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Adam Sieghart Empty Adam Sieghart

Sat Mar 04, 2023 8:40 am
Adam Sieghart Ar2Khc4


Basic Information

○ Name: Adam Sieghart
○ Alias: Adam is fine
○ Age: 23
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Human

○ Affiliation:
Contracted by the Holy Roman Empire
○ Alignment: Chaotic Good
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: Question Mark
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

○ Height: 5'9"
○ Weight: 184 lbs
○ Hair Colour: Brunette
○ Eye Colour: Honey

Adam Sieghart 7RXpmwT

Psychological Analysis


His maid


A family is what you make it. At least, to Adam. Real parents were a foreign idea to the other orphans and him. They were only subject to the amount of care the nuns and priest showed them, and to them, the jumbled mess that they were was family. Life was pretty normal for what one would expect from a Church orphanage. They had schedules for things that needed to be done, and they rotated out each week. Some kids would find themselves adopted, some wouldn’t. However, no matter who came through their lowly abode, Adam always made sure to treat them the same as any other. Despite never knowing his true parents, many of the other kids did, and each and everyone one of them had their own reason for being left alone in this world. That was a similarity they all shared: loneliness.

However, there was a sudden change in things as Adam neared the age of ten. There was always one thing particularly strange when a kid was adopted. The day immediately before, incidents would occur. It began with everything being normal. Then, a kid would suddenly find themselves doing something crazy, like floating or setting things on fire. Following that, they’d be taken by one of the nuns for the remainder of the day. At night, they’d come back excited but tired, but then, come the morning, all their things are packed and they’re walking out the door. Adam had simply concluded that gaining powers meant you’d be expedited through the adoption process. It made sense for a kid to be taken elsewhere because they’d have to learn how to control whatever was going on with them. Adam wasn’t particularly interested in having powers, but he found himself curious as to why things changed for a child once they gained them.

For that particular reason, he stayed up one night after he noticed another kid summon a gust of wind by accident. After ten years, it was trivial to fool everyone into thinking you’re asleep, and in the shroud of night, he followed the nuns as they went about the process of taking the kid. Strangely enough, there was a hole behind one of the bookcases with a long stairway heading down into the ground. Adam followed, sneaking in right before he lost his chance. He’ll never forget that night, the horror he witnessed. As he neared the bottom, he bore witness to all the kids who had been adopted, chained to tables, walls, and chairs. His ears rang with the horrid screeching of broken vocal cords as unimaginable torture broke his brain. The priest he had known, still dressed in his holy robes, wasn’t there. Instead, an ugly creature, bleeding red along his skin with horns protruding from his head stood over the nuns who had also changed into gremlin-like witches watched as the children Adam knew were subjected to madness.

Adam felt something snap as his brain did, a switch broken to pieces. He charged forward, attacking everything before him, but he was only a ten year old kid. All he can remember of that day is his body beaten and bruised, taunting jeers thrown his way. Words such as useless, undesirable, alone; filled him with scorching rage. Then, something went wrong. He had done something to some weird large container, and everything exploded. Darkness was all he knew for the longest before a blinding light scorched his retinas. Lying alone in a bed, he found himself in a new strange world, a room of luxury. Everything about him hurted, and the tears wouldn’t stop flowing, but then a man came into the room, an old man dressed in white garbs, a medallion around his neck. Adam was welcomed to a new world, given a new chance at life. However, he felt nothing but dead inside.

Following their initial introductions, Adam came to learn that he now resided in Germany in the countryside. The man who saved him is a Quincy who was looking into covert operations like the orphanage. Apparently, the priest had been killed and replaced by a demon who was using kids who had gained abilities as some sort of enhancer. By tearing their bodies apart, he created elixirs and such he would sell on the black market. Whatever Adam had done was enough of a mess that it allowed the Quincy to hone in on the location, finding him the only survivor of a massive explosion. It was at that moment, Adam was given a choice. He could try to live a normal life, forget everything. The Quincy said he’d financially support Adam until the kid was old enough to do so alone as thanks for getting rid of the demon. Then, there was the other choice. Adam could train and become someone who could help people who find themselves in similar situations: enslaved, used as tools, and oppressed by stronger powers. Adam, mentally scarred, knew he’d never be able to live a normal life, and so, he decided to help others live normal lives. He’ll become the wall between happiness and sadness.

Training was difficult of course. Despite not being a Quincy, Adam was put through grueling training regimes that were meant for them. He learned about Reishi, Reaitsu, and was trained in basic combat. He was even taught the different beings that existed around him: Quincy, Shinigami, Demons, Hollows, and Danava. With a key understanding of what made the world move, it was of no surprise when he developed an ability. Adam had only one thing on him when he was found barely alive, a small wooden cross given to him by a friend. It being the only thing left of the only place he had called home, it was no wonder it became the basis of his power.

It awakened on one particularly bad night. His sleep was pestered by nightmares, his mind reliving the events that led him on his righteous journey. His mind focused on when he had caused that explosion, glitched memories of him pushing over some strange case filled with liquid, the way it had interacted with his surroundings, filling the air with energy. However, it was never brought to light how the worst of it had seared his body with that liquid, and it was that sudden horrid thought in his head that had awoken the repercussions of that night. He was awoken to find his hair a stark blue color, his brown eyes matching. The cross he slept with had become a small saber, energy encircling its blade.

His training from that day intensified. With his new power, he was able to do far more. The next few years found Adam becoming stronger in multiple ways. In fact, he grew enough to be taken out into the field. He spent months working alongside his mentor, helping the world with everything they did. Things were going well, until the day Adam grew cocky. It was only a matter of time until he felt ready to tackle a task on his own, finding himself in the middle of an underground fighting ring that was selling off women as prizes. To make a long story short, he was in over his head, and as a result, his mentor died. An injured Adam held the man in his arms, watching the life leave the body of the one who took him in. It was all his fault this happened. His brashness left him all alone in the world once more.

Adam took the Quincy home and buried him in the backyard, constructing a coffin just for the man. The Quincy had no family and had made sure to leave everything to Adam, leaving the young teenager with his fortune, but what is a fortune to someone who’s lost everything? Adam fell into a state of depression, throwing himself at task after task to fill the void in his heart. Years went by of him fighting the good war, but he was slowly killing himself day by day. It wasn’t until he took one particular task, one that left him running into an old face. It was another mission to save some people captured in the wastelands. Adam did not expect to run into a particular lady out there, a nun from his old orphanage. He had thought they were all killed and replaced when the demon took over, but this woman had escaped. Unfortunately, she had run into the wrong crowd and was tossed into an endless sea of being sold, mistreated, and the like. Adam, of course, had saved her and took her home with him.

You could say that was what opened him up a bit. Her presence was needed in the giant empty home he stayed in. She became his maid, helping him with basic essentials since he was so bad at taking care of himself. Her presence saved him just as much as he had saved her. Someone else in his empty home had filled him with a bit of humanity, and he had actually found himself smiling a bit more than before. However, he was far from what he used to be as a child, and the world was still one harboring great evils. His job won’t be done until he’s saved every last person, and so, he still walks his path, doing what he must so that someone may sleep soundly at night.


Mysterious Sword: An old relic that hangs above a fireplace within the main lobby of Adam's mansion. It was said to be an heirloom that has been passed down for generations, but upon closer inspection, it lacks any real use besides its fancy looks.

A large sum of Money: Inheriting a fortune, Adam has a lot of money to use for his needs. However, he has a habit of donating a lot of it.


General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Martial Skill: Advanced

Human Skills
  • Power Control: Advanced
  • Physical Augmentation: Advanced
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Advanced
  • Mediumship: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced



Veteran Member
Joined : 2019-02-28
Posts : 3495
Age : 25

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Adam Sieghart Left_bar_bleue0/0Adam Sieghart Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Adam Sieghart Empty Re: Adam Sieghart

Sat Mar 04, 2023 8:48 am
Adam Sieghart 5GE2Guz


Basic Information

Psychological Analysis






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