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Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:36 am
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin Sola-header

Man, this fuckin' blows. That white-hair bitch did a number on him and he didn't even get her god damn name. How the heck was he supposed to find her later to kick her ass as payback? Whatever. He'd just have to keep her face in his mind until he saw her again. How hard could it be to find a white-haired bitch like that in the world? There was only like a couple billion or so anyway.

He just had to try harder and make it work. The worst part of it though was Kizuna taunting him over it. One of these days he'll be able to kick all the smug womens' asses. That'll be a good day and when it loses its appeal he'll have to figure out a way to handle that hurdle when he gets to it. That was ages away though. Once he was healed he was back out looking for people to fight and there were some real tough people in one direction.

That's where he went.

"Yo! What's up?"

Sola said with a shiteating grin to the guy who seemed to be a ways off from the other two signatures which were way tougher. Why did he focus on Yuujin? Well if he couldn't beat this guy then there was no chance he'd beat the two other people he was sensing in the distance.


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Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:34 am
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin YrkEqFf


What did Yugirir say again? Something about controlling your Reiatsu while training? Man. He's been hard at work all day, and his brain's actually starting to get affected by all the exertion. He should probably get ready to take a break. He's been trying to control his energy all day, and that's not easy while also trying to practice your form. It was as bad as a week earlier, but it really puts a strain on more than just one's physical body. Maybe a nice dip in the waters not too far away will help him. Then, he'll settle down and read one of the new books he picked up from a village they passed. It's a wonder how civilization had reverted way out here in the wastelands.

"Huh?" Though, it seems everything in his mind will have to wait. There seems to be an annoying buzz in his ear, and it's not his teach. It's probably just his growth showing its colors, but he felt the guy before seeing him, and hearing his voice just added a bit more annoyance to the situation. Yuujin's experienced a Hollow or two simply because it's the wastelands, so he already knew this man's relation to them. Add that to the fact that this creature came to him and not to Yugiri or teach, and that means he's being seen as the easier of the three to deal with. That may be true, but he's not going to let something like that change his demeanor about the situation.

"Fuck off," He quickly started, throwing an uninterested glare at the Arrancar. "If you're looking for trouble, which we all know you are, go bother someone else." And with that, Yuujin's turning around to head back to camp and get ready for his time alone.

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Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:25 am
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin Sola-header

"Oh? Nice. I love ya enthusiasm dude. I hope you got the guns to back up that statement though."

Sola seemed pretty content to give Yuujin a smug grin. There wasn't a chance that he was going to leave now that his prospective opponent had got all antagonised by his presence, the cocksure grin on his lips and casual posture said as much. He had no intention of just walking away and was already prancing around like he owned the place.

"I kinda like this spot though, kinda nice, so if you want me to move then you're gonna have to make me."

He shot at the other soul.


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Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:19 pm
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin YrkEqFf


You can't be serious? Why him? This is like the third time someone's just showed up on his doorstep without being invited. First, Erika, then Yugiri, and now this brick for brains. Yuujin could just try to leave, get Yugiri or Shaolin to handle this, but he already knows what'll come of that. They'd just tell him to handle his own battles or question why he's training if he's just going to come to them for help. Then, he'd probably have to suffer listening to this guy further because this seems like the type of guy to always show up on your days off.

"What do you even want?" Yuujin finally spat, turning back at the guy who's making a mockery of his training area. He barely likes Yugiri putting her cuties everywhere. He definitely doesn't like this gremlin touching anything.

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Fri Jan 20, 2023 9:43 am
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin Sola-header

"What do I want? What do you want? Hogging all this space to yourself. You think you own the place or something, big guy?"

Where was the sense in this? Not really anywhere. Sola's here to grind the guy's gears and bait him into getting steamed, so far it was working really well he thought. He just had to bully him a bit more.

"Why? You gonna cry about it and go get the tough guys out back over there? They seem pretty tough but if I can't beat you then what's the point of going for the big game?"

He poked once more, stretching his arms out to limber up a bit. If he was going to get this guy to throw hands then he wanted to be ready to throw down himself. What'd this guy have up his sleeve anyway?


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Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:12 pm
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin YrkEqFf


"If you want it that bad, then you can have it."

Of course, Yuujin would rather drink piss than let this guy have anything he's using, but this isn't a situation one should run into blindly. It's obvious that whoever this is is just trying to play the bait archetype. What? Yuujin's supposed to get mad and start swinging? Pssh. That's exactly what this dude wants. He's just looking for an excuse to fight. Maybe being a bit of a wuss is what Yuujin needs to get the upper hand in this situation. Besides, this spot is temporary at the end of the day, but it's his temporary spot.

"But I doubt you'd be able to handle it. You don't seem too much the athletic type."

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Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:41 pm
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin Sola-header

"Sweet. Thanks, you can shoo any time you'd like."

Now that he'd set the bait, straight to ignore the guy's statement. He'd taken this space and inconvenienced him, now it was up to Yuujin to deal with the fact that Sola had taken up a stance and began to work on some routines of punches and kicks.

It was his space now, what was he going to do about it?

Apparently nothing based on what Yuujin just said.


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Sat Feb 04, 2023 6:15 am
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin YrkEqFf


Mmm? He can go? Well, that's great. He'd turn just like that and go collect his stuff, doing his best to ignore the Arrancar's attempts at training with his set up. It took Yuujin all but a few seconds to gather his stuff and put them in his bag. Throwing it over his shoulders, he'd take another look at Solas, raising a brow as he watched the man punching and kicking.

"Your form's kinda loose, you know. A lot of openings in it. If you're going to practice, at least practice how you're going to actually fight, lest you get stuck looking like a moron."

He didn't actually mean to throw criticism out, but he was just reminded of his Shaoling would reprimand him. It was natural to simply tell Solas he should tighten himself up a bit. The potty words afterwards were all him though.

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Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:48 am
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin Sola-header

"You an expert huh? One of them smarty types that read all day about all the technicalities and then can't actually cut it so all they're good for is acting like a teacher to make 'em selves feel like they're half decent?"

Sola shot back after stopping his routine. A hand roaming down to his hip and resting on it with a sneer. He hated those types of people that did nothing but talk crap. He talked a lot himself but he didn't try to act all smart about stuff. If you couldn't do then teach? Nah that was some stupid crap that people spoonfed themselves to make themselves feel better because they sucked and couldn't make the bar themselves.

What a douchebag those people were. Did this guy actually have anything going for him or did he do nothing but talk crap? That'd explain why he was so weak compared to the other two people all the way over that way.


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Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:55 am
Our Own Fight Night: Sola vs Yuujin YrkEqFf


"Huh? I wonder if you even know what a book is," Yuujin began, pondering the effort required to actually engage this man in more than just mild conversation. Though, could he actually call the Arrancar a man? Just look how skinny he is. He's probably no older than himself, in terms of spiritual growth that is. Knowing how wonky aging is for spirits, Yuujin's not going to take his own thoughts as doctrine.

"But, I guess if you think you're right, then the only thing left to do is to show you you're wrong."

With a sigh, he dropped his bag. Despite his tendency to avoid unnecessary conflict, Yuujin actually pondered what he could learn from this experience. He can only be trained by Shaoling and Yugiri, but this is a chance to actually apply their teachings. He doubts the Arrancar could hurt him in a sufficient manner anyway.

"I guess, at the end of the day, there's actually a reason to throw hands."

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