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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:22 pm
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 69wi41u


Kaito thought on what Byakuya had asked him, trying to recall those dreams he'd have from time to time. He remembered hearing about dreams being a primary way for the spirit to connect to the wielder, but, with how Zanpakuto had been explained to him, there was nothing he could use to confirm whether or not it was the spirit.

"Yes. I can hear someone, far away, calling to me. I can never understand what they're saying, but...I always find myself wanting to listen."

He wasn't particularly stressed about it, just...confused, and frustrated. He wanted to understand his Zanpakuto Spirit, to learn it's name, but he didn't know how to. With how personal Zanpakuto were, to his knowledge, there was hardly a set-in-stone method that could be used. There were similarities, but everyone had enough differences to keep things from being concrete.

"Sometimes, I think I can see something too. It's always off in the distance, and I can't really make out what it is, but I know that someone is there."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Sat Jul 22, 2023 5:33 pm
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya was sure Kaito's uncertainty in himself was creating a blockage. Every time a question was asked, his answers were vague and unsure. When someone was stuck like Kaito was, doing anything, not just zanpkauto training, would result in failure. Kaito needed to solidify his own resolve to get to the next step, and Byakuya was determined to guide him there. The method was the only question.

Byakuya told Kaito to meditate for a few minutes. He doubted any progress would occur while he was thinking, but it bought himself enough time to come up with something. After about ten minutes, Byakuya would pull Kaito from his meditation.

"Stand up. Unsheathe your blade," Byakuya said, doing the same. He did not have a practice sword at this moment, but his actual zanpakuto. He pointed the tip at Kaito. "Why do you want to become a Shinigami? What drives you this direction?"

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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:34 pm
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 69wi41u


Being told to meditate for a bit was not the most reassuring thing to hear. Then again, he wasn't exactly giving him the most concrete answers, either. Nevertheless, he closed his eyes, falling into the trance of meditation as small, fidgety movements eventually came to cease, and his body became still.

Once again, from the blackness, he could see a figure in the distant dark, a pale, almost porcelain arm outstretched. A mask covered all but their mouth, and even with something so small, a thousand expressions seemed to come from it. Concern, worry, yet also containing hints of playfulness and whimsy. The figure's arm slowly fell to its side, and as it began to turn around, it said something that Kaito couldn't hear.

Then, it drifted back into the dark, fading away. Moments after, he was pulled from his meditation, obeying his teacher's instructions without complaint or question. He stood, drawing his Asauchi and letting the scabbard drop to the ground. He held his sword in front of him in a basic stance, but, the weapon dipped slightly, his posture tensing as Byakuya asked him why he wanted to become a Shinigami.

"...I come from the Shūei District. It's the furthest district in the East Rukongai, bordering on the Outlands of the Soul Society. The Suika Tribe have some settlements there, it's one of the only reasons people really know about it."

He lowered his sword, letting it rest at his side. His expression shifted, reflecting awkwardness. Even if Byakuya did know, Kaito hoped that he would still be allowed to explain.

"It's name means 'autumn shade'. From what I've been told, it was originally called that after the color and shade of the sun when it was named. But,'s just a warning of the lawlessness and bloodshed. I grew up with nothing, having to constantly watch my back and fight to survive."

His head had lowered when he started speaking, but had rose to face Byakuya with resolve burning in his hazel eyes, his fingers tightening around his Asauchi.

"I'm doing this to give back to the people who were good to me, to protect my home, and to live up to the title that they gave me when I fought back. I don't have talent like you nobles, I barely even managed to be admitted into the academy, but I don't care. I'm going to use everything I can to make the Rukongai a better place."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:47 pm
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya's gaze rested on Kaito, the silence evidence of his curiosity. He let Kaito explain himself. Whether Byakuya knew this information or not wasn't a factor; how Kaito explained it was. There was passion in his words, resolve he had not yet seen from the man until now. Good. Kaito had something driving him, yet he was still stuck. Byakuya had a theory why. It was time to push his student.

Byakuya placed the tip of his blade on Kaito's shoulder, a wary gesture. "A little over one hundred years ago, a boy came to the Soul Society. His resolve abled him to defeat warriors with more experience, more training. He beat seated officers, lieutenants, and Captains... That boy broke my sword. He was not a noble. Do not put so much faith in the blue blood that runs through very few veins."

Byakuya pulled his sword away and took on a basic stance similar to what Kaito had demonstrated. "Defend yourself." Byakuya said. He gave Kaito a short moment, and then stepped forward. With a graceful crescent swing of his zanpakuto, the skilled former Captain kept his speed at a level Kaito should be able to follow. If he successfully defended, Byakuya struck again and again, making sure to keep Kaito working on his footwork and his reflexes. But he was also making sure Kaito understood he could get hurt here. Once Kaito seemed to fall into rhythm, Byakuya suddenly shifted his attack and moved a bit faster to lightly injure, to cut him.

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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Wed Jul 26, 2023 9:08 pm
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 69wi41u


Kaito couldn't help but feel apprehension at the slight weight of Byakuya's Zanpakuto pressing against his shoulder. The small anecdote the nobleman shared, however, wasn't lost on him. He knew that there were commoners among the Gotei, but, he knew none of them that had the prestige and capabilities of the one that Byakuya told of.

His grip on the Asauchi tightened, a new resolve burning in his eyes. Even if he had little desire to become a Captain or reach the higher ranks as a whole, the idea still sat with him. As Byakuya pulled his sword away, his fingers tightened around his Asauchi once more, taking a short breath to steady and prepare himself.

Then, the nobleman stepped forward. Instinctively, he brought his sword up to guard against the oncoming attack. As the fight continued, Kaito responded with a mixture of dodging sidesteps and parries, trying to keep his footwork steady.

But, that focus was challenged as Byakuya began to speed up, the rhythm increasing in pace as Kaito struggled to try and keep up. Many, many times he narrowly avoided injury. His eyes widened slightly -- this was new. Byakuya never had tried to injure him before now, but...was he seriously trying to? Why? They were only training -- what would be the point?

Just as the train of thought finished, he felt a sudden sting on his cheek, along with the slow sliding of something warm inching down his jaw. Taking a rather large step back to give himself some breathing room, he quickly dabbed at the area with a finger. He winced, but he could feel that the cut wasn't large or deep. His hands shook lightly as they returned to the handle of his sword, but, he tried to stay calm.

He lifted his sword, preparing himself to try and defend again.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:51 am
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Byakuya_PostingHeader3
Byakuya Kuchiki

New, yes. Byakuya had never attempted to plant an injury before, nor had Kaito ever seen the extreme focus in Byakuya's eyes before. When holding back, combat was more difficult. How fast should he be in each moment? How much should he hold back his strength? How wide of a swing should he make? Which ability of Kaito's should he test? Which of Kaito's skill should he intentionally break through? Which abilities of his own should he use? Every strike was a lesson, every swing a message being sent as his own blade whirled effortlessly through the air.

The first cut was made and Byakuya allowed a moment of respite, giving Kaito a chance to think and uncover what message he was sending in this session.

Byakuya moved again, keeping a speed that he knew Kaito could only keep up with if he was desperate enough to push himself. He kept the strength of his swings at that same level, making sure any parry was felt vibrating his muscles and bones. And again, Byakuya landed another strike on Kaito, intentionally moving to cut the man. However, he did not stop there. Byakuya vanished and appeared standing behind Kaito. With Byakuya's mastery of shunpo, the step was less than a blink.

Suddenly, Byakuya's blade was at the side of Kaito's head, a few inches from his left eye. "I could kill you." the words were spoken with the intention of a true killer, as if sending Kaito the message that he was at Byakuya's mercy. Byakuya let that hang in the air for a few seconds before pulling his blade back. "Understand, Kaito... This desire to do right by others, to give back to those who helped you, is admirable, and you can have aid in that endeavor if you consider that you are not alone."

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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Fri Jul 28, 2023 3:31 pm
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 R3xYaR7


Despite the trembling in his hands, Kaito did his best to hold firm, pushing himself to block and deflect Byakuya's sword. He could feel the muscles in his arms and hands screaming, and some bones felt as if they were creaking from the strain. Every cut and slash, he could feel his sword rattle and shake from the force, only earning more pain that he pushed to the side.

Fear was something that Kaito hadn't been acquainted with in a good while. For the longest time, he lived in fear of the criminals in his district, terrified that he would lose what little he had to them. But, when he finally was able to fight back, even only a little, that fear had been absolved.

Now, a new fear had crept its way to the surface. As Byakuya suddenly appeared behind him in the blink of an eye, his breath hitched. He could feel goosebumps crawling along his skin, and he suddenly felt very, very cold. Even if the word choice was particular, "could" to him, meant little different in this scenario than "will".

Yet, it was also in that fear that the true meaning of what Byakuya wished to impart on him was lost. He was alone -- he knew that this endless crusade of his would be one walked alone. He would fight alone, and, in all likelihood, die alone. As he saw the blade being pulled back, Kaito immediately whipped around, holding his sword in front of him.

Even with his body screaming in pain and fear tightening its hold around his heart, Kaito's eyes still kept that fire -- that desire to stay alive, to push himself, to overcome whatever challenge was in front of him. Ever so faint, a voice called to him from the distance:

Don't be afraid, child.

He couldn't pin the source -- it sounded as if it came from both in front of and behind him. But, as he looked past Byakuya...he could have sworn to have seen the figure from his dreams. But, when he blinked, it was gone. His fingers tightened around his Asauchi, and, this time, he took the offense.

He lowered his weapon for a moment, lightly digging the tip of the blade into the dirt, before suddenly surging forward, covering the brief distance even faster with Shunpo. In that instant, he tore his sword up from the ground, intent on flinging dirt into the nobleman's eyes, all the while continuing the momentum of that move into another attack.

As the sword lifted upward, Kaito was quick to force it back down at the height of the arc, a single, powerful overhead strike. He had dulled the blade of his Asauchi, having learned to do so from Ajora, so, even if that attack made purchase, it would do little aside from smack into him akin to a wooden training sword.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Sat Jul 29, 2023 3:43 pm
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Byakuya_PostingHeader3
Byakuya Kuchiki

There it was. Byakuya saw the fear he wanted Kaito to feel. He needed to see his students response to being under this type of pressure; the fear of dying often pushed people to their baser instincts. Kaito was no different. The man returned to old habits and began playing dirty. Byakuya connected this type of fighting to things likely learned in the back alley's of poorer Rukon Districts. It was not a fighting style Byakuya could approve of, but he understood why such things were developed.

The dirt heading to his eye was thwarted by a quick turn of his head. As the second attack came down in a well-timed swing, Byakuya pivoted his body to the side so the blade would swing by him, just a few inches away. Byakuya could not allow his student to strike him, not now at least. Instead, as Kaito's blade went down, Byakuya's turn allowed him to put his hand against the man's back and push him into the dirt. Byakuya pointed his zanpakuto at Kait' once more, eyes narrowed.

"You will never strike me if you continue to fight like this. You are out numbered, Kaito." Byakuya decided to let his reiryoku flow into his zanpakuto, using just enough to threaten the release of his shikai. Though Byakuya would not call upon his zanpakuto now, he let his reiatsu speak for them in this case.

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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 1:06 pm
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 R3xYaR7


Fear had made him return to the basic methods of fighting he had picked up from home -- but, the difference was simple. Then, he was doing anything to win -- here, he was doing anything he could to get an advantage, to be able to survive. As Byakuya effortlessly avoided his attempts to gain the upper hand, Kaito was quick to move on the defensive.

Quick, yet brief steps carried him back and away from his opponent and teacher, his eyes wild as he constantly looked around for something he could use in the environment to take advantage of, something to catch him off-guard with. Lifting his sword a little higher, Kaito whispered to it:

"Help me. Please, help me."

Then, he heard the voice again.

Don't be afraid, child.

It sounded less distant this time, but, before he could properly try and pin where it was, his attention was pulled to the sudden surge of pressure and power emanating from Byakuya's Zanpakuto. His fingers gripped the sword tighter, causing it to visibly, but briefly shake as he brought a foot back, intending to get more distance if his teacher started to close the gap again.

Then, a figure stepped out from behind Byakuya, though only Kaito would see it.

Kaito couldn't tell if it was a man or woman, it just a ghost, a spirit, yet also all too familiar at the same time.

It wore a kimono of mixed black and white, sets of prayer beads around its neck and wrists like a monk. Wisp-like tendrils from the hem of the kimono brushed against the ground, deftly, but barely hiding its bare feet as it calmly turned toward Kaito. A Noh mask covered its face, but, a pale, porcelain hand rose from its side, lifting the mask just enough to reveal its mouth, lips curved in a mischievous, yet knowing and playful smile.

This is the path you walk, the dangers you face as the Ghost.

Even with it being so close, it still sounded so distant. Its voice was almost hollow, empty, yet full of life.

It is not a path that you must walk alone. However, you must be certain that you intend to see this through. You must be willing to cement the legacy of the Ghost with your own hands. Are you willing to truly embrace the title you want to live up to?

Kaito's expression changed, no longer one of abject fear, but understanding. Was this what Byakuya had meant? It had to be. Kaito's hands held the Zanpakuto with a newfound resolve, firmness, and determination as he gave the figure a simple nod. The figure took a few steps closer, letting the mask lower again.

Even when you hide in the shadows, I will always be there. Fight, child. Let the tale of Kaito Tomoyuki and the legend of the Ghost bloom. Let it be recounted through the whispers across the Rukon, recount all of the Rukon's tales of spirits and ghosts, let all of history be your weapon. Show them that the spirits are on your side, and that justice will prevail!

Once again, the figure moved forward, lifting the mask once again to reveal that playful smile, stepping to the side, resting a hand on Kaito's shoulder, and leaning in to whisper in his ear only one word, before vanishing. With that, Kaito's eyes widened, a soft smile coming to his face as he looked down at his sword.

"Thank you. I'm sorry you ever had reason to doubt me. I'm honored and happy to know that you'll fight by my side..."

As he trailed off, he closed his eyes, the smile fading to a neutral expression as he lifted the sword next to his head.

"Recount the tales..."

A slow, but sudden welling of power crept from his Zanpakuto, a faint indigo glow forming around the sword. His fingers held the weapon in a vice grip, his heart soaring as his lips parted -- for once, the quiet, average man in a world far beyond his comprehension, was taking his first, loud step into that very same world.


With the name's utterance, the creeping power erupted, and the blade of Kaito's Zanpakuto began to peel away, a scattering mist flowing from it as the shards of steel turned into a flurry of talisman and book pages, revealing a glass-like, ethereal blade. The tsuba turned rectangular in shape, its appearance shifting to that of an omamori, and a ring manifested at the end of the pommel, an ofuda attached to it.

He held the sword proudly in front of him, looking at his teacher with a smile, and eyes filled with resolve and pride.

The first step to enacting and protecting the justice he held so dear.

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A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:48 pm
A Lesson in Persistence [Kaito, Byakuya] - Page 2 Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Playing the monster for Kaito's lesson proved brilliant. Byakuya needed to remind Kaito of the primal fear one had when you were fighting for your life. When he saw that fear in Kaito, he kept on the pressure until he saw Kaito freeze up in front of him. These were the moments Kaito would remember forever, the first time he saw his zanpakuto spirit and truly spoke to them. Byakuya did not see or hear this spirit, but the change in Kaitio's reiatsu gave it all away. In moments, it would happen.

That change in Kaito conjured a noticeable smirk on the normally expressionless man's face. Byakuya was not someone who often showed what he was feeling, so when he did, it was usually a moment like this. A moment where he watched his student gain shikai and bring a pride to him he only felt two or three times in history. As Kaito took up his stance and Byakuya saw the fear was gone, he took up his own stance as well, letting his released reiatsu lower to more normal levels.

"Now fight."

End Post
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