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Wed Sep 06, 2023 7:32 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 App-angela

Basic Information
» Name: Helena Freyseng.
» A.k.a.
▕ Dr. Freyseng.

» Age: 40s.
» Birthday: September 6.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Human [Quincy].

» Affiliation: Herself, and a few kids.
Formerly a member of the Quincy.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Marital Status: Divorced.
» Nationality: European.
» Orientation: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: Puzzles.
» Special Skill: Winking morse code.

» Height: 5'4"
» Build: Slender.
» Hair Colour: Blue.
» Eye Colour: Golden.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 Appearance-angela

Psychological Analysis



» Brilliant Physician: A renown doctor in the field of medical science, Helena's contributions are vast amongst the studies, and her understanding of the medical fields are expansive. Always one that's up to date with current ongoings, and able to approach things in a clinical manner which makes her an excellent doctor. Her resilience is high when it comes to gore and you'll never find her queasy from an injury. At the same time though her dedication to her craft is something which has brought a great deal of detriment to other areas of her life such as maintaining social relationships.

» Name:

» Name:

» Name:


» Überblut [Overblood]: A practiced user of blut, due to her own understanding of human anatomy and physiology it becomes incredibly effective for her to apply that knowledge with her quincy skillset. It is by flooding her body with reishi that she can demonstrate superhuman feats of durability but she is more than capable of taking it further by loading the reishi with different attributes--or her greatest feat of flooding different bodily systems with reishi to achieve a more specific result than the more generalised circulatory system which she refers to as a hybrid of quincy spellcraft and blut techniques.

» Atemblut [Respiratory Blood]: By flooding her respiratory system with reishi, she is able to essentially take away her dependence on oxygen. Whether submerged underwater or in a vacuum, it does not matter as long as there is reishi to substitute oxygen within her body. If she was to open her mouth in these spaces then it would be meaningless though as her lungs fill with water or the reishi is pulled out of her body.

» Skelettblut [Skeletal Blood]:

» Nervenblut [Nervous Blood]:

» Verdauungsblut [Digestive Blood]:

» Nierenblut [Renal Blood]:


» Lichtfaden [Light Strings]: Through the usage of her spellcraft, Helena is able to generate glowing blue threads that originate from her fingers and utilise them in a plethora of ways. These strings make her incredible flexible since she can manipulate the properties and forms of the reishi strings.

The sheer amount of uses with her threads is limited only by her creativeness, imagination is the limit. She is an expert sensor due to her ability to lay intangible threads that have no influence in the universe other than to serve as a connection to her mind, allowing her to track people as they pass through and cause her intangible threads to go taunt and allow her to perceive it as a sense of feeling, with this she can easily track many people or evade them as required.

Another facet of her Lichtfaden can be her ability to form her wires to be tangible and their material varying from metal wire to actual woven threads. She can use her strings as extra-appendages, being able to grab at things by controlling her strings in a telekinetic fashion, using these threads she is able to achieve many different feats such as wrapping the threads around her body for extra-defence should she need it and even form constructs.

She can use her threads offensively being able to bind, impale, whip and harm people with the use of her threads. The fact she is able to choose which material the threads are made of make it incredibly versatile as well since she can use silk, fabric, steel and even organic-based threads such as using muscle sinew.

» Vernähen [Suture]: By using her lichtfaden and practiced medical skills Helena is capable of using it for the sake of first-aid. Closing wounds of her allies or herself by weaving the threads to cover them which reduces the amount of time, energy, and resources required to heal the injury quickly due to the intervention. It is also possible to reattach severed limbs through this process but it would require a bit of time and further healing in order for the limb to return to full working order in terms of coordination and strength.


» Primary Spirit Weapon

» Summary: Given the name of Injektor Mk. II.
Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 Weapon-b-1040509700-note
» Anästhesie [Anasthesia]: Heilig pfeil can be shot which can wear down a target and sedate them depending on the resilience that they have.

» Analgesie [Analgesia]: Heilig pfeil shot by her syringe gun have the capacity to diminish pain in those who are hit. This is great for allies or lulling her opponents into a false sense of security as they underestimate how damaged their body is due to a decreased pain response.

» Blutübertragung [Blood Transfusion]: By stabbing the target with her syringe, Helena is capable of synthesising blood within her spirit weapon which she can inject into the target who is sufferring from blood loss--or she can inject another target with the incorrect blood type. Note that bloodborne diseases can be transferred in this way so don't get aids.

» Secondary Spirit Weapons

» Summary: Helena is capable of summoning scapels made out of reishi that are quite plain but distinctly formed with a silver colour. She may only manifest one of these at a time.
» Ability: Her scapel is capable of shifting sizes to be large enough to function as a dagger or a medical tool. It has the ability to wound the target's spiritual body rather than their physical body ie. cutting through a living person's arm will leave the arm in tact but amputate the reishi of their soul--if the target was to be removed from their body then they would be missing an arm.

» Summary: It is possible for her to manifest a large satelleite which hovers around her. Approximately 1 metre in diametre which she can control like a remote chakram, this floating spirit weapon is actually inspired to function like the end of a stethescope however.
» Ability: Using this spirit weapon, Helena is able to send out waves of reishi in a radius around her. In close proximity this can function as a weapon by releasing shockwaves that blow targets away from it--its utility is found when Helena uses it to function like a radar, sending out bursts of reishi in a wide area to increase her understanding of the area around her. By putting the spiritual weapon over a target, she can focus these bursts to let her analyse the target to determine a detailed understanding of their body for health or combat purposes.

Quincy: Vollständig INFORMATION

» Name: Die Nachtigall [The Nightingale].
Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 Weapon-b-1040509700-notevolls

» Abilities:


General Skills
» Durability: Beginner.
» Speed: Beginner.
» Strength: Beginner.
» Martial Skill: Beginner.

Will Skills
» Willpower: Advanced
» Deduction: Elite.
» Focus: Elite.

Quincy Skills
» Blut: Elite.
» Kreuzen: Advanced.
» Gebet: Elite.
» Steigen: Adept.


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Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:33 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 Helle-banner

Basic Information
» Name: Helle Armstrong.
» A.k.a.
»» Director Armstrong.
»» Lion Knight of the Quincy.
» Age: Twenties.
» Birthday: "????"
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Human [Pureblood Quincy].

» Affiliation:
»» Herself.
»» Sternritter of the Vandenreich.

» Alignment: Chaotic Good.
» Marital Status: Single.
» Nationality: German.
» Orientation: Complicated.
» Ideal Mate: Older than her?
» Special Skill: Excelling at many talents.

» Height: 5'10"
» Build: Curvy.
» Hair Colour: Blonde.
» Eye Colour: Green.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 Helle-app2

Psychological Analysis
» A Harsh Compassion: If anything, no one can deny Helle’s passion for the cause she strives for. The way she behemonthly continues forward despite the opposition to complete a goal is truly admirable. Though, it’s not only her goals that moves her. It is also the goals of her brethren. Through her own trials, she has gained an understanding towards others who walk a path just as she does. This does not mean she agrees with every step they take, but she understands how difficult it can be, and she is not one to keep her hand closed to those who outstretched theirs to her. In fact, she shows all respect when respect is due. Even her opponent’s unwavering desire moves her heart despite how she must cut them down. She is a person who is always there when needed, always ready to lend a hand, an ear, or even words of advice to all who request or require it. However, she is not one to hold her tongue in giving advice. She will reprimand out of love, she will scold because she cares, she will punish to teach a lesson. All of it is because she cares for those and wants all to succeed, but succeeding is a long and cruel task that requires lessons of all kinds, good and bad, for she had to learn herself through trial and error. Do not take her demeanor or roughness for cruelty because it is all for the betterment of those around.

» Gracefully Fierce: Probably what makes Helle the beauty and juggernaut of death on the battlefield, her fierce personality leaves a blazing trail behind her. Though, those who try to follow behind her coat tail, see a refined individual who has perfected her craft to the point that every movement she makes has a beauty about it. Helle aims to carry herself in a way that all can look up to. She desires to be more than just strong. She desires to be a star in the sky that shines brighter than any around it, that leads the way for those lost in the darkness. To do so, she must stand with such defined definition that none could ever look at her without remembering her face or her words. She shows little mercy to her foes, for that is what respect is. She holds her tongue back for no one because that is how they shall remember. She stands tall so that all must look up to her in ooh and ah. She is a person who wishes to lead by example.

» Headstrong: One can see that Helle believes in herself and her abilities, but some will learn that she may think herself a bit too highly for her own good. Her thoughts come out with little filter at times even if correct. Sometimes she may speak words that were better kept unspoken. Advice is taken, but her feelings are sure to rear their ugly heads at times when she feels the wrong decision has been made. She is the first to raise her voice. She is the first to enter the battlefield. She is the last to leave. Sometimes she moves disobeying orders believing her thoughts better at the time. Though, despite how unreasonable she can be at times, she does attempt to understand the way others see things and fight against her own stubborn nature, but half the time, she finds herself unable to bend.

» Overworking Guardian: Helle loves her fellow Quincy. That is without a doubt a fact. She loves her brethren so much that she would put her life on the line for them, and it’s not just for her fellow Quincy. Any who Helle comes to appreciate as a friend garther her protection and support. And, still, it does not stop there. People that have no reason for being in the path of danger, those who simply wish to live their life as normal as possible, humans who simply want to survive. Helle will do all she can to protect them all. Some may think her selflessness a weakness, but she finds her ability to move between those who wish to harm and those who need saving her strongest strength. Not all can stand against opposition, and the fact that she can do so with unwavering conviction makes her a truly strong person no matter the opinion.

» Brilliant Prodigy: Helle’s mental ability is surely one of her best qualities. Since she was very young, she had a knack for learning. Whether it be general skills like math, science, or history or Quincy skills, Helle showed a unique gift for understanding and applying her teachings. Even when she worked alone, her ability to teach herself new things and learn anything she desired was evident. With such a fierce drive for improvement, her brain was forced to grow at a rate faster than any child or young adult her age. She wasn’t just a prodigy because everything was naturally easier to her. She was a prodigy because she forced herself to learn, adapt, and grow. She never faltered on her studies even when training till her body broke. That is just the type of person is, and it shows with how she carries herself that she has an intelligence beyond the norm.

» Gentle: Helle, despite how imposing she may seem, is actually a rather gentle woman when the time calls for a caring hand instead of a strong hand. Though, a strong hand can do both at the same time which is what she aims to do. She may be harsh at times, but she also shows a soft side to those who get to know her. It expresses itself strangely though. Her tones come out demanding when she feels something is wrong, for she is already desiring the want to help whoever needs the attention. She will snatch from someone carrying too much if simply to lighten the burden in their arms. She will caress those who require it and smile to those when they need it. She can be just as caring as she is harsh when the time calls for it.


Helle Armstrong: a member of the Vandenreich and the Director of the Sternritter. A woman that many find an unapproachable imposing figure, she carries herself with an otherworldly air. However, she was not always this figure of power. Her life began with tragedy after the death of both her parents while she was just an infant. This led to her being taken into the current Vandenreich at the time, a hidden base of surviving members in Antarctica. This is where she grew up, surrounded by thick walls and frozen terrain.

Her days in the Vandenreich were dull and grueling. Due to her lineage, much was expected of her and her choices in life were kept narrow. With that in mind, she focused entirely on bettering herself in the Quincy arts, becoming an apt Quincy at a young age. Her exponential growth created a rift between other children and her. Jealousy poisoned the air wherever she ventured, leaving her a recluse who cared for no one but herself. Everything in life became something to better herself or not worth her attention, but that stone cold focus was what led to her self deprecation.

After constant training, straining her body beyond its limits, her heart gave way. Suffering a heart attack, her young body barely survived the endeavor, permanently stunting her growth. Angered from losing the only thing that mattered to her, Helle became a tyrannical youth that began tearing through the Vandenreich for a means to either relieve her weakened heart or enhance her abilities despite it. That is how she happened upon a dusty book in the back of the library that revealed to her a hint at finding what she’s looking for.

Texts detailing the past of the Quincy, which, for some reason, wasn’t readily available outlined the fact that they once existed wide and far in the world with temples constructed to teach new and young Quincy. With a horizon of details around the subject in this one book, it was no wonder Helle discovered the location of a temple in Russia, near where her family resides. It wasn’t hard to get there through shady means, but once there, finding the temple proved difficult. She did, however.

This is what led to the Helle today. She discovered the existence of Reishi ghosts, remnants of ancient Quincy left behind through the use of Reishi to preserve their souls. This is where she learned of the first Quincy and of the past of her kind. The need to learn this power to protect themselves from Hollow, the massacre that followed that led to the Gotei deciding to genocide their kind. She even learned of Ywach and his ego. When Helle emerged from the old ruins, she was a new woman, transformed from years of learning from Reishi ghosts and experiencing their past firsthand.

Her involvement with today’s Quincy came from meeting the current Grandmaster, Cyrus ast-Auramazda. Her relationship with the man is shaky at best right now, especially after the events of Mazda warping reality. Things have changed since then, and even with knowledge of some things, she has lost some knowledge of information she once had involving Cyrus’ tempering with Godhood.


» Visualisation of Power: One has to be able to assess the flow of reishi before they can meaningfully interact with it, it would be comparable to walking around blindly and expecting to succeed is a fool's errand. Sight is the most important tool for a quincy and Helle is able to apply her reishi manipulation for a myriad of sensory related effects which range from being able to analyse the potency, properties, and capabilities of various techniques. All spiritual beings' abilities form from reishi, their bodies, their spells, and so on. Helle's ability to break down allows her keen eyes to break into the most concealed elements of a person to lay it bare for her to analyse.

» Transference of Power: Once visualised, the second step is to be able to move it. It is possible for Helle to control the movement of reishi. She can very easily redirect it away from her which makes the act of hitting her extremely difficult as projectiles are forced to curve around her rather than continue their path to hit her. She can move energy such as transferring an immense amount of heat into a target through touch which can cause them to catch fire. Overall, this deals with pure motion of reishi without changing it.

» Transformation of Power: The power to mould the reishi. It is an important element in being a quincy to not just absorb it to fuel their own power but to also then be able to change its shape. A core element in the process of creating a spirit weapon, shape it into spells, whereas one only needs to transfer the reishi through their circulatory system for the sake of blut. It is the transformation of reishi that allows for Helle to impart unique properties onto her blut though such as granting it unique advantages or characteristics.

» Strong Spirit Reflected in the Body: There is an impressive level of power that Helle showcases. Even as a living human her body is more tenacious than any other of her peers. For multiple years she was host to an ancient quincy that inhabited her body, reishi has been flowed through her cardiovascular system so much that it has bled into her physical body. Those that punch her can find it like trying to punch through the hardest steels, the amount of distance she can cross is superhuman by seizing a target before they can react, and she can crush them with enough force that they disappear in a red mist in the same action.


Gebet + Blut + Steigen stuff,

Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 Giga-hellething

» Name: Königreich [German for "Kingdom"]

» Castle, therefore Kingdom: Through her mastery of reishi it is possible to make use of the particles and her own vast reserves of spiritual power it is possible to generate a colossal-sized spirit weapon which is not simply a single armanent but a literal floating fortress. Due to its scale it is rare for the entire spirit weapon to be materialised and to manifest the entire spirit weapon outside of a realm made of reishi would be a monumental undertaking on her part which is why only parts of it are ever expressed at a time. These specific elements of her spiritual weapon require preparation, six posts between being able to

»» Königreich - Castle Walls: By manifesting the walls of Königreich she gains a few immediate advantages. It is not only a huge advantage in terms of defensive capabilities but it establishes her domain. Through manifestation of the walls of her spirit weapon it allows for her to exert stronger influence inside of the castle. She can establish the walls up to a perimeter of her spirit class which are able to scale higher than many buildings and be durable enough to handle impressive attacks made against it. Due to establishing her domain it increases her spiritual reserves due to having a stronger dominion over the reishi in the environment.

»» Königreich - Armoury: Having understanding of the myriad of tools that have been applied by the Quincy, Helle is able to create tools from the matter around her. Drawing in the environment to synthesise functioning Seele Schneider or any other generic tool which can aid in combat or spellcasting. These do not take up secondary spirit weapon slots and their attributes are fixed to the scope of their original designs. Naturally, these can be distrubuted to the many quincy that operate under her command so find tools at their disposal if she is aware of their needs to materialise them in their possession. They must be within the walls of Königreich to receive these boons though.

»» Königreich - Chapel: By establishing the chapel, it greatly increases the application of Gebet spellcraft. Due to its external nature as opposed to the internal nature of the shinigami's Kidou by attuning the environment to suit Helle's needs she is able to increase the potency and reduce the amount of preparation required for quincy rituals for herself, and those that partake who are under her leadership.

»» Königreich - Turrets: The true scope of her spirit weapon is not something she needs to make use of very often but its potency is too valuable to be put aside. This is solved through Helle opting to create up to four floating satelittes around her which can be used to block attacks or fire their own with the full output of her primary spirit weapon. With enough set-up she is able to load the castle walls with these turrets but for the sake of being able to apply them practically it is also feasible that Helle manifest four floating turrets which she can operate as her spirit weapon without ever revealing the full scope of Königreich.

»» Königreich - Library: Not so useful in combat but essential for the development of her peers. Recorded within her kreuzen is an immense amount of wisdom, lost and ancient, from the golden age of Quincy development. From a myriad of different spheres and tribes, many of their forgotten secrets that she uncovered in her journeys to pursue the secrets of the Quincy can be found in the library of her spirit weapon to be manifested as she needs.

»» Königreich - Divine Punishment: The ultimate move of her spirit weapon is the act of turning the entire fortress into a weapon. Once per thread it is possible for her to convert the entirety of the material that makes up her spiritual weapon into one gigantic weapon which can devastate the landscape by turning the entire castle into a falling meteor. This attack has a potency as though she were using Quincy: Letzt Stil due to the sacrificial nature of it.


» Endlanze: it is an evolution of the weapon that was known as Seraphiel. It's name is a reference of the weapon that is acknowledged as piercing the Son of God.

»» Endlanze - Heilig Pfiel: Endlanze can be manifested with a simple gesture by Helle. She is not restricted to one either due to her application of Endlanze. While she is fully capable of wielding a spear in combat to overpower her opponents it is far more practical for Helle to generate them to be quite large in size and fire them as if they were missiles at her targets for maximum devastation.

»» Endlanze - Heilig Salve: Once per three posts, Helle is capable of generating ten of her missile-sized spears to launch them as a salvo which increases the potency of the attack by ten if aimed at a single target or allows her to pepper a wider area with destruction.

» Versilberung: Her second spirit weapon is her armour, the silver-plate which she wears into battle. When donning the armour she becomes highly resistant to environmental hazards....


» Name: Fürstinnen.

» Appearance: Upon entering Quincy: Völlstandig Helle becomes donned in her armour, face obscured under the fierce visage of a lion and her spirit weapon unfurls to take on a new form.

» Abilities:

»» Lady of the House: Helle's Völlstandig revolves quite a great deal around her usage of her spirit weapon, Königreich. When within the domain of her spirit weapon's walls she is the lord of her dominion which is represe

»» Ability:

»» Ability:

»» Edelzeit: At any stage she is able to twist the shaft of her lance to alter the form of her spirit weapon. The act of twisting the shaft loosens it and allows for Helle to draw it from the tip of her lance as though it were a sword and sheathe. This whole process is very similar to the removal of a leiden hant which both aesthetically and mechanically. By shedding the tip of her lance it becomes her sword where all the reishi surrounding her is dominated and brought in to allow for Helle to deliver a decisive finishing blow to the opposition.

This will absorb her entire spirit weapon, Königreich, to fuel the attack which does damage equivalent to a Letzt Stil due to the sheer amount of reishi she is able to condense into the single attack. While functionally the same as her Divine Punishment ability, this condenses the entire force of the attack into a single target attack rather than widespread devastation.


General Skills
» Durability: Advanced.
» Speed: Advanced.
» Strength: Advanced.
» Martial Skill: Elite.

Will Skills
» Willpower: Advanced
» Deduction: Advanced.
» Focus: Elite.

Quincy Skills
» Blut: Elite.
» Kreuzen: Master.
» Gebet: Elite.
» Steigen: Advanced.


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Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma's Collection of Ideas

Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:54 am
Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 Reida-niece3

Basic Information
» Name: Ashley Stafford.
» A.k.a. Ash.
» Age: Late Teens.
» Birthday: September 6.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Human [High-Spec].

» Affiliation: Independent.
▕ Her friends and family.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Marital Status: Unknown.
» Nationality: American.
» Orientation: Straightened out.
» Ideal Mate: Doesn't think about it.
» Special Skill: Counting bullets.

» Height: 5'3"
» Build: Athletic.
» Hair Colour: Brown w/ highlights.
» Eye Colour: Brown.

Gamma's Collection of Ideas - Page 2 Reida-niece

Psychological Analysis
Something of a maverick in her youth that never got over her parents taking her out of the country in favour of more opportunities in the city. Ash spent a lot of her early years in angst and frustrated by her parents decisions but she was still a happy and motivated kid at the end of the day. She went to school, did her work, kicked it with the boys and played mischief like any country kid could. Before she had to get to the awkward stage where boys and girls become a little bit different though, she was forced to mature quickly when the fourth world war happened and dragged the country into it.

She did not come out of it unscathed and the pain has shaped the young woman that she became by growing up as a teenager in the midst of war. In her day to day it's not an obvious thing someone might think when seeing her by the way that she casually talks to people and gets along until the guns come out. She saw combat a great deal, became desensitised to it even, until she came upon a horrible revelation that traumatised her. Even to this day she cannot hold a gun steady without a tremor in her arm and waking her is a tenuous process where it's safest to do so by moving her foot in case she woke up in a stir.


She was born in the American South and she spent the first few years of her life in the country until her parents decided to move to the city. Even at the age of five, she fought against this as much as tantrums could convey. She did not want to lose her friends and family by being separated from them. She did not care about whatever opportunities her parents tried to explain to her. It did nothing for her.

This grudge didn't last long and she got over it though she would still act out after family events back home. A stubborn as a mule is what she was, even if she never got her own way very much. She attended school though and did well even if she was a disruptive student that was prone to getting in trouble and preferring to fight or make mischief with the local boys. A hardcore delinquent in her youth is what she was.

Regular life was not for her though. She was part of a generation that grew up with Shadow Fall occupation, there was a lot of battles and fights and she wanted to participate even though it was fruitless. She had no powers of her own and as much as she bit her teeth in frustration at her mother insisting against resistance it was the first time where the pig-headed girl contained herself even though she hated being told that she wouldn't understand because she was a child little older than five.

Life went smoothly for her afterwards even though many things had changed. It didn't really change that much in the city where few people had the power to resist and so much more to lose. She never lost her rebellious streak that continued into her free-spirited teenage years and what would continue through to high school.

If she got there.

The year that started high school is the year that World War 4 happened and Ash was big enough to contribute after her home came under threat. Two titans collided and her home was the sandbox. For three years she participated in the fighting, her parents returned to the country with her after a great deal of effort to navigate the battlefields and they fought.

She lost her parents in the conflict but she was prepared for people close to her to die. What she was not prepared for was an ill-fated encounter with a newborn hollow that had her destroy part of its mask and reveal the horrible truth underneath when she saw part of a human face staring back at her. While she was saved by a friend who shot the hollow from behind she wasn't prepared to confront the reality that hollows were humans underneath. Humanised from monstrous predators in her head, Ash believed herself to be a murderer and couldn't handle the idea that she'd been killing other people this whole time.


» Sharpshooter: A natural when it comes to straight shooting. Ash knows her way around firearms from her youth and also further cultivated during World War 4 where she applied them to participate in battle against demons and hollows that threatened her home. While the experience is still there, the actual application of her shooting is compromised due to suffering from PTSD and Ash struggles to stare down the sights of a firearm without her hands getting tremors.

» Name:

» Name:

» Name:


» Spiritual Camouflage: The power that she possesses as a high-spec human is not incredibly potent but it is very practical for her. It is not a power that she can control and is more like an instinctual attribute. Ash is able to blend into her surroundings after familiarising herself with them. After spending a day in a location it is possible for her to become undetectable by spiritual sensing while within the domain which could be considered a form of physical augmentation. This domain cannot extend beyond five kilometres or when the terrain might change, such as going from woodland into an urban environment. Whichever comes first.

» Spiritual Adaption: Ash is very resilient to spiritual threats after she grew up in the spiritually aware world and participated in World War 4.



General Skills
» Durability:
» Speed:
» Strength:
» Martial Skill:

Will Skills
» Willpower:
» Deduction:
» Focus:


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Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:23 am
Random Things

Place for random snake lady things and prompts that come to mind. Iunno yet. Something, something, and antagonistic snake behaviour.

» Gan Eden
- Olam Ha'Ba*
- Malak (Lesser/Greater).

» Hueco Mundo
- Has base.
- Make Hollow Kingdom?

» Brazil + Trestrellas
- Enable Claudia.
- Enable Sumana.
- Extend beyond Brazil.
- Poisoned water sources ages ago. Do something with that.
- Setup Amaranta with the Chaos Arena.

» Misc.
- Smoothie thread with Klein.
- Piss off Alastair at some point.
- Put Mark on people or something.

? Salein/Klafira
? Samana/Sufira.


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Sun Oct 06, 2024 1:30 pm
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Basic Information
» Name: Araya.
» Alias':
»» Dog boy.
»» "Inu-kun".
» Age: 200s.
» Birthday: September 7.
» Gender: Male.
» Race: Shinigami [+ Hollow] (Other).

» Affiliation:
»» Kishin.
»» Soul Society Outlaw.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Nationality: Japanese.
» Martial Status: Single.
» Sexuality: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: Cute girls.
» Special Skill: Getting along with dogs. .

» Height: 5'11"
» Build: Athletic.
» Hair Colour: Brown.
» Eye Colour: Green.

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Psychological Analysis
Araya is a fierce youth that loves the thrill of a challenge or a worthy opponent. When he sets his mind to something he's very difficult to dissuade but he has a strong sense of personal justice and won't break promises that he makes - even if it comes at a cost to himself. The unknown doesn't scare him and when the odds are stacked against him, Araya won't turn tail and run. Which only exaggerates an issue where he's easily touched by others problems and if he chooses to protect someone, he will do his best till the very end.

Despite his status as an outlaw from the Soul Society, Araya is a care-free young man and quite personable. His approach to life is simple and that makes him easy to find contentedness rather than struggle with feelings of satisfaction. He'll walk and run through life at his own pace, one is as likely to see him spending days fishing as they are to see him hard at work and takes a work hard, play hard mentality to things. He really enjoys dating women or simply to spend his time in relaxing hobbies.

He has a strong disdain towards people that betray him or play him for a fool which has developed his intuition towards things and he trusts those instincts a great deal. Despite the fact he can be very relaxed and personable it conceals his hot-headedness that can come out at times such as when someone does something that goes against his sense of justice, or sometimes it's as simple as comparing him to a dog.


Relationship Information

» The Kishin: The group of between eight to twelve shinigami outlaws that acquired the power of a hollow during the time of World War Three. Originally formed as a means to seek greater power to deal with the scourge of demons that invaded, the swords that they carried were fed the souls of demons to grow the hollow sword's that they wielded. Eventually with the death of Ender, rather than relinquish their hollow powers they doubled down and became a group of outlaws intent on becoming stronger as they drank deep from their forbidden power and became drunk on it.


» Kishin: While a shinigami, Araya is a member of the Kishin. A group of shinigami that acquired hollow powers through illegal means not unlike the vizard. While they are similar in their nature, what differentiates the kishin from the vizard is that they do not undergo hollowfication themselves. Rather, they abandon the zanpakuto in favour of the bakkōtō. What makes them enemies of the soul society is that in order to grow their power, a Kishin must quite literally feed their bakkōtō to allow it to become stronger. Having it kill and absorb the souls that their blades slay to grow its power. Simply put, they have not hollowfied themselves but are using the power of hollows to grow stronger.

A kishin appears to possess the same consistency of split reiatsu as a vizard with first glance but in reality their reiatsu is unchanged from when they were a shinigami. What gives them the appearance of a split reiatsu signature of hollow and shinigami is the bakkōtō itself. If the two were to be separated, the kishin would be identical to a shinigami until reunited with their sword.

How this works mechanically is that instead of their traditional zanjutsu skill being tied to their zanpakuto, it is tied to their bakkōtō. At Adept they unlock the first release form of their bakkōtō called Resucitación upon reaching Advanced they acquire the second stage of the bakkōtō called Reanimación and finally, upon achieving Master they can hypothetically unlock a form called Resurreccion, equivalent to the shinigami Shikōkai.

» Shikai: Resucitación [Spanish for Resucitation]: The first release form of a bakkōtō is called resucitation. Identical to the shinigami's shikai, it absorbs a bit of the shinigami's reiryoku to stimulate the nucleus of their sword like a defibrillator to restart the heart of a human. This causes the sword to undergo a transformation which draws out the hollow's power that it had and lets the kishin wield it as a weapon.

» Bankai: Reanimación [Spanish for Reanimation]: The second and final release form of a bakkōtō, whereas before the kishin jumpstarts the sword into releasing some of its previous form the second release is actually where the sword has cultivated enough souls inside of it that the sword resonates with the wielder as a proper weapon than just a tool, though they cannot maintain it for the same amount as indefinite time as a shinigami might. Functionining similar to a vizard mask, the Kishin may maintain the Reanimación two posts for every rank of zanjutsu that they have as the sword is devouring their spiritual power to maintain this state. Too long and their soul will be devoured entirely.

At this stage the hollow nucleus is Menos Class, ranging between Gillian and Adjuchas.

» Shikōkai: Resurrección [Spanish for Resurrection]: The third and 'hypothetical' release form of a kishin. It follows the same principle as the shinigami's third release but instead of fusion between shinigami and zanpakuto, it is actually the fusion of the bakkōtō into their own soul to wear the hollow's power. The resurrección follows the same time limit as a shinigami although for different reasons, it is not the pressure of maintaining this form that puts the user at risk but the fact that they risk undergoing complete hollowfication through using this method resulting in becoming a hollow or arrancar.

If one were to reach Resurrección then their hollow nucleus of the bakkōtō has reached Vasto-Lorde level.

» Wild Sense: As a man that plays it by gut more than his brain, Araya has incredible intuition and

» Sense of Smell:


» Bakkōtō Name: Okuriinu [送り狼, Escorting Wolf].

» Nucleus Summary:

» Inner World:

» Bakkōtō Appearance:

» Bakkōtō Sealed Abilities: Bakkōtō do not possess unique sealed abilities but they do have a couple of universal abilities that all bakkōtō have as characteristics. This is due to the nature of the hollow nucleus of the bakkōtō itself will only be stirred from its stasis upon resusitating it.

» Soul-Body Separation: When the base of the bakkōtō is pressed against a target's body it does not perform a konsō on an individual. When a bakkōtō's base is used to push against a living human's body it forces the soul from the body much like a hollow that tears the soul out of a living human.

» Acid Blade: The blade of a bakkōtō is quite deadly due to the fact that it has the acid touch attribute of a hollow, to touch the blade of a bakkōtō is to essentially touch the skin of a hollow. This makes it quite advantageous when fighting as it causes a great deal of pain if a person is wounded by the bakkōtō as well as inserting hollow reiryoku directly into the targets in the process.

» High-Speed Regeneration: Due to not being a reflection of the shinigami's soul but the corpse of a hollow turned into a sword, the actual process of breaking a bakkōtō is not problematic for a kishin. As long as the sword is not completely destroyed the bakkōtō is capable of regenerating itself regardless of the damage done to it, even should its resucitación and ranimación be damaged it will be fine after a couple of days.

» Kūmon [空門, Air Gate]: Whereas shinigami are able to open a senkaimon with their zanpakutō, a kishin is able to replicate the action with their bakkōtō to open a pathway into the garganta to allow them to travel between realms in the same fashion the creature their sword is made out of would.

Resucitación INFORMATION

» Resucitación Release: Stalk, Okuriinu.

» Resucitación Appearance:

» Resucitación Ability:


» Reanimación Release:

» Reanimación Appearance:

» Reanimación Ability:


General Skills
» Durability:
» Speed:
» Strength:
» Martial Skill:

Will Skills
» Willpower:
» Deduction:
» Focus:

Shinigami Skills
» Hakuda:
» Hoho:
» Kido:
» Zanjutsu:



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