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Tue Jan 10, 2023 6:26 pm
Tired Old News [Liltotto/Giselle] - Page 2 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Something she hadn't often done in the past, Liltotto found herself wrapping her arms around Giselle's torso, returning the hug. Her embrace was gentle, as if she was afraid of hurting her caretaker even at her meager strength, but it was a meaningful embrace - not the halfhearted ones she'd give in the past, the ones where she was too fearful to put her all into, as if everything would slip away the moment she put any care toward it. Even if that worry still existed within her, it wasn't going to stop her from expressing some form of attachment to what she had now.

"I'll visit as much as I can, I promise," Her normal tone speaking that didn't feel enough, if anything she was concerned that Giselle may have taken her passionless speech as a hollow words, "I mean it, i'm serious. I will. You're free to hit me or something if I don't follow up on it," She didn't think her mother would actually be that upset to do that, nor would such an action be physically punishing in the slightest, but it was the only thing she could immediately think of to show she was serious.

But then she was hit with that straightforward question, 'What's been bothering you?'. Unfortunately, it didn't have as straightforward an answer as she would've liked. Her eyes averted, looking downward as she was thinking of what to say, HOW to say it, any of it. It was like a peaceful, ordinary dam holding back a torrent of water and secrets.

"..Mom, I..." Her lips parted, her face in a gentle cringe, ".. You have a right to know, even if i'm not your kid, you did raise me. I mean, I don't think i'm anybody's kid, really.." She let out a shaky laugh, shoulders bouncing slightly, before a sigh left her, rubbing an eye, "..You gotta promise me you won't repeat any of this to anybody. You gotta."

After a moment, she'd take a breath, eyes hard on her own lap, ".. I'm, not really human. I'm, not anything, I think. Apparently.. I'm a part of the Soul King. Just like Mazda. I've known that for months, and, I still have no fucking idea what i'm supposed to do with that information."

She didn't seem nervous, or sad, or anything. It just appeared as if her emotions froze into a numbness on the spot, "...Between that, and, a bunch of other things, I just feel.. Stuck."

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Tue Jan 10, 2023 7:43 pm
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Giselle smiled and sighed softly as she rested her chin on Lil's shoulder. Damn she was so damn big.... Not even a year ago and she was this tiny thing Giselle could just swoop up and carry around if she had a mind to. Now Liltotto was so friggin huge. At least compared to before. Big. All ..grown up. Sigh.... She closed her eyes and chuckled a bit as she insisted. "You better or I'm gonna do push ups till I'm strong enough to beat your ass." She grinned, then pausing as she peeled back and looked Lil in the eye. Hm.

She'd noticed something was off for a while now. FRANKLY she had chakled it up to that new frenchie boy she was seeing. Maybe that little rat fucker wasn't treating her right. And she wasn't gonna lie, there was some small part of her that got enraged as Lil made her make such a promise and she frowned. But another part of her felt like that wasn't quite it. No, Lil wasn't the kinda woman to take like....abuse. And if all he was doing was being a little shit..... hm. Well. She LIKED to think that. But well, she wasn't sure. And there was the fact that the girl's spiritual pressure had been.... off. It was kinda a lot harder for her to tell NOW of course. She could barely sense hollows in her current state. But still, she ..... gave Liltotto a measured stare.

"So long as it doesn't put YOU or anyone else in danger. Yea, I won't tell anyone." She conceded softly. Something she was sure Lil would be fine with. Especially with how she was feeling about the people around her being hurt as of late. She would keep her girl's secret. But she'd rather shoot herself in the head than let Lil accidentally turn herself into what she'd been afraid of ever since that Kurosaki punk showed up.

Though, as Liltotto spoke up. She went quiet for a moment.
A piece of the soul King. And ....she didn't even feel the slightest surprise. Oh she'd definitely sensed an ....uncomfortable familiarity between Mazda's spiritual energy and Liltotto's. And well. She'd been a part of Yhwacht's little scouring expeditions for a long time. He hadn't exactly clued her into his interest in Liltotto as a child. But his interest was clear. And she knew what his interest usually meant. She was quiet for several long moments before she reached out and gently held Liltotto's hand.

"First of all. You're nothing like Mazda. He wasn't JUST some shred of the soul king. He was basically the living embodiment of Cyrus's s fucking big dick energy if I interpereted his little explanation properly the last time we spoke. He was basically shaped by how much Cyrus used to love the smell of his own farts. You're not like that Lil. I didn't shape you, or print you out of something. You're you because THIS is the you you've grown into. And HONESTLY, the fact that you came out so much more sociable and well-meaning than me is a testament to just how little you've let other people decide how you turned out." She smirked, a proud grin spread across her face as she ... psued. Hm.

"You know. I know you don't wanna leave the city. Not for good. But ..... I do kinda need a little help finding a place. Candice probably is gonna try and find us some fuckin mansion. I know you got duties here. But .... why not take a little vacation? Just a ....week or two. Help me find a place. Settle in." She pointed out quietly. And gently squeezed Liltotto's hand.

"And I know that you don't like the sound of that. You're probalby worried that something will happen while you're gone. But guess what kiddo. You can't chain yourself to the vandenreich walls. Because the vandenreich isn't JUSt the city oflights. Theyr'e all over the place. Even if you parked yourself like a guard dog in the city, theres still plenty of places the Reich can get attacked. So get that outta yer head. YOU need to sort yourself out. Sort yourself out. Sort your FAMILY out. Sort your Boyfriend out. Then, there will be nothing to get in the way of you doing what you gotta do." She advised. After all, it was Lil's lfe. And well....she was a grown ass adult. But if nothing else. She wanted to help in what little ways she could.
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Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:37 pm
Tired Old News [Liltotto/Giselle] - Page 2 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Her tired eyes sparked with a bit of surprise; so Cyrus had told Giselle about where Mazda came from, too? Well it wasn't that insane a secret, especially now that he was suddenly gone and most people don't even seem to remember him. She tried to listen to and take in Giselle's words with an open mind, she wanted to just settle on the reassurance and that be the end of it, that every anxious night she spent warding off a sleep that was suddenly so insistent on beckoning to her would no longer be torturous.

She fought the feeling of warm sadness in her eyes, closing them shut until she couldn't take it anymore - she had to say something, something after decades of being kept silent and to the back of her mind, "I was a coward, Mom," Her voice couldn't raise into a yell, but it was spoken with the same emotional tremor as one,

"I would've been dead forever ago if I wasn't whatever I was. The moment the war got tough, when those fuckers came in with the heavy arms, I ran, I ran away as far and fast as I could while everyone I ever knew, everyone I ever grew up with threw themselves into the fire til there was nothing left. I never believed in that stupid bastard's vision and I wasn't willing to die for it, but what's the point of that if everything I ever knew went down trying to fulfill it? I didn't have anything left, I just wanted to die. My stupid, craven ass just wanted to die, but I didn't. No matter what, not even starvation killed me."

Eyes practically fighting tears, she pushed herself to spill her guts quite mercilessly, "I'm only a better person because I had no choice but to be, I had to go through life stumbling blind to get anywhere close to it. Even if now i'm happier, that I had a chance to find a place, family, and a partner, all those times and memories of before keep coming back up. I see those times, those people, in everything around me, wake and sleep. I feel haunted and I don't know what to do about it."

Softly shaking her head, tears were rolling uncontrollably down her face, her face pinked with frustrations and grief, "And on top of all of that, I don't know what I am. I don't know where i'm from. It's like i'm falling through life with no way to stop it. And now it's like something's calling to me but i'm not sure if I should even follow it. What if I just lose my humanity? What if I become something like Mazda? Something unrecognizable? I don't know what to do, Mom.."

She couldn't take it, she instinctively pressed her face against Giselle, "I don't know what to do, and that freaks me out."

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Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:55 pm
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Giselle gently held her daughter close and closed her eyes. Smiling softly, sadly, as her daughter poured it all out. Ah.... THOSE thoughts. She gently wrapped her arms back around her daughter, letting her take the time to let out her worries and her fears. Listening quietly and gently rubbing Lil's back. Thinking.... to herself. That she wondered what she'd be without this kid. This tenderness that once was reserved for just Lil. Hearing the girl talk..... about suriviving, wishing for death. And not getting it.

Ah. Now wasn't that familiar. And for just a moment, Giselle's mind wandered .... to that village in Austria.

The well covered in stone. The place her regrets lived. Well....used to live.

"It's easy to think that way Lil. But you didn't have 'no choice'. Just because you survived, doesn't mean that you becomming a better person is any less special. Lil...." She reached up, and gently lifted her daughter's chin, until they met eye to eye. And Giselle's smile saddened. "You know what I was like. I went through the same loss you did. IT didn't make me better. You became a better person, because that's who you are. And I .... became more like me." She closed her eyes and sighed, smiling a bit and shaking her head. "I treated you nice because you're my daughter. It wasn't until I got ... mixed up in this Vandenreich stuff that I .... thought about changing." She pulled Liltotto close, so that the girl could rest against her mother's shoulder.

"It just takes time sweetie. A long .... long time. Living as long as we do, it takes us a while to figure this stuff out. Nothing is going to change you. Even if ....what you are bubbles up.... and you find yourself doing.....bad things. I'll be here to beat the sense back into you. And so is Dorian. And everyone else in the Vandenreich." She assured her, not even sure if she was doing this right. Was she being too dismissive? She didn't know. But it was her best she could manage. Puling Lil back into that hug. And ... wishing she could help. But well...she'd known this would happen eventually. The same way she knew that things were going to be ... bumpy down the road. There was no happily ever after for them. Especially now that.... Giselle didn't have unlimited time. Time MATTERED now.



The realization hit her, and she blinked, and felt a slight WOOF go through her. Realizing that.....she wasn't going to be around forever. She held Lil just a bit tighter and .... felt that first smidgen of worry. Did she have enough time to ...prepare Lil? For what was to come? Tch. Well she'd have to worry about that later. For now, she just held her kid, and gave them a bit more time to vent if they needed to. Or to just....sit there and hug her mom. They'd probably still go a bit back and forth maybe. Especially if Lil was real wound up. But she didn't mind.

She couldn't take these moments for granted anymore.
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Tue Jan 10, 2023 9:47 pm
Tired Old News [Liltotto/Giselle] - Page 2 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Soft weeping could be heard from her as tears came from her eyes. There was hardly a circumstance she felt comfortable being this vulnerable, even here and now she felt the claws of discomfort raking her, but it was too late - the dam had burst, her genuine feelings had come out, and there was no undoing of a busted dam whether she liked it or no.

Liltotto let the weaker woman lift her sobbing face to meet her own, ugly tears rolling down her scrunched face as her eyes looked to the side in contemplation. She didn't know much about the witch's past, but even from a young age she could tell Giselle had some spell of tragedy to her. All she ever could do at that age was observe and absorb whatever information came her way, much of that information being how much others feared her mother and by extension her - seen as an equally monstrous accessory to a terrifying being.

She knew even from those first years together that Giselle treated her far kinder than the world would ever consider at the time; it was so perfect a placement for the both of them she'd easily call it nefarious, but after so much time and being thoroughly removed from that original Reich, she couldn't truly call their relationship fake. As much as she missed the woman she considered a mother, she was uncertain of seeing her alive again, but seeing how different she was now made her feel less uncertain about their relationship, in a way.

"I'm glad you're trying to be better now," She'd gently reply, sighing softly, "Giselle, even if you don't have power anymore, you got a second chance. You died... The first time you died, you died that witch everyone wanted dead. At least this time, you'll die like a person loved by somebody, not some terrible blood witch. So.. Least that's something."

A sniffle came from her. That wasn't something she wanted to think about on top of everything else that was raining on her right now, "..Im gonna try to be better too. So if I do end up falling by the wayside, y'better do it. You better slap some sense back into me, coz the real me would only wanna be better. My stupid ass should have enough sense, but if I do forget, you guys make me remember."

Rubbing her eyes, they still misted with tears. This call, whatever it was, whatever it wanted... If it wasn't on the up and up, she didn't want it's bullshit if she could help it, "..I'll take the time off to help you guys. Can't keep myself away from home forever, yeah?"

She'd sigh, drooping a bit, clearly exhausted from her tears, "...I'm tired. Can I sleep over tonight? The beach is a far walk and I left my keys in the tent. And... I don't wanna be alone. Actually that's the main reason."

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Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:52 am
Tired Old News [Liltotto/Giselle] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-e74050f279e6594fca7875118daffce4

Giselle closed her eyes and held her daughter close. A gentle smile on her face, hoping to comfort the woman as they struggled with .... all of this. And indeed, thinking back. She did wonder what she would have turned out like without Liltotto. IT was certainly an unpleasant thought to have. All the same, as Liltotto sobbed, she held her daughter close, letting her loose her emotions.

"I'm glad I'm better too kiddo. And you have yourself top thank for that." She pointed out, pausing as she thought about it. The last time she'd 'Died'. The end of the Extinction. Being all but obliterated by the Kenpachi. She still remembered it fresh in her memory, burning through so many other gentler memories. "Hey now. Don't go talkin like THAT. 'm not planning on dying again anytime soon!" She promptly chided her daughter, grinning as she gave Lil a little prod in the side. That smile growing fonder as Liltotto made that request.

Gosh she was so proud of this little turd. Well, not so little anymore.

"You bet your tiny piranha teeth, I'll smack you if you get out of line. And You can absolutely stay the Night hon. I grilled some burgers tonight, so you came at a great time." She flashed that big ol grin of hers as she did. "You can go ahead and snag a few leftover ones from the fridge, and then head to bed in the spare room." She hummed, promptly standing up and gently guiding Liltotto to move with her. Years of being Lil's parent helped her find that Lil usually needed to have a bit to eat before bed, otherwise she didn't sleep as well. Maybe it was just conicidence, but Giselle had always sworn by it.
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