swords, ready to relinquish them there was no one willing to do it.

What if they didn't? They had spent so much time and effort to cultivate this awesome power, right? Seemed a waste to throw it away. Well that was her thoughts on the matter, she was sure the others had different opinions as to why they didn't want to give it up. So they walked the path as outlaws and never the one to make a great presence she went along with it.

The JK stuff? Yeah well that's a recent development in the last twenty years since she had became so accustomed to the living world's culture. It really knew how to make a girl want to stand out and make an impact.

Relationship Information

» The Kishin: The group of between eight to twelve shinigami outlaws that acquired the power of a hollow during the time of World War Three. Originally formed as a means to seek greater power to deal with the scourge of demons that invaded, the swords that they carried were fed the souls of demons to grow the hollow sword's that they wielded. Eventually with the death of Ender, rather than relinquish their hollow powers they doubled down and became a group of outlaws intent on becoming stronger as they drank deep from their forbidden power and became drunk on it.


» Kishin: While a shinigami, Tae is a member of the Kishin. A group of shinigami that acquired hollow powers through illegal means not unlike the vizard. While they are similar in their nature, what differentiates the kishin from the vizard is that they do not undergo hollowfication themselves. Rather, they abandon the zanpakuto in favour of the bakkōtō. What makes them enemies of the soul society is that in order to grow their power, a Kishin must quite literally feed their bakkōtō to allow it to become stronger. Having it kill and absorb the souls that their blades slay to grow its power. Simply put, they have not hollowfied themselves but are using the power of hollows to grow stronger.

A kishin appears to possess the same consistency of split reiatsu as a vizard with first glance but in reality their reiatsu is unchanged from when they were a shinigami. What gives them the appearance of a split reiatsu signature of hollow and shinigami is the bakkōtō itself. If the two were to be separated, the kishin would be identical to a shinigami until reunited with their sword.

How this works mechanically is that instead of their traditional zanjutsu skill being tied to their zanpakuto, it is tied to their bakkōtō. At Adept they unlock the first release form of their bakkōtō called Resucitación upon reaching Advanced they acquire the second stage of the bakkōtō called Reanimación and finally, upon achieving Master they can hypothetically unlock a form called Resurreccion, equivalent to the shinigami Shikōkai.

» Shikai: Resucitación [Spanish for Resucitation]: The first release form of a bakkōtō is called resucitation. Identical to the shinigami's shikai, it absorbs a bit of the shinigami's reiryoku to stimulate the nucleus of their sword like a defibrillator to restart the heart of a human. This causes the sword to undergo a transformation which draws out the hollow's power that it had and lets the kishin wield it as a weapon.

» Bankai: Reanimación [Spanish for Reanimation]: The second and final release form of a bakkōtō, whereas before the kishin jumpstarts the sword into releasing some of its previous form the second release is actually where the sword has cultivated enough souls inside of it that the sword resonates with the wielder as a proper weapon than just a tool, though they cannot maintain it for the same amount as indefinite time as a shinigami might. Functionining similar to a vizard mask, the Kishin may maintain the Reanimación two posts for every rank of zanjutsu that they have as the sword is devouring their spiritual power to maintain this state. Too long and their soul will be devoured entirely.

At this stage the hollow nucleus is Menos Class, ranging between Gillian and Adjuchas.

» Shikōkai: Resurrección [Spanish for Resurrection]: The third and 'hypothetical' release form of a kishin. It follows the same principle as the shinigami's third release but instead of fusion between shinigami and zanpakuto, it is actually the fusion of the bakkōtō into their own soul to wear the hollow's power. The resurrección follows the same time limit as a shinigami although for different reasons, it is not the pressure of maintaining this form that puts the user at risk but the fact that they risk undergoing complete hollowfication through using this method resulting in becoming a hollow or arrancar.

If one were to reach Resurrección then their hollow nucleus of the bakkōtō has reached Vasto-Lorde level.

» Gekikawa Kenryuu [激かわ剣流, Super Cute Sword Style]: The sword style of Tae, despite its inocuous name there is a strangeness to the swordstyle that gives her remarkable capacity to cross blades. A flurry of strikes that range from slashing to stabbing, often done with just a single hand to keep the other hand free. She is quite proficient at weaving cutsie motions or gestures into her swordplay with her free hand such as slicing at a person while making a "v" over her eye with the free one, or you know, shooting kidou with her free hand. They're both super cute as far as she's concerned.

» Kawaiidou [可愛い道, Way of Cuteness]: Her kidou aptitude is pretty decent, Tae's capable of casting most kidou spells that you'd expect to see from a shinigami. So what makes her approach different? Well, you'll see a lot of aesthetic modifications from Tae. She's got to stand out to tell you that she's not like other shinigami, you know? Shakkaho? No thank you, let's make that pink and when it makes impact it explodes in a burst of flashy colours with glitter everywhere too. She's dropping a Hainawa on you? Well it's going to look like a dazzling chain of pink stars that wrap around you instead of some boring old plain gold rope.

Now as far as practical modifications? Uh... Nope. Just pretty competent at it while adding some flair.

» Shunpo: A competent practitioner of the stepping techniques of the shinigami. Tae is highly adept in pursuit, both as a hunter and out of persistence at refusing to let a cute boy get away that she's set her eyes on. On the other hand, she is fully capable of escaping from a sticky situation with it if she needs. She's a wanted criminal after all.

» Hunter: As most members of her group are, Tae is a very proficient hunter. Tracking, trapping and pursuing targets is second nature to her which isn't the first thing that comes to mind when she's noticed. Hunting people based off reikaku is something she's really good at but even devoid of that, she's quite keen and able to track people through more mundane means such as footprints leading her to her quarry, setting up traps to lure them into and then pounce. Tae is remarkably competent as a hunter seeking prey for someone with as much flair and attitude as she does.


» Bakkōtō Name: Yatsukahagi [八握脛, Eight Grasping Legs].

» Nucleus Summary: The hollow nucleus that Yatsukahagi was created from is called Araña, the original being a spider-like hollow who's nucleus allowed her to generate and spit web. The web that Araña used was believed to represent her inability to let go of her regrets and as a result the power of Araña is tailored to trapping its victims and killing them slowly.

» Inner World: Tae's inner world takes the form of the high school she attended, a fond memory of her time when she was alive. It looks in perfect condition but if she finds herself feeling depressed then the entire place becomes more worn and broken until it looks

» Bakkōtō Appearance: It's a katana, she's glammed it up a bit though with its sweet pink sheathe and white handle wrapping. It's got an oval tsuba with an indent at the top of the oval in the shape of a triangle. From the base of the sword hangs a cute little charm.

» Bakkōtō Sealed Abilities: Bakkōtō do not possess unique sealed abilities but they do have a couple of universal abilities that all bakkōtō have as characteristics. This is due to the nature of the hollow nucleus of the bakkōtō itself will only be stirred from its stasis upon resusitating it.

» Soul-Body Separation: When the base of the bakkōtō is pressed against a target's body it does not perform a konsō on an individual. When a bakkōtō's base is used to push against a living human's body it forces the soul from the body much like a hollow that tears the soul out of a living human.

» Acid Blade: The blade of a bakkōtō is quite deadly due to the fact that it has the acid touch attribute of a hollow, to touch the blade of a bakkōtō is to essentially touch the skin of a hollow. This makes it quite advantageous when fighting as it causes a great deal of pain if a person is wounded by the bakkōtō as well as inserting hollow reiryoku directly into the targets in the process.

» High-Speed Regeneration: Due to not being a reflection of the shinigami's soul but the corpse of a hollow turned into a sword, the actual process of breaking a bakkōtō is not problematic for a kishin. As long as the sword is not completely destroyed the bakkōtō is capable of regenerating itself regardless of the damage done to it, even should its resucitación and ranimación be damaged it will be fine after a couple of days.

» Kūmon [空門, Air Gate]: Whereas shinigami are able to open a senkaimon with their zanpakutō, a kishin is able to replicate the action with their bakkōtō to open a pathway into the garganta to allow them to travel between realms in the same fashion the creature their sword is made out of would.

Resucitación INFORMATION

» Resucitación Release: Spit, Yatsukahagi.

» Resucitación Appearance: Upon calling out the command of Yatsukahagi, the blade of Tae's bakkōtō splits into eight long tendrils that are sharp enough to allow it to function as a whip or be manipulated as limbs. The eight extensions can extend up to twenty metres and are capable of ensaring targets or piercing them.

» Resucitación Ability: The special ability of Yatsukahagi is its ability to shoot a goo-like substance. There are nine points where she can shoot this substance; all eight tips of the tendrils can shoot the web and the ninth point is hidden where the eight extensions of the blade originate. The characteristics of this web is the remarkable level of adhesive properties that it possesses, easily able to cover the area and trap targets to bind and make them unable to escape. The adhesive abilities of this web are equal to her zanjutsu skill after a post to harden, requiring one to either get rid of the web immediately or have means to break it at its full strength.


» Reanimación Release: Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi [Black Widow's Eight Grasping Legs]

» Reanimación Appearance: The combination of Tae's power being fused with the bakkōtō's blade causes it to glow bright red before expanding into the silhouette of a giant spider-like hollow, this lasts for but a moment before it turns black and disperses into the surrounding environment.

» Reanimación Ability: The fusion of the two individual power sources, Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi's power grows substantially and undergoes some alterations due to the influence of the wielder in the sword. The blade grows before disappearing, allowing for Tae to open up gargantas within the radius of 150 metres from the handle of the sword. She can create up to eight of these gargantas, extending one of the blade-like tendrils from the portal to strike at her targets and ensare them.

She retains the ability of shooting the adhesive webbing but through usage of her Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi it becomes all the more potent by having multiple angles to appear from and take surprise her targets to truly entrap them in her web. While not immediately noticeable, this radius goes by the handle of her sword and even should she be disarmed she is able to use Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi which grants her the ability to lull her victims into a false sense of assuredness but she must be within 150 metres of Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi herself to utilise it.


General Skills
» Durability:
» Speed:
» Strength:
» Martial Skill:

Will Skills
» Willpower:
» Deduction:
» Focus:

Shinigami Skills
» Hakuda:
» Hoho:
» Kido:
» Zanjutsu:


Last edited by Gamma on Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gamma_Signature
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Gamma's Collection of Ideas Empty Re: Gamma's Collection of Ideas

Sun Feb 26, 2023 12:56 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas Eula-header

Basic Information
» Name: Octavia Bernstein.
» Alias':
▕ Song of Destruction.
▕ Octavia the Nevermelt.
» Age: Unknown.
» Birthday: September 19.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Human [Quincy].

» Affiliation: Vandenreich: Sternritter.

» Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
» Marital Status: Single.
» Nationality: German.
» Orientation: Straight.
» Ideal Mate: A conductor.
» Special Skill: Player of many different instruments.

» Height: 5'7".
» Build: Curvy.
» Hair Colour: Blue.
» Eye Colour: Golden.
Gamma's Collection of Ideas Eula-appearance

Psychological Analysis
A Quincy of some age at least by human years. Octavia retains a youthful and pleasant demeanour despite being a veteran of the Third World War and having many experiences of struggle under her belt. She is a proud and dignified person who operates with a strong sense of duty towards others, protecting the weak and defeating those who would antagonise them.



» Song of Destruction: She does not absorb reishi so much as output her reiryoku to resonate with it and bend it to her whim. Octavia struggled at a young age to harness external energies with any great success until she discovered the medium of music to influence the world around her.

» Permafrost: With her alignment towards ice as an elemental affinity, this has reflected on her physical body. After hitting the age of twenty-six she stopped aging and her body can be said to have stopped aging like it had become frozen. This has the benefit of making her immortal in the sense of dying from old age, making attempts to age her or inflict her with sickness to be very difficult. Despite the boons it provides, Octavia is quite sluggish, graceful but sluggish, as she tends to move slower compared to others around her.


» Name: Sankt Melodie [Saint Melody].

» Summary: Her spirit weapon takes the shape of a large great sword which looks like it could be made out of crystal. Very ornamental and decorated in its design but the most important thing is the pattern down the blade which is reminscient of strings. Its shape might be that of a sword but Octavia refers to it as a shield or an musical instrument before she refers to it as a sword.

» Abilities: His Heilig Bogen is capable of firing Heilig Pfeil without needing to draw back, though the amount of power behind the arrow is slightly weaker without pulling back a string. It has the hidden function of being able to gain four protrusions and spread reishi over the limbs to function as a makeshift shield before firing an arrow at the attacker.


» Name: Shiriel [Song of God]

» Appearance:

» Ability:


General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner.
  • General Speed: Beginner.
  • Strength: Beginner.
  • Martial Skill: Adept.

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Adept.
  • Mental Deduction: Adept.
  • Focus: Adept.

Quincy Skills
  • Blut: Adept
  • Absorption: Advanced
  • Spellcraft: Adept
  • Spirit Weapon: Advanced

Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gamma_Signature
Gamma's Collection of Ideas CHARACTER_LISTGamma's Collection of Ideas GRAPHICS_THREADGamma's Collection of Ideas TIMELINE_THREAD
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Gamma's Collection of Ideas Empty Re: Gamma's Collection of Ideas

Mon May 15, 2023 10:13 am

I. Basic Information

» Name: Alina Marchenheim.
» Alias: "Gandiva" [Codename].
» Age: Seventeen.
» Gender: Female.

» Association: Vandenreich - Sternritter.

» Appearance Written: [What does your character look like? Write it up.]

» Appearance Image: [Put an image of your character here if you have one]

I. Personality

» Personality: Supposedly blessed by confidence and grace, Alina can be described as overconfident and almost arrogant. She's short-tempered and quick to confrontation if someone asks for it or needs an ass kicking.

» Likes: [Optional, delete if not used.]

» Dislikes: [Optional, delete if not used.]

I. History

» History: [Everything has a history. This should include what their childhood was like, teenage years and adult life leading up to what they are doing now Please include how they came to learn and grow their powers, if your quincy acquired their powers rather than were born into them it should also be included here.]

I. Natural Abilities

» Marksman: As the wielder of Gandiva, Alina's ability with precision shooting is top notch. Even without the aid of Gandiva she demonstrates a level of marksmanship that outdoes even the best archers by being able to ricochet her shots or fire them in such a manner that they curve their path midflight.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities: [You can put any quincy skill or ability that your character knows here. These can range from blut, spellcraft, ginto and unique abilities. Feel free to add however many sections you need here.]

I. Spirit Weapon

» Primary Weapon Name: RM-05 Gandiva // Gandiva, the Immaculate Bow.

» Primary Weapon Appearance: Using the Quincy cross as a medium and it's shard of a quincy relic imbued into the composition, Alina is capable of evoking the immaculate bow as an armoured gear that manifests over her body, greatly augmenting her fighting capabilities in the process. Along with her body being covered in a skin-tight white body suit, she is equipped with two pistols that she dual-wields through the duration of manifesting her Gandiva.

» Primary Weapon Abilities:
» Physical Empowerment: Due to its nature as being a spirit weapon that garbs the user in armour, Alina sees a great increase in her physical capabilities when wearing the immaculate bow. All of her physical skills are raised to the rank of her Kreuzen skill when she is donning it. As a by-product though, it not actually her body which is gaining any experience through her trials and so none of the experiences where she is garbed in Gandiva can count towards upgrade material to her physical skills.

» Lock-on Death Laser: Firing one or both of her pistols, she shoots out a heilig pfeil which decimates everything in front of her.

» Lock-on Scatter Shot: Firing one or both of her pistols, she shoots out a series of heilig pfeil that cover a wide area.

» Lock-on Point Blank: Firing one or both of her pistols, she fires a heilig pfeil which deals more damage the less distance it travels making it ideal for close combat.

» Lock-on Tank Buster: Requiring her to fire both of her pistols at the same target, the two blasts merge and become strong enough to break through spiritual defences.

» Lock-on Fake Out: She shoots her guns but no ammo is used, instead it creates a flash bang effect which blinds and disorientates her target.

» Secondary Weapon Name: 108 Strings.
» Secondary Weapon Appearance: Obviously the weapon looks a little strange when conjured by her spirit weapon, Gandiva is not in the shape of a bow when she projects it. This gives pause to a person to wonder just what is made of the bow's legendary 108 strings which will not snap under any circumstances. These strings are able to be conjured for a myriad of uses.
» Secondary Weapon Ability:

» Secondary Weapon Name: Gandiva's Limbs.
» Secondary Weapon Appearance: Floating behind her back are two sets of satellites. They hover behind her back and can be utilised for basic support until they are incorporated into her pistols to take on their true form.
» Secondary Weapon Ability: Using Gandiva's Limbs she is able to fly without the need of her steigen as a passive effect, their active effect becomes known when she dispels them to convert her two pistols into cross bows by adding the four limbs to her firearms.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your character has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: Beginner
» Speed: Beginner
» Strength: Beginner
» Martial Skill: Elite

Will Skills
» Willpower:Adept
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept

Quincy Skills
» Blut: Adept
» Gebet:Beginner
» Kreuzen: Adept
» Steigen:Adept

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample]


Gamma's Collection of Ideas Gamma_Signature
Gamma's Collection of Ideas CHARACTER_LISTGamma's Collection of Ideas GRAPHICS_THREADGamma's Collection of Ideas TIMELINE_THREAD
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Gamma's Collection of Ideas Empty Re: Gamma's Collection of Ideas

Wed May 31, 2023 2:27 pm
Gamma's Collection of Ideas App-Atsuko

Basic Information
» Name: Hisakawa Atsuko [久川 敦子].
» Alias':
Kitarune [北流根, North Wind's Source].
Zangan-hime 巉巌姫, Summit Princess].
» Age: 200s.
» Birthday: August 8.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Shinigami.

» Affiliation:
Kagura Mountain, South Rukongai.
Former Member of the Kido Corps.

» Alignment: True Neutral.
» Nationality: Japanese.
» Martial Status: Single.
» Sexuality: Bicurious.
» Ideal Mate: A tick in every box.
» Special Skill: Always a step ahead.

» Height: 6'0"
» Build: Curvy.
» Hair Colour: Raven.
» Eye Colour: Rust Red.
» Reiatsu Colour: Rainbow.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas App-Atsuko2

Psychological Analysis
An adventurous woman at heart, Atsuko maintains a healthy level of interest towards things that go on around her. Sometimes to her detriment though, she displays a reckless level of enthusiasm towards new things which can land her in trouble. A carefree attitude that can quickly frustrate the more cautious people around her. She's the kind of person that can stir up a storm or quell it to a light breeze, no matter what though she'll always go with the flow.

This is not without any merit however, as a result of her behaviour it is not uncommon to see a high level of adaptability where she can improvise many solutions without much time to prepare. This is in part due to her high aptitude for learning, something which she attached a stigma to at a young age when people began to treat her strange because she was "gifted" compared to the others around her. She denied this about herself, never wanting to be treated differently for her qualities and so she would waste much of her talent by preferring to take to inactivity.

It was only after she was taken in from the Rukongai did she truly value that about herself.

From the mountains she learned discipline too. She was never the most well-behaved student but she understood the virtue of leading a disciplined lifestyle. Even when she had left the mountains to venture into the Seireitei and join the Kido Corps, Atsuko would continue her sutra chanting and unorthodox practices much to the confusion it brought from her peers.

» Likes: Wilderness, specifically mountains. People that don't quit. Books. Strategies. Motorbikes.

» Dislikes: Embarrassing stories from her past. She is a sore loser.


» Kagura Monks: After returning to the mountain which she had spent all the time with her teacher, she discovered it empty, rather than despair she built a temple and took in orphans and those who had fallen on misfortune from the surrounding districts to pass on her lifestyle. They're kinda like her family which she thinks of herself as a big sister figure for as much as she views herself as the boss.

» Unnamed sons: Atsuko had two sons with a love interest which she gave up at birth due to the nature of her work. No further details shall be provided about these children.

» Yuuto Hisakawa: Nii-chan.

» Zetsu Takamanohara: The Old Man of the Mountains, an individual of great reputation many centuries ago before he disappeared into the life of a hermit. He is the man that saved her from the hell that was the outer Rukongai and took her on as a student, she views him as a bit of a surrogate father figure as she grew older even if she understands the feeling isn't mutual.


» Human Life: Not much to disclose to you here, chief. She's the younger sister of Yuuto Hisakawa obviously. Maybe you should ask him what his sister's life was like when they were together, she remembers it but she's far less inclined to tell you. You'll just get a romanticised version of her relatively short life if it came from her, if you want all the gritty details like the fact she still wet the bed until she was six then her brother is far more likely to tell you all that.

Not that you read that in this app, just remember that metagaming is against the rules.

» South Rukongai: When she passed away from sickness Atsuko didn't suffer the fate of becoming prey to a hollow, or becoming one herself. Instead she was set by a shinigami up to the Rukongai, heaven and all that nonsense where starvation isn't real and so on. That was an immediate lie the young teenager determined after waking up in the outer edges of the Rukongai, far from any familiar faces or family. She was just the new sickly girl in the district.

People came and went, different groups here and there. She could never stay long due to the need for food that her peers didn't seem to need. Atsuko always felt like she was taking more from them than she could give back which made it usually end up with her leaving after a while. When she had reached another village in the Southern Districts she had gotten too tired and fell asleep from hunger against a post. It was a cold night and the young girl thought that it was a nice spot to give up because she at least had a clear sky overhead to stare at.

Where she was content to give up and die it was an old man who carried himself with an air of superiority, the kind of man that hovered above all his peers, that looked down at the pathetic sight of the starving teenager that seemed ready to quit. He condemned her actions when she gave an equally pathetic excuse for giving up, dragging her the nearby forest until he found a favourable spot. Throwing a loaf of bread into a grove and telling her to fetch it if she was hungry, only for Atsuko to learn that this was the home of a giant bear which the local villagers spoke of.

Once more she seemed to resign herself to death when she declared that you couldn't defeat a bear with your bare hands only for the old man to stare it into submission with his spiritual pressure. Once more he condemned her behaviour and intended to leave her with the bread to resume his day like nothing was amiss.

For Atsuko this was her chance, seeing what she had just saw she threw herself at his feet and begged him to teach her how to fend for herself.

» Shin'o Academy:

» Kido Corps: Following her selection from the academy as a member of the kido corps, Atsuko was assigned to the specialised squad called the Jadouhan and given the pseudonym of Kitarune [Kita-ruu-nay] for her time of service as was common for the identities of the Kido Corps' members to be concealed. Her role was a specific one within this group as they were tasked with the acquisition and recording of unorthodox magics with examples such as her own, the Shiba's Earth Magics, and so on. During her time within the Jadouhan, she reached the title of Vice-Commander, specifically within her own division, though much of her time was spent travelling the Rukongai and World of the Living based on information about atypical spiritual powers.

Under her pseudonym, Atsuko published multiple papers

» Leaving Service:


» Teachings of the Mountain Man: A disciple of the Old Man of the Mountains, Atsuko owes many of her talents to being cultivated by this old soul who pursued his own path rather than following in the footsteps of others. It is because he pursued what he refers to the path of a sage that Atsuko demonstrates a strange approach to her own powers, if asked about the strange way that she seems to accomplish her feats it's quite common that get back a blase answer along the lines of "It's not that strange, the result's the same but we just do the steps a little different".

While she cannot say that she has mastered the myriad of techniques and skills that are part of the old man's repetoire. The talent and aptitude of Atsuko is something that she owes to the great success being praised as learning hundreds of years of material in what is little more than a century.

Shinra Banshou Zukan [森羅万象図, All Things in Nature Illustrated]
The name of the series that Atsuko's teacher composed through his millennia of working towards his philosophy of understanding nature. A myriad of scrolls that were compiled which are collected into six volumes. Atsuko has a broad understanding of all six volumes but she can only claim to have mastered four of the six in the collection.

Hitozu: Kawazu [川図, First DiagramRiver Diagram]

Takezu [竹図, Bamboo Diagram]
Ukabuzu [浮図, Floating Diagram]
Kirizu [霧図, Misty Diagram]:

» Shugendō [修験道, Way of Trial and Practice]: Based upon the human practices of mountain mystics, Atsuko spent upwards of a century within the mountains of the South Rukongai with her teacher. In seclusion and living the life of a mountain hermit with her teacher to understand the world. Through this process her teacher refers to it has forcing a soul to a higher state of being, though functionally a fanciful way to put it. Atsuko does demonstrate some superhuman qualities about her such as her heightened senses, ability to interact with the world around her, and overall physical qualities such as her speed, strength, and vitality.


» Hakushin [白真, Blank Truth]: A rather peculiar attribute about Atsuko is her practicing of autosuggestion, she did not learn traditional hakuda and the parallel that she does possess is bizarre to many traditional practitioners of the shinigami's hand-to-hand combat. It can accomplish many of the same feats but it can also display unique applications that don't come naturally to the streamlined process of hakuda training. Hakushin is actually a form of self-hypnosis where certain actions trigger certain effects, while this is true for doing fighting moves it has additional qualities where simple gestures can change Atsuko's thought process and as a result change her entire fighting style.

For example a common practice that she does is the difference between tying her hair back and letting it out. While she will say that it is her "getting serious" the reality is that after over a century of cultivating this simple action it has become a technique that changes her entire approach to a situation. Atsuko who has her hair back is far more aggressive and ruthless, she is more focused on the situation at hand, and she is far more likely to lean on a holistic approach to combat rather than her preference of kido practices.

Hakushin, when applied as both Shugendou and Hakuda, is where many of her martial arts techniques reach into the realm of natural interference. Something as simple as punching a rock and having it shatter is due to her conveying to the rock that it will break with her hand rather than placing an excess of force on it. This allows for Atsuko to display feats of full strength without recoil from the target.

» Shukuchi [縮地, Reduced Earth]: The techniques of the shinigami that are known as hohou. Functionally the same as the shinigami's traditional shunpo but she was introduced to them under a different name so she keeps refering to it as such. Atsuko is a remarkably advanced user of the technique being able to move around the area quietly and efficiently after many years of training in the harsh wilderness of the South Rukongai in the mountains that required a surefoot.

» Kido: While she is far more skilled when it comes to her own "mountain magics", Atsuko displays a tremendous amount of aptitude for the shinigami art of Kido. Enough so that upon entering into the academy, she was very early on selected for graduation and recruitment into the Kido Corps despite areas of her curriculum suffering in the process. Upon joining the Kido Corps she was placed within the Jadōhan [邪道班, Unorthodox Methods Unit] which specialised in highly unusual shinigami magical arts, usually spells that were not classified under the standard spellcasting system such as the Earth magic displayed by the Shiba.

» Orthodox Kido: While not her preference, Atsuko demonstrates incredible proficiency when it comes to the standard practices of kido. It is not that she is poorly suited to it that she was placed in a specialised unit but the fact she adapted to quickly to the rules of the standard kido practices of shinigami. She is able to reliably and competently utilise any spell within her repertoire, and demonstrate enough knowledge that she can recognise how most kido function--including the theoretical knowledge of Forbidden Kido.

» High-Speed Chanting: Being expected to recite sutras every day, Atsuko has a keen tongue which does not stumble. However, she can also be quite impatient which lead for her to practice chanting at high-speed in order to enable herself to get through her daily sutras faster. This behaviour though has granted her the capacity to shorten her incantations when casting kido. It works by cutting out specific words of the chant so that the core is intact but the sentence has been reduced in size and syllables without losing any of the meaning (power).

» Seeing the Nature of All Things: An ability of her reikaku is the capacity to discern the nature of things around her, through trial and error of the many mystics she trained in was learning the nature of the world and its denizens. Know your enemy and their weaknesses will become plain as day. It grants her a strong resistance to illusions but only to the extent that she will be able to tell if she is under the influence of one rather than breaking through it. Likewise, she can also tell deception from others such as if their words speak the truth or not which she calls "guessing a person's true nature" but just because she can determine if their heart is insincere or not doesn't grant her the details of what the truth is.

The Way of Magic's Source

» Jugenro [呪源路, The Way of Magic's Source]: As one hailed as a kido prodigy, Atsuko's actual aptitude is not inherently kido related but the fundamental attributes of it carry into her proficency as a spellcaster of great potential. What distinguishes her from her peers is the unique ability to realign and mould her reiryoku into different elemental alignments. Whereas most people are only capable of showcasing one elemental form, Atsuko is able to shift her reiatsu into five different states - each one carrying its own positive and negative qualities.

Kido is considered to be an expression of a person's reiryoku, used as the fuel to then create an effect. In everything though the qualities of the materials influence the final product and Atsuko's reiryoku being so dynamic proves it true. Through her Gorin she is able to express the five different elemental alignments of earth, fire, water, wind, and void.

Jugenro - Chirin: Through the alignment of her reiryoku towards Earth, it is through entering this state that she becomes exceptionally good at grounding, cultivating and embedding her energy into what is mostly herself or other things which she can get her hands onto. Essentially, her Earth aligned reiryoku is remarkably proficient at enhancing attributes of something through gathering it and embedding it. It is the most simple form of her reiryoku which has the benefit of the least downsides but this comes at the cost of being inflexible like a stone.

Jugenro - Karin: The second alignment is that of fire which is one of her more potent forms. Through expressing her reiatsu as this alignment, Atsuko finds the most success in exerting its power externally from herself. By using her fire-aligned reiatsu she has greater ease with fuelling her spells much like feeding it into a fire. It's most beneficial in being able to function as a powerful display of energy transfer. While using Karin, Atsuko is able to transfer her energy to objects and other individuals with greater ease - for good or bad. By applying this form of energy transfer into other objects she can exert a form of telekinesis onto it for a short period, usually at the expense of the object's integrity since it will progressively get hotter until it reaches a breaking point.

Jugenro - Suirin: The third alignment of Atsuko's reiatsu is water. Through this expression of her reiatsu, Atsuko is incredibly competent with controlling the flow of energy, changing its shape and form, along with general manipulations. Through Suirin it is not impossible for her adapt the reiatsu into a different shape or acquire different attributes such as becoming highly resistant to electricity by making her spirit possess low conductivity.

Jugenro - Fuurin: The fourth elemental alignment is for wind. Wind has domain over kinetic forces, free energy and control of movement. It's similar to her Suirin but whereas Suirin allows for change and transformation, Fuurin can only function as transfer and movement. It is inert at the end of the day but Atsuko is able to take advantage of its simplicity due to her wind alignment being where most people see the general feats of reiatsu such as exerting it from their body to create large explosions of force. She finds detaching her reiatsu very easy when using Fuurin such as applying its effects onto other people be they physical, spiritual, or psychological shows of reiatsu but as they are "free energy" the reiatsu is short-lived and dissipates quickly.

Jugenro - Kuurin: Kuurin is the final of the five alignments, Kuurin's aptitude is the creation from her reiatsu. For example, Atsuko is able to utilise it in conjuction with her "mountain magics" to create tools as required. It is the most difficult one to maintain or even advance due to requiring her to have a strong sense of visualisation. It is the final alignment that she came to understand when training in the mountains and remains the hardest for her to fully utilise.

Hagoromo Information

Essentially the same fundamentals as the traditional shunko, she refers it by the name of Hagoromo however due to having developed it independently through her own methods in the mountains. In the same way that her kido shows remarkable fluidity by changing her elemental alignment of her reiatsu, Atsuko is able to carry over that same trait into her hagoromo technique with her four trances of her hagoromo.

» Minami Mugen - Hi [????, Southern Trance - Fire]: The first of her trances is when her reiatsu is aligned to her fire reiatsu. By entering into her fire trance she gains access to conjuring

» Nishi Mugen - Tsuchi [????, Western Trance - Earth]: The second of her trances is when her reiatsu is aligned to earth. It empowers every aspect of her physical body but gives her no utility beyond it.

» Higashi Mugen - Kaze [????, Eastern Trance - Wind]:

» Kita Mugen - Mizu [????, Northern Trance - Water]:

Equipment Information


General Skills
» Durability: Adept
» Speed: Advanced
» Strength: Adept
» Martial Skill: Elite

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Elite
» Focus: Elite

Shinigami Skills
» Hohō: Advanced
» Kidō: Elite
» Zanjutsu: Untrained.
» Hakuda: Advanced


Last edited by Gamma on Wed Sep 13, 2023 10:19 am; edited 5 times in total

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