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A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann]

Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:01 am
A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

"Oh, that's coz i'm a horrendous faechild fresh from the bowels of Hell off to eat children and cause mischief amongst mankind," She'd speak with hardly a flinch or a giggle to her words, biting into her food before picking back up again, "Apologizes, I have a long going habit of using self deprecating humor. Yeah, i'm a bit of a strange one - can bite through most things, have a sense of smell better than anything, and i'm able to pick up abilities from shit I eat. I dunno what's up with it, that's just how i've been since I was born."

She couldn't tell him of the truth; he didn't need to know, not many people needed to know. If that was a commonly known thing, she was worried people would see or treat her differently. Or worse, not understand and be afraid of her. It really would just be her childhood all over again, except far closer to the truth.

"It's not like it doesn't have it's advantages though. I'm a great tracker, I can effectively disable hollows, I'm quite fast and difficult to tire out, so on so forth. As long as I have something to eat.. Yeah speaking of that, i'm never not hungry. Always a downside, I guess."

She'd pause for a moment, "And, no, I don't try to eat living creatures. If i'm biting somebody, it's an absolute last resort. I don't enjoy the flavor much."


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A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann]

Thu Feb 09, 2023 1:41 pm
A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 OXVj5fS


Well, the self-deprecation was hardly something unusual. He had seen his fair share of comrades back in his day that used that kind of humor to make light of and lessen the stress of the situation. But, were he being honest, what she listed and spoke of hardly felt that unusual. Perhaps he was just too old to be surprised by much anymore. He leaned forward as he listened, resting a hand on his palm and canting his head slightly.

"Fascinating. From what you've told me, that doesn't seem as unusual as you claim. Well, the eternal hunger portion and strong jaw are rather uncommon, but, aside from that, I can't really see why you would be labeled as such on your official file."

Perhaps there was something she was keeping from him, that was also a potential option, though he wouldn't pry. While he did want to know about his subordinates, there were some secrets that simply aren't meant to be shared. But, regardless, Johann gave a light, but hearty chuckle at her closing remark.

"Well, there are some humans who would disagree with that. But, at least you aren't going around eating people. Nevertheless, I just have one last question for you. Are you training to become a Quincy, my dear? Your file notes that you're human, and our conversations have revolved around the topic, so, I feel I should ask, if not just to satiate an old man's curiosity."

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A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann]

Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:41 pm
A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

A little 'hmm' came in response as she ate some, her bites disturbingly fast and clean for the watchful, hardly seeming like she was even swallowing as he progressed with his own questioning. The guy seemed pretty nice and competent, she wouldn't mind him being around at all from this impression of him, she more or less was just concerned about his ability to adapt to the current state of the Reich - not that she was one to talk but it was a lot harder for older minds to change, especially aged ones.

"Well, about that..." She'd begin, lightly gesturing her hand into view, forming a tiny bow rather easily out of Reishi, "I've already got the fundamentals of that down pat. But i'm not exactly a Quincy. I'm not exactly human, either.. Truth is, nobody really know what I am. You could even try to sense it yourself; I'm a bit of a weirdo that has to suppress my spiritual pressure all the time coz hollows are on it like cats to catnip. It... It's caused trouble exactly once in my life."

Even if it wasn't explicitly told to her, she knew her weird allure was what got her parents, or well, original parental figures, killed by a stampede of them. It was the only thing that made sense, she wouldn't have had much control over that crap as a little kid and she obviously had a lot of it from a young age, perfect to lure a bunch of hollows in and create a total nightmare.

"So, yeah. That's what's up with the weird labels. I'm kinda hard to categorize; it's just easier to say human because I pass as one."


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A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann]

Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:09 pm
A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 OXVj5fS


At first, Johann raised an eyebrow as she spoke, only for a smile to appear on the old man's face at seeing her manifest a bow. He was glad to hear that she was grasping the fundamentals, even if she wasn't exactly a Quincy. His eyebrow raised again as she mentioned that nobody truly knew what she was. Interesting -- perhaps it was in relation to what she wasn't telling him. Tapping into his Reikaku, he indeed could confirm that what he sensed was nothing that aligned with what they knew of the world.

Whatever she had gone through as a result of her unorthodox nature, he could be certain that it was nothing good. But, if she was able to pass as human and was to be labeled as such, then, without knowing whatever she truly was, Johann would try and treat her as one.

"Well, in spite of your rather peculiar situation, I'm glad to see you grasping the fundamentals. Should you want any advice, feel free to let me know. Archery is a specialty of mine, after all, and I would like to see those who fall under this banner to thrive, even if I have some...quirks to work through."

While he didn't make it obvious, Johann certainly was aware of the changes he would have to adapt to, setting his personal biases aside. The Vandenreich needed him, or, at least he felt that they did, and he wanted to ensure that something he took pride in serving and watching over would continue to thrive. Even if there were other races being allowed in, something he didn't exactly take to very well initially, he would try to adapt.

After all, the world was changing, and if he could not set his pride aside, he would be left behind.

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A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann]

Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:28 pm
A Reminder of Time [Liltotto/Johann] - Page 2 JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

As much as some assured part of herself felt she wouldn't really need to go to him for anything, her better judgement told her that everyone's experience was different, at to at least have an open mind. Guy meant nothing bad by it, and it wasn't like she really thought as old as she was - there definitely was a level of difference between her and aged people, but she nailed it down to brain-body development or some crap.

"Sounds good. I'm sure you'll do fine here. Just don't let anybody fuck with you, we've got a few jokesters here and there."

After they'd finish up, Liltotto would calmly rise from her seat, and would take her exit, rather casually raising a hand to signify a goodbye, "Take it easy, Admin."


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