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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:08 pm
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 FE5FIjW

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

That weariness was a welcome change for Candice, though she resisted the desire to simply pull Ehefra into a bear hug and hold her until they both fell asleep. They'd sparked off each other, a pair of matches striking the kindling, and managed to come out on the other side but Ehefra had still failed to answer her primary line of inquiry. Even at the risk of dragging them back in again, Candice needed to know. She needed to hear her say it.

"No, I have fantastic taste. Because I managed to land you and I don't think anyone else would still be here."

Her hands clung to Ehefra's face, holding her head up just a little so that she did not simply collapse entirely into her and risk passing out whilst still recovering from that rocking headbutt. That was probably unwise. In fact, maybe it wasn't the best idea to lay her down just yet, so she shuffled upwards into an awkward sitting position.

"Now, can you tell me why you just tried to force me away? Because I really want to believe that you like me, and I sure like you, but that was not what you were trying to say."

Shattered | END POST
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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:21 pm
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HEADER_44690099_p13

Ehefra grunted a bit as her face was held up, putting just a bit of strain on her neck before she was able to adjust how she was sitting on Candice rather than just slumping down. Her body protested. Fatigue making her REALLY want to just lie down. But Candice kept her up and prompted her with that retort, as well as ..... a probing question. And truth be told, that made her tense up ever so slightly. Not with real disdain, but just .... discomfort.

"It's....... complicated. I don't know. I thought I knew what was going on. I've always kept people at a distance. I just.... don't ... think I'm pretty... and ...stuff." She murmured, trying to somewhat summarize that whole...subsection of her personality. IT wasn't a part of her she liked digging into. "But ... my therapist that's been helping me with my sleep. ....well. She's been ...working on helping me explore ... other things that may be the problem. Other stuff going on in my life. I ... honestly don't know. It's been a lot to sort through. But ....I dunno. When people seem like they're getting closer to me. I start....thinking bad shit about myself. And I start...getting scared." She closed her eyes, and thought about her ....interaction with Ira. A solid guy by all accounts. But ... The idea of him having to .... she didn't even know. Somehow, she just couldn't see herself making someone else happy. Even with Natasha, she struggled to think she could really be a positive influence on the woman's life. After all she'd done to ... basically trick the woman into their current situation.

Ehefra couldn't help but sigh softly. "So I guess you .... talking about ...being the light of my life and stuff .... I dunno. I started.... panicking." She murmured. Honestly, being as smart as she was, or well, with her own kinda innate interesty in these subjects? She was unfortunately more ... aware of these things. And that only added guilt onto the mix. Knowing about it didn't help her NOT feel that way. IT sucked even more.
"Bit of a far cry from you, Ms Two girlfriends." She noted with a tired little smirk as she teased Candice a bit.
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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:16 am
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 FE5FIjW

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice tried to adjust her position so that she was, for want of a better way to support her, cradling Ehefra in her arms. It had not quite been her original intention, but neither had been giving her a concussion. That was just a consequence of her actions, but hardly one that she had given without receiving. Her perfect complexion would bear that ghastly bruise for days, perhaps even weeks, and it was unlikely that any amount of makeup would properly hide it. That would have an impact on her effectiveness and reduce the places where she could actually show her face, but that was tomorrow's problem.

Still, her words caught in the back of her throat for a moment. Putting it all on the line was a classic Candice move, but leaving that in someone else's hands felt wrong.

"Alright. Look, Heff, if being close to me is only making you upset then you can tell me. But I won't be held responsible for making you miserable unless you tell me so, cos that's bullshit."

One hand was still supporting Ehefra's face, the other had begun to play with her hair. It was an innocent little thing, unintentional and yet it felt natural to Candice. Did it feel the same to her?

"Maybe it isn't always sunshine and rainbows with us, but can you at least try to tell me what about us frightens you? Because, usually, that means that we have a problem and I thought we were going steady."

Shattered | END POST
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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:49 pm
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HEADER_44690099_p13

Ehefra didn't know how to feel about this. But as Candice continued to speak, and gently cradled her body, she closed her eyes and sank against the blonde, a slow and shaky sigh escaping her body. As a wave of fatigue washed over her. How damn easy it'd be ... to just pass out in the woman's arms. But she couldn't do that to Candice. The woman clearly needed more answers, and Ehefra looked off to the side as she ...... tried to think of how to explain.

"IT's not and me specifically that scares me..... IT's.... ugh it's a long story...." She sighed, knowing that that would hardly be a sufficient answer, she continued. "This isn't the first time I've...felt that fear. There was ... someone else. A guy .... sortof. His soul was tethered inside of the body of a female. When we first met, I was ...well...curious. The scientist in me. ... ya know? So I helped as best I could. Studied their condition, and I wanted to help them. But .....things just .....happened." She trained off, closing her eyes as she thought back to that night.

"We got.... /I/ got really drunk. And before I knew it, I was all over her. I don't remember much directly. But Beeps' recording was enough to .... let me know I'd gone pretty far. And ... He didn't seem to mind. He'd .... kinda enjoyed it. Before I knew it we just ....clicked. Even despite his situation, he's always been so ... well, I'm not going to ramble. The point was, I had feelings for him. But .... I still couldn't do it. I ....I told him the same line I told you. I have a dangerous job. That I'm young and irresponsible. That we could be friends. And that was that." She rubbed her face and shook her head.

"And then there was... my coworker. This .... blonde yang. Always had a real problem with them." She shot Candice a sly little smirk. No doubt Candice had noticed her own vitriol when they had first met. "Real friendly. Gullible. During the whole thing with the other guy. I ..... I kinda ...wasn't sure if I was ... gay? So I figured I could ...well...uh..." She rubbed the back of her neck as they got to the rougher part of all this. For just a moment, she considered just lying. Maybe twisting the truth. But .....well...this was Candice...right? She was in it for the long haul. "I ....put her in a situation , where she felt indebted to me. And then I ....asked her ...if I could experiment with something. I ...maybe ... exaggerated my situation. And ....asked her to help me find out if I was gay. And she did. And .... then we got closer." Ehefra felt her face burn hot, shaking her head. IT was ...embarassing to talk about these. Truth be told, if it were anyone else, she'd have shut up, or at least summarized a bit more by now.

"We got close. But ... same thing. I made sure that we just ... stayed friends. Even now, we still hang out. And .... erhem....stuff... When The guy got a girlfriend. Before I met you. I even.....I even considered know...maybe ...starting something. But was just like before. I don't know how to describe it. Even now, I don't fully understand why. But ....I don't know. Maybe I'm afraid to commit. Maybe I'm afraid I'm not good enough. Or maybe I'm just greedy and can't bear to lock myself down...I dont' know." She murmured tiredly. Staring straight ahead and sighing. She slumped into Candice's shoulder, half expecting to be pushed away. To see a look of disgust on Candice's face.
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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:54 pm
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 FE5FIjW

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Ehefra offloaded a lot of stuff right into her all at once, like a torrent of emotions forming into a waterfall that poured down upon her. Candice, despite herself, listened to almost all of it quite intently. She'd even probably met the guy that had been here before her, as it was rather unlikely that there were two people stuck in such a terribly unique and unfortunate position, but that was hardly a problem. She had also seen him and, frankly, there wasn't even much of a contest between them. Sure, he had some tomboyish charm, but that alone could not hold a candle to all of her beauty. The other woman, well, she would make it her business to find out now. Just to be sure. For Ehefra's sake, of course.

Now, there was certainly a world in which Candi had ended up in a similar position to Ehefra and acted as she had, rather than as this Candice Catnipp would. That is to say, she might have allowed herself a moment of self-doubt. That she might not have trusted herself to make the best choices, and her actions to be the best for those around her. It sounded like a bleak alternate reality, one where she was her own worst enemy, compared to the flagrant and intoxicating arrogance that she now wielded like a blunt instrument against her problems. But, on top of all this, there was one detail that had struck a nerve. One key detail that Candi had not asked for, that she had not thought to consider until right this very moment, and that plucked a particularly delicate chord very close to her heart.

As she went to lean in again, Candi pushed her away with a muted huff. If Ehefra had been expecting a look of disgust then she would soon see that she was quite right to do so, with Candi's face contorted into one of rage and humiliation.

"Your little robot is always recording you? It managed to do so when you were wasted, so surely it did when you were sober. So it could've recorded us? That footage might exist out there, somewhere. Or have you already watched and reviewed it? And you didn't tell me? I-- My-- If you had.. What if that footage had gotten out? What the FUCK were you thinking, Heff?"

There were few times when Candice minded getting her picture snapped or recorded, but this was one of them. This was a betrayal of her trust that she could not ignore, and one that stung more than the swelling red mark on her cheek.

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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:14 am
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HEADER_illust_39609390_20220409_224136


Confusion was immediatwly written across Ehefra's face when Candice ....uh...started to go off. But ...DEFINITELY not with what she'd expected her to go off about. This was about Beeps? A slow scrunch of her features as she tried to figure this out. She was mad about Beeps recording things? For several long moments,s he wondered if Candice was stupid. At least until....

Ah right. Candice was some kinda like...executive or something? Once that tumbler fell into place she suddenly understood why Candice was all pissed. Frankly Ehefra was more alarmed as to why CANDICE thought that the film would somehow get into the wrong hands. Did she not know who the fuck Ehefra was? Did she think that the ONLY Quincy inexistence who used spiritual programming for her powers somehow had unsecured data on one of her AI? But she sighed and slowly reached up, rubbing her eyes slowly. "Candice you idiot. No, I don't have Beeps record everything. It's a safety protocol. IN the event that I'm rendered unconscious or my awareness of my surroundings is compromized then Beeps automatically records me and my surroundings. It's a safety feature in the event that someone knocks me out or drugs me. Or well...I get super drunk. Incase someone tries to steal my shit or finish me off. And given that I've never gotten blackout drunk around you, that feature would have never kicked in." She sighed heavily as she explained. She was not awake enough for all this. She reached in and lightly touched Candice's face.

"I never told you because it never came up. We don't exactly do a lot of drinking whenever we're around eachother. And well. Truth be told, its a personal safety thing. So naturally I don't tell people until I get to really know them. Just in case they try some scum shit."
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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:02 pm
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 FE5FIjW

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"I've seen you in plenty of positions where your spatial awareness was pretty fucking compromised. So what, Beeps has a precise bead on your blood-alcohol level then, or what? I understand you want to keep it a secret, but did that guy know you recorded him then? Did you run him through all that before you got fucked up and set off those triggers?"

Candice grumbled, but it was clear that a lot of the vitriol had disappeared from her comments when it was said that no such recordings of her existed. She still cared about the principle of the thing, sure, but it was far more important that she was not personally caught up in all that. Cyber security be damned, she would have fried that little robot before it got off one free shot of her ass.

"And about all that other shit. No one knows what the truth about it all is but you, so make up your damn mind. I think you're good enough, and I'm greedy enough to try to lock you down regardless of the consequences, but if you don't want that commitment then tell me and I can tell you to grow the fuck up and realise that this can be as fun and open as you want to make it. Thunderqueen knows that's what I did, so why not try setting your own rules and boundaries too?"

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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:23 am
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HEADER_illust_39609390_20220409_224136

"....... Look it defeats the purpose if I TELL people about it." Ehefra huffed. Puffing her cheeks as she growled over the notion that yea she'd kinda filmed Ira without her consent and sure she probably should have deleted it by now, but hey, she was a grown ass woman, she didn't need to justify her actions. But all the same, that alas...was not the extent of what Candice decided to harp on. Her shoulders slowly slumped as she ....resigned herself to the verbal lashing that Candice was giving her.

She had a point. She was so caught up in expectations and all that shit when... frankly,...she really should have just been up front about these things. Used her words like an Adult. Easier said than done. Even now, she ...ugh... she was tired. But ... she kenw that Candice wanted and she closed her eyes, a sigh escaping her. "You're right. And ...I ....I don't know. I don't really know what I want. I don't.... wanna have ... a 'One'. You know? Maybe that makes me selfish. Maybe I'm just ...immature. But I like you. I want you to be a part of your life. Are you ... alright not being my one and only?" She asked. Truth be told, even for all of her ...oddness. She wasn't sure what to think of what Candice actually wanted. "And If I'm being honest...I don't really know ...hiow well I know you. We do all this stuff. And I've seen a side of you most people haven't. But ...what do you...want? Whats important toy ou? I don't know if you like....CARE about your family company, or if its just a means to an end. What do you want outta life?"
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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:37 am
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 FE5FIjW

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candi's eyes did continue to scold Ehefra about her violation of people's privacy, but she had made her point as clear as she could. Whether it actually changed anything was dubious, as Heff was nearly as stubborn as she was, but it certainly gave her an excuse to fry that perverted little robot if it ever skulked a little too close again. Ultimately, that was all she needed - her own personal security. Making Heff a better person wasn't really her goal.

"You're saying all this shit like you think I'm not in the same boat. I never asked you to be my 'one and only' either, and there's nothing wrong with getting what you want. That's why I'm here. To get what I want."

Heff was tired, and now Candi was tired too. It was certainly showing, as their conversation was beginning to circle around the drain before they both lost themselves to the depths of this insanity. But the blonde persevered because she was definitely not going to let this bitch get away with having such treacherous thoughts. She believed quite unilaterally in providing people with the illusion of choice, after all, so her tone only grew more serious.

"So I don't mind not being your 'one' if that is what you want. BUT take a good long look at those other people and ask yourself if they'd say the same." Her hand rose up, wiping at the blood trailing down her cheek to leave behind a crimson smear as she stared intently at the woman beneath her. "I understand you better than any of them ever could. Ever will. Because I don't think either of them could handle you like this, and I think you know that too."

That free hand then ventured back to Ehefra, caressing her cheek ever so tenderly as Candi pulled her further onto the bed and sunk down into something resembling an embrace. They were hardly under the covers yet, but the Heiress was being to latch on to her prey with intent now. Slowly but surely she edged herself closer, her words now bereft of that sharpness and turning to something resembling bliss.

"As for me? I'm the simplest kind of person there is, Heff. If there's something I want, I take it. And what's important to me is getting what I want. So if you're looking for the big picture, trying to work out how I could screw you over, there's nothing there. Now.. just.. let.. me.. help.. you." Her lips brushed against Ehefra's own, threatening to press on further if invited but not yet claiming the territory. "Because I want to."

Shattered | END POST
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Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra]

Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:57 am
Thunder At Midnight [Candice, Ehefra] - Page 3 HEADER_illust_39609390_20220409_224136

Ehefra continued to look calmly up at Candice as the woman made her points. She ....considered it for a moment. But she didn't flinch of falter. Despite the points Candice was trying to make, well... "I don't care if they would or wouldn't. IN fact... maybe it's better that they wouldn't. I'm not gonna try and act like relationships are fair, equal things. Someone always takes more than the other. No matter how fair you try to make it. I'm not gonna hold the people I care about to some kinda moral standard of equivalence. I'm not marrying anyone. I'm not vowing eternal whatever to the people I want to be with." She stared up at Candice and her shoulders relaxed.

"It'd be all too easy for YOU to drop me too. If I told you I already DID record you, and told you I sold it for money. You'd have torn my throat open. No matter how 'special' I was to you. We like eachother...." She sighed....she felt like she wasn't making sense, or maybe just meandering. She fell silent as Candice settled ontop of her and tried to resolve it all. She .... thought it over. And then she didn't have to think because Candice leaned in and kissed her. Her arms gently resting around the woman's shoulders.

"I really think you could do better than some cynical racist bitch...." She murmured tiredly, closing her eyes and sighing softly. "But thanks for settling for me anyway. And yes I know you don't consider it settling, shut up, I'm tired."
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