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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Mon Apr 24, 2023 11:54 pm
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


"Impressive reaction time, Shura. My aim was to finish you in one strike."

Rio voiced that statement as though it were a matter of course, far from mere bravado. She had truly intended end their bout in one resounding attack. To be certain, her desire was no longer rooted in victory, and she truly doubted she would suffer defeat given her own experience in battle. From now on, in her eyes, this was a battle to prove one's mettle.

How could one claim to be the strongest if they didn't possess the skill required to overcome an immense obstacle? After all, in Rio's eyes, proof of one's worth ought to lie in their will to bring about the result they desire. Shifted her body around to face Shura directly, Rio shot her first upward with immense force behind her punch, attempting to disrupt the balance of the axe in her hand to create an opening in her defenses. Drawing her arm back in preparation, Rio closed the distance between them to execute a devastating palm strike against her stomach.


Last edited by Iori on Fri Apr 28, 2023 12:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Thu Apr 27, 2023 7:05 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

There was a brief moment when the fist clashed with her axe where they both momentarily froze against each other, the strength of each Shinigami fighting against the other for supremacy. But that momentary freeze lasted for just that, a moment, before her axe was launched upwards, Shura's hand leaving the hilt of it as their eyes locked together. Time seemed to be at an almost standstill in this new moment, before the palm strike came forward towards Shura.

As the palm came forward, both of Shura's hands gripped the chain that connected the two axes together and tugged down, Rio had stopped one of her axes from being recalled to her hand previously and Shura hadn't made an attempt to call it back again... until now. However unlike last time the intent of her movement was different, the longer chain aimed to snap back and wrap around Rio's torso with the axe that had been launched upwards being brought back down towards her torso.

This movement, however, did not allow Shura time to escape the strike, however she knew in a battle of pure speed... She'd lose. So rather than attempt to dodge, and likely still be hit on her way out, she accepted that she was about to be sent flying back in the hopes of tying up her opponent in chains and preventing her from escaping and likewise pulling her with her as she was sent flying backwards and being buried into the concrete of the ground. It was a risky move, one that if it didn't pay off would leave Shura with no small amount of injuries to her torso.

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made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:25 am
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


Golden eyes took note of the long chain encircled around her frame, but Rio had barely budged from her position as the strike crashed against the Shura's torso. It wasn't as if her particular method had failed. On the contrary, her body had been pulled a few inches forward, but certainly no more than that. In no uncertain terms, her physical strength and ironclad composition were truly in the realm of elite, and her speed paled in comparison to either of those skills. She was fast, yes, but unlike others in her family, it certainly wasn't what she tipped her hat on.

The slash of the axe merited a far more successful outcome as it slashed across her shoulder, opening up a small wound. Rio didn't appear particularly fazed by that, turning her eyes toward the woman as she cracked her knuckles. Shura was certainly free to pull her forward if the chain remained around her body, but regardless of her next action, Rio would attempt to grab onto the chain and pull her forward as she strode towards the woman. Capability wise, she was certainly resilient, and so the Shihoin woman had to wonder if there was anything else she had left to offer in the tank. For what it was worth, she certainly managed to leave a few cuts along her body. Few alone could lay claim to such a feat. Even so, Rio desired to see where her will truly lied.

"Are we done or do you still have more to offer?"


Last edited by Iori on Thu May 04, 2023 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Thu May 04, 2023 8:57 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

Thankfully her gambit had paid off, the Shihoin had been captured by the chains and the axe that'd been drug backwards managed to hit its mark as well! In no uncertain terms this meant she no longer needed to worry about the speed of her opponent, just her strength and durability. To her credit however, both of those things were dangerous in and of themselves to be sure. While the axe had indeed landed its mark, it didn't do as much as she was hoping... however this simply meant she needed to strike her with it directly, rather than relying on the axe on its own.

So it was that as Rio grabbed the chains, Shura was digging herself out of the ground where she'd been sent and given mere moments to prepare herself as she felt the chain of her axe being pulled. Shura planted and dug her feet into the ground to keep herself from going flying back into the Shihoin, before wrapping the chain around one of her arms and pulling tight on it herself. She had to give it to Rio, the strength she displayed wasn't what she was expecting from a Shihoin... at least not to the degree that she displayed, and it made clear that nullifying just her speed advantage was not going to be enough.

Shura's biggest issue right now was her chest, while not much damage beyond superficial damage could've been seen on the outside, her insides were in tremendous pain and more than one rib was cracked or broken, Shura didn't really care to test which. "Done? You seem to have forgotten something...." She said in response with a grin, tossing her free axe into the air before grabbing its chain and beginning to spin it in a circle, building up speed quickly "You've not drawn your Zanpakuto!"

While Rio's advance couldn't be halted or slowed immensely merely by wrapping her in chains, it would only serve to help bring the spinning axe down towards the previously wounded shoulder as she yanked on the chain wrapped around her arm downwards, the intent to not only hit the same spot as before, but bring the charging bull down and into the ground.

Techniques in use:

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Thu May 04, 2023 9:52 pm
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


"I'm well aware of that, Shura. My action is proof of my answer. I will not draw my blade."

Speaking those words with conviction heavy in her tone, Rio remained indomitably resilient in her movement as she approached. The constricting chains around her frame were no more than a minor inconvenience. The Shihoin displayed no sign of budging from her position in the ground, exerting each measure of strength necessary to pull her closer.

Of course, her action was temporarily halted as that sharp axe came digging in through the wound that had opened up in her shoulder prior. Those of lesser mettle and fortitude would have likely found themselves compromised, but the pain that roared across her shoulder only seemed to fill the woman with excitement, golden eyes set ablaze with competitive fury.

Energy thrummed through her frame while muscles pulsed. Lifting a foot upward, she slammed it into the ground with a thunderous impact, forcing a seismic ripple across the barracks, aiming to disrupt the woman's balance. She would not draw her blade, but she would certainly offer more of her monstrous physical prowess until this woman accepted her defeat.

Moving forward, pulling those chains inward in spite of the damage it would inevitably cause to her own shoulder the more it cut through flesh. In the face of her pride, though, such pain was arguably negligible. She found someone amusing enough that she wouldn't back down even for a small instant. Until the very end, she would allow the woman no quarter.


Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Fri May 05, 2023 4:58 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

Truth be told, her constant refusal only pissed her off more and more... maybe that was the point Rio was making, but Shura didn't care. It was clear that in terms of just raw strength the two were closely matched, while her Bankai gave her a slight edge Rio had keen understanding of how to apply her Reiatsu across more than just one spot... across her entire body. Such was her Mastery, and those were just a few of the reasons that Rio was promoted to the Lieutenant of the Fourth.

However in spite of the axe now having cut into her shoulder twice, the woman refused to be drawn to the ground. In fact the only thing slamming into the ground it seemed was her foot, causing a shockwave to erupt outwards and the ground underfoot to be cracked and shaken. While Shura had a foothold against being dragged forward, her counterbalance was pulling backwards... and now that footing was indeed disrupted as the ground underneath and around her trembled and shook.

Shura tugged on the chain of her axe, yanking the one free axe back to her to be grabbed at its handle. However as she held it aloft she let out a cry that was soon engulfed with a loud roar that sent out its own shockwave through the air, most lesser Shinigami were usually easily knocked down by such a shockwave but against someone of equal or greater strength it usually had little to no effect. However this was just a secondary effect, and its true effect allowed her weapon to slice down faster and with more force than normal. This was exactly what she did, aiming yet again for a third strike against the same spot as Rio came charging towards her.

Techniques in use:

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Fri May 05, 2023 8:06 pm
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


In a contest of strength, Shura seemed to prove her equal so far, and while that certainly brought a great deal of amusement, the competitive fury within her spirit wanted to craved a victory without drawing her blade, but that bravado had frankly run it's course. Commending the woman silently for not folding so easily under her attacks, she maintained her stance in the ground as she rushed forward. As soon as the woman pulled that axe back, Rio charged forward as she drew her sword from the sheath attached at her hip.

Another attack followed at Shura's behalf as that axe came roaring down like a thunderous hammer, aiming for the spot she struck twice. Fortifying her speed with Shunpo, Rio swung her zanpakuto upward to deflect that strike off course. Given it's overall force, though, she certainly suffered some kickback and her body was sent moving backwards, but that was more than enough time to finally show her what she longed to see so much. Holding her blade upward, Rio called out her zanpakuto's name.

"Harden, Tetsumaru."

In that next moment, four obsidian blades materialized, hovering around her body in preparation. Digging two in the ground, and keeping two in hand, she beckoned the woman to charge at her again. Now that she got her wish, Rio was ready to show her a different type of test now.

"Well, here you go. Tetsumaru in the flesh. Come on, Shura. Let's see what else you have to offer."


Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Fri May 05, 2023 9:08 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

The shakeup of the earth did more than merely destabilize her opponent, it freed her of the shackles that bound her speed, an even further unexpected upset to say the least. But such an upset was swiftly forgotten about when Shura heard the telltale *schwing* of a sword being pulled from its sheath, followed closely by the clanging of metal against metal. Both combatants knocked backwards away from each other, Shura stumbling for but the briefest of moments before her feet once more planted themselves into the ground.

Across her face a grin formed, it didn't merely stop at the sword being drawn... No held aloft above her Rio held her Zanpakuto, giving Shura time enough to pull on the chain and yank her other axe back to hand. Yeah, that's it... That's what she wanted to see, more from Rio, from her supposed Lieutenant, and along with it a taunting challenge as well! "Yeah that's what I wanted, that's precisely what I wanted!" In one hand she tossed an axe up before grabbing the chain, once more beginning to spin it in hand as she eyed the four blades.

It would be smart to assume they could all be manipulated at once, anything less and the extra swords would be utterly pointless on Rio's part and a fools cry for an advantage on Shura's part. Shura's eyes flashed with a certain air of excitement now that she saw the release in person. However she wondered about the mastery of using such a release.

As such a moment or two later, Shura launched herself forward, tossing the spinning blade towards Rio before slamming her foot into the ground to launch herself skywards. She assumed the first axe would be rather easily blocked or parried, however the feint was aimed to let her bring the other Axe down from above, this time aiming for the opposite shoulder while her other hand grabbed for the chain shortly after to pull the first axe upwards in an attempt to bring it now off the ground and upwards at her from below.

Techniques in use:

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Mon May 08, 2023 2:37 am
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


There it was again. The merciless flow of spinning axe and chain. Rio had become well accustomed to it's nature. One attack is a feint, another is executed with the intent to strike true. Of course, precisely because she knew a base semblance of her rhythm by now, Rio was able to employ her counter ahead of time. Shifting her body forward, Rio manipulated the form of the first blade into a shield, deflecting the weapon in turn.

Seamlessly moving her body again, Rio would manipulate her next blade into an obsidian chain, swinging it forward to wrap around the woman's hands in an attempt to alter the course of her next strike. Shura was not wrong to predict that all four of her blades could be manipulated for her use. With enough material, or even her own reiryoku, they could take on many shapes and sizes. Which meant...

Even if her strike happened to finish it's course as it arced through the air, Rio would deflect it with her shield once more as she pulled the next blade from the ground behind her. This time, she turned an obsidian blade into an obsidian hammer, swinging it forward as she targeted her midsection.

With such thunderous impact in that one swing, one might have believed that she was genuinely trying to injure Shura, and perhaps that was only slightly true. They had far reached past the point of this being more than a simple "welcome to the division" spar. And Rio was not going to fall to her here in a battle of pride.


Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Mon May 08, 2023 2:15 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - Tenbatsu - 3 Posts Remaining WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

Just as Shura had anticipated, the first strike was indeed deflected, however not in the way she thought. The alteration of ones Zanpakuto form was, in truth, something she thought was usually limited to a Zanpakuto's sealed form. It seemed, however, that this Zanpakuto was more unusual than she'd first surmised. That wasn't enough to deter her second strike, however the further alteration of the second blade was. She had to admit, changing a blade into a chain was NOT something she was prepared for, even if she understood the mechanics of fighting with such an item.

So it was that she was successful in this attempt, having caught Shura off guard the axe itself was diverted at least enough to avoid the intended area of the strike. However whether it hit true on another part wasn't something Shura had the pleasure of registering as now a third weapon, this time a hammer, struck at her. Shura had enough time to lift one hand up to help mitigate the blow's force a bit but she was still sent flying backwards. She skipped once against the ground before she pushed herself back to her feet, the arm she'd used to defend hanging in front of her for but a moment before Shura let out a cry of pain as she shoved it back into its socket.

"That's a damn fine Shikai ya got there, caught me off guard, even more than I thought it would, I'll admit." She said with a grin and through heavy breathing. Grasping the chains of her own Zanpakuto and pulling both back before grasping their handles. "Lets test its durability shall we?"

Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] - Page 2 WalNQ7o

While she normally saved such a technique until her Zanpakuto said otherwise, this was something that did not involve the Zanpakuto's themselves... It was not a challenge of Zanpakuto versus Zanpakuto, this was a challenge of Pride versus Pride. "You may not realize it, but you're getting a once-in-a-lifetime showing. The first and only time I use this without permission." While her Reiatsu normally encased her form as was normal, instead was now being channeled directly into each of her axes like a siphon.

Techniques in use:

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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