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Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae]

Wed May 31, 2023 8:55 am

Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 NYEZko2
Kisuke Urahara | Research Captain

Kisuke had not expected her to leap at such a nefarious suggestion, it would have been quite painfully clear the intention if she had and most certainly not befitting her station, but his efforts had been rewarded with a little more data. More information that she might not have offered so willingly if he had not come on so strongly. His senses were keen, enough to pick out the change in inflexion that Kanae made on certain syllables as she spoke and the clear manner in which she wanted those words to be interpreted. What a dangerous woman she was, but fortunately he had all too much experience dealing with those.

"Quite so. I have personally seen to the heightening of security around my own division and its personnel. If you would like, I can install similar facilities for the Death Division. I would think it would be quite irritating for them to meet that which you wish for them in such an unsightly way."

Unlike Kanae, he did not think nor need to make the implication clear. If another bomb were to now be sent to the Third Division then it would find substantially less success than the first. He was generous enough to offer such to all the other divisions too, but the Captains were a fickle bunch and some were no doubt cautious of his meddling. Still, it did not stop him from offering.

"Ah, I suppose our Vizard colleagues must have been quite a shock to you after your release. An age spent hunting them down and now they live amongst us, what an interesting time we live in. But I am glad you are familiar with a little of my work, Captain Kanae. I would be honoured if you would one day return the favour."

Saw that coming | END POST
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Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae]

Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:52 pm
Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 XpiOODp


The idea of giving this clearly dangerous man free reign to install supposed safety-enhancing devices within her Division was one she had no love for. Beneath the bucket hat adorning his skull was a mind Kanae didn't want to have to deal with, preferring to keep the man at arm's length. She would not allow him the opportunity to further his own aspirations at her expense.

"I...appreciate the offer, Kisuke Urahara. But I am here already. There is no greater security for the Fourth Division." Spoken by another, this may come across as arrogance; but given the situation, she knew what she spoke of was the truth. After all, she was confident the perpetrator of the explosion didn't plan on putting on a repeat act in her squad. On top of that, in her day the Captains were the be-all end-all of not just the Gotei, but the world at large; no others could dare stand against them. A thousand years later the scales may have tipped, but she was confident only a Captain could, and very well may, threaten another Captain. A message she was confident Kisuke had received from her previous statements.

As for how she felt about Vizards, Kanae's face scrunched up in a look of disgust at the very mention of them. "These creatures are a blight. Our sworn enemies allowed to occupy members of the Gotei like walking vacation homes. It is a shame more wasn't done to hunt and put them down. In fact, as I understand it the original Vizards were granted amnesty of all things. One is even a Captain! But, I suppose we must simply follow our fearless leader and accept the creatures into our ranks." Kanae clicked her tongue like a disappointed teacher before continuing on "Oh? You're interested in my work? Are you sure, Kisuke Urahara? My service to Soul Society is written in the blood of its enemies, not lab reports."

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Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae]

Sat Jun 03, 2023 7:52 am

Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 NYEZko2
Kisuke Urahara | Research Captain

It would have been quite foolish of Kanae to accept, after all, but at least she gave him more than just a blank rebuttal. That confidence would certainly see her far when it came to earning the respect of some of her peers here, but it was rather blasé of her. She was not omnipresent, after all, and the members of her division could not always hide behind that shadow she was trying to cast. She was a woman who placed little value in her juniors though, so if she could protect herself then clearly little else mattered.

“Of course. As long as we have our brave Captains then the Gotei will not be brought low.”

Her views on the Vizards were expected, but also quite vitriolic. All she could see was the beast in side of them, and Kisuke had to stifle a laugh at the irony of that situation. If they were dangerous in her eyes then how did she expect them to view her?

“Quite a negative view you have of our colleagues, I must say. They fight to protect soul society even after all they have endured just to survive. I did wander if you would find camaraderie in that given your own situation. This is bigger than our own personal demons, after all.” A lopsided smile returned to his face as she addressed her achievements though, or perhaps that she dismissed his own. “There are always lessons to be learned from our elders. I am simply a curious student at heart.”

Saw that coming | END POST

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Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae]

Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:32 am
Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 XpiOODp


Kanae had to suppress a chuckle when Kisuke referred to their peers as our brave Captains. Her opinion of them, as well as the Captains of her era, could not be lower; to Kanae they were all a bunch of weak-willed blowhards who became too reliant on each other. The way those scum had all so willingly accepted their roles in Yamamoto's Gotei, allowing themselves to become domesticated and enslaved by fancy titles and the promise of peace...just thinking about it sickened her.

As Kisuke continued speaking Kanae found him amusing as he defended the supposedly loyal Vizards, though the gall he had to compare her to those creatures almost impressed her. Perhaps, she thought, Kisuke believes she is at war with some kind of darker side inside her like Vizards are with their Inner Hollows. This would be a gross misunderstanding of who she is, however; with Kanae, there is no darker side. There is no light at all. And as images flashed in her mind of just how she would peel the skin off these infected individuals, she was glad there was no light. Just her, Tosatsusha, and an unquenchable thirst for murder.

"I'm sure you have strong feelings towards these things, but surely you aren't naive enough to believe they pose no threat to Soul Society? With Hollows, there is a singular rule in this world: We, as Shinigami, exist to kill them. You can spruce up the language with terms like purify all you want, doesn't change what we must do to them. They are an infection, we are the cure."

As for lessons to be learned, Kanae decided to humor the man she found both aggravatingly perplexing and somewhat intriguing. "If you are truly interested academically Kisuke Urahara, then I will answer what questions you have."

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Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae]

Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:50 am

Eye Spy [Urahara, Kanae] - Page 2 NYEZko2
Kisuke Urahara | Research Captain

"It is rather dangerous to see everything only as black or white. We have discovered plenty of shades of grey in these past thousand years, the Vizards are but one of many that have surfaced. But I am sure that you have a lot still to familiarise yourself with and there has been little time yet in which to do it. Perhaps acceptance will come in time."

Kisuke knew that poking this bear would only earn him more displeasure from Kanae, but he did want to at least appear somewhat interested in making sure that she settled into her role as a Captain again. Pointing out that a rogue Gotei Captain would pose far more threat to Soul Society than most of the Vizards ever could be was perhaps a little too on the nose, even for him, but it seemed that she had also chosen to ignore his comment on them both once being criminals in favour of focusing on the insult.

"My my, though, what a generous offer. I suppose I would start by inquiring about your own academic achievements, what you feel like you best accomplished before your incarceration."

Saw that coming | END POST
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