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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:56 pm
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna couldn't help but smirk just a little as she gave a firm shake of the other woman's hand. Certainly she noticed the shift in the woman's eyes, well good for her eh~ She gave a little roll of her shoulders. "Pleasure to meetcha Hana. It's Just Lerna on this side of things. But hey, nice to get the full name." She noted, promptly clapping her hands together before giving a little shrug. "As for the Kido itself. It's named.... 燃刀 Zentō." she hummed and promptly turned the book to the page she'd been looking through, nodding a few times before turning to Hana and smiling.

"It's actually kinda funky for a Hadō spell. Feels more like Bakudo just since you're making something sortof Solid. But cmere, Gimme your hand and I can guide ya through it." She offered casually enough. Certainly Reikaku had a big part in reaching Kido. Sometimes a description wasn't enough, and so getting close and letting one's training partner sense the spell up close could give a better understanding. At least ONE of her Kido teachers used the method pretty often.And well, it saved Lerna actually having to try and give some kind of cognizant explanation, which she frankly sucked at.
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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:56 pm
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader2
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Was that normal? Not having a surname? Hana was used to everyone having a given and family name, so that created some questions she had no right to ask, so she let that go immediately. Instead, she focused on being trained in kido.

"Alright," Hana said and walked over to where she was needed, holding out her hand. Hana's experience with learning kido wasn't a hands-on one. It was reading through books and sometimes watching it be done by someone better, so this was welcome. She normally learned from books well, but kido was different. Maybe this method would help become more proficient than before. "So, what do I do now?"

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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:25 pm
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna chuckled softly at the confusion and promptly reaching out until her own hand gently rested in Hana's palm. "Take a moment to relax. A nice deep breath, and close your eyes. Focus on your Reikaku. Don't look. Feel the energy in your hand." She instructed. Perhaps not explaining it very well, but the principle was pretty straightforward. Using Reikaku instead of sight to focus on the spell. Lerna would slowly mold her reiryoku. Allowing the spell to slowly take form in a way that Hana would be able to sense. Get a FEEL for what Lerna was doing, until finally, a blade made of flames landed in Lerna's hand and she gently tapped Hana on the shoulder.

Not exactly the same way her Teacher had done it but well...Lerna wasn't really a teacher. She could only really hope the girl caught onto what she was supposed to be doing. "Did ya feel it?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head. Admittedly a little curious to see if her little rudimentary explanation had borne any fruit. It definitely was a less.... academic and technical way to show off how the spell worked, but hey, if it worked it worked right? Though there WAS the possibility that Hana just had shit reikaku. But well, one thing at a time.
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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:50 pm
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader2
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana did as Lerna instructed. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and focused. It was startling at first, feeling someone else energy so finely. Her lack of experience with reikaku made a less defined image though. She tried focusing harder, until it felt like she was looking at a flat screen TV, not an old 10 inch with an antenna on top, but she couldn't get that far. Instead, she settled a step below and focused on not loosing the image. She tried getting a good feel for what Lerna did to shape and mold the reiryoku, but it only came toward the end. When Lerna tapped her shoulder, she opened her eyes with a five percent better understanding.

"Not perfectly..." Hana said. "But I was approaching a pretty clear image. My skill with reikaku is lacking, but I saw clearer than I normally do, so you aided me in two areas." Hana looked at her own hand, wondering if she could learn to do something so intricate with her own energy one day. She doubted it would come today. "I wonder if this method could help me with Byakurai." Hana asked. "I often have it too weak or I fire it off course because the energy isn't entirely stable. My aim is not horrid, but it happens often enough that it feels like it is. I might attempt."

Hanna looked around and chose an old target dummy that a previous member hadn't taken down. She moved away from Lerna and about fifteen feet from the target. She took a look over at Lerna and moved away a bit more, and then she moved away a bit more again, until she was at least sixty feet from her squadmate. "S-Sorry, but I don't want it to explode or something, and you're near me." Hana explained, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head before she took her stance.

Hana closed her eyes and focused on shaping the reiryoku the way Lerna did her own. Byakurai didn't have the same sort of solidness, so this may not work. She mostly focused on creating a small release of energy at the tip of her finger, one that would come out zappy instead of lazery, but still long enough to reach the target. When she opened her eyes, there was enough energy present, but Hana couldn't tell it was unstable. She pointed and fired the kido at the target. Her aim was right, but the Byrakurai fired off to the right again and arched to the ground.

"Damn it..." Hana said, clearly disappointed.

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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:56 pm
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna flashed a smile and chuckled as Hana seemed to take things in stride. A slight tilt of her head as she watched the girl take a moment to contemplate what she'd felt. She didn't have much in the way of mechanical advice. But as Hana explained her difficulties, she knew the feeling. She was even sure she could help. But as she was about to speak up, Hana seemed tyo focus on one of the dummies.


She tilted her head a bit to the side. Curious as she watched the girl take the time to square things up and take aim. That was an awful lot of space to create for a Byakurai. The sudden arc to the ground caused her to cant her head a bit to the side, clicking her tongue before she moved in to stand beside Hana and look at the Dummy. "A little too much in your own head ya know? But experience will help iron all that out. Sure, a lot of training has helped a tiny bit. But it's not until you find yourself out in the field or with a physical opponent that you really get it right. So why don't we try that?" She chimed with a bright smile, giving Hana a firm pat on the shoulder.

"We can have a little training bout. you try to hit me with your Byakurai, and I'll provide .... incentive to do so." She noted with a calm smile. She was more than familiar with providing a hazard that warranted attention. Maybe something that would spook Hana a little, but perceived threat was a very good way of jolting the system into performing it's best. Maybe a little danger might help Hana focus better.
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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:47 pm
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader2
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana looked up to Lerna, who closed the gap between them quickly. That one display let Lerna understand so much. Impressively observant. Hana smiled weakly. "You're correct... It has been said that I over think or lose focus when training. I've always found training tedious, like I can be doing something else more relaxing," Hana explained, her tone filled with disappointment in herself.

Lerna's suggestion helped her perk up. "You're probably right. Are you sure you're okay with pretty much acting like a target for me? I'm not that good at kido, but I'd rather not accidentally hurt someone, even if it is clear you're much stronger than I."

If Lerna confirmed she was okay with it, Hana smiled and bowed gratefully. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate all your help." Hana said and stretched a bit before facing Lerna with a readied expression. "So, how will you provide motivation?"

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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:38 pm
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna couldn't help but chuckle out for a moment at Hana's concern for her. "Well I'm glad to hear you're being careful. But trust me. I'm not your normal shinigami. Even if you were going full force I'd be pretty much fine" She chimed, crouching down and gently placing her hand on the sandy ground that filled the training area. And slowly, a loud crackling noise filled the air as her skin changed color. The loud, crackling clink and crunch of that sand being absorbed into her body sounding, slowly crawling up her body, as her skin turned glossy and shiny. Mixing the sand with her own spirit energy and compacting it along her skin to turn it into hardened glass. That glassy sheen slowly spteading along both arms and a portion of her chest. Lerna flashing Hana a confident smile.

"But hey. For your own piece of mind. I'll give myself a little extra protection. Good enough?" She offered with a playful smile. Truth be told, she was sturdy enough that even without the armor, Hana probably couldn't hurt her even if she tried. And that was ignoring her more ...unique features because of what she really was.

"Besides! I told ya you'd be getting a little incentive right?" She hummed, promptly vanishing with a flash step, reapparing a good....hmmm. ten meters away. Before turning toward Hana and offering a calm smile. And starting to walk at a casual pace in her direction. "If I reach you. Then I'm gonna put you on the ground. Nothing crazy, but a little painful~ Your job is to keep me at bay with your spells. Simple, right?" She chimed. Continuing to close in as Hana considered.
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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 7:58 pm
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader2
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana was thankful for Lerna's confidence because it gave her a reason to trust she couldn't hurt her. And seeing Lerna power up in front of her, though it brought out some questions about the nature of this ability being used, helped Hana feel things would be just fine. Then Lerna made a rapid move, one that Hana had difficulty following. It was little more than a blur for Hana, and caused her to wonder if she could get that fast. Hana took a deep breath and began focusing on her reiryoku. The rules were set, and both were ready to go. "Alright, I get what we're doing here. Again," Hana said with a smirk, holding up two fingers, "thank you, and don't be afraid to put me on my ass. I could use a good lesson in getting back up again."

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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:25 am
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna smiled at that. "Sure thing! Alright lets get goin!" She chimed before promptly BREAKING into a dead sprint! Not at her full speed of course. But it was meant to spook Hana just a little bit. Truth be told, she DID consider just menacingly striding toward Hana and let the intensity build up. But suddenly changing gears was the best way to get a bit of that panic within the girl.

Naturally Lerna had plenty of experience with Shinigami. They died the easiest when they were overconfident or simply just didn't expect anything to happen. If you gave them too much time to react, they could pull off some interesting tricks. Which was exactly what she was trying to push Hana to. The trick was to instill a great enough sense of urgency with surprise. Naturally she couldn't QUITe emulate the lifew and death situation that usually incited such growth. The poor gal was still just a wee newbie. But if nothing else, it would give the girl a bit of a taste of urgency that frankly was hard to really produce in your normal Academy class or normal training session.

Danger was necessary for evolution, but well. Alarm was a nice stepping stone between a normal class and actual fear.
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Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:11 pm
Earning your Scales [Lerna, Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader2
Enter: Hana Aoyama

The moment Lerna moved, Hana's stance became defensive. She tried keeping up with Lerna's movements, but found the task difficult. She kept her hand up, ready to use Byakurai, the one kido no one seemed to have an incantation for. She always wondered whether the lack of an incantation was the reason she couldn't really focus it, but that wasn't the case for anyone else. So, when Hana felt she got a strong enough glimpse of Lerna, she aimed at the spot and fired. "Hadō number four, Byakurai," Hana said. A blue linen of lightning shaped energy snapped forward from the tip of her index and middle finger, a quick crack echoing in the training arena, though the same issue occurred and the attack arched down and crashed into the floor about twenty feet away from her. "Damn it." Hana said, getting ready once more. Her eyes darted around for Lerna, trying to relocate her training partner.

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