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The Cat
The Cat
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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Mon May 22, 2023 12:44 pm

Just a Boy

Just a hole in the wall ramen shop not more than two blocks away from one of the busiest streets in Karakura Central. That was where Aidan worked. And yet two blocks was all it took for traffic to die down by over half. What was left of the population who came this way was more than enough to keep this little shop running, even with as few customers as they ended up getting. The shop's owner was frugal, perhaps so much that he bordered on being a cheapskate, but not quite. He was just barely willing enough to hire help, but only if that help was part time.

And that part time help was Aidan, someone who kept up with the world only somewhat, who was about as aware of its events as the average human being, and who he himself was just as average. He tried not to be, to be more than just some guy, but some things were just not meant to be. Still, he would keep on trying.

Just hearing the door to the shop open up, he'd throw a look over his shoulder as he was cleaning and drying the dishes that they were running short on. The new customer, one he'd never seen before, got a cursory glance at best, but a genuine "Hey, welcome!" Followed by a kind smile from a soul that could never hurt anyone. "Menus are in the baskets, and we've got specials on anything with beef today if that's your thing."

Last edited by The Cat on Mon May 22, 2023 9:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty Re: I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Mon May 22, 2023 6:52 pm
I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] HEADER_Fo6rvhCakAAjLtd

Sam certainly was a woman of simple tastes. She honestly had been trying to avoid going to Karakura proper. But a little birdie had convinced her to check the place out. And so, looking for a place to snare herself a bit of food, she'd found a nice little hole in the wall to enjoy a good meal. The friendly voice that rang out certainly caught the attention, and she turned to look at the bright, smiling face that it belonged to. It was such a contrast to be over here after spending so long in the states.

"Afternoon. Beef you say. Anything in particular you'd recommend?" She ventured with a calm smile, peeling her gloves off as she made her way over to the counter. She was just in her travelling clothes. A fitted leather jacket and pants would be all that could be seen at least from Aiden's point of view. She looked every bit the drifter that she was. Eyes briefly scanning the rest of the room before returning to the friendly-looking fellow manning the shop. He seemed nice enough. She could only imagine how she looked. With her heavy american accent, she had no doubt she probably stuck out like a sore thumb, but she was fine with that.
The Cat
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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty Re: I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Mon May 22, 2023 10:17 pm

Just a Boy

"Our Sukiyaki's pretty famous around these parts." He offered cheerily. It was their most ordered dish, and the special was designed to rake in more money while there were tourists in town. "Don't feel pressured though, if you want something else we've got plenty of other kinds as it is." And sure enough the menu was full of maybe twenty or so different kinds of ramen, categorized by the different broths they had with a fifth section for specialties like Tsukemen.

It was worth noting there were a few high school students towards one end of the bar chatting away amongst themselves. The only other person there was Aidan's boss who was in the process of cooking more broth, because he always was, and pulling out more eggs to boil. Aidan in the meantime was just making sure everything was clean so the shop owner himself could work on the actual food.

"Don't think I've seen you before, though. What brings you around here, if you don't mind me asking?" Aidan wondered out of habit. It was normal for him to just chat with the customers here and there, and his boss didn't mind. Anything to help keep him sane while he spent 6 hours washing near endless dishes.

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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty Re: I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Tue May 23, 2023 9:47 am
I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] HEADER_Fo6rvhCakAAjLtd

Yea, the words really meant nothing to her. Sukiyaki. Hm. The lack of recognition probably showed well enough on her face, and she glanced only briefly in the direction of the other patrons. "Is that right? I think I'll take one Sukiyaki then." She noted simply enough, not really putting much into the thought process. Though at the question, she glanced back toward Aiden

"I'm just passing through. A little....unused to all of the tech around here. Its a lot fancier than I expected. But thankfully little places like this still exist. I'm in town for a job." She stated calmly enough, reaching into her back pocket to pull out a slip of paper, upon which an odd symbol was sketched. A circle with three small characters scribbled on three different points. IT almost looked like something randomly scribbled were there not a semblance of purpose for the placement of the characters.

"Don't suppose you've seen anything like this around town, have you?" She asked with a calm smile on her face.
The Cat
The Cat
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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty Re: I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Tue May 23, 2023 11:52 pm

Just a Boy

The moment that Sam mentioned she'd like a Sukiyaki, the shop owner set into motion wordlessly to fill that request, first grabbing a bowl and beginning to fill it with the necessary soy and broth. "It'll be ready in just a moment." Aidan said as he set the last of the dishes to the side and stepped over to wash his hands at a sink. "Yeah the tech really boomed here over the past few decades. I can't imagine what it was like beforehand."

But just being asked if he had seen something piqued his interest. Turning around to look at the symbols he was provided, Aidan blinked and just stared in confusion. What the hell was that? "No... I don't think I've ever seen anything like that." He mumbled, then looking up at Sam to get a proper look at her. "You said you were here for a job? Looking for symbols like that?" Turning around so he could dry his hands on a towel, he then took another step over and began to work on peeling a fresh batch of boiled eggs that should have cooled down by now. "What's that for? Just looks like nonsense to me."

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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty Re: I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Sun May 28, 2023 6:44 am
I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] HEADER_Fo6rvhCakAAjLtd

Sam smiled softly as she watched the young man peer over the little symbol with curiosity, only to look up and give her a once-over as well. She hardly minded, it certainly was a common reaction to some of her work. "That's right. I'm something of a Private Investigator. " She stated calmly enough, that smile growing a little more relaxed as she glanced to the side, noting the shift in the owner's behavior even despite not being a part of the conversation. They certainly ran a tight ship around here.

She let her attention shift back to Aiden. "Still, thank you for taking a look. Glad I managed to get you when it wasn't too busy around here. I imagine certain times of the day hings probably get a little crazy." She observed with a brief glance around the rest of the shop. A nice, quiet afternoon, no doubt a blessing for someone like Aiden, based on a few friends of hers that had gotten into the business of food.
The Cat
The Cat
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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty Re: I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Tue May 30, 2023 1:29 pm

Just a Boy

Aidan was a little wary of things like that, especially now that he knew something of the sort could be around the neighborhood. Whatever it was, it didn't sit well with him, but he was sure things would be fine. "Yeah, things are gonna get crazy in about an hour or so." He chatted casually, even though part of him was still worried about whatever those symbols were. "Dinner rush is gonna come in and we'll be busy until the moment we close."

That was normal for them at this point, and both he and his boss had worked together long enough to coordinate together pretty damn well, which meant they'd actually get done by closing and not hours afterwards like did when Aidan first started. "Oh and, thanks for your service. Whatever is it you're doing, I'm sure it's good, right?" Probably not the best wordage but he felt it was only necessary.

Aidan was handed a bowl of broth by his boss and instinctively took it and begun placing in the ramen, the beef, a mixture of local ingredients including bean sprouts, dried and shredded seaweed, green onions, and shredded carrots, spinach, and topped it off with a soft egg. Handing it over to Sam, Aidan gave a brief bow and returned to his work at the counter. "Let us know what you think of it. That's a new dish we've been working on for months now. Still trying to get the broth right but we think it's pretty good so far."

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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty Re: I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:20 pm
I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] HEADER_Fo6rvhCakAAjLtd

Samantha nodded softly and chuckled at the mention of things getting busy. Perhaps she should have made her order to go. But well, it was a bit late for that. She'd worry about that later. Besides, surely she had a bit of time before things got too busy. She was making such considerations with Aiden thanked her. Her brows raising in surprise as she looked up to him, and then a soft little smirk crossed her features. Certainly....entertained by the notion.

"I don't know if I would say that. I help people find things out. Get answers. Sometimes that helps people, and sometimes it doesn't. I at least like to enjoy the idea that people are helped more often than they're hurt." She noted casually enough. Certainly something rather dark to go saying to some random ramen shop worker. But well. That's the kind of thing you can expect from an ex-cop. All the same, as she received her bowl and gave an appreciative bob of her head. She still wasn't used to the bowing, at least not to the depths that the locals did. But she attempted a little bob of her own, even as her body tried to physically reject the unfamiliar gesture.

"Of course, I'll be sure to give my review before I head out."
The Cat
The Cat
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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty Re: I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:35 pm

Just a Boy

Aidan nodded along as the woman gave a rather grave response. "Nothing's always good, but hopefully people are more appreciative than not. I remember reading about investigation work, it can be pretty wild." Boy giving a rather casual response while he tried to think of something to keep the conversation flowing properly, while at the same time turning around and returning to his surprisingly labor intensive job. He'd give her a few moments to start trying out her food, getting used to it, just eating, before his mind would wander like it always would and he'd end up asking,

"Do you know much about the spiritual world? Investigate anything like that?" What with a couple of his customers being more... spiritually inclined, he supposed the term was, he couldn't help but wonder about it all the time. There was plenty of news about these sorts of things happening, it wasn't like it was that abnormal, but you never really saw it, just heard about it through the grapevine or the media. Aidan wanted to know what it was really like, so even if Sam had no clue, he couldn't help his catlike curiosity at times.

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I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] Empty Re: I Could Never [Aiden, Sam]

Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:35 pm
I Could Never [Aiden, Sam] HEADER_Fo6rvhCakAAjLtd

A pause was given when she made note of that question of his. And something of a lopsided smile played across her features. "It's one of my most common jobs. I know a lot about it actually. Some tidbits I've garnered from a few shinigami I've spoken to. Even one of those humanized hollows. If there's one thing that people want investigated these days, its spiritual stuff. People want to know what happened to their loved ones. Wanna know more about hollows, or some big monster that's hanging out a littel too close to their home. Of course, that's when the job leans a little into mercenary work. But I try not to fully cross that line."


The sound from Colt from the inside of her jacket made her roll her eyes before taking a moment to enjoy some of her noodles, enjoying the ...interesting flavor before her attention shifted back to Aiden. "You have a particular interest in the spiritual side of things?"
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