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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:04 pm
(‘Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"An arena?"

Despite her initial reason for entering potentially dangerous territory, Tier found herself easily distracted. The bright city, despite being another feature of Earth, is simply foreign from her perception of the planet. It's bright harsh glow pained her eyes and brought an easy migraine to her thoughts. It's a wonder that people are able to function, but she's the fish out of water, lured by nigh impossible hopes and dreams. Guess, if anything, this otherworldly city is perfect for a woman like her. Still, she came to find the library but has ended up learning about an apparent arena where Shinigami and Quincy hold contests to test each other's capabilities.

In her mind, she found it something of a trust exercise of sorts. Trading the quirks of each race's combat potential is an easy means to strengthen bonds. On the other hand, if war does break out between the two factions, the secrets that the arena reveals will surely be put to use on the battlefield. Let the two battle. It is of no concern to her as it stands. She is here for only one thing an one thing only.

"..." Her eyes lingered on what she could only perceive as a large toy shark. Unironically, she found herself intrigued by it. Again, distracted from her original goal, Tier made it as awkward as possible to near the glass that showcased the fake creature to her. Has she ever seen a real shark before? Intrinsically, she knows what they are and what they look like, but she is has no recollection of having seen one with her own eyes.


END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Re: Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:24 pm
Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) O56jPf1

Another match in the arena had passed, but Shaoling found little genuine satisfaction in it. It was just a battle, another showing of her ability, but for what? She'd come to the city alone this time, and that thought was the only thing that stayed at the forefront of her mind. Was she a poor excuse for a teacher? Her pride refused to accept that, yet her own experience said otherwise. It was a bitter pill to swallow, and one that left Shaoling both tense and displeased with herself.

Even caught in her own brooding thoughts, however, she was an attentive woman, always aware of her surroundings. Arrancar were relatively common in the City of Lights, she'd found, which she couldn't help but think was a foolish decision after what had happened with the Kurosaki boy. But this was a more impressive presence than was usual, and her gaze moved to the side, the briefest flash of surprise crossing her eyes as she stopped in her stride.

"Surprising to see you here."

Of course, there were plenty of reasons that would be the case. She'd assumed the Arrancar at Karakura that day were all dead, and even if they weren't, seeing one of them so casually in a city on Earth wasn't exactly the norm. Then again, Shaoling was self-aware enough these days to know the same could be said of her. An ex-captain, former commander of the Onmitsukido, here simply fighting with people who were willing enough to throw themselves against her. Maybe that was the only reason she'd even felt compelled to say anything in the first place.


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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Re: Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:35 pm
(‘Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Someone is talking to her. There are many people in the city, but one thing remain true of all of them: they avoided Tier like the plague. Her reasons mattered not to people so deathly afraid for their lives, so for one to carelessly stop and speak in her direction must mean they have no fear. A simple swivel of her head gave her the necessary information, but she'd be foolish to believe her surprise warranted. She did come to the conclusion that Shinigami are about earlier, so meeting one from so long ago is anything but impossible.

"I have my reasons."

Tier... Does not know this woman. Her identity was not something ever discussed. Aizen did not believe it worth to inform the Espada of the members of the Gotei. All Tier knows is that this woman is a Captain. Though, her lack of that white fabric they kept around their shoulders may say otherwise. Her fight was with Barragan. She wielded a missile of sorts. She is also shorter than Apacci. That is all Tier knows, so her attention slowly drifted back to the window, her emerald eyes emotionlessly focusing on the beady eyes of the fake shark.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Re: Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:07 am
Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) O56jPf1

"I assumed so. I'd also assumed you were dead. Reports said Aizen cut you down."

There was a certain tone of annoyance to Shaoling's tone, not necessarily at seeing the woman here, but rather at the fact that apparently those reports had been annoyed. Even now, the idea of a duty having been done poorly didn't exactly sit right with Shaoling. Not that she cared one way or the other anymore, it wasn't her life. She'd made every effort to live as her own woman, detached from the Sui Feng who had been at Karakura that day.

"If you want it, buy it."

Shaoling wasn't especially concerned with why the woman was staring at some toy for children, but it was a straightforward matter in her mind. It seemed like she was just going to stare at it in the window for who knows how long, otherwise.

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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Re: Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Sat Jun 10, 2023 7:35 am
(‘Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Then those reports did not include Inuoe healing her and her Fraccion. Maybe it was left absent purposely as an act of mercy, but Tier isn't going to hypothesize the how or why. That event was over 100 years ago. There's no point reliving pointless memories. They are both in the here and now, and Tier's attention has yet to detract from the plushie behind the window.

"I have no space for such things... I... was simply reminded of something."

Actually, Tier's attention did detract. Her emerald eyes flicked to the Shinigami. For a second, her eyes felt like heavy weights on Shaoling's shoulders, akin to a kid staring at her mother because they were scolded off of a snack or toy. However, her wet solemn eyes hardened, her seriousness returning.

"I lack human currency anyway."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Re: Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Sat Jun 10, 2023 8:20 am
Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) O56jPf1

Shaoling wasn't anyone's mother, and it wasn't her concern whether an Arrancar who'd been on the same battlefield as herself a century ago wanted to purchase some toy. This entire conversation was already well outside the norm for her, but that was par for the course in her life these days. There was something that irritated her about that sad way of talking about the stuffed shark, like it was some distant dream that Tier could only long for.

"Make space, I'll buy it. Stop looking so sad."

It really wasn't her concern, but she was in a mood these days. Whether it was just the annoyance at someone being so accepting of unfortunate circumstance, or a way of trying to act against her own thoughts of failure, Shaoling knew she was only going to be in an even worse mood if she left this interaction with Tier just longing after something so immediately achievable. She wasn't even waiting for a response, she'd already walked into the store and bought it. It wasn't as if she used her money for much, and she had plenty in her savings from those few years at Urahara's. She came back out just as quickly, handing the shark over with a remarkably stern expression.

"Have money if you're planning to spend time on Earth. People expect it."

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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Re: Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Sat Jun 10, 2023 8:34 am
(‘Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Entirely taken aback, Tier let her eyes sparkle with astonishment. She did not expect any form of compassion from this particular woman. Her entire air was nothing but griping irritation. Maybe, in a sort of pissy way, that bitterness had evolved into a vindictive need to fix Tier's subconscious disappointment with her lack of human essentials. Though, telling the Arrancar that she should acquire funds felt misplaced to the blonde. Tier has no plans on frequenting Earth. Her reasoning for being in a city full of Quincy is far removed from her childish attention span.


In Tier's own fashion, she found herself appreciative, her one word holding leagues of implications, mostly finding her initial thoughts or the woman shattered. Like a shark with a stranger in their hole, Tier found herself lightly gravitating towards the shorter Shinigami, a curiosity burning a hole through her skull. The plushie, suddenly, found its face before the petite woman, beady eyes staring back at the person who purchased it.

"Do you find it... cute?" Tier asked, her head tilting. Emerald eyes shimmering as if part of the city, the scariest Arrancar in the world found herself friendly.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Re: Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:16 am
Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) O56jPf1

It wasn't really very interesting at all to Shaoling. If anything, she found it pretty straightforward. If Tier wanted it, she should buy it. If she didn't have the means to buy it, then she should fix that. It hadn't been intended as a gesture of kindness or compassion on her end, it just would have made her irrationally angry for the rest of the day if she let it go unaddressed.

The shark being unceremoniously pushed toward her, however, had been unexpected. Did she find it cute? Shaoling only stared back at the toy that was suddenly meeting her gaze, that same dour expression never leaving her even as she seemed to genuinely study the object. She could have just answered "no" and left it at that, and that would have been the most expedient option by far. But she wouldn't have actually felt any confidence in that answer, it would have just been an immediate response. So she studied it with a genuine and sharp eye, until her gaze then moved up to meet Tier's once more.

"I suppose so."

Shaoling didn't really have much of an eye for what was or wasn't "cute." It wasn't a trait she had any immediate appreciation for, but she knew what she'd considered cute in the past. Even putting that distasteful memory aside, though, she knew what Rukia had always talked about being cute, and with those in mind, she had at least some metric to judge by.

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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Re: Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:34 am
(‘Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

The realization dawned on her soon after her question. Should she continue her conversation with the Shinigami, or has their time together proves far spent? Either option would not be cause for concern. She has witnessed humans converse in short bursts, leaving one another with no idea if they'd ever meet again. It would be strange to continue this though. She is unsure if there is anything more to talk about, and she should return to her original task.

The shark soon wrapped under her one arm, she found her other hand under her chin, gently stroking the fabric over the lower half of her face. Maybe creating an awkward moment of silence between the two, Tier couldn't help but be perplexed at the idea of socializing. She is a very to the point person with a knack for aloofness. Coming up with random subjects is not her forte. Even having the other admit that the shark was a worthy purchase was an act far removed from normalcy.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
God of Love
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Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) Empty Re: Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling)

Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:25 am
Fake City of Lights (Tier/Shaoling) O56jPf1

It seemed like Tier was done talking. That was fine, honestly. Shaoling wasn't one known for being a social butterfly by any possible stretch of the imagination. It wouldn't hurt her feelings if the conversation ended here and now, and she didn't have anything else that needed saying. There were plenty of things that she imagined would have been socially normal, but she didn't feel particularly compelled to offer any of it. At the same time, however, simply telling the Arrancar to go away didn't exactly strike her as correct, either.

She was getting soft. Well, that was inevitable. If anything, it was what she'd wanted when she left the Gotei.

"Enjoy the shark. I won't buy you another one, regardless of its cuteness."

Shaoling didn't actually know whether or not she'd ever see Tier here in the city again, but the idea of a repeat incident of this was enough to make her feel compelled to emphasize that. She turned to leave, offering only a nod rather than a wave or anything of the sort, though she allowed the briefest pause in case Tier actually wanted to say something.

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