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Thu Dec 15, 2022 6:54 pm
Tired Old News [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

"Hey, it's me again."

There was a good handful of people Liltotto regularly checked up on who were in ill states, friends and coworkers alike, as well as family. It was a bit disheartening to see such, but for those who were recovering well it made her feel at least a little less bitter toward herself. Though not even extensive training showed such on her body, she had been working intensively to maturing her Quincy weapon, but even a visit to her mom's was enough to put things on pause for a day.

With a brief exchange, she'd come to sit down, digging through her bag for snacks as per usual, her gaze lifting to the daintier figure, one of her hands still covered in an older Sanrei Glove she had as a keepsake,

"How's the cane been holding?" She'd ask in a rather casual tone, having accepted the fact that Giselle had entirely lost her abilities weeks ago. Maybe it'd help in people trusting her a little better, she'd figure.

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Thu Dec 15, 2022 7:09 pm
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"Hey there! Well lookit you sneaking by to come visit! Hahahah, come on in! I just was just about to order some lunch! Yu want some? There's this great pizza place nearby that delivers!" Giselle's smile broke out as she welcomed Liltotto into her apartment! The place definitely seemed a lot more....tidy than it once had been. Actually, it would seem almost like Giselle really had gotten her apartment together! But of course... that was simply because of how much time she spent in the damn place now. She leaned on her Cane as she moved around the house. It likely would be a far cry from what Liltotto saw a few weeks prior! That shaky hobbling about, the way she would rapidly get tired. She seemed better. Her motions more sure. More fluid.

But she still leaned. And even though Giselle seemed to move around fine, even picking up her Cane and walking a little just on her own for short distanced. She would... as much as she seemed to play it off, still go back to leaning on it after a while. She was improving. But well. It was easy to seem like she was doing great when she was just moving around her house.

"Shit, you shoulda let me know you were comin over hon. ow're things going?" She asked excitedly, Not bothering to sit down, she made her way over to the corner to start putting stuff away. a Yoga mat. A few weights and resistance bands. She'd actually been working out a little when her daughter showed up. Probably why she seemed a little out of breath. But eventually, once her little section was cleaned up, and probably after prodding Liltotto if she tried helping her, she'd finally sit down across from her daughter and give a smile.

"That a sanrei glove ye got on?" She asked with a curious tilt of her head toward her daughter's hand. A brow raised slightly in clear interest.
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Thu Dec 15, 2022 7:44 pm
Tired Old News [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

She blinked, appearing a bit glad that the woman was in high spirits and taking care of herself - it was nothing compared to how poorly she'd gotten off from the situation in the beginning. It made Liltotto feel a bit.. Relieved, that she was alright, even if her blank expression didn't tell such, "Yeah. Pizza sounds good."

Lil couldn't help but feel just a tiny bit bad about how poorly she's been eating - it'd been near nothing but junk food or sloppily put together meals that she could make with a portable stove in a tent. Even if her body took all of it without negative effect, it didn't stop her from feeling like crap with the stuff she was eating. Always put it off, one more day, one more day, before she could have better food. Her new excuse was that Dorian's cooking would just taste much better if she'd go a long time without eating it at this point, not that it entirely made her feel better about eating like a hobo.

"Yeah, sorry. Forgot to uh... Charge my phone." She'd awkwardly rub the back of her head, not being far from the truth - she didn't really try to charge her device much, having been practically disconnected from any online excursions. Amber eyes wordlessly drifted to the glove still on her dominant hand as Giselle pointed it out,

"Oh. Yeah. I've been using it for training..." She'd mumble out, eying the glove and dropping her hand. "Things... Suck. So as usual, I think." Her head would dip a little, her features visibly tired rather than bored as normal. She looked (and kind of smelled) like she was going through something.

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Fri Dec 16, 2022 5:40 pm
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Giselle nodded slowly, taking a moment to peer in Liltotto's direction now and then as she ordered pizza on her phone. Tch. Not exactly what she'd prefer to be going on, but she supposed she wasn't going to make a fuss about it. All the same, she got up, made her way to Liltotto, and pulled her into a hug. Wincing a bit when she ....realized she couldn't jusst SCOOP Lil up into a hug. Not like she used to... "Whatever. So long as you're doing alright...." She peeled back and paused, letting her hand rest on her daughter's shoulders. Taking..... a moment to look her over.

"'re not taking care of yourself." She murmured softly. As if it were obvious to her. Narrowing her eyes just a little before letting out a sigh. "Tch. What am I gonna do with you.Fix it probably." She murmured to herself, folding her arms and lightly flourishing her cane. A sudden blur of motion. As weak as she was. As tired as she was. she still wielded the thing as if it were a part of her, the tip of the cane soon lightly booping the end of Liltotto's chin.

"Alright. Let's hear it." Giselle prompted. Her expression makign it abundantly clear she expected Liltotto to either deny it or come up with some excuse. But Giselle knew her FAR too well to be honest. She could probably trick her coworkers. Her friends. Maybe even her boyfriend. But Giselle knew immediately the kinda look when her daughter wasn't eating right, or when something was bothering her. Even if they had never been....SUPER close. The sheer time made up for that. "Am I gonna have to start cutting my PT to hike over to your house to check and make sure you're eating properly?"
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Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:08 pm
Tired Old News [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

A little 'oof' came from her when Giselle came in to hug her, remembering the familiar motion often leaving her dangling off the ground in the woman's embrace. A lot changed in a year, huh? She got bigger, and Giselle got weaker... She hadn't a clue how she felt about that. Right back to eating she did as she was released, but she stopped mid chew with her comment, before slowly working back into chewing and swallowing what she had in her mouth, her gaze averted as if not acknowledging it would make the other woman's thoughts flick away from it.

Oh what she'd give to be so lucky, her gaze lifting to look at her red eyes, eyes narrowed, as she'd push the cane away from her chin with a gentle push of her fingertips. She wanted to convey annoyance, not make her fall over, after all.

"Ah jeeze don't do that..." She'd mumble, cheeks becoming lightly flushed with embarrassment, "..I haven't even been home the past few weeks, there wouldn't even be anything to check."

Her hands rested squarely on her lap, "I'veee... Been living in a tent. On the beach... For... That time. I didn't wanna go home," She'd slouch some, "There isn't really... Anything to fix. I think."

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Thu Jan 05, 2023 4:37 pm
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Giselle would smile, grinning from ear to ear and chuckling softly as her cane was pushed to the side and she went right back to leaning on it. ,Her head canting a bit to the side as she peered at her daughter. Clearly eyeing the girl and searching for any signs that anything might be getting hidden from her. She was always curious to see what was going on in Liltotto's life after all. A little amused that she'd hit the nail, she still nodded slowly as Lil gave that sheepish reply.

She raised a brow as she got that explanation. "I see. You're living in a tent on the beach. Any particular reason for that? Certainly I can think of one thing to fix. Not a fan of your current pad? I DID talk to you last year about getting a house. Heck, I been thinking about it a lot since this whole..." She gestured down at herself. "I ACTUALLY was gonna ask you about if you were interested in going halvsies on a house. Yaknow. Somethin with less stairs an d all that." she snickered, gesturing down to her cane as she sat herself down across from her daughter, and then pausing to give the woman a calm stare. "But I'm curious to hear what you have to say. Why the beach? And why a tent?" She asked softly, not angry or pressing. Just that calm, curious stare, the kind that Let Lil know she was paying extra attention to what she said and how she would say it.
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Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:20 am
Tired Old News [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

She genuinely had to think about it for a moment. The last time she went home she just felt... Wrong. She couldn't describe it, but the darkness and isolation just felt heavier since the tournament went by town. Or maybe since she started training? Or maybe since the attack? She couldn't place it. Even sleeping with all the lights on and windows open didn't help. She just felt pulled to the beach, for whatever reason. It always was someplace she wanted to go by if she had an opportunity in her life, but she loathed getting in the water and especially hated boats. She just always felt like she'd sink straight down if she ever fell off, a weird thought considering she never almost drowned before in her life or anything.

"I mean, yeah.. I guess I can't live alone in an apartment forever." She would want to not have to cross town every time just to check on her mom, and it wasn't like she could ask to live with Dorian yet - they'd barely been together half a year. Staying with Giselle again didn't sound like a bad idea, least in this age they weren't gonna be treated like a witch and her changeling,

"As far as the beach... I dunno, I just felt like going there I guess," She'd admit, "I've been.. Feeling weird lately. I'm a lot more tired, sometimes when i'm lying alone I swear I hear someone near me, but.. It's probably just the waves. I don't know. Once I dozed off without wanting to and..."

She'd pause for a moment, her face scrunching up slightly, "..And... I don't remember actually. Usually when I have dreams they're really fucked up so I try not to sleep, but it was different."

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Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:23 am
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Giselle listened closely. IT certainly was a bit strange. To be drawn to the beach, but not the ocean itself. Still...she could understand a sentiment that was a little... mixed like that. Yea, she definitely had a few things, even now, that worked like that. Things she was drawn to, but ..... not all the way. As if something kept her at bay. She reached out, and gently pulled Liltotto into a hug, gently patting her back as she listened to the woman's worries.

"I understand hon. That shit can get real...worrying." She murmured softly, a hint of concern still in the back of her mind. But she kept those thoughts to herself. Something had been up with Lil lately. Even if she didn't know what it was, she could sense it. She'd have to have a conversation with ......she didn't even know who. Maybe Dorian? Maybe he'd have a better insight about it. But this was good. If she could get Liltotto living with her, she could keep a closer eye on her. And well....

Candice seemed to be in for the long haul. It was probably about time the two met. See how things went.

"Sounds like a plan to me. Matter of fact. There's a good number of houses on the beach. Not gonna lie. I've been thinking a lot. You know... around Austria where we were when you were younger? I wanna pay a visit to Erch. I heard they got hit too around the same time as Us. I wanna make sure everything's ok there. But when I get back. We can see if there are any houses by the beach. Win win, right?" She offered with a light smile.
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Sun Jan 08, 2023 5:49 pm
Tired Old News [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Leaning against Giselle, she earnestly didn't know what to make of what was going on. She genuinely felt like she was just losing or mind or something. Maybe she was just stressed, but she didn't allow those emotions to interfere with her duties, but of course they would always be there, at the back of her mind, when she was no longer busy. It was hard to put things into words to begin with, and she felt squeamish disclosing what little she did now, "..I mean, i'm sure it'll be alright. I'm probably tired or something."

Of course that attempt to be reassuring wouldn't work, but it was something to at least help her parental figure not be wrought with worry. Though, with the mentioning of Austria and Erchanhardt, she remembered their brief meeting. Ah shit, he got hit too? Was there just some arrancar fuckery happening behind the scenes or was it just a coincidence? She almost felt on edge all over again, but she tucked those emotions away.

"S-sure but.. Giselle, i'm staying with the Vandenreich," She'd force her voice to remain calm and steady as she spoke, "I don't mind the idea of living with you, but it'd have to be within the city, or something. You might be done but i'm going to be at it for.. Probably as long as old habits don't show up again. I get you want us to be together but I.. I gotta stay... I.."

She felt her chest tighten, but she forced the words on her mind out, "...I don't.. Want what happened forever ago to happen again. I don't want new nightmares."

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Tue Jan 10, 2023 5:03 pm
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A fond smile crossed Giselle's lips as Liltotto leaned into her. A little appreciation that Lil still accepted this form of affection from her. But well....unfortunately, she picked up n the fact that something was wrong. Listening to Liltotto closely, hearing her worry about being separate and all that, she was quiet, letting Lil finish speaking. A soft, gentle smile forming on her lips as she watched her daughter closely.

"I understand Lil. I know you don't plan on going anywhere. I suppose given your workaholic tendencies I shouldn't have even thought that you would wanna move outside, hahah. Guess I'm just a little thoughtless." She sighed softly, rubbing her daughter's back with one hand as she hugged her a bit more firmly with the other, her eyes closing. A slow and steady sigh escaping her as she .... paused.

"Lil...... tell me what's going on. I .... gotta figure some stuff out. This .... this is a lot to change. And I can't stay here. Not ....... near all this. I'll get pulled back in. And I think we both know I shouldn't be doing that with how I am. I'm not JUST weak.... I'm weak with a thousand years of experience fighting like I was invincible..." She murmured softly, before pulling back and looking Lil in the eyes.

"So I wanna know. What's been bothering you?" She asked softly, reaching a hand up to gently touch Lil's cheek. Her face wasn't stricken with worry or fear. But just calm understanding, and gentle plea.
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