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Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke] Empty Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke]

Sat Feb 25, 2023 8:41 pm
Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke] H4n9k7G

Chihiro Sano

An excited patter of steps went through the Rukongai, a blur of blonde and black stirring up a small disturbance as she ran past multiple denizens, and damn well almost knocking them off their feet, some frustrated calls and 'watch it's being followed by a rather simple apology being yelled back.

Chihiro didn't mean to be a disturbance, but she was just absolutely electrified today! A dojo had opened up recently and she had caught a flyer during one of her delivery runs - apparently it was run by an ex-captain nobleman?! That sounded like a great sign to her!

She wanted to polish up on her skills so badly but all she'd been given is just a bunch of foot work so far.. Frankly made her a bit grumpy but she wasn't going to let herself be discouraged! She'd be an amazing shinigami in no time and they'd regret giving her a bunch of boring fake work to do!

Her heart only beat all the faster when the building came into view, her steps hastening. Could she have practiced Hoho on the way here? Yes. Did she? No. Why? Because she wanted the anticipated to eat at her just a bit longer to motivate her!

"Niyagata-sa-" She'd abruptly call out as she was approaching the entrance... Til she was cut off by running face-first into the doorframe, tripping forward, and landing square on her face, again. With hardly a whimper or skipped beat, Chihiro would peel herself off the floor and hastily continue what she intended to start, "N-Niyagata-sama! I am Chihiro Sano, and I have come here to be trained by you!"

Spoken with plenty of gusto, she'd point to herself with her thumb, a big smile on her face, and a tiny trickle of blood starting from her bruising nose.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke] Empty Re: Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke]

Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:07 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke had just been settling down with a nice, relaxing lunch after a morning meeting. Having just recently got to the dojo himself Hyosuke was calmly enjoying deliciously prepared ramen when the door to the dojo all but burst open! Frankly it was a stroke of luck for Hyosuke that his newfound.... intruder.... guest? Happened to make a spectacle of herself or she would have seen quite the amusing and rare sight of a genuinely surprise Hyosuke, single eye wide, staring at the door mid-noodle inhale. The Soul King, however, was on Hyosuke's side as Chihiro had hardly stepped in the door before plummeting face-first to the floor in what must have been a very calculated, insidious intimidation tactic, displaying her fearlessness and durability in one fell swoop!

Hyosuke, meanwhile, simply finished his current bite of noodles and set the bowl down calmly. He had hardly stood up with elegance and grace than the girl peeled herself from the floor and announced herself in a flamboyant manner. A spectacle that brought a bemused, small smile to the nobleman's lips and, despite having his lunch interrupted, he was nothing if not a fan of gusto if his battle with Igen was any indication, so he decided to play along. Approaching the young woman Hyosuke would look down at her for a moment, head tilted curiously as he decided on how to best play along with her antics, and gentle draw a cloth from his table. With focused gentleness did Hyosuke raise the hand not holding the cloth to his mouth in rather well acted shock, his voice a low murmur of expertly feigned disbelief.

"Eh? No...... THE Chihiro Sano, in person?"

idly Hyosuke would use the cloth to wipe the blood from his new student's face, as he did not feel like showing off and simply moving it off of her, along with the fact he had left Benicho Kogo by the table when he stood. Hyosuke seemed to study Chihiro's face for a moment, letting the hand fall from his mouth in a small, kind smile as he hummed.

"I am not sure, Possibly-Chihiro-San, I have heard many stories of Chihiro Sano and you don't match them."

Even Hyosuke could not help the small, wry grin from twitching his lips as he crossed his arms in thought and folded up the clothe in one of his hands.

"I had heard Chihiro Sano was a sight to behold, the fastest student in all of Soul Society, with a blade five times her size since she struggled to make it a more manageable size due to her prodigal spiritual energy......"

Hyosuke's crimson eye met Chihiro's casually, if squinting softly as if to study her, and he shook his head.

"You don't seem to match these descriptions Possibly-Chihiro-San~. Do you have any proof you are the famous Chihiro Sano?"

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Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke] Empty Re: Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke]

Thu Mar 02, 2023 5:34 pm
Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke] H4n9k7G

Chihiro Sano

Chihiro's excitement seemed to be lit with a smidge of confusion to the red man's reaction to her, watching him come forth. Huh? She wouldn't have expected anyone to have heard of her this far out, especially not a nobleman. Though as he reached with a cloth to her face, she'd lunge a hand up to suddenly grab it from the man's hand with a 'hyah!', before realizing what it was for and looking a bit awkward, wiping her face until just a tiny streak of red was left, offering it back to the man with a smirk.

"Stories..?" The young woman's expression seemed to edge into a bit of worry yet remained hyped up. Oh no, has he heard from people who were annoyed with her or something? Feeling a scolding or something was coming on, she seemed to brace herself a bit... Before being struck by something equally confusing - people were complimenting her..? Big blade? That didn't sound like her.

"Uhhhh, I think you might be mistaken big guy," She'd scoff gently, her arms on her sides, "Don't think anybody would call me a 'prodigy', heck I was a year late graduating the Academy! And i'm stuck doing delivery crap in 2nd division instead of kido stuff. Oh but I don't care bout those guys who look down on me, one day they'll be straining their necks to look up at how cool and awesome I am as a Captain! I just gotta get really really good at doing stuff, so that's why I came to you!"

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke] Empty Re: Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:17 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke took back the clothe and chuckled good-naturedly as Chihiro saw through his antics. He then walked over to put the clothe away to be washed and as Chihiro commented on wanting to become a powerful Captain Hyosuke smiled softly, calmly coming back over to stand before her with his arms laced behind his back. He would incline his head forward in a faint nod as he considered.

"Well, Chihiro-San you certainly seem to have quite a bit of determination, an excellent first step if ever there was one. As for coming to me you are in luck, Kido is something I am quite proficient in on the whole, though I do also excel at teaching swordplay if you wish to sharpen your skills in that department as well."

Hyosuke would hum to himself, studying the young Shinigami for a moment, before he nodded his head. Coming to a decision internally Hyosuke would motion to Chihiro.

"First things first, however, your shoes if you please.~"

Hyosuke would request politely, motioning to the small area by the entrance for people to place their shoes, before he would sigh softly. Preparing himself to settle into the motions of teaching a new student.

"So then, Chihiro Sano, I find it best before we begin brandish blades and bakudo to get to know a new student. To see wherein your skills lie as a baseline, garner an understanding of your personality, and how best I may aid in sharpening you into a capable young woman. As such would you like some tea while we I prepare the first demonstration?"

Hyosuke would motion to a simmering pot near where he usually sat.

"You are free to retrieve some if you like."

With that said Hyosuke would walk off to retrieve a training dummy, placing it at the far end of the room, and with a wave of his hand he would freeze it solid in a block of ice with a soft incantation.

" Hadō #3: Misakutekina Shimonoseki (Captivating Frost, 魅惑な吹雪) "

With that done Hyosuke would wait for Chihiro some half-way across the room from the now frozen dummy, eyes casually observing his newest student.

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Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke] Empty Re: Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke]

Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:18 am
Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke] H4n9k7G

Chihiro Sano

The girl's warm honey eyes glowed with excitement with the taller man's words, "REALLY?!" She'd exclaim, hardly keeping herself still as the wood beneath her was subject to a rhythmic one-two thump of thrilled feet, “That’s great! That’s great! That’s absolutely- Oh my shoes that’s right!”

With a speedy pitter patter of steps she’d run to the designated area, practically fling off her shoes, and rush back almost stumbling on her feet before quickly righting herself, a bright smile crossing her face as she’d eagerly reject the tea, “Nope no tea, I just wanna start!”

Her ears perked with the murmuring of a Hadō she recognized, blinking in confusion as the dummy was frozen solid, with a brief blur she was immediately in front of and examining it,

“Uhh, aren’t I supposed to be doin’ that?” She’d point to the dummy with a puzzled look, “Why’d you freeze it?”

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke] Empty Re: Sting Like A Butterfly [Chihiro/Hyosuke]

Tue May 16, 2023 6:07 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke honestly could not help but smile at the overabundance of eagerness from Chihiro, after all he wasn't in a nobleman's estate or some serious event, so there was no one to judge, pry or scrutinize into his every expression. Here, in a place of his own domain, so to speak, he chuckled as Chihiro pitter-pattered about the dojo like a puppy. Her expression seemingly wide and eager to begin the lesson in as bombastic a way as possible. In truth, Hyosuke thought internally, she was not the first of his students to make him feel like more a father figure than an instructor. Though..... as Chihiro blinked curiously at the frozen dummy he idly corrected himself. Maybe it was more accurate to say he was more like someone trying to herd cats than any sort of paternal figure.

Nonetheless Hyosuke nodded his head in recognition of her question and motioned with a free hand to Chihiro's own weapon. His expression sharp, his words points, with subtle but purposeful nods and flicks of his wrist to keep Chihiro's attention as he spoke.

"As you seem to be raring to go Chihiro-san I thought this would be a great way to test you in multiple ways. Firstly, I would like you to tease a series of strikes, as hard and as accurate as you can, to try and get through the ice to the dummy itself. I'll give you a time limit and if you succeed in getting through the ice in as few cuts as possible, hitting as vital an area as possible, I'll consider it a success."

Hyosuke held up a finger pointedly, somewhat close to and below Chihiro's nose, though not close enough to be awkward, and maybe positioned to make her cross her eyes for his own amusement if she tried to look at it too intently.

"However, if you can't reach the dummy before time runs out, or your strikes become sloppy, or you simply become too exhausted to continue, then we'll consider it a failure and move on to something easier. Have I made everything clear so far Chihiro-san~?"

Despite himself Hyosuke could not quite resist putting just a bit of enthusiasm into his tone as he grinned at Chihiro, at least giving her some encouragement, as he stepped aside and asked in a tone meant to show her he was also quite enthusiastic about her training, and to keep her energy high despite his explanation.

"Are you prepared for the challenge I've set before you?"

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