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Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Empty Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi]

Sat Apr 01, 2023 8:38 pm
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


It was a rare sight; Hitoshi stood in visible stress within his chamber, hand cresting his forehead with tremendous force in grip. His body bare as he slowly breathed, the rise and fall of his chest flickering in his shadow, a woman's voice spilling from the shape.

"Oh, Hitoshi-denka, you'll handle this. You've already worked so hard....." her voice fading as Hitoshi's grip tightened on his zanpakuto, opposite hand falling from his face.

"And it's all worthless if things don't go correctly. We can sit with the Shihoin, but to command there respect, there is more than the minor families we need. Even short of a blunder, anything less than perfect will hinder. We are patient, yes. But a delay could kill everything." To no surprise, his voice still held unwavering, cold in delivery of each word. As he moved to dress himself, Sanzukiko's voice creeped back into his ear, barely a whisper.

Another oddity, as he smiled in response. Silent words as fingers tightened against the sword, before placing it down to finish dressing. Moments later, the parasol slung over his shoulder and escort in tow, the man left with the echo of geta; to meet with the Kuchiki.

Normally, even communicating with the family would've been a nightmare. This meeting in particular was a favor of a favor of a favor; the cost of bribery less tedious than the sheer number of thugs he'd doped in security measures. Nothing had leaked so far, but the stress still piled atop the man's slender shoulders. They were to meet on the Kuchiki estate, but beyond that?

Knowing their station, I'll be lucky to even get someone third removed from relevance. Service must be paid, regardless. Unpleasant as it may be. Breathing in slowly, the man approached their gate, two guards trailing behind him. Standing back, a slight nod signaled one of them forward to politely knock, before falling back behind the Kurata.

We will not falter.

326 words

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Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi]

Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:17 pm
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

The preparations for the upcoming meeting were taken care of the night before. Two guards stood at the front gate to welcome the expected guest. Byakuya had his guards with him, and most servants in the house were dismissed, given the day off, after handling their jobs last night, so there would not be much to disturb them. The servants who stayed would handle drinks, food, and any thing they may need.

When the time came, Byakuya sat in his meeting room. It was a mostly empty space, excluding the cushions set out for himself, his guards, his guest, and his guest's guards. There was a tray with any requested snacks and drinks already present. While Byakuya was not keen on meetings like this, he made sure that he was an honorable and prepared host for those he chose to allow into his home.

Upon Hitoshi's arrival, the gates were quickly opened. He was greeted by one of the Kuchiki's servants and led into the manor, back to the meeting room. One of Byakuya's guards gave a quick once over before opening the door, stepping aside, and bowing to allow Hitoshi in. Byakuya's second guard was in the room, sitting on a cushion behind his right shoulder. Byakuya looked up, nodding respectfully.

"Welcome," Byakuya said, a gesture with his arm inviting Hitoshi to sit. Byakuya was not entirely sure what this meeting was about today, but being contacted by this specific family was a rare, and intriguing event. "If you need anything more, if able, it will be provided. May I ask how things with your family have been? Well, I imagine."

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Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:29 pm
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


There was a level of shock beyond surprise that Hitoshi had never experienced till now.

A bead of sweat born on the back of the man's neck, thin, impossible hairs to see standing on end - the smallest widening of pupils, and an uneasy stomach. Still the man was capable of seating himself carefully following a bow, the parasol resting gently against his shoulder between sweaty fingers. Emerald gaze held strong to the host, none other than the Kuchiki's head.

This was unplanned for. It shouldn't have been. Playing for power - damned politics. Outwardly, Hitoshi's composure was mostly maintained, the panic shifting instead internally. Re-focus. Settle yourself. Speak what he needs to hear.

"Much thanks, Kuchiki-dono." his voice was softer than usual; almost a hint of humanity. "The Kurata have seen better times, we must admit. The changes exerted by the Gotei have made some things more difficult. More competition. In part, that is why we requested to meet with house Kuchiki."

Today's strategy was honesty - insincere or otherwise.

"We have been looking to gather the noble houses under a more unified banner, and would be humbled to offer an invitation."

189 words

Last edited by Snake on Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixing code)
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi]

Wed Apr 26, 2023 11:41 am
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Unlike his guest, Byakuya was not nervous. There were certain tells Hitoshi was exhibiting that caught Byakuya's attention. He had been doing this for years, and could tell when someone was nervous. He said nothing about it since he had already offered what he was willing to. When Hitoshi spoke up, he portrayed the demeanor of a confident nobleman, which Byakuya could appreciate. The invitation piqued Byakuya's curiosity. Before speaking, he took a few moments to think, using a quick sip of tea as a buffer for the silence his contemplation created.

"The idea is interesting. However, this invitation creates more questions," Byakuya said, setting his cup down. "Is the 'we' you speak of your family, or someone else? Who exactly has created this metaphorical banner we should unite under?"

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Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:48 pm
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


"We is I, speaking on behalf of the Kurata." the man replied, no shift in his tone. "The banner we sit underneath is much the same as it always has been. For order, and for blood."

The words were well practiced, even as the sweat began to dry on Hitoshi's neck. The pitch was far from a new one for him, the ide and flow of what was to be asked half-expected. Of course, from time to time, something would blindside him; thankfully, the Kuchiki had so far not displayed such tendencies.

"And we are the ones who see it being violated, something to be corrected."

106 words

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Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi]

Sun Apr 30, 2023 10:55 pm
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

"I see," Byakuya said in his expected stoic tone.

He could tell how carefully Hitoshi's words were being chosen. The caution was a red flag, causing Byakuya to wonder exactly what was being hidden behind these specific word choices. There were a few moments of silence before he spoke again. "You are meaning something less literal then?" Byakuya questioned.

"I have not appreciated the recent diminishment of noble authority; I doubt many of us have." Byakuya said, referring to any noble who valued their status. Byakuya did not enjoy seeing his family's name fade thanks to outside interference. He had proven himself a man who turn his back on tradition, though, he would always respect the law and what it stood for. If he moved further in this, things would need to be done carefully. Of course, the scorn of a specific person came to mind...

"What is your plan? I do hope you came here with one to present."

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Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi]

Tue May 02, 2023 6:45 pm
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


Good. Hitoshi could almost feel his heart jump, if indeed it still beat at all. Receptive. As hoped.

"We would not request an audience if not." He replied, a slow exhale trickling before he continued; having unknowingly held his breath. With nary a hesitation in his eye, Hitoshi's mouth opened to a well practiced speech.

"Soul Society has forgotten its roots. What Nobility provides it. Part of which, we are afraid, is the fault of our own kind. The Rukongai has no reason to back us when they live in abject poverty. The Gotei has managed to accrue enough finances to not rely on us for monetary concern. They seem to believe that they are independent of us, and of each other. This is not the truth. The Gotei needs the Rukongai, and we can give the Rukongai a reason to back us. Every citizen can be clothed, cleaned, and their voice made heard. The people of Soul Society have been forgotten for the sake of Shinigami. But their voice can become deafening, if we prop them up."

Hitoshi maintained eye contact, watching for anything the Kuchiki might react to. Not like it'd keep the cat out of the bag - it was now or never.

206 words

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Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi]

Sat May 06, 2023 4:45 pm
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

As Hitoshi explained his plan, Byakuya kept his eyes shut, his posture perfect, and gave no indication to his thoughts. When his eyes opened again, it was when Hitoshi seemed to finish talking. There was truth to Hitoshi's words, and some possibility of success, but there were still elements needing strengthened.

"The other noble houses..." Byakuya spoke up after allowing more tense moments of silence. "Have any of them agreed to discussing this plan of yours further, or even fully joined your cause? Or is the Kuchiki your first endeavor? I imagine gathering supporters to this bold cause will prove quite difficult."

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Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi]

Mon May 08, 2023 8:08 pm
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


Ba-dump. It appeared that, after all, Hitoshi had a heart. A flutter, from the man of composure, who prided himself on formality. Excitement, that, even if only for the moment, Hitoshi had the upper hand to the Kuchiki. We could laugh, if it were appropriate..

"No, the Kuchiki are not the first." his mouth dry, the words tasting of sugar. "We've cooperation of the Shihoin, Morikawa, Niyagata - a handful of other increasingly small families. Invitations and meetings have been proposed with various families, unfortunately some have become rather recluse as of late."

The parasol moved in slight motion between his fingers, a nervous twitch even he couldn't betray. "The names of note not yet approached list barely in plural. Shiba and Koizumi, if only for their sake. We cannot imagine a particularly favorable response from either family with their particular... histories." A tilt in his head, focus maintained on the Kuchiki head.

"We have not, however, met together. Perhaps you would care to attend such a meet, if there stands apprehension."

171 words

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Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi]

Fri May 12, 2023 9:42 pm
Another Step Higher [Byakuya/Hitoshi] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Nothing was shown from the head Kuchiki, not a flinch. He took up his drink again and took a slow sip, enjoying the taste and providing another point of silence as he thought. He was at least intrigued by the proposal. Setting the cup down, he took a decided breath and stared at Hitoshi for a few sharp moments.

"No," Byakuya said. "I see no reason to sit at one of these meetings. The idea has caught my interest. Consider the Kuchiki in support of this Rukongai melioration." He let his agreement sit in the air for a few seconds before speaking again. "However, you will not use my family name to recruit anyone. They all must join on their own accord, not the status of the Kuchiki. If my family name is used to assimilate anyone, the Kurata will see us heavily opposed to their ideas."

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