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God of Love
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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:18 am
Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] D0fEXFo

What were all these idiots doing? Blocking off this hole? No no no, Kizuna wasn't going to have that. There was something new down there in that hole, and Kizuna was sure of it. Did she care about going down? Not right away, no. But she did want to see more of whatever those hollows were that had crawled their way out. That was something she could see being a real game changer around here.

Rolling her shoulders as she floated a decent distance away atop one of her pylons, Kizuna bit the tip of her index finger, blood dribbling out before she then aimed her index finger downward toward one of the patrol checkpoints maintaining the security perimeter. Was it Gotei or Vandenreich? Well, she didn't really care too much one way or another.


A burning red sphere formed at the tip of her finger, as her usual smirk grew into something more of a proper grin. All at once, Kizuna fired the Gran Rey Cero downward, but before the full scope of the explosion had even begun, she swiped her finger to the right, the beam whipping across the landscape and leaving a trail of decimation behind it. Hopefully any hollows near the edge would hear something was going on and use this opportunity to slip out. But then again, maybe she was expecting too much from them.

Ah well. This would probably be a good opportunity to gauge people anyway.


Last edited by Rawk on Tue Feb 21, 2023 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Re: Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:15 am
Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] J_PostingHeader5
Enter: J. Saionji

It wasn't a common occurrence for J. Saionji to make his way to the World of the Living, but this was one of the days he wanted it. The situation called for backup and for people like him to step out of their routines to make a difference in a larger battle. When he arrived, he immediately got to work slaying hollow. He focused his efforts mostly on what was on the ground, utilizing his sword and some kido for larger scale attacks. And unfortunately, he was so focused on dealing with the small hollow and trying to lessen their numbers that he had not immediately noticed the newly arrived spiritual pressure until the cero was charging up.

J. looked up to the source of the energy increase and raised his index finger, pointing at the unknown Arrancar. He planned on firing a Byakurai at them in order to get their attention, but an incoming hollow changed his target and he fired it through the mask of the small fry. Unfortunately, that moment allowed a powerful cero to be released over the checkpoint he had been working with. He watched as many of his brethren and some Vandenreich members fell, each enveloped by the merciless power of the Arrancar above. That was not okay.

Getting away from the small fry hollow, J took a step forward, disappearing in a shunpo and reappearing about thirty feet from the Arrancar. His sword was drawn and he was on the attack. He did not stop to talk or ask questions about their goals, no. It was an Arrancar. He was a Shinigami. It had killed his allies and needed to go. J rushed the Arrancar from the front, not trying to hide his approach. He swung his sword around from his side, the crescent swing on a path to slice into the Arrancars side. Each step was calculated and his senses on high alert as he carefully watched his enemy. This was J's way of introducing himself to the enemy.

"You made a mistake coming here."

End Post
God of Love
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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Re: Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:12 am
Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] D0fEXFo

Oh, good, it was working. Kizuna watched approvingly as some of the smaller hollows that had been previously corralled back near the pit were able to slip through the hole she'd made in the defenses, before she returned her attention more properly to the shinigami attacking her. It wasn't like he'd gotten much of a jump on her, after all, he'd come in loud and she wouldn't have even needed pesquisa to notice. With sonido, she deftly stepped quite far from the attack, looking toward the man who'd attempted to hit her with a look that combined incredulity, disappointment, and a little bit of disgust.

"That's it? You came in here to be a hero and that's the line you drop? Loser."

Pointing her finger forward, Kizuna allowed the still-pooling blood to form into another Gran Rey Cero, which fired effortlessly forward toward the shinigami. Her pylons had already begun dispersing around the area, hundreds of meters in each direction. This wouldn't be too hard, she didn't think. This guy didn't seem all that dangerous, but she wasn't gonna just assume he was small-fry, either, given the spiritual pressure she was reading. If she was lucky, she'd learn something interesting here.

"Well, c'mon then, dude, let's get to it."

Despite her casual air and outright trashy way of talking, Kizuna's mind was already planning this fight well in advance. She didn't need him to know that, though.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Re: Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:55 am
Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] J_PostingHeader5
Enter: J. Saionji

First, J took note of the pylons that fired out. Whatever they were, he had no interest in ignoring them. He would make sure to keep an eye on them.

It wasn't surprising that his blade was dodged, the woman blinking in and out of vision for the duration of a snap. He took note of the distance she gained using sonido. The anger he once showed in his eyes faded. Instead, J. raised an eyebrow at the rather childish insult that was thrown back at him. He heard better from his younger sister when she was learning to read. Was that meant to offend him?

A single step and J. disappeared with the use of shunpo, as the cero was fired at him. He moved off to the side, the large beam of red shot at his original spot, missing him. He immediately stepped again and moved behind and a little above the Arrancar while swinging his blade once more. This time, the sword was coming down from an elevated position, aiming at the right shoulder as he dropped down to her level, using the momentum for a quicker and stronger swing.

"You're right," J. said. "I've never been much of a talker."

J.'s moves weren't flashy, but they weren't exactly unpredictable. He kept his stance steady, his eyes focused on each move she made, while his mind reached out to the battlefield using his reikaku. Any increases in energy, new appearances of enemies or allies, or a shift in the hollow behavior down below, he'd sense it.

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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Re: Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:58 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] 6EdIfMt

"Alright fellas! Make sure to stay sharp. We gotta get some more people out of here", he let out a sigh. This situation in Africa seemed to not be letting up one bit. The number of Hollows expelling out of that hole seemed to be relentless as much as it was never-ending. It was a miracle that they were able to block it off and secure the area. It was tense and a challenging fight, but he was able to defeat that Hollow due to Solomon's and Igen's effort leading the way. It was a long back and forth chipping away at the Hollow before falling the creature. One that Tento was sure could have gone so much worse. He was just glad no civilians were killed further and that no serious injures were given to any of the forces that immediately responded.

"Make sure to rest though people. We can't save people if we- GAAAAAH", it hit all at once. The heavy spiritual pressure that weighed down on his shoulders and the members of the Gotei United with him. It was quick and a frightening amount, one that stirred before an explosion could be heard. Feeling the shockwave from the cero landing at the patrol check point. The cero whipping across the landscape and leaving a trail of decimation behind it. Many energies faded. Disappearing from existance like a snuffed flame. Tento coughed and gulped, a wave of disbelief hitting him. "Wh...what...".

Any emotions he had felt there was quickly shut away. Not allowed to come as a wave of Hollows charged free! Spiraling out from the created gap from the destruction and sudden lost of Gotei and Vandenreich personnel. The thinning out red sphere of energy vanishing as the gates were once again opened for Hollows to escape out of the hole. "Everyone get ready, stay with your partners!!!", Tento roared as he drew out his Zanptauko. His energy swelling within him as he empowered his body as he prepared for the onslaught to come. His voice booming out to alert those who didn't realize the sudden event yet or got frozen from the combination of fear and shock.

In the aftermath of the vanishing Cero with the swarming small fries going forward, Tento moved. Leading the way as his squad shifted their positions. The group of five holding each other's backs as Hollows came. Above Tento moved, in the air before shunponing behind a Hollow. His blade coming quickly and lightly, cracking the creature's mask from behind before being pushed down; cleaving through the shadowy figure as it disappeared. He moved again, not taking a second to spare to move back to the formation, appearing in front of an ally who was looking around trying to stay sharp.

From the distance away he could feel them. The sinister energy of an Arrancar and the familiar energy of a Shinigami; the figure approaching the foe in a confrontation. Numerous smaller Hollows that were previous corralled near the pit free; some being decimated by the figure before the person's attention was forced away by the bigger issue at hand. Hand on his blade swishing quickly to block the strike of a Hollow before chopping its limb off and arcing his sword up to cleave through its mask, Tento used his free hand to quickly send out a message. "This is 15th seat Tento Zefa of the 4th division. We have an outpull of Hollows and an unknown entity that broke a gap within the hole's perimeter. Someone is there already confronting them, send back up. Coordinates 8.7 south, 34.5 East. Sector 7". He said in a quick declaration of information hopping to give a clear destination for reinforcements nearby.

Another quake of energy crackled the air, another cero fired that threatened to wipe life from the world. Thankfully not in the direction that Tento and his comrades were. But still, that foe was incredibly strong, could that fighter handle it themselves? Tento was not the type to stand back but he really wasn't in the perfect situation to go lend aid. By himself or his team. As the swarm came and began to gradually be thinned while Saionji and Ishimaru fought, time could only flow and wait to tell. They would fight, and fight as hard as they could as they made their way closer to the hole!

"Let's see if we can get that gap under control...".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Tentos10
God of Love
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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Re: Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Sat Feb 25, 2023 9:18 am
Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] D0fEXFo

Tch. It was one thing for this twerp to come in and try to act cool in their little mano-e-mano, but now the scraps down below were trying to get in the way of what she'd actually come here to do. If nothing else, though, Kizuna had already managed to send her pylons in every direction, so making a dangerous array was pretty easy now. She still had two at her back, but four others simply floated ominously in far corners of the battlefield. As the shinigami came down to attack her, Kizuna once again moved away, her exceptional pesquisa and ability to sense through her pylons keeping her from being caught off guard by an attack from behind. But she wasn't exactly outspeeding this guy, and she'd have to keep that in mind. Keeping her distance wasn't just going to be a matter of moving faster.

"I can tell. You oughta work on that, you know? A real man's supposed to be good at talking too, not just fighting. Or are you only focused on that sword of yours?"

Kizuna made an exaggerated face of disgust, as if she'd just eaten something unpleasant, and then held out both hands with her fingers splayed outward, as if she were about to play an invisible piano. Energy coalesced not only at her finger tips, but at the end of both pylons behind her, and after only a short moment, she spoke out in a confident voice.

"Spark Array!"

From each of her fingertips, as well as from her two pylons, a cero blasted forward, aimed straight for J. However, halfway through their trajectory, each of the cero split itself into dozens of smaller beams, all of which broke away into its own wider trajectory designed to overwhelm through sheer numbers and coverage. It was an intense assault, certainly, and one that Kizuna had exceptional control over.

At the same time, however, two more of her pylons, floating well away from her and J's clash, fired the same massive array of cero down toward the shinigami. Those cretins were getting in her way, and she wasn't willing to waste any time on the possibility that they might actually continue killing the hollows she was working to let free here. A mass wave of dozens upon dozens of cero rained onto Tento and his men, with no other objective but to simply crush them entirely.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Re: Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:36 pm
Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] J_PostingHeader5
Enter: J. Saionji

She talked way too much for someone in battle. J. said nothing in reply to her insults though and watched as she made her moves. The fact was, the more she talked, the more time she wasted. He planned to let her get comfortable in those few seconds of spitting childish insults in his direction. Maybe he'd reply once or twice to keep her throwing insults at him. And when she opened her mouth again to stay something else, he'd strike then and catch her off guard. A simple plan, but one that worked against talkers more often than people thought.

His already out-reaching senses took note of the change in energy from the four surrounding pylons she had previously thrown out. Each of them powered up at the same time, but two firing in his direction. His reaction was simple. He shunpo'd downward, and as he finished her first, they broke into dozens of smaller beams.


J. stepped once more, vanishing from sight again in his shunpo, a technique he will likely use dozens of times in this battle. He appeared much lower than before, just out of the range of the dozens of thin cero that had fired at him. However, evidence of a light graze was on his left arm, the skin slightly burnt, his sleeve torn.

Not waiting a second, J. held his left palm toward her. "Hadō, number sixty-three, Raikōhō." Though he lost a quarter of the power by abandoning the incantation, he wasn't one to take all that time to talk. That was her job. An orb of yellow lightning formed at his palm and fired out in a massive and powerful blast, resembling a lightning strike, and definitely meant to overwhelm her with its sheer size. Her distraction with the people below may throw her off enough to get in the hit.

End Post
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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Re: Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Thu Mar 02, 2023 3:15 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] 6EdIfMt

One...two...three...four. One by one..step by step, the little squad of Shinigami below the powerful warriors facing off against each other were making their way forward. Hollows were being defeated but that didn't mean things were going good for a long shot!!

Because something was coming. Even from the far distance away Tento and the others could feel that well of energy swelling from that Hollow above in the air. The energy signatures of the hollows sweeping out powerful indeed beyond the regular level Gillian or Adjuchas class; but they. Stood out even among those; and that energy being coalesced around them was just screaming GET OUT OF MY WAY. The air seemed to shake far before the blast was released, the pressure heavy in the air making Tento's hair on his neck grow stiff. "Something coming, move!!", Tento yelled a warning out in mid strike. Cleaving through another hollow mask before turning his head towards the path he could feel this assault come from.

As the major cero was split, letting out dozens upon dozens of all smaller beams many people moved away in a quaking rush of shunpo's. Some hiding over the further distance out of the way, some avoiding the impact areas due to lucky time and head call. Others blessed by the coverage of Hollows. The massive numbers being a shield that absorbed some of the damage, making it easier for the multitude of team barriers erected. All attempts, all mostly....failures. Barriers were broken, leaving shocked - fear filled soul reapers to be evaporated. Covering building exploded and were reduced to ash along with the poor souls hunkering down inside. The intense assault unrelenting and frightening. Controlled, accurate. Many of the soul reapers that were with Tento fell; dead or alive he did not know. With how much he was trying to avoid it was really hard to focus on anything else. A cero hit him just as he finished a series of shunpo's the quick assertion tiring; his arm went out, pulling and tossing a comrade away from the knockback of debris. All to end up flying backwards as they both crashed to the ground with a thud.

With a gasp and shake Tento moved, crouching with one knee to the ground and one leg up. Sword digging into the ground to aid in his stability. Bitter. Feeling the trickling number of energies falling. Looking up he spat blood to the flow and growled. Enraged. In the aftermath of the ceros he focused then, as much hell that was, it did wonders in taking out a number of Hollows that was coming this way. But at what cost?


Tento rose his left arm, bruised and pained. Eyes trained in the distance seeing the Shinigami fighting one on one with this frightening foe. An orb of yellow lightning formed in their palm and fired out in a massive and powerful blast, resembling a lightning strike. As this transpired Tento began an incantation. He had to lend aid. He HAD to do something. Voice low and growing louder with each mutter. He tried. "Rain...from above. Co-corner, and smite...them. The lord of my spiRIT, SHEPARD THO I AM SHEEP, Hadō #43 GAKI REKKO!!". Tento's spirit shook and waved. Eyes burning with intensity as they locked onto Kizuna. Eyes and arm moving as he tried to track her spiritual pressure and body movements in the after math of Saionji's kido attack. A circle of energy forming in a green lush shield like appearance formed out from his hand and Tento thrusted outward. Making the green shield of reishi sparkle and splash. The appearance of the shield rippling like a lake surface against curved peddles. Multiple shots of green light firing down in an unrelenting wave of blasts from its center in a cage-like formation. With great care Tento used this kido spell, modifying the spell where he increased the speed of the projectules assualt. Making them travel a bit faster than his general speed. Hoping that the number and angle of attacks in the follow up of Saionji's kido spell could do something. Anything.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Tentos10
God of Love
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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Re: Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:56 pm
Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] D0fEXFo

As her opponent stepped downward, Kizuna simply let the cero fly wherever they may, wholly unconcerned with anything along the lines of collateral damage. Anyone who died here wasn't strong enough to be worth staying alive, after all. Her hand moved downward, the same finger she'd bitten earlier still dripping blood, and she spoke in a wholly disinterested tone that sounded as if she were close to yawning.

"Solitary Driver."

A Gran Rey Cero immediately crashed forward from her fingertip, slamming into the Raikoho with immense force. Her Cero was, after all, nothing short of exceptional in nature, and it didn't have any difficulty in crushing such a radically weakened Hadō. Was this his best? She hoped not, but at the same time, he'd already bored her enough that the idea of him improving any more wasn't really in her mind.

But her pylons had already picked up on very different spiritual activity from below. So someone had lived through her decimation, eh? Now that was exciting. Very exciting, in fact, and as Tento's Hadō shot toward Kizuna, one of the pylons still floating at her back turned and fired off another Spark Array. Her cero split into countless smaller beams, each meeting one of the green projectiles and clashing against it. Now this was interesting, and while Kizuna knew that the first shinigami to meet her here was a bigger threat, the one down below was the one she actually wanted to see more of.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] Empty Re: Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento]

Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:32 am
Fire Into the Horizon [Kizuna, J, Tento] J_PostingHeader5
Enter: J. Saionji


From below, another was attempting to aid him in his battle against the Arrancar. Good, someone had survived. Hopefully there were more.

While J was a little frustrated with the addition, it could not be helped. He was not going to take the time to go down and explain why creating a circumstance where he now must account for the actions and presence of another was detrimental to his own focus. He just knew that if the kido this new shinigami used hit him, he was going to make their life a living hell after returning to the Soul Society.

Having analyzed what he could about this Arrancar's fighting style, J decided to release his shikai. A firm grip on the handle and the man said, "Cut them down, Fukumaru." A small shift in his blade's appearance, turning from a basic purple and black katana to a sleek white and black with a chrome-ish shine on the blade.

J's next step was quicker and he shot upward in a direct line to her, each step carefully taken when using his shunpo. This time, his blade aimed up the front side of her torso with no intention beyond slicing her skin open. Whether it hit or not wasn't the question here. After the swing, he stopped directly behind her, turning on his heel and swinging a clean arc across her back. The weapon, shield, whatever carried would find itself more easily cut by J's shikai, a blade said to cut the wind.

End Post
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