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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:43 pm

Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 10DAHr3

Furukawa Asami

"Certainly wouldn't be the most outlandish decision that the Gotei has ever made. Besides, I'd join your division."

Trying to be more direct with her encouragement, Asami could see a hint of motivation behind Lerna's eyes as she spoke. It was an interesting thing to aspire to, and not one that many ever accomplished, but it was good to have goals. Asami had no such ideas for herself, captaining the 5th was not what she saw in her future. Maybe one day she would rise above her position as the fifth seat, but that was not where her focus lay of late.

"I suppose I might have given him more of a chance, yeah. What I'm looking for isn't something to rush into, it seems, and I've been bitten by that mistake before. But I do not think everyone is capable of getting serious, it's a big commitment and some people aren't ready to just make that decision." She certainly had thought Kyo was and paid the price for it. "But I don't exactly have the luxury of being too picky with the other details. There's the obvious stuff, red flags and all that, but it doesn't exactly matter to me what colour his eyes are or how tall he is. Keeping some similar hobbies would be nice, but not too much overlap that we're conjoined at the hip."

It was like walking on a tightrope, navigating this mess of feelings and heartache.

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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:21 am
Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_image-buebuy3bu-cutout

The woman's comment about joining her squad had her chuckle softly at such an idea. That her Teacher would wind up as one of her subordinates was certainly amusing. Not that she didn't foresee that being a possibility, but well...the Shinigami got so hung up on notions of station that hearing one say something like that was a little adorable.

But well, as the subject trundled on, she found herself..... furrowing her brow a bit. She didn't exactly have a lot of information on the situation, but what little she'd heard about this guy wasn't great. However incomplete, she wasn't sure how to feel about it. She took several moments to take another sip of her lemon water and continued to listen as Asami sortof ... made it clear. She didn't really seem to know what she wanted. Or maybe what she wanted just wasn't really all that specific.

"Hmmm, makes sense. A little bit of difference keeps things interesting." She murmured, drumming her fingers before glancing back to the woman and falling silent for just a moment.

"You know. Maybe it's all the water getting to my head. But All this talk about dating and stuff kinda brings me back. BAck to that first time we had a real spar outside of class." She pointed out with something of a smirk on her lips, closing her eyes as she thought back. "You know, back before I was all out in the open about being a mod soul. IT was fun! And right toward the end, you had me in a headlock with your thighs. And I had to pretend to get choked out." She chuckled, grinning a bit as she thought back to those moments of panic, of having to furiously try and figure out exactly how long she aught to struggle before pretending to choke out. All with the woman's thighs around her neck.

"It was always a little anxiety-inducing when I had to try and hide that kinda stuff. But thinking back, it was still a fun little spar. Its......rough adjusting to a lot of things in the gotei honestly. Trying to be respectful, courteous. All these little ettiquette things. Kinda hard to fit in. Even all this dating stuff, I don't exactly know what I should be saying to help." She chuckled, putting on a big grin before turning to Asami and giving the woman a fond smirk.

"Asami. I dunno if there's some special way I'm supposed to do this because you're a noble, but if you aren't doing anything this upcoming weekend, I'd like to take you out myself."
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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Wed Apr 05, 2023 3:13 pm

Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 10DAHr3

Furukawa Asami

Asami had not paid any particular attention to what Lerna was drinking until she brought it up. Lemon water was strangely surprising to her, and yet she had no real reason to explain that. She was nursing something a little stronger, though she had also eaten a little something before coming out here. Still, knocking back the last of her glass, she gave a nod to the bar staff that a refill would be needed. Meanwhile, Lerna had dropped a weird segway but she didn't think too much of it right away.

"It was a fun little match, but now I'm thinking that you let me win. Admittedly, if I'd popped your head off then I'd have definitely freaked out." Joining in on that chuckle, she turned to face Lerna and offered her something of a comforting smile. "But I appreciate you just being there to listen, you know. Telling me what you see from your perspective and stuff like that. I'm not exactly an expert on the matter, but I think you have been doing alright."

Asami was still glancing at Lerna when the woman turned to look straight back at her. Caught like a deer in the headlights, her eyebrows began to rise as she watched those words tumble out of Lerna's lips. Was she about to? She had just? Was this really happening? Surprise was written plainly on Asami's face as her cheeks flushed positively crimson. Surely this was just a joke, or another attempt to learn a little more about normal people's matters. That made more sense to her, at least.

"Oh, Lerna, I..." She paused, still locked in this suddenly intense stare. "Um. Of course, I would be happy to see you this weekend, but what do you mean by calling it a date?" Another laugh, this one more nervous than the last, as the waitress came back with her next drink. "Wha-What did you have in mind?"

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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:30 pm
Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_62670574_p0

Lerna chuckled just a little and flashed a big smile at the prospect of her having let the woman win. "Nah Even if the choke out hadn't gotten me. I really don't think I'd have come out on top. You still would probably kick my ass. I actually used that leglock trick you used on me recently!" She pointed out with a warm chuckle, of course leaving out that she'd used it on her Captain. Yeaaa, not necessary to go into that detail.

All the same, when Asami's expression shifted in response to her question, Lerna promptly adopted a more.....mirthful smirk as she watched the woman shift into a somewhat startled response. It was rather adorable to say the least, and she did her best not to look TOO amused as Asami stumbled a little over her words.

"I mean a date. As in the start of dating. I don't know exactly what it is I'm feeling, but I'd like to explore it. And if I'm not wrong, that would start with us going on a date, yea? There's a Spring Festival about to go down in some of the inner rukongai districts. Nothing too crazy, right?" She assured the woman with that confident smile. She still wasn't sure how this was going to go. She didn't know if this sensation she felt for Asami was love, could she love? She wasn't sure, but she DID know that she wanted to try this out.

Perhaps it was these little meetings. Perhaps it was being strangled by the woman's thighs, for Lerna certainly could appreciate someone that had a good grip. A powerful grip was something even a serpent such as herself could enjoy. But for whatever the reason, she felt very pleased with the affirmative answer from the woman.

Hm, she'd probably have to stop calling the woman Sensei though, certainly she probably should have stopped when she was moved to another Hakuda class after the end of her first year at the academy. But well, that would come in time.
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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Wed Apr 05, 2023 7:17 pm

Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 10DAHr3

Furukawa Asami

"I would hope that you were using a few of the moves I taught you, though the beauty of Hakuda is the many ways in which one can add their own flourish to each technique. The subtle differences between one practitioner and another, to make sure that nothing is a perfect mirror."

Of course, Asami leapt on the opportunity to talk about anything other than the actual meat of her response. The burning issue. Even a few more moments to process what Lerna had said was quite precious, and now she had to craft a response. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt her, but she didn't want to give her false hope either. Why did this keep happening to her?

"Okay, hold up there. I... Are you sure? I have always been happy to support you in whatever way I can, and that isn't going to change, but if this is how you feel then I think we should talk about that a little more before we start talking seriously about dates and stuff."

Breaking away from her, she drained a good measure of her liquor before throwing her head back and sweeping most of the messy black hair from her face. Crimson eyes peered again at Lerna, narrowed slightly as she tried to get a bead on where exactly she was at. This all seemed so sudden to her, though perhaps she had cast things in a different light.

"There are a lot of things you do not know about me, a lot more that I do not know about you. Of course, getting to know one another isn't something to be solved in a single conversation, but what you are asking is to put everything we have now on the line. Not to mention the elephant in the room. You are a woman, I am a woman. I- I was just talking about commitment and long-term stuff. We could never have that."

Reflecting Reflections | END POST
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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Wed Apr 05, 2023 7:37 pm
Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_EFPoF0NUUAEq42w

Lerna chuckled softly and couldn't help the little grin that flashed across her face. It was always kinda fun to hear Asami talking about Hakuda, particularly with such passion. "Yea, maybe one day once I've trained up enough and I'm a proper shinigami I'll be able to put my own style on things. I've certainly at least made a bit of progress." She hummed, pausing to imagine such a time when she would be able to utilize PROPER hakuda.

Though of course, as the subject shifted back into focus, she tilted her head and gave Asami an intrigued look. "No not really. But isn't that what a date is for? To figure this stuff out?" She ventured, with really a pretty abundant lack of any real concern. No doubt emphesizing the sheer cultural difference between the two of them. Certainly Lerna's time on earth had cultivated a very casual air to the art of courtship. No doubt having only been made more casual with time in some cultures. And even then, Lerna's practices were a bit on the tame side given the company she'd kept.

She tilted her head a bit and chuckled. "People knocking back alcohol like that usually don't wanna talk ya know. You want a bit of water to even that out?" She asked with a lighthearted smirk. Pauisng to let the woman say her piece before her head canted and that lack of understanding continued to pile on. "I mean yea. I hardly expect it to take us a day or even a week to really get to know eachother. That's why I wanted to ask you on a date." She pointed out, idly drumming her fingers. "As for putting everything on the line. I guess that's possible. I admit I really don't understand that sometimes. I really don't see why we couldn't just go back to being friends if things don't work out. But well, I've already admitted that that kinda stuff is outside my wheelhouse. And not quite. You're a woman and I'm a mod soul. I am whatever I decide to be, or well...whatever body I'm put in. I'm ACTUALLY just a little shiny marble."She casually corrected before giving a dismissive wave of her hand. A slight rippling shift coursing along the length of her arm as thick glassy scales crawled up the length before promptly shifting back to that smooth pale skin.

"Unless you want to be more literal. In which case I'm a chunk of ancient monster corpse. But I think we'd just be splitting hairs at that point. "
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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:02 pm

Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 10DAHr3

Furukawa Asami

"Yeah, I suppose they are. So maybe I have jumped the gun, but I am only doing so because I don't want to hurt you. I--"

Asami stopped again, looking at the half-finished glass in her hand before setting it down. It was only her second glass, and she had nursed the first one for a while, but she would probably need every little bit of her composure that she could still hold on to.

"I don't have many friends. Not real ones, that I feel like I can depend on. Once upon a time, I was happy with that situation but times have changed and so have I. That's how I see you, and I don't want to lose that."

That Lerna was unnervingly calm about all this was only serving to make Asami more stressed, her breaths growing shorter as she scrunched up her nose a little. Either she was blissfully naive or depressingly jaded, and neither prospect was particularly appealing. Obviously, Asami agreed with many of her points but that did not make them practical.

"But maybe that's a problem with me. My experience with these things has not led to staying friends afterwards. At best, it's awkward smiles across the room or maybe a card on your birthday. Not that I want that, but it is how things end up."

Glancing down at that ripple of scales, Asami's eyebrows did rise a little higher at what Lerna implied next. That made sense, and she was the expert on the matter, but what did that look like? Was Lerna really prepared to change so much about herself just for her? This was all A LOT.

"Okay, but then could we-- Actually, disregard that. That is definitely not a right-now thing. I guess that's helpful but... Uh. Look. I am a bit of a mess, and just when I can feel my feet touching the floor it seems like life finds a new way to flip me sideways."

Reflecting Reflections | END POST
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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:11 pm
Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_EFPoF0NUUAEq42w

Lerna tilted her head a bit at that and .... paused as she considered what Asami was telling her. Now that she thought about it, Kyo and Asami DID sortof just stop interacting with eachother. And well...admittedly that was the only example she was aware of. Had there been others? How many people had drifted out of Asami's life? And thinking about it, she considered the possibility that this didn't work out, And Asami...DID just wind up pulling away from her. And that smile on her face faltered a bit as she considered the repercussions of that. And seeing that slow, winding stress in the woman's voice as well at the rising tension in the way she was holding herself, Lerna realized that Asami was .... scared. And promptly, she stepped in and gently reached out to put her hands on the woman's shoulders. A gentle gesture.

"Hey, I understand. I guess I didn't really think about that." She noted, wanting to keep the woman from letting her emotions get the better of her. Without a second thought, she gently pulled Asami into her arms. A gentle, platonic hug as she attempted to assuage the woman's worries and .... fell silent as she ...thought about it all.

"If you don't think it's a good idea then that's fine. Pretend I didn't say anything. If you're worried about ...well. you know... messing stuff up. I don't mind things as they are. Heck, we can still go to the festival as friends." She noted with a soft, lopsided smile. "I guess I still don't really understand how this stuff goes. But you make a good point. Maybe at some point we can .... figure things out a bit. But for now, there's no rush.Right?" She offered, putting on a confident smile in an attempt to cheer the woman up.
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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:41 pm

Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 10DAHr3

Furukawa Asami

Seeing Lerna finally get at least a little serious, which was still a welcome surprise, Asami's spiralling stopped for a moment. Her face softened as she tried to push everything back into the correct boxes in her head and straighten herself out. Then, suddenly, she was wrapped up in the other woman's arms. That happened quickly and yet she didn't mind it. For a few moments, there was just a blissful silence only interrupted by the rhythmic beating of her heart against her ribcage, and then the guilt began to set in.

Lerna spoke some more, but Asami did not rush to reply this time. Instead, she just sat there and let an arm slowly wrap around the woman rather than remain pressed awkwardly in between them. Her other arm landed back on the table and began to prop her up as she pushed herself just a little more upright so that she could glimpse up at Lerna from the corner of her eye.

"You just said what you were thinking, didn't you?" She sighed softly, though not sadly this time. "So how can I pretend when you are being so honest?"

Silence fell again, as they remained somewhat intertwined across their seats. To the outsider, it likely looked rather humorously awkward - which wasn't far from the truth. Ultimately, if Lerna felt this way about her then she had to seriously consider thinking that way about Lerna too. That made her feel guilty for having been so ignorant of her friend's feelings, but she still wanted to make this work. Ending things over this was not right.

"Let's go to this fair. No labels. No expectations. No closed doors. That's what I think I'd like. And if that's all it is then you can decide where we go from there."

Reflecting Reflections | END POST
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Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Different [Asami, Lerna]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 1:36 pm
Something Different [Asami, Lerna] - Page 2 HEADER_Ft47u01aQAEoqKd

She enjoyed the gentle slide of that arm winding around her. It was ... nice and comfortable. Though as Asami straightened herself up and spoke up, Lerna couldn't help the playful lopsided smile that flashed across her face. "I mean well yea. You know me, I just say what I mean most of the time. Except when I gotta, you know.... be all professional." A sigh escaped her. Depressingly she felt like that was more and more often these days. Still. She shifted her attention back to Asami and tilted her head a bit. She did brighten up a bit as Asami did what Lerna frankly liked the best: Made stuff nice and simple.

"I'd love that! I don't really know entirely what you mean by some of that. But if I'm getting the gist, we're going to the fair and seeing what happens, right?" She promptly stood up and released her friend, promptly doing a little toss to get her hair out of the way before giving a big grin to her friend. "And hey, you know all that studd buzzin around your head right now? Cuz I can see that look on your face, Furukawa." She pointed out, smirking just for a moment before holding her hand out. "You can just push all that stuff out. We're gonna have fun, and that's that. I've been strugglin to think of a way to cheer you up for a while now, so just make sure you're ready to have a blast. Because you and me? We're gonna enjoy the fuck outta that festival." She vowed, that unabashed confidence rolling off her. Not a care in the world showing on her face. No uncertainty or regrets about playing her cards.

Why should she regret anything? She was going to get to spend time with Asami, and that's all she really cared about.
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